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Date Sent: 2010-02-15
Freedom's Phoenix Global Edition for Sunday, February 14, 2010
Attack on Afghan town Marjah launched -- US Debt Will Keep Growing Even With Recovery

Sex offender law could go global with California lawmaker's bill -- How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask its True Debt -- U.S. Marines under fire in former Taliban stronghold -- Mortgage too much? Join the crowd, walk away -- NATO: Troops Miss Target, Kill 12 Afghan Civilians -- Iran opposition figure's son beaten -- Biden says Cheney is misinformed or misleading -- Control freaks want web licenses to end blogger's anonymity -- Obama Making Plans to Use Executive Power -- States Asking For $180 Billion by July 1st -- The FDIC is Broke: $13 Trillion in Assets is Unprotected -- Mish on the Chinese Bubble -- Mish on 'Beggar Thy Neighbor' -- World markets' gyrations shake up U.S. stocks -- Paul B. Farrell: How to invest for a global-debt-bomb explosion -- 2008 habeas ruling may pose snag as U.S. weighs indefinite Guantanamo detentions -- Secret Hunt for a Sunken Soviet Sub -- Chinese activist allowed to return home after 3 months at Tokyo airport -- Angela Keaton talks about Anti-war Radio -- U.S. reviewing terrorism suspects procedures -- Bus tunnel victim says she sought help from police -- Obama to Announce Nuke Plant Loan

Davos Economic Summit on 60 Minutes tonight


Attack on Afghan town Marjah launched News Link  •  WAR: About that War
Attack on Afghan town Marjah launched
02-13-2010  •  AP 
Helicopter-borne US Marines and Afghan troops swooped down on the Taliban-held town of Marjah before dawn on Saturday, launching a long-expected attack to re-establish government control and undermine support for the militants in their southern heart  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
US Debt Will Keep Growing Even With Recovery News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
US Debt Will Keep Growing Even With Recovery
02-14-2010  •  AP 
US debt will soon be unsustainable without higher taxes and spending cuts, even with recovery.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Sex offender law could go global with California lawmaker's bill News Link  •  Legislative Mischief
Sex offender law could go global with California lawmaker's bill
02-14-2010  •  McClatchy News 
The law requires convicted sex offenders to be registered with the government, making it easier to track their whereabouts. "The idea is to notify law enforcement officials in those countries that people are traveling," said Lungren, who called sex t  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Davos Economic Summit on 60 Minutes tonight News Link  •  Conspiracies
Davos Economic Summit on 60 Minutes tonight
02-14-2010  •  60 Minutes (CBS) 
[I don't know how good it will be....] Nowhere in the world can such a concentration of power be found than at the World Economic Forum's meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Scott Pelley goes behind the scenes this Sunday, Feb. 14, 7 pm ET/PT.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask its True Debt News Link  •  Economy - International
How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask its True Debt
02-14-2010  •  Der Spiegel 
Goldman Sachs helped the Greek government to mask the true extent of its deficit with the help of a derivatives deal that legally circumvented the EU Maastricht deficit rules.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Trouser Chili
Former Managing Director of Monsanto India Blows the Whistle News Link  •  Whistleblowers
Former Managing Director of Monsanto India Blows the Whistle " Monsanto Faked Data for Approvals
02-14-2010  •  Farm Wars 
India is leading the way in exposing Monsanto for what it is " corrupt to the core.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Barbara Peterson
U.S. Marines under fire in former Taliban stronghold News Link  •  WAR: About that War
U.S. Marines under fire in former Taliban stronghold
02-14-2010  •  Reuters 
U.S. Marines came under intense fire on Sunday after taking over a building in the heart of a Taliban stronghold targeted by a NATO-led offensive designed to put the Afghan government back in charge. "In Fallujah, it was just as intense. But there  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Mortgage too much? Join the crowd, walk away News Link  •  Arizona's Top News
Mortgage too much? Join the crowd, walk away
02-14-2010  •  East Valley Tribune 
A growing trend among homeowners with upside-down mortgages is simply walking away from their homes without even trying to get a loan modification, according to local mortgage brokers.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
