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IPFS News Link • Climate Change

The Climate Death Cult's Mask is Slipping

•, by Corbett

No, I'm not talking about recycling human hair to change the weather.

And I'm not talking about the hot new fad of defacing works of art (and the US constitution) to end climate change.

No, I'm talking about the incredible, newly discovered (and peer-reviewed!) scientific fact that the act of breathing in and out is itself an offense against the weather gods. Or, in the slightly higher-falutin' language of the clickbait headline writers:

Humans Are Fueling Global Warming By Just Breathing, Study Claims


But have you actually read the study that generated these headlines? And, more to the point, did you sift through that pseudoscientific propaganda to get to the blood-curdling reality that lies beneath the headlines? When you do drill down, you'll discover that the real utility of a "scientific" study like this one stems not from any perceived scientific merit, but from the role it plays in furthering a very dark agenda. And, armed with that knowledge, you'll be better equipped to confront the cultists' agenda.

Intrigued? Here, let me explain . . .

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