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Economy - International

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"Greeks consider taxes as theft," which, among other things, explains, as WSJ reports, at the end of 2014, Greeks owed their government about €76 billion in unpaid taxes accrued over decades; the government says only €9 billion ....

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With the world's oldest central bank - Sweden's Riksbank - taking the plunge into negative rates, there have been 19 'eases' by central banks this year, Morgan Stanley warns of "ghosts of the 1930s."

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On Friday, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras backed down on nearly every promise made to the Greek electorate except one, to stay on the euro. After so much tough rhetoric, the question is why?

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David A. Stockman: Former Dir. of the US Office of Management and Budget (USOMB), Economic Policy Maker, Politician, Financier & Acclaimed Author

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In the midst of the dramatic showdown in Brussels between the new Greek government and its European creditors, many Greek depositors--spooked by the prospect of a Greek default or, worse, an exit from the euro zone and a possible return to the drach

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With the world's oldest central bank - Sweden's Riksbank - taking the plunge into negative rates, there have been 19 'eases' by central banks this year, Morgan Stanley warns of "ghosts of the 1930s."

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