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Date Sent: 2011-02-09
Freedom's Phoenix Global Edition for Wednesday, February 9, 2011 AM edition
Egypt VP favored by Israel to succeed Mubarak, Wikileak cables show

Obama to propose relief for states burdened by debt from unemployment benefits -- Mystery Over Detained American Angers Pakistan -- Daley Defends Chicago’s 10,000 Camera Network -- U.S. Seeks Veto Powers Over New Domain Names -- Should spies spend more time on Twitter? -- Mass. company draws fire for immigration game app -- China raises rates to battle stubbornly high inflation -- License to Tweet? UK may restrict posts from court -- Freed young leader energizes Egyptian protests -- Obama Administration Copyright Clamp Down: Goodbye Internet Freedom -- The US Job Shortfall Since January 2008 Is Approaching 14 Million -- Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System -- Bill in Washington requires private sellers of gold be fingerprinted, paid non-cash -- New Pentagon hypersonic Blackswift jet checkmates Russia, China -- Suleiman: The CIA's man in Cairo -- Vermont: Corporations Aren't People -- Karl Denninger: I'll Fight The Fed -- Homeland Security Hijacks Domain Names of Sites That Allegedly Linked to Copyrighted Materials  -- Ron Paul On Verge Of Announcing 2012 Presidential Bid -- Mandatory Arabic Classes Coming To Texas High Schools -- Blagojevich Wants 'Missing' Phone Calls With Rahm Emanuel Recovered -- Olbermann takes news exec job at Al Gore's Current Media -- A airpistol glock turned into a "real" glock 22Las Vegas: 71% Of Homeowners Underwater -- Why Small Business Isn't Hiring and Won't Be Hiring
-- Meredith Whitney’s Critics Are Conmen -- Epic Fail: Global Warming Solutions --

Egypt VP favored by Israel to succeed Mubarak, cables show News Link  •  World News
Egypt VP favored by Israel to succeed Mubarak, cables show
02-08-2011  •  Rawstory 
Israel has long seen Omar Suleiman, Egypt's recently appointed vice president, as the successor to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, US State Department cables released by secrets outlet WikiLeaks show. One document detailed Israel Defense Ministe  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Obama to propose relief for states burdened by debt from unemployment benefits News Link  •  TAXES: State
Obama to propose relief for states burdened by debt from unemployment benefits
02-08-2011  •  Washington Post 
Starting in 2014, Obama would target companies for sharply higher payroll taxes to help states replenish their depleted unemployment funds and repay their debts to Washington. At a time when Washington is grappling with its own record deficits,  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Mystery Over Detained American Angers Pakistan News Link  •  Central Intelligence Agency
Mystery Over Detained American Angers Pakistan
02-08-2011  •  NY Times 
The case of Raymond A. Davis, a former United States Special Forces soldier who is being held in connection with the deaths of two Pakistanis, has stirred a diplomatic furor, sending the precarious relationship between the United States and Pakistan   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
UPDATED: Daley Defends City’s Camera Network News Link  •  Surveillance
UPDATED: Daley Defends City’s Camera Network
02-08-2011  •  CBS News 
On Monday, the ACLU of Illinois issued a report claiming there are about 10,000 cameras in Chicago, including cameras operated by police, public schools, public transit and private businesses linked to the city’s 911 Center.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
U.S. Seeks Veto Powers Over New Domain Names News Link  •  Internet
U.S. Seeks Veto Powers Over New Domain Names
02-08-2011  •  CBS News 
The Obama administration is quietly seeking the power for it and other governments to veto future top-level domain names, a move that raises questions about free expression, national sovereignty, and the role of states in shaping the future of the In  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Should spies spend more time on Twitter? News Link  •  Central Intelligence Agency
Should spies spend more time on Twitter?
