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Article Image, by Abby Zimet

Way cool book tank created by Argentinean artist, Raul Lemesoff, with a 1979 Ford Falcon from the former military junta.

Article Image

Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards have taken to the streets to protest a labor law reform. The demonstrations organized by labor unions are paving the wave for a nation-wide strike planned for March 29.

Article Image, by Kathleen Masterson

After a series of videos revealing apparent cruel treatment of farm animals went viral, Iowa has made it a crime for people to misrepresent themselves to gain access to a farm.

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Washington Post

Iowa, the country’s top producer of pork and eggs, attracted national attention this month when it became the first state to adopt a law that’s designed to curtail the undercover operations of animal rights activists on farms. Another seven states;3GhccdBw


News Link • Global Reported By Stew Webb