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Forty Four O Nine
Short Diaries of the Phoenix Revolution and our pursuit of liberty! 

Current Columns and Articles

Feature Article
4409 -- Welcome back :) 
   We will be coming back on air...Please share with friends :)
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Feature Article
4409 -- Welcome back :) 
   We will be coming back on air...Please share with friends :)
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Feature Article
4409 -- Syria Explained: Is America funding Terrorists?  
   I could not go into the all the myriad of other issues regarding Syria but wanted to explain the basic fundamentals of why we are in Syria.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Sean Hannity claims he has orgasms from praying.  
   This is Sean Hannity decoded for sheep. This is what Sean Hannity sounds like to people who are awake.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Cop Shot in FACE ambushing Resident  
   The "no-knock" tactic should be called ambushing and when you ambush people they get startled and are prone to act out of the normal human behavior of self preservation.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Moonlighting Cop tazed with his own tazer 
   This is EXACTLY why private companies should hire private security guards that are NOT 'off duty' police. When officers moonlight they just escalate problems.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Easter Bunny revisited 
   Easter Bunny revisited
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Feature Article
4409 -- Woman gets 16 years SUPERVISED SLAVE Probation 
   (VIDEO) A Phoenix woman get 16 years Supervised probation for a stupid mistake.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Slave Masters, Voting, Stockholm Syndrome, Gerrymandering. 
   On the Mike Broomhead show talking about Slaves voting for their masters.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Albuquerque Police Execute "illegal" Camper  
   (VIDEO) of the free..USA USA USA :)
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Feature Article
4409 -- Help for Ukraine or Propaganda?  
   Statists gonna state :) Help for Ukraine or Propaganda?
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Feature Article
   The Joan Walling Movie Night is back. Come out and have some fun and at the same time learning something. Have a beer or drink...mingle with friends and like minded people and some not so like minded.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Can you call a STATE employee a PIRATE? 
   This case has been going on for close to a year and a half and every step of the way the STATE has lied, delayed and distorted the facts in order to gain conviction.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Freedom Summit 2014 Special Offer Details  
   Freedom Summit 2014 Special Offer Details
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Feature Article
4409 -- What is the Freedom Summit?  
   What is the Freedom Summit?
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Feature Article
4409 -- WTF is Veterans Court?  
   Just another hint that we have multiple classes of people in this country.
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Feature Article
Obama: Stop Government Rape! 
   About one in three women in the military are raped. Sexual abuse of both men and women is widespread.
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Feature Article
4409 -- ANOTHER handcuffed teen murdered in back of squad car  
   ( VIDEO ) DURHAM, N.C. " Officials in North Carolina are investigating how a teen allegedly shot himself in the head while handcuffed in the back of a police cruiser, reports CBS affiliate WNCT.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Black Friday is now officially a sport! 
   Move over black Friday now there is green Thursday :)
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Feature Article
4409 -- There are NO LAWS....only THREATS! 
   There are NO LAWS....only THREATS!
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Feature Article
4409 -- PROOF photo radar scam EPIC FAIL  
   This news clip just proved that the intersection that were the most "dangerous" contained a photo radar camera for scamming people for allegedly red light running.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Photo radar activist targeted by Police accused of disorderly conduct  
   KPHO 5 news: A Valley man claims his First Amendment rights are being trampled on, after he was arrested following a confrontation with a photo radar operator in the city of Scottsdale. Marc Victor
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Feature Article
4409 -- Man accused of strangling, boiling puppy! 
   VIDEO: A Tampa man has been charged with animal cruelty after police say he strangled a family dog, then cut up its body parts and stored it in the freezer for future meals.
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Feature Article
4409 -- NFL player charged with UNCONSTITUTIONAL Gun laws  
   It may come out that Aaron Hernandez is guilty of Murder but he is innocent of those bogus unconstitutional gun charges.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Obama RAPED and EXPOSED in the IRISH Parliament by Clare Daly  
   She accused the parliament of pimping out her nation like prostitutes for Obama....calls him a war criminal and more.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Bomber conveniently leaves Confession note in Boat 
   While supposedly bleeding to death in a boat the Boston bomber conveniently left a 'confession' note on the boat wall where he hid. VIDEO
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Feature Article
4409 -- 9 Sheriffs Beat Father To Death then Steal Cameras from bystanders + 911 CALL 
   The thug gang called Kern County Sheriffs Department goes full Nazi and beats someone to death with billy clubs.
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Feature Article
4409 -- How to fight a DISORDERLY CONDUCT Charge  
   In this video I try to educate people on how to read and understand statutes and the "elements" of a crime. Specifically: 13-2904 a 1 Disorderly conduct; classification
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Feature Article
4409 -- OFFICIAL: "U.S. Senator Menendez is a Terrorist" 
   I knew they did this crap behind closed doors but damn I cannot believe how brazen these people have become. + Phone call
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Feature Article
4409 -- SWAT FAIL: Lebanon Grandpa Assassinated  
   Yet another swat drug raid on the wrong house resulting in the death of a 61 year old grandfather.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Marathon Bombers set up by FBI  
   Who goes out to plant a bomb with their hat on backwards and virtually NO disguise with cameras EVERYWHERE?
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Feature Article
Way Back Machine -- 4409 
   Easter Bunny Fun
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Feature Article
4409 -- United States blatantly admits its creating Terrorism  
   It's not terrorism when we do it! This country has gone off the deep end and its a flat out rogue state. We are acting no better than Assad.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Cop gives ticket then runs STOP SIGN - Hypocrisy  
   Hypocrisy 101 - A Scottsdale cop gives a ticket to a man then no later than 2 minutes does a illegal U-turn and runs a stop sign. If you want to hand out revenue tickets maybe you should come with clean hands.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Half Court Shot for 75k goes to Government  
   A man who made a epic half court hook shot says the money goes to the government.
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Feature Article
   I say Filibuster FAIL because he did not accomplish what I believe he was ultimately trying to do but ran around claiming that he did. NO politician gets a free pass from me.
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Feature Article
4409 -- LAPD Intentionally Burn man Alive "POLICE SCANNER"  
   LAPD Intentionally burn Chris Dorner Alive "Street Justice" Waco 2.0.You can here officers on the live police scanner saying "Get the gas" and "Burn it down"
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Feature Article
4409 -- LAPD slams a woman's face on concrete then FIST BUMP  
   LAPD slams a woman's face on concrete then FIST BUMP
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Feature Article
4409 -- LAPD chase man EXECUTE him Claim Self Defense  
   LAPD chase a man down shoot him in the back and then EXECUTE him at point blank range.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Overlords Pushing for Biometric Online I.D. 
   Went down to the Phoenix convention center to investigate the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group. Lets just say some big, big big, money is being lobbied to create and mandate and biometric online I.D. for you :)
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Feature Article
4409 -- Marathon runners get exposed  
   2013 PF Changs Rock and Roll marathon runners get exposed to a message maybe they're not use to.
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Feature Article
4409 -- NAZI Checkpoint guards go nuts and KICK in car door  
   (VIDEO) A few Nazi Checkpoint / roadblock guards kick in a mans door then lie about it. The man involved has NEVER been in trouble with the law in his entire life and is a teacher.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Sneak Preview: Nazi Checkpoint 2013  
   Insanity at the Blythe inland checkpoint....agents kick in citizens door draw guns on him and more.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Utah Trooper (BUSTED) making false DUI arrests 
   Trooper of the year award winner Lisa Steed is accused of arresting drivers despite passing sobriety tests
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Feature Article
4409 -- Man uses HOV lane with Corporation Papers! 
   California man says he can drive in carpool lane with corporation papers! When Jonathan Frieman of San Rafael, California was pulled over for driving alone in the carpool lane, he argued to the officer that, actually, he did have a passenger.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Bizarre H&R Block Ad talks about ObamaCare