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Merck introduced its measles vaccine in 1963, claiming the vaccine would convey lifelong immunity equivalent to a natural infection, with health officials promising that 55% vaccine coverage would produce "herd immunity" sufficient to eradicate m

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Eric Peters Auto

Whenever a new saaaaaaaaaaaafety mandate is proposed, we'll hear that it's necessary and justified (no matter the cost in dollars or liberty) . . . "if it saves even one life."

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Eric Peters Auto

Ostensibly infant people – ostensibly to prevent them being left inside parked cars to roast to death – a problem created, ironically enough, by forcing parents to put their kids somewhere in the back of the car where they are more easily forgott

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Donald Trump isn't a Libertarian - but he is the guy who just rescinded the fatwa imposed by his extremely un-Libertarian predecessor that would have almost tripled the fines imposed on car companies that didn't "achieve compliance" with fe

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With the passing of the Farm Bill in December 2018, hemp became federally legal in the United States. And with it, the floodgates opened.

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Virginia Governor Ralph Northam instituted a special session of the state's legislature Tuesday, July 9 for the stated purpose of enacting new gun control laws. Gun rights supporters won the day as Republican lawmakers, who tenuously control both