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Article Image, Aaron & Melissa Dykes

The following published is a letter penned by a young Benjamin Franklin under the pseudonym Mrs. Silence Dogood to his brother James' newspaper The New-England Courant, printed therein on July 9, 1722. It is the eighth of such letters in a series,

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James Corbett - The Corbett Report

Bush was right: The constitution really is just a piece of paper. So what does this mean in the age of the corona crisis, as some turn to those pieces of paper to protect the last shreds of their privacy and even their bodily autonomy?

Article Image, Henry Meyer Ilya Arkhipov

After two decades in power, Vladimir Putin's approval ratings are at an all-time low as Russia's economy reels under the impact of the coronavirus epidemic and the slump in oil prices. What better time for him to seek to extend his presidency for

Article Image By Mike Maharrey

I think centralizing power is always a net loss for liberty. So did the founding generation. This is why the framers of the Constitution emphatically rejected a proposal to give the federal government veto power over state laws.

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...there is no provision in the Constitution for the federal government to be involved in local and State law enforcement. Law enforcement is strictly the responsibility of the states and local communities.

Article Image, by L. Neil Smith

Permit me to begin this discussion in an unusual way, since it may turn out to be the most important thing I've ever written. I urge you to copy it and distribute it to your own list of friends and correspondents before it's taken down because, g

Article Image by Jacob G. Hornberger

As a condition for accepting the Constitution, the American people demanded the enactment of the Bill of Rights immediately after ratification of the Constitution. They had been assured that the Constitution was calling into existence a national gove

Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

In an editorial, the Los Angeles Times is celebrating a decision of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals holding that a good education is a constitutional right and, therefore, that states have a legal duty to provide it to children.

Article Image, By Karen Kwiatkowski

The US government's overreaction to what appears -- by the numbers – comparable to a tough flu bug is instructive on many levels.

Article Image, By Cheryl K. Chumley

ANALYSIS/OPINION: Communist-minded community organizer Saul Alinsky, in his prologue to "Rules for Radicals," explained that the most effective activists were those who worked within the established "system," not against it, so as to stir th

Article Image, By Walter E. Block

Brett Kavanaugh does not deserve a place on the United States Supreme Court and should be impeached.

Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

The Constitution made it crystal clear what the official money of the United States was to be when it called the federal government into existence. That money was to be gold coins and silver coins, not paper money.
