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If you are new to Bitcoin it’s likely you’ve heard some terms thrown around by Bitcoiners that you have no idea what they mean―PGP, Tor, VPN, OTR, etc. In most cases these are referring to various technologies that people use to protect their d

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Every day that willfully ignorant political gadflies like Alex Jones, Lou Rockwell, and Charles Goyette burnish the political corpse of Ron Paul they help conflate the message of Ron Paul with the corrupted political DNA of the entire Paul family.

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Jonathan Turley

When the merchandise did not arrive, Jen began calling, but got the runaround from KlearGear and the order was canceled. At that point, the frustrated Jen wrote an account of her negative experiences with KlearGear on the complaint site, Ripoff Repor

Article Image, CollegeHumor

Google is trying harder than ever to force people to sign up for Google Plus. And now, they've discovered a new strategy to do this: either you join Plus, or they'll release your search history and all the private information they've learned about yo
