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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

Why Are Republicans Calling To Disarm The American People?

•, Paul Joseph Watson
 The recent deluge of attacks against the second amendment were completely predictable in the aftermath of the Colorado massacre, but what perhaps wasn’t so expected was the fact that a lot of them have come from so-called Republicans.
Although normally aligned with the right to keep and bear arms, over the last week numerous self-proclaimed conservatives have proven themselves to be wolves in sheep’s clothing.

The most recent rhetorical assault on gun rights came yesterday courtesy of Reagan appointee and so-called intellectual anchor of the Supreme Court’s conservative wing, Justice Antonin Scalia.

Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Scalia said that the second amendment leaves rooms for certain types of weapons to be regulated.

“It will have to be decided in future cases,” Scalia told host Chris Wallace, adding that “They had some limitations on the nature of arms that could be borne,” when the Constitution was signed.

Scalia’s remarks prompted outrage from conservatives, who accused him of selling out to the political left.

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Comment by Anon Patriot
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From C4L (Campaign For Liberty):

"...a handful of anti-gun Senators – led by Chuck Schumer – are attempting to add the Schumer “Magazine Ban” as an amendment to the Cybersecurity Act.

That’s why it’s vital your U.S. Senators oppose the Cybersecurity Act at every opportunity."

Tell your Sentors to "OPPOSE CLOTURE ON S.3414" ("Cybersecurity Act of 2012")

(This will give their constituents (you) more time to review the final bill, before it is voted on)


(HR 459 passed the House 327-98!, however, the Senate version of HR 459 -
S.202 - will still need a vote in the Senate...)

Contact your Senators, and tell them we need a FULL AUDIT of THE 'FED'!