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IPFS News Link • DOJ-Department of justice

DOJ To Charge Blaze Journalist Steve Baker Over Jan. 6

•, by Tyler Durden

Mr. Baker, whose Jan. 6 videos and photos have appeared on HBO and the BBC, as well as in The New York Times and The Epoch Times, told his followers on X, formerly known as Twitter, that his North Carolina attorney notified him on Dec. 14 that he would be arrested.

He said in March that he had been warned that his aggressive Jan. 6 coverage had gotten noticed at the Department of Justice, "and they're not happy about it at all."

At the time, he said he had been questioned by the FBI for two hours.

"Like many other reporters and photojournalists—both independents and those working directly for established media companies—I followed the story that day where it went," he wrote in an opinion article in The Blaze on Oct. 2.
