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IPFS News Link • Self-Defense

5 Inexpensive Home Security Devices to Help You Stay Safer

• Organic Prepper - Daisy Luther

Making your home safer seems more important than ever in these days of lax punishment for criminals. Why get a job if you can just steal from people and spend a couple of hours in jail before being released on your own recognizance? Protecting yourself by making your home harder to break into and capturing the footage you need to defend yourself against criminal charges if you fight back is more important than ever. Here are some inexpensive home security to make your home a little bit safer.

There are other ways, like securing your exterior doors with better hardware and frames or installing ballistic windows. Of course, you want to be well-armed and trained. But the options in this article are quick and easy to obtain. Anyone can put them into place, they don't run afoul of any local politics, and they cost less than $100.

Add braces to windows.

Don't let your windows be opened from the outside. Add simple braces to the inside to keep them from being raised up or slid over. If your home has a lot of windows, you can start out by securing just the downstairs windows. What I like about these braces is that I can still have my windows open slightly for fresh air, but they won't be easy to move far enough to allow someone to slip in without breaking the window and making a commotion.