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IPFS News Link • Economy - International

Putin Wants Oligarchs And Criminals To Bring Their Dirty Money Back To Russia

•, Rob Garver

Criticizing international sanctions imposed after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, he said, "talking to Russia from a position of force is an exercise in futility."

If Putin meant to instill confidence in the health of the Russian economy among his listeners, he probably lessened the effect by practically begging Russians with assets overseas — even assets obtained through potentially illegal means — to bring their money home.

"I propose a full amnesty for capital returning to Russia," Putin said, according to an English translation of his remarks provided by the Kremlin. "I stress, full amnesty."

"It means," he continued, "that if a person legalizes his holdings and property in Russia, he will receive firm legal guarantees that he will not be summoned to various agencies, including law enforcement agencies, that they will not 'put the squeeze' on him, that he will not be asked about the sources of his capital and methods of its acquisition, that he will not be prosecuted or face administrative liability, and that he will not be questioned by the tax service or law enforcement agencies.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Joeyman9
Entered on:

The speech far transcended money laundering. It said no taxes on new businesses for 2 years, no inspections on businesses with a clean record for three years, an increase in the Russian Population by 8 million new babies (native Russians not immigrants), an increase in the Russian Lifespan to 71 years. Putin is a nationalist, I suggest that is far more constructive than the lack of leadership coming out of DEE CEE today. If you want to read or watch what was actually said rather than taking his speech to be all about money laundering as characterized in this hitpiece by the (CIA Affiliated/NeoCon???) Business Insider suggest you see or read the entire thing yourself at
