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Article Image, Brett Smith

Vegetables like celery and artichokes have long been thought to convey numerous health benefits, and a new study from scientists at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign revealed that these foods have two chemical components, apigenin and luteol

Article Image, VEG-HEAD

Growing vegetables in a small space, like a roof-terrace or a backyard has different rules and skills (and work-rate) compared to a larger piece of land.

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Small, frequent doses of potentially harmful ingredients can be far from benign, having a cumulative biological effect. In fact, there is scientific evidence that more significant health effects may occur at low doses than high, especially for hormon

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To get rid of that corn syrup and other sweateners, what I do is buy 99 percent choc and add honey.  I melt the choc squares and pour it on a pan an then add honey in.  Benefit:  Different honeys taste differently and give the choc a d

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