02-08-2011  •  Reuters 
With unrest and chaos apparently having taken Egypt's rulers and Western states by surprise, governments and spies are increasingly looking to social media like Twitter to detect political threats in advance. Protesters who overthrew Tunisian Pres  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Mass. company draws fire for immigration game app News Link  •  Immigration
Mass. company draws fire for immigration game app
02-08-2011  •  AP 
A game developed by a Boston-based tech company that allows users to drive a truck full of immigrants through the desert and try not to have them tossed out is drawing fire from some immigrant advocates. As the truck drives over cliffs, mountains and  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
China raises rates to battle stubbornly high inflation News Link  •  China
China raises rates to battle stubbornly high inflation
02-08-2011  •  Reuters 
China raised interest rates on Tuesday for the second time in just over six weeks, intensifying a battle in the fast-expanding economy against stubbornly high inflation that threatens to unsettle global markets. The timing was a surprise, coming o  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
USDA Offering Payments to Nevada Asparagus Farmers News Link  •  Welfare: Corporate
USDA Offering Payments to Nevada Asparagus Farmers
02-08-2011  •  AP 
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is offering Nevada asparagus producers financial compensation for marketing losses resulting from imports during the 2004 through 2007 crop years. USDA Farm Service Agency Nevada state executive Clint Koble announce  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Uneasy peace holds after Thai, Cambodian troops clash News Link  •  World News
Uneasy peace holds after Thai, Cambodian troops clash
02-08-2011  •  Reuters 
Thai and Cambodian troops stood on high alert after clashing in disputed jungle around a 11th-century Hindu temple as foreign governments urged them to lay down arms. Soldiers on both sides of the border held fire but dug in positions, bracing for mo  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
License to Tweet? UK may restrict posts from court News Link  •  Justice and Judges
License to Tweet? UK may restrict posts from court
02-08-2011  •  AP 
English courts may restrict the public's freedom to post Twitter updates from inside hearings to avoid the risk of prejudicing trials. In some instances only members of the press - not the public - attending court may be permitted to use Twitter.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Freed young leader energizes Egyptian protests News Link  •  World News
Freed young leader energizes Egyptian protests
02-08-2011  •  AP 
A young Google executive who helped ignite Egypt's uprising energized a cheering crowd of hundreds of thousands with his first appearance in their midst after being released from 12 days in secret detention. "We won't give up," he promised at one of   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
ABC Consumer Comfort Index Plunges To Year Lows On Surging Gas Prices News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
ABC Consumer Comfort Index Plunges To Year Lows On Surging Gas Prices
02-08-2011  • 
It isn't pretty: "Soaring gasoline prices slammed consumer sentiment into reverse this week, threatening the slow recovery in economic views that’s been under way. With gas now at record high for a February...  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Obama Administration Copyright Clamp Down: Goodbye Internet Freedom News Link  •  Internet
Obama Administration Copyright Clamp Down: Goodbye Internet Freedom
02-08-2011  • 
"Our efforts focus on combating significant acts of infringement, protecting legitimate uses of the Internet and respecting principles of free speech and fair process," the 92-page report (pdf) reads.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Truth Squad Radio News Link  •  Media: Radio
Truth Squad Radio " Nell Walton of AllHorses Post
02-06-2011  •  Farm Wars 
Nell Walton joins us this Wednesday evening to discuss her novel titled “The Bone Trail.”   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Barbara Peterson
The US Job Shortfall Since January 2008 Is Approaching 14 Million News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
The US Job Shortfall Since January 2008 Is Approaching 14 Million
02-08-2011  • 
Total systemic debt doubled during the 2000s. Yet economic output only went up 40%. That means that none of the output increase was actually purchased with the fruits of output - it was all bought with debt, and then some.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Phoenix Median Home Price Could Dip To $100,000 In 3 Months News Link  •  Arizona's Top News
Phoenix Median Home Price Could Dip To $100,000 In 3 Months
02-08-2011  • 
The service that lists Phoenix-area homes for sale is expecting the median home-sale price to drop as low as $100,000 during the next three months.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
House rejects extensions of Patriot Act provisions ... kinda News Link  •  Police State
House rejects extensions of Patriot Act provisions ... kinda
02-08-2011  •  AP 
The House failed to extend the life of 3 surveillance tools that are key to the nation’s post-Sept. 11 anti-terror law, a slipup for the new Republican leadership that miscalculated the level of opposition. The House voted 277-148 to keep the 3 provi  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
In Sign He Is Still In Charge, State-run Media Names Mubarak ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ News Link  •  Humor
In Sign He Is Still In Charge, State-run Media Names Mubarak ‘Sexiest Man Alive’
02-08-2011  •  The Borowitz Report 
CAIRO (The Borowitz Report) " In what Middle Eastern experts take as a sign that he is still very much in charge, today Egyptian state-run media declared President Hosni Mubarak "Sexiest Man Alive." To make sure everyone in the country learned of his  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System News Link  •  Propaganda
Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
02-08-2011  • 
Even the Washington Post describes it like something out of Orwell’s 1984. The FCC has approved a presidential alert system. Obama may soon appear on your television or call your cell phone to warn you about the next specious al-Qaeda underwear bombi  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
Politics of Hate Feature Article  •  Casey Research Articles
Politics of Hate
David Galland
   In describing the current situation in these United States, and in many of the world’s other superpowers, we here at Casey Research have often used the word “intractable”… as in, “impossible to resolve.”
