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Date Sent: 2008-08-27
Freedom's Phoenix Headline News for Wednesday, August 27, 2008
White House cannot delay aides' testimony: judge -- Armed men were no "credible" threat to Obama

Ruling protects Arizonan who sells anti-war shirts -- Disorderly conduct charges dropped against anti-war protesters -- Joe Biden: Drug Warrior and RICO King -- A New Breed Of Hackers Tracks Online Acts of War -- Inquiry Probes Fidelity - Goldman Ties: Report -- U.S. builds new detention center in Afghanistan -- Some US airports back to normal after computer glitch -- DHS Continues to Violate the Law with Illegal 'System of Records' -- Arizona Proposition 105, known by its supporters as the Majority Rules Initiative -- More video from Denver DNC -- U.S. Central Command Conducts Training -- TSA Retaliates Against American Eagle -- Are NY's airports federally owned? The Feds think so. -- Russia threatens military response to US missiles in Poland -- Redflex photoradar reports 44% rise in net profits -- Iraq war resister sentenced to 15 months -- Home prices fell at record pace in June -- "Master Race" Theory Also Heard in White House - by Sherwood Ross -- The Barr Campaign At Three Months - by David F. Nolan

Ruling protects Arizonan who sells anti-war shirts News Link  •  Arizona's Top News
Ruling protects Arizonan who sells anti-war shirts
8-27-2008  •  AP 
A federal judge on Wednesday permanently barred Arizona from using a state law to prosecute an online merchant who sells shirts that list names of thousands of troops killed in Iraq. His "Bush Lied " They Died" shirts are "core politic  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Joe Biden: Drug Warrior and RICO King News Link  •  Eugenics
Joe Biden: Drug Warrior and RICO King
8-27-2008  •  The Agitator 
Biden has sponsored more damaging drug war legislation than any Democrat in Congress. Hate the way federal prosecutors use RICO laws to take aim at drug offenders? Thank Biden. How about the abomination that is federal asset forfeiture laws? Thank Bi  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Disorderly conduct charges dropped against anti-war protesters News Link  •  Activism
Disorderly conduct charges dropped against anti-war protesters
8-27-2008  •  Daily herald 
Fed up with the war in Iraq, Sarah Hartfield and Jeff Zurawski unfurled a banner along a DuPage County overpass to share their views with motorists traveling along a bustling highway. They insisted it was a peaceful demonstration but both were arrest  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Inquiry Probes Fidelity - Goldman Ties: Report News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Inquiry Probes Fidelity - Goldman Ties: Report
8-27-2008  •  NY Times 
The New York attorney general's office is probing the relationship between Fidelity Investments and Goldman Sachs Group in connection with the sale of auction-rate securities, the Wall Street Journal said, citing a person familiar with the invest  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
A New Breed Of Hackers Tracks Online Acts of War News Link  •  Internet
A New Breed Of Hackers Tracks Online Acts of War
8-27-2008  •  Washington Post 
They are among a growing number of investigators who monitor how traffic is routed through countries, where Web sites are blocked and why it's all happening. Now they are turning their scrutiny to a new weapon of international warfare: cyber atta  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
 White House cannot delay aides' testimony: judge News Link  •  Bush Administration
White House cannot delay aides' testimony: judge
8-26-2008  •  Reuters 
A U.S. judge ruled against the Bush administration in its fight with Congress over a probe into the firings of U.S. attorneys by refusing to delay an order that current and former White House aides comply with congressional subpoenas.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
 U.S. builds new detention center in Afghanistan News Link  •  WAR: About that War
U.S. builds new detention center in Afghanistan
8-26-2008  •  Christian Science Monitor 
In an effort to lay to rest some of the controversy surrounding its Afghanistan detention program, the US is building a new detention facility there designed to be on par with one in Iraq that came to be seen by many as a model program.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
 Armed men were no News Link  •  Eugenics
Armed men were no "credible" threat to Obama
8-26-2008  •  Reuters 
Three men were charged with gun and drugs offenses on Tuesday but U.S. authorities dismissed reports that they had serious plans to shoot Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and said they had posed no "true threat."  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Some US airports back to normal after computer glitch News Link  •  Transportation: Air Travel
Some US airports back to normal after computer glitch
8-26-2008  •  Reuters 
Air traffic at some major U.S. airports was returning to normal on Tuesday after many planes were delayed due to a glitch in the computer system for filing flight plans, the Federal Aviation Administration said. The Department of Homeland Security sa  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
