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Date Sent: 2008-01-24
Freedom's Phoenix Headline News for Thursday, January 24, 2008
New tourist spacecraft unveiled -- World's Largest Bond Insurers Collapsing

Empire and the Economy by Jacob G. Hornberger -- Padilla's Sentence Should Shock and Disgust All Americans -- Foreign Thought Police Target US Candidates -- Vietnam Veterans Against McCain website launched -- Ron Paul and Thomas Jefferson By Greg Dixon -- Abolish the Federal Income Tax and Replace with Nothing by Christine Smith -- MISH: Faith In The Fed: The Last Bubble To Pop -- SupREAM Court Justices Broaden Immunity for Feds -- FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds spills her secrets -- Going Bankrupt: The US's greatest threat by Chalmers Johnson -- Bernanke to Cut Rates Further -- 350,000 Palestinians flood into Egypt after blowing up border wall -- SunTrust Bank: 98% Fall in Net 4th Quarter Earnings -- Bush Becomes Supplicant for Saudi's Aid to Help Avoid Recession -- Court to determine merit of Ariz. scholarship credit -- Govt' red ink expected to get deeper -- Early Louisiana Caucus Results: Rumors that Ron Paul Did Well

Advice to Ron Paul Supporters From an Old Socialist News Link  •  Eugenics
Advice to Ron Paul Supporters From an Old Socialist
1-23-2008  •  Nolan Chart 
Ron Paul supporters should take some advice that Eugene V. Debs gave his supporters almost one hundred years ago. That might sound strange since the differences between the two men are much more obvious than the similarities.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Mental Note: Do Not Print Stuff From The Internet In Afghanistan News Link  •  WAR: About that War
Mental Note: Do Not Print Stuff From The Internet In Afghanistan
1-23-2008  •  Techcrunch 
The US backed government in Afghanistan has sentenced a 23 year old internet user to death in a secret trial based on a document he printed off the internet. Sayad Parwez Kambaksh’s crime was printing a document from the internet that allegedly “v  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Empire and the Economy<br>by Jacob G. Hornberger News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Empire and the Economy
by Jacob G. Hornberger

1-23-2008  •  FFF 
It’s quite amusing to watch U.S. officials, presidential candidates, and mainstream-media types presenting plans to “revive the economy.” They all operate on the assumption that a recession, like terrorism, is some sort of mysterious disease that per  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Padilla's Sentence Should Shock and Disgust All Americans News Link  •  Criminal Justice System
Padilla's Sentence Should Shock and Disgust All Americans
1-23-2008  •  Antiwar 
The news that U.S. citizen José Padilla has received a prison sentence of 17 years and four months should provoke outrage in the United States, although it is unlikely that there will be much more than a whimper of dissent.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Foreign Thought Police Target US Candidates News Link  •  Eugenics
Foreign Thought Police Target US Candidates
1-23-2008  •  Antiwar 
Caroline Glick cracks the whip: Paul, Obama, and Huckabee smeared as "bigots"  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Vietnam Veterans Against McCain website launched News Link  •  Eugenics
Vietnam Veterans Against McCain website launched
01-23-2008  • 
Wow! Learn all about McCain's sordid past in one convenient website. He'll probably draft a law against this sort of thing...  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Trouser Chili
Ron Paul and Thomas Jefferson
By Greg Dixon
Opinion  •  Constitution
Words Eye View
Ron Paul and Thomas Jefferson By Greg Dixon
Greg J Dixon
   Thomas Jefferson for President By Marty Tate Ok…let’s talk about the election. Take note: I want to give you some hard facts. This is NOT some impartial candidate comparison. I fully intend on telling you who I plan to vote for and who I DON’T plan
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Abolish the Federal Income Tax and Replace with Nothing by Christine Smith
News Link  •  TAXES: Federal
Abolish the Federal Income Tax and Replace with Nothing by Christine Smith
01-23-2008  •  The Nolan Chart website 
The choice is between liberty or tyranny.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Christine -
On the Trail With: Ron Paul News Link  •  Politics: Republican Campaigns
On the Trail With: Ron Paul
1-23-2008  •  ABC News 
Up close with Ron Paul as the only reporter traveling with him in his SUV. [I don't know why, but Glen Jacobs' cameo in this video cracks me up]  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Brock Lorber
Faith In The Fed: The Last Bubble To Pop News Link  •  Federal Reserve
Faith In The Fed: The Last Bubble To Pop
1-23-08  •  Michael Shedlock / Mish 
If the Fed, Congress, and Central Banks would just stop and think, they would realize they already "did" something. They created the biggest credit bubble in history and now we are on the backside....  Read Full Story
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He is the one that started this Revolution Beeyotch :) News Link  •  Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings
He is the one that started this Revolution Beeyotch :)
1-23-2008  •  Shelton -- 
Just trying to lighten things up a little! Now we can go back to work for Ron Paul...  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Forty Four O Nine
SupREAM Court Justices Broaden Immunity for Feds News Link  •  Law Enforcers or Peace Officers
SupREAM Court Justices Broaden Immunity for Feds
1-23-2008  •  NY Times 
Federal law enforcement officers are immune from lawsuits for mishandling, losing or even stealing personal property that comes under their control in the course of their official duties, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-to-4 decision. [sweet]  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
New tourist spacecraft unveiled News Link  •  Space Travel and Exploration
New tourist spacecraft unveiled
01-23-2007  •  New York Times 
Burt Rutan, the creator of SpaceShipOne, unveiled detailed models of Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo and its carrier airplane, WhiteKnightTwo.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Mike Renzulli
FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds spills her secrets.

by Philip Giraldi News Link  •  Conspiracies
FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds spills her secrets. by Philip Giraldi
1-23-2008  •  American Conservative 
Most Americans have never heard of Sibel Edmonds, and if the U.S. government has its way, they never will. The former FBI translator turned whistleblower tells a chilling story of corruption at Washington’s highest levels"sale of nuclear secrets, shi  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
¿APOCALIPSIS O CREATIVA DESTRUCCION? Opinion  •  Mexican United States Relations
Reflexiones Libertarias
Ricardo Valenzuela
   Al inicio de cada día, un evento que me produjera gran placer al encender mi computadora y conectarme a sucesos mundiales, se ha convertido en algo semejante al terror que en nuestra niñez nos invadía cuando, para ir de pesca a la presa de Hermosillo
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World's Largest Bond Insurers Collapsing News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
World's Largest Bond Insurers Collapsing
1-21-08  • 
Ambac and MBIA, the two largest bond insurers in the world, are careening toward collapse.  Read Full Story
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Going Bankrupt: The US's greatest threat - by Chalmers Johnson News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Going Bankrupt: The US's greatest threat - by Chalmers Johnson
1-23-08  •  Asia 
The fact that we did not modernize or replace our capital assets is one of the main reasons why, by the turn of the 21st century, our manufacturing base had all but evaporated.  Read Full Story
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Hamas 'spent months cutting through Gaza wall in secret operation' News Link  •  Palestine -- Israel
Hamas 'spent months cutting through Gaza wall in secret operation'
1-23-2008  •  London Times 
The wall had already been sliced through before the explosions brought it down.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Bernanke to Cut Rates Further, Faster to Buoy Growth News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Bernanke to Cut Rates Further, Faster to Buoy Growth
1-23-2008  •  Bloomberg 
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke has decided inflation concerns have faded enough to let him cut interest rates further and faster to keep the U.S. from tipping world economies into recession.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
350,000 Palestinians flood into Egypt after blowing up border wall News Link  •  Israel
350,000 Palestinians flood into Egypt after blowing up border wall
1-23-08  • 
"Those people are hungry for freedom, for food and for everything," said an Egyptian shopkeeper who gave her name only as Hamida, as she surveyed shelves that had been emptied swiftly by Gazans....  Read Full Story
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SunTrust Bank: 98% Fall in Net 4th Quarter Earnings News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
SunTrust Bank: 98% Fall in Net 4th Quarter Earnings
1-23-08  • 
SunTrust Banks Inc.'s fourth-quarter net income fell 98% as the company recorded a higher-than-expected $555 million in write-downs and reported soaring credit costs.  Read Full Story
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Bush Becomes Supplicant for Saudi's Aid to Help Avoid Recession News Link  •  Foreign Policy
Bush Becomes Supplicant for Saudi's Aid to Help Avoid Recession
1-23-2008  •  Bloomberg 
The Saudi monarchy once depended on the U.S. to protect its reign and its oil from foes like Saddam Hussein. These days, President Bush needs the world's biggest exporter of crude more than it needs him. With oil at about $90 a barrel, the U.S. e  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Court to determine merit of Ariz. scholarship credit News Link  •  Arizona's Top News
Court to determine merit of Ariz. scholarship credit
1-23-2008  •  Arizona Republic 
Money that helps to send about 25,000 kids to private and religious schools will be on the line Thursday as a federal appeals court hears oral arguments in an eight-year-old challenge to Arizona's scholarship-tax-credit law.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
 Govt' red ink expected to get deeper News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Govt' red ink expected to get deeper
1-23-2008  •  AP 
The latest deficit projections from the Congressional Budget Office forecast a sea of red ink that will only deepen under plans to jump-start the economy with tax cuts and government spending.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Tens of thousands cross downed Gaza wall News Link  •  Palestine -- Israel
Tens of thousands cross downed Gaza wall
1-23-2008  •  AP 
Tens of thousands of Palestinians poured from the Gaza Strip into Egypt Wednesday after masked gunmen with explosives destroyed most of the seven-mile wall dividing the border town of Rafah. see also:  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Early Louisiana Caucus Results: Rumors that Ron Paul Did Well News Link  •  Eugenics
Early Louisiana Caucus Results: Rumors that Ron Paul Did Well
01-23-2008  •  Mondoreb 
At this early hour, the only reports from the Louisiana GOP Caucuses are rumors that Ron Paul did well in several locations and an explanation of the complicated process.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Randy Ricochet
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