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Bill in Washington requires private sellers of gold be fingerprinted, paid non-cash News Link  •  Gold and Silver
Bill in Washington requires private sellers of gold be fingerprinted, paid non-cash
02-08-2011  • 
Those selling the jewelry to dealers would have their photo identification copied. For sales of more than $100, sellers would be fingerprinted and couldn’t be paid in cash.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Chip Saunders
New Pentagon hypersonic Blackswift jet checkmates Russia, China News Link  •  Military
New Pentagon hypersonic Blackswift jet checkmates Russia, China
02-08-2011  •  Terrence Aym 
Recently the US media created a hoopla and hand-wringing with the revelation that Russia had a new-generation fighter jet, the MIG-29, China's new J-20 stealth plane could fly circles around the Lockheed F-117a. Well the Russians and Chinese better   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Terrence Aym
Suleiman: The CIA's man in Cairo News Link  •  Foreign Policy
Suleiman: The CIA's man in Cairo
02-08-2011  • 
On January 29, Omar Suleiman, Egypt’s top spy chief, was anointed vice president by tottering dictator, Hosni Mubarak. By appointing Suleiman, part of a shake-up of the cabinet in an attempt to appease the masses of protesters and retain his own gri  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
Vermont: Corporations Aren't People Feature Article  •  Republic for the united States of America
Vermont: Corporations Aren't People
Thomas Costanzo
   Valley Advocate Vermont: Corporations Aren't People Vermont lawmakers push back on High Court's Citizens United ruling Thursday, February 10, 2011 By Tom Sturm The wording of a new resolution brought to the Vermont State Legislature by st
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Video
Host: Ernest Hancock
R. Lee Wrights - Egypt / Ethan Lee Vita - Porcfest 2011
   R. Lee Wrights - Running for President in 2012 as a Libertarian Candidate - Foreign Policy / Egypt, what role does the Libertarian Party play in all of this? / Ethan Lee Vita - Porcfest 2011
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Karl Denninger: I'll Fight The Fed News Link  •  Federal Reserve
Karl Denninger: I'll Fight The Fed
02-08-2011  • 
So the 10 year Bond has gone from 2.33% to 3.7% in less than four months. 30 year mortgage money, no points, has gone from about 4% to just over 5% (no junk fees) in the same time.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Earth-Like Worlds Might Be as 'Common as Ants at a Picnic' News Link  •  Space Travel and Exploration
Earth-Like Worlds Might Be as 'Common as Ants at a Picnic'
02-08-2011  • 
The discovery of a trove of potential alien planets, including dozens that could be Earth-size or habitable, is heartening news for those hoping to discover E.T. one day.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Sierra Hancock
All booms bust. The only question is when. News Link  •  Economy - International
All booms bust. The only question is when.