NATO: Troops Miss Target, Kill 12 Afghan Civilians News Link  •  WAR: About that War
NATO: Troops Miss Target, Kill 12 Afghan Civilians
02-14-2010  •  AP 
NATO says two rockets fired at insurgents missed their target and killed 12 civilians in southern Afghanistan.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Iran opposition figure's son beaten News Link  •  Iran
Iran opposition figure's son beaten
02-14-2010  •  AP 
The wife of one of Iran's opposition leaders accused the nation's supreme leader Sunday of allowing violence and abuses to crush opponents, including the alleged beating of her son during last week's protests.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Biden says Cheney is misinformed or misleading News Link  •  Obama Administration
Biden says Cheney is misinformed or misleading
02-14-2010  •  AP 
Vice President Joe Biden belittled Dick Cheney's criticism of the Obama administration's commitment to fighting terrorism as either "misinformed or he is misinforming" and said Iraq wasn't worth "the horrible price" paid.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Chris continues to inspire News Link  •  Arizona's Top News
Chris continues to inspire
02-14-2010  •  Day by Day (h/t Jeanne & Buck) 
Inspiring cartoons everywhere....  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
The Conservative 100: Most Popular Conservative Sites, Feb 14 2010 News Link  •  Internet
The Conservative 100: Most Popular Conservative Sites, Feb 14 2010
02-14-2010  •  Mondo Frazier 
Ratings #2, February 14, 2010; Bi-weekly rating of the Most Popular 100 Conservative sites on the web, the Conservative 100. Ratings are based on Alexa traffic rankings 3-month average.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Randy Ricochet
The Selfishness of Love News Link  •  Marriage
The Selfishness of Love
02-13-2010  •  The Libertarian Solution 
Happy Valentine's Day! We are often told by others how selfless or altruistic love is. Nothing could be further from the truth.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Mike Renzulli
2009 Freedom Summit Video, Judge John Buttrick Feature Article  •  Freedom's Phoenix
2009 Freedom Summit Video, Judge John Buttrick
   Judge John Buttrick shares his opinion about the National Libertarian Party's future. He details his criticisms of Wayne Allen Root, Bob Barr and the abandonment of principle inside the National Libertarian Party.
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Setting the Stage:  The tactics of Surveillance Camera Theater News Link  •  Activism
Setting the Stage: The tactics of Surveillance Camera Theater
02-13-2010  • 
Here are 10 Steps to stage your own Surveillance Camera Theater! Happy Valentines Day to friends at Camera Fraud, the national sponsor for the Valentine's Day protests against red light camera surveillance. There might be a protest near you!  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Sheila Dean
Control freaks want web licences to end bloggers' anonymity News Link  •  Internet
Control freaks want web licences to end bloggers' anonymity
02-13-2010  • 
It was inevitable that, sooner or later, the usual unholy alliance of government totalitarians and big business would attempt to end the democratic free-for-all that is the blogosphere. The UN is showing similar interest to eliminate free speech.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Obama Making Plans to Use Executive Power News Link  •  Obama Administration
Obama Making Plans to Use Executive Power
02-13-2010  • 
“We are reviewing a list of presidential executive orders and directives to get the job done across a front of issues,” said Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
States Asking For $180 Billion by July 1st News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
States Asking For $180 Billion by July 1st
02-13-2010  • 
States are looking at a total budget gap of $180 billion for fiscal 2011, which for most of them begins July 1. These cuts could lead to a loss of 900,000 jobs, according to Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Beyond Fear: Moving Beyond the Peter Schiff Scenario News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Beyond Fear: Moving Beyond the Peter Schiff Scenario
02-13-2010  • 
Slowdown in money growth has clearly put deflation in the driver's seat. Inflation may be lurking in the back seat of the car, but it will take a good punch, I'm talking a real good punch of monetary inflation, before inflation can unseat deflation..  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
The FDIC is Broke: $13 Trillion in Assets is Unprotected News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