 Baseball to start using instant replay Thursday News Link  •  Entertainment: Sports
Baseball to start using instant replay Thursday
8-26-2008  •  AP 
Major League Baseball reversed its long-standing opposition to instant replay and will allow umpires to check video on home run calls in series that start Thursday. [Yuck and welcome to 4 hour games.]  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Opinion  •  Scott Horton Show at Antiwar Radio
Luke Ryland on the Scott Horton Show at Antiwar Radio
Mark Jokel
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American diplomat escapes gun attack in Pakistan News Link  •  Foreign Policy
American diplomat escapes gun attack in Pakistan
08-26-2008  •  AP 
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) " The top U.S. diplomat in northwestern Pakistan narrowly escaped an attempt on her life Tuesday when two men with AK-47s jumped in front of her armored vehicle and sprayed it with bullets  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
DHS Continues to Violate the Law with Illegal 'System of Records' News Link  •  Homeland Security
DHS Continues to Violate the Law with Illegal 'System of Records'
08-26-2008  •  Papers Please 
The Department of Homeland Security has created a newly-defined “system of records” containing logs of everyone who crosses U.S. borders. ”Border Crossing Information” (BCI) about innocent U.S. citizens not suspected of any crime would be kept for 1  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Terry Bressi
Arizona Proposition 105, known by its supporters as the Majority Rules Initiative News Link  •  Arizona's Top News
Arizona Proposition 105, known by its supporters as the Majority Rules Initiative
08-26-2008  •  Ballotpedia 
, would require that a majority of registered voters"not just a majority of voters casting ballots"approve all ballot measures that raise state taxes or fees or otherwise obligate government spending before such a proposal can become law.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
News Link  •  Bush Administration
The Bush Years
A musical journey of the Bush/Iraq war years. He shall be missed. Mick Jagger says we should have sympathy for the devil. How about some sympathy for the president?  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Tom Westbrook
U.S. Central Command Conducts Training News Link  •  Police State
U.S. Central Command Conducts Training
08-26-2008  •  CENTCOM Public Affairs 
The United States Central Command has deployed approximately 200 personnel from Tampa to Central Command Forward Headquarters in the Middle East to conduct training on the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP).  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Mike Shipley
“All They Want To Do Is Take Your Money” News Link  •  Arizona's Top News
“All They Want To Do Is Take Your Money”
08/26/2008  • 
New video shows valley protesters have taken to the highways to object to Redflex’s illegal and illegitimate photo enforcement vans. The vehicles, which are “fully dressed” as DPS Highway Patrol vehicles, are owned and operated by the Australian firm  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Camera FRAUD
A Cure for Opinion  •  Healthcare Industry
A Cure for "Sicko"
Mike Renzulli
   Mike Renzulli reviews Gen LaGreca's first novel "Noble Vision" which demonstrates that socialized medicine is "sicko".
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RON PAUL 4409 -- All they want to do is take your money! Reference Link  •  Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings
RON PAUL 4409 -- All they want to do is take your money!
YouTube 4409 
   All they want to do is take your money! Redflex fraud confronted and exposed!
Entered by: Forty Four O Nine
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More video from Denver DNC News Link  •  Eugenics
More video from Denver DNC
8-26-2008  •  Youtube 
A calm political protest quickly turned chaotic as anxious police surrounded thousands of marchers heading toward Denver's Convention Center, using tear gas, batons and aggression.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
TSA Retaliates Against American Eagle News Link  •  Transportation: Air Travel
TSA Retaliates Against American Eagle
8-26-2008  •  Aero-News Network 
The TSA, apparently embarrassed last week for supporting an inspector who climbed aboard American Eagle jets by using air temperature probes as grab handles, has retaliated against the airline with charges and fines.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Brock Lorber
Plot to Kill Obama: Shoot From High Vantage Point News Link  •  Eugenics
Plot to Kill Obama: Shoot From High Vantage Point
8-26-2008  •  CBS News 
One of those suspects spoke exclusively to CBS4 investigative reporter Brian Maass from inside the Denver City Jail late Monday night and said his friends had discussed killing Obama.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Are NY's airports federally owned? The Feds think so. News Link  •  Transportation
Are NY's airports federally owned? The Feds think so.