02-08-2011  • 
Somewhere in China, an economist lost his job today… it was the poor guy who had been predicting manageable levels of inflation despite rapid headline GDP growth and even more rapid monetary expansion.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Sierra Hancock
Homeland Security Hijacks Domain Names of Sites That Allegedly Linked to Copyrighted Materials News Link  •  Homeland Security
Homeland Security Hijacks Domain Names of Sites That Allegedly Linked to Copyrighted Materials
02-08-2011  • 
That’s right. Don’t believe it? Here it is, from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) / Department of Homeland Security:   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Sierra Hancock
Ron Paul On Verge Of Announcing 2012 Presidential Bid News Link  •  Ron Paul Says...
Ron Paul On Verge Of Announcing 2012 Presidential Bid
02-08-2011  • 
Congressman agrees to give speech at “presidential lecture series” that will feature other White House candidates  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Sierra Hancock
Mandatory Arabic Classes Coming To Mansfield News Link  •  Education: Government Schools
Mandatory Arabic Classes Coming To Mansfield
02-08-2011  • 
Some Students at Mansfield ISD schools could soon be learning Arabic as a required language. The school district wants students at select schools to take Arabic language and culture classes as part of a federally funded grant.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Sierra Hancock
Blagojevich Wants 'Missing' Phone Calls Recovered News Link  •  Government
Blagojevich Wants 'Missing' Phone Calls Recovered
02-08-2011  • 
Attorneys for former governor Rod Blagojevich have asked a federal judge to order prosecutors to produce two phone calls his lawyers say are mysteriously missing from evidence.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Sierra Hancock
First Look: Meryl Streep As Mrs. Thatcher News Link  •  Entertainment: Movies
First Look: Meryl Streep As Mrs. Thatcher
02-08-2011  • 
Pathé UK has released the first shot of Meryl Streep as British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Sierra Hancock
Olbermann takes news exec job at Current Media News Link  •  Media: Television
Olbermann takes news exec job at Current Media
02-08-2011  • 
UPDATE: Keith Olbermann announced Tuesday late morning on Twitter that he has accepted a job as Chief News Officer of Current Media, the parent company of Current TV.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Sierra Hancock
A airsoft glock into a News Link  •  Gun Rights
A airsoft glock into a "real" glock 22
02-08-2011  • 
I found a airsoft glock G17 frame that looked 100% on the outside that was made from fiber reinforced polymer, (same as a real Glock I think) it is manufactured by Guarder as a replacement frame for the Gas Blow Back Pistol - Tokyo Marui G17, it is m  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Sierra Hancock
Meredith Whitney’s Critics Are Conmen News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Meredith Whitney’s Critics Are Conmen
02-08-2011  •  Mark R. Crovelli--Lew 
The tamping down of Whitney’s call has been truly remarkable, given that the majority of the people blasting Whitney stand to make an absolute fortune if she is wrong. Indeed, the only groups who do not stand to make money off of Whitney’s call, if s  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Glenn Jacobs
Epic Fail: Global Warming Solutions News Link  •  Conspiracies
Epic Fail: Global Warming Solutions
02-08-2011  •  MorphCity 
California's AB 32 law makes California the first state to commit to the Kyoto Treaty, a United Nations program. California is the model for all other states in UN Agenda 21!  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Barbara Peterson
Las Vegas Leads The Nation With 71 Percent Of Homeowners Underwater News Link  •  Housing
Las Vegas Leads The Nation With 71 Percent Of Homeowners Underwater
02-08-2011  • 
This chart from USA Today is a graphic statement of how far many markets in the US have fallen.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Why Small Business Isn't Hiring and Won't Be Hiring News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Why Small Business Isn't Hiring and Won't Be Hiring
02-08-2011  • 
I have news for the pundits and politicos: ain't gonna happen. Why? The answer cannot be found in the manipulated and massaged Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers (have any real jobs been created, net of jobs lost, in the past year? Who knows?)  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
News Link  •  Transportation: Air Travel
"We Won't Fly" Launches Nationwide Billboard Campaign against TSA
02-08-2011  • 
Taking its message beyond airports, We Won't Fly has launched a nationwide billboard campaign to further raise awareness of and activism against the TSA's ineffective, dangerous and invasive air travel "scan and grope" procedures.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Darren Wolfe
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