The FDIC is Broke: $13 Trillion in Assets is Unprotected
02-13-2010  • 
If Americans would stop and think of the implication of having an insurance fund with no money backing up $9 trillion in their deposits, they would probably pause for a few minutes.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Monsanto’s GMO Contamination Targeting Alfalfa News Link  •  Bioterrorism
Monsanto’s GMO Contamination Targeting Alfalfa
02-13-2010  •  SMCC 
In December, the USDA determined that Monsanto’s alfalfa met the Obama Administration’s standards, despite the risk of organic contamination.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Barbara Peterson
No snow? No surprise. Vancouver is warmest city to ever host Winter Olympics News Link  •  Environment
No snow? No surprise. Vancouver is warmest city to ever host Winter Olympics
02-13-2010  •  The Vancouver Sun 
When Vancouver plays host to the Olympic Games six-and-a-half years from now, it will mark a peculiar milestone -- as the least wintery city ever to host the Winter Games. (Publisher: If the USA wasn't under a blanket of snow, all we'd hear is Global  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
Read a Book, Read a Book, Read a Muthaf*#king Book Feature Article  •  Humor
Read a Book, Read a Book, Read a Muthaf*#king Book
Jet Lacey
   ATTENTION:***Salty Language Alert*** Is this how we reach kids in this day and age? By going Gangsta? I guess it can't hurt. Either way this video is funny and yet true.
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Max Keiser on The Edge: Mish on 'Beggar Thy Neighbor' News Link  •  Economy - International
Max Keiser on The Edge: Mish on 'Beggar Thy Neighbor'
02-13-2010  • 
Michael Shedlock describes how major economies of both the East and West our using a 'Beggar Thy Neighbor' strategy.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Max Keiser on The Edge: Mish on the Chinese Bubble News Link  •  China
Max Keiser on The Edge: Mish on the Chinese Bubble
02-13-2010  • 
In this 6 minute segment Michael Shedlock describes in how China's economy is a huge bubble built on empty condos and shopping malls.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Weekend Reflection: Operation Northwoods News Link  •  False Flag Operations
Weekend Reflection: Operation Northwoods
02-13-2010  •  Daily Paul/Michael Nystrom 
For those of you who haven't heard of it, here is something to think about over the weekend. One part of the Operation Northwoods plan was to "develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
Abajo Cadenas - Video of Demonstrations in Caracas, Venezuela on 2/4/2010 News Link  •  World News
Abajo Cadenas - Video of Demonstrations in Caracas, Venezuela on 2/4/2010
02-13-2010  •  The International Libertarian  
Students march peacefully towards the National Assembly to deliver a document proposing solutions to ALL Venezuelan's problems. The Metropolitan Police and the National Guard denied them this right. For this reason they instead went to Plaza Venezue  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Darren Wolfe
Just in Time For Valentines Day: Endangered Species Condoms News Link  •  Environment
Just in Time For Valentines Day: Endangered Species Condoms
02-13-2010  • 
Still trying to figure out what would be the perfect thing for Valentines Day?, Well nothing says “I love you” more than an endangered-species condom. TUCSON, Ariz. " An Arizona-based environmental group that fights to protect endangered speci  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Todd Detry
Charlie Reese: 545 People
News Link  •  Corruption
Charlie Reese: 545 People
02-13-2010  • 
If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair. If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red. If the Army & Marines are in IRAQ , it's because they want them in IRAQ.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Paul B. Farrell: How to invest for a global-debt-bomb explosion News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Paul B. Farrell: How to invest for a global-debt-bomb explosion
02-13-2010  • 
America's already descending into economic anarchy. We're all trapped in a historic economic supercycle, a turning point that must bleed through a no-man's land of lawless self-destructive anarchy before a neo-capitalistic world can re-emerge.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
World markets' gyrations shake up U.S. stocks News Link  •  Economy - International
World markets' gyrations shake up U.S. stocks
02-13-2010  •  Washington Post 
China's unexpected move to tighten credit for the second time in a month and a report showing that Europe's growth ground to a near-halt fueled concerns over the global economy Friday as Wall Street closed a volatile week of trading.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Secret Hunt for a Sunken Soviet Sub News Link  •  History
Secret Hunt for a Sunken Soviet Sub
02-13-2010  •  NY Times 
In 1974, far out in the Pacific, a U.S. ship pretending to be a deep-sea mining vessel fished a sunken Soviet nuclear-armed submarine out of the ocean depths, took what it could of the wreck and made off to Hawaii with its purloined prize. Now, Wa  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
2008 habeas ruling may pose snag as U.S. weighs indefinite Guantanamo detentions News Link  •  Torture
2008 habeas ruling may pose snag as U.S. weighs indefinite Guantanamo detentions
02-13-2010  •  Washington Post 
A federal judge found the government's evidence too weak to justify Hatim's confinement, ordered his release, ruling he could not rely on Hatim's statements because they had been coerced, and the government's informer was "profoundly unreliable."   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Chinese activist allowed to return home after 3 months at Tokyo airport News Link  •  China
Chinese activist allowed to return home after 3 months at Tokyo airport
02-13-2010  •  Washington Post 
A Chinese activist who spent 3 months camped inside Tokyo airport as a protest flew back to China and was allowed into the country. Feng Zhenghu protested China's refusal to let him return to his country. Police met him at Shanghai's airport and  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Angela Keaton talks about Anti-war Radio but keeps getting interrupted. News Link  •  WAR: About that War
Angela Keaton talks about Anti-war Radio but keeps getting interrupted.
02-12-2010  • 
We talk with Angela Keaton about the controversial radio show she is on as well as her take on foreign policy, but this serious discussion keeps getting interrupted by jackass impersonators at Porcfest.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Tarrin Lupo
U.S. reviewing terrorism suspects procedures News Link  •  Criminal Justice System
U.S. reviewing terrorism suspects procedures
02-13-2010  •  Washington Post 
The White House is reviewing a plan to require the Justice Department and FBI to consult with the CIA before deciding to inform terrorism suspects arrested in the US that they have the right to remain silent and to consult with an attorney  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Bus tunnel victim says she sought help from police News Link  •  Law Enforcers or Peace Officers
Bus tunnel victim says she sought help from police
02-13-2010  •  AP 
15-year-old Aiesha Steward-Baker asked Seattle police for help several times at a shopping center and Macy's in the hour before the attack. The group followed her from the department store into the bus tunnel where she stood next to 3 guards.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Evolving US strategy widens assault on terrorists News Link  •  TERRORISM
Evolving US strategy widens assault on terrorists
02-13-2010  •  AP 
In the early months of his presidency, President Barack Obama's national security team singled out one man from its list of most-wanted terrorists, Baitullah Mehsud, the ruthless leader of the Pakistani Taliban. He was to be eliminated.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Obama to Announce Nuke Plant Loan News Link  •  Energy
Obama to Announce Nuke Plant Loan
02-13-2010  •  AP 
President Barack Obama next week will announce a loan guarantee to build the first nuclear power plant in the United States in almost three decades, an administration official said Friday. The two new Southern Co. reactors to be built in Burke, Ga  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Winter Olympics: Despite luge death, opening ceremony goes on News Link  •  Entertainment: Sports
Winter Olympics: Despite luge death, opening ceremony goes on
02-13-2010  •  AP 
Despite the training-run death earlier in the day of a luger from the country of Georgia, the Olympics' opening ceremonies were launched Friday night with a jubilant countdown by the crowd filling BC Place Stadium. The festive mood, including a s  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Snow in all 50 states? New storm could make that true. News Link  •  Weather News - Links - History
Snow in all 50 states? New storm could make that true.
02-13-2010  •  Christian Science Monitor 
Three hundred plow trucks are lined up to combat an afternoon rush-hour snowstorm in Georgia, including traffic-congested Atlanta. In Mobile, Ala., kids are poised for a rare snowball fight. And fat flakes are already falling in Blountstown, Fla.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
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