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IPFS News Link • Voting: Vote Fraud


(USA) 1/12 - THE TRAGIC TALE OF EDWARD TRUE AND JAMES FALSE - Permission to excerpt granted, with link to
By Bev Harris

The actual Iowa winner may "never be known", and one of the "dead" voters in New Hampshire has now shown up -- alive.

It matters, and it's called journalistic malpractice. TV networks announced that Romney won Iowa, and newspapers pronounced his 1-2 "wins" as "historic." Candidates dropped out, donors dried up or rushed to send cash to the reported "winner".

Now we are being told that the Iowa results "don't matter." They matter, regardless of any rent-an-expert who shows up in the press. Misreported results manipulated the candidate field from which the rest of America can choose.

The Des Moines Register is now reporting an even greater malfeasance: that the final, certified Iowa result may "never be known." There were several typos, they say. Some precincts will never be reported, they claim.

That we got a heads up at all about bogus media results was due to an alert Iowa citizen, Edward True, who captured evidence of the 20-vote misreport in his Appanoose County precinct. That people like Edward True were stationed all over Iowa capturing results before they hit the state Republican Committee tabulation was due to Black Box Voting, where the need to do this was explained, and to radio hosts and sites like Bradblog and Facebook, where the word went out.

Mainstream media then began its next act of theatre: They started spinning the false result that THEY THEMSELVES announced as -- instead of their own foolishness -- "making Iowa look foolish".