8-26-2006  •  AP 
Airports that receive federal grants are required to provide airlines with access to their facilities. 3 NY airports resist access to them auctioned to airlines by the feds.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Chip Saunders
Mexican brewery taps name of crime legend News Link  •  Drug War
Mexican brewery taps name of crime legend
8-26-2008  •  Az.Republic 
Malverde Beer is named after Jesús Malverde, a Robin Hood-style figure who is revered by drug smugglers in the western Mexico state of Sinaloa.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Chip Saunders
Russia threatens military response to US missiles in Poland News Link  •  NATO
Russia threatens military response to US missiles in Poland
8-26-2008  •  AP 
"We will have to react somehow, to react, of course, in a military way," Medvedev was quoted as saying Tuesday by the RIA-Novosti news agency.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Chip Saunders
Redflex reports 44% rise in net profits News Link  •  World News
Redflex reports 44% rise in net profits
8/26/2008  • 
Just another example of the United States outsourcing to a foreign nation, and our dollars following along.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Camera FRAUD
Iraq war resister sentenced to 15 months News Link  •  Military
Iraq war resister sentenced to 15 months
8-26-2008  •  The Star 
The first American war resister deported from Canada " where he had fled after refusing to be deployed to Iraq " was sentenced to 15 months in jail at a court martial. Private Robin Long, 25, of Boise, Idaho, was also given a dishonorable discharge  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Pete Seeger sings about what Tom Paxton's kid learned in school News Link  •  Education: Government Schools
Pete Seeger sings about what Tom Paxton's kid learned in school
8-26-2008  •  Youtube (2 min) 
1964! Nothing changes. We don't need no education! Lyrics hattip Lew Rockwell Blog  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
 Home prices fell at record pace in June News Link  •  Housing
Home prices fell at record pace in June
8-26-2008  •  Reuters 
Home prices fell a record annual 15.9% in June, but the monthly rate of decline slowed from May which suggested the decimated housing sector may be stabilizing, according to Standard & Poor's.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
by Sherwood Ross" border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5" width="100" height="94"> Feature Article  •  Central Intelligence Agency
"Master Race" Theory Also Heard in White House
by Sherwood Ross

Powell Gammill
   "I believe in the universality of freedom," George Bush told an audience at the American Enterprise Institute, "and I believe that this country, this grand country of ours, has an obligation to help people realize the blessings of free
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Culture: Dems Use Upside Down Flag, More Obama-isms News Link  •  Politics: Democratic Campaigns
Culture: Dems Use Upside Down Flag, More Obama-isms
08-26-2008  •  Nancy Morgan 
The Democrat National Convention uses upside-down American flag on official passes and more Obama-isms in this week’s Culture Watch.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Randy Ricochet
Caylee Anthony Media Circus: Giovanni Gonzalez Gets No Media Attention News Link  •  MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)
Caylee Anthony Media Circus: Giovanni Gonzalez Gets No Media Attention
08-26-2008  •  Trench Reynolds 
While Caylee Anthony is a media circus, Giovanni Gonzalez is missing with little media attention.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Randy Ricochet
The Barr Campaign At Three Months<br>by David F. Nolan News Link  •  Eugenics
The Barr Campaign At Three Months
by David F. Nolan

8-26-2008  •  Nolan Chart 
I've heard from frustrated would-be Barr supporters who are being ignored and haven't received ordered campaign materials. One LP state chair who called the Barr campaign HQ was told he should talk to "our liaison with the Libertarians.*  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
New Sphere in Exploring the Abyss News Link  •  Science, Medicine and Technology
New Sphere in Exploring the Abyss
8-26-2008  •  NY Times 
A new submersible is being built here, and even the process of construction seems a rebuke to the darkness. Hot reds and oranges burst into showers of spark and flame as blistering metal began to yield to the demands of the submersible’s design.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
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