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Politics: General Activism

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When you were a child peddling five and 10 cent drinks at your makeshift lemonade stand, did you ever consider asking the government for a publicly funded “incentive” to assist your business in its start up costs?


If you didn't have a front door to your house, would you feel safe while sleeping at night? Today, our president no longer secures our border. We're losing our order. Soon, we'll lose our nation.

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The next few weeks we will produce hundreds of signs in anticipation of events over the next few months. The WLA Wokshop will close at the end of April. We are making plans and scheduling production this Thursday night. Now is the time for input.

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(Production times and sign availability) TV present so we can watch the NCAA tournament. These signs are really getting noticed. The desired effect, "Who is Ron Paul?", is working like a charm. So your effort and $$$$'s are working.

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the art of David Dees simply knocks our socks off. profound and frighteningly sarcastic, his visual style of photo manipulation, graphic design and superb illustration in the digital media is truly phenomenal and has a look and feel that is entirely

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Open Secrets

Here's a list of the top 101 contributors to the Republicrats. Why do they contribute so much money to these campaigns? Well, if you gave $1 in return for thousands of dollars of benefits, well, DUH!!!!

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This past Monday night, a gunman walked into a popular Salt Lake City mall and opened fire with a shotgun. The trench coat-clad gunman was heavily armed and intended to kill as many people as he could.

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I would like to offer my list of "50 Americans I Wish Were The Most Influential." I can tell readers this: If these people were America's most influential leaders (Christian or otherwise), our country would not be in the shape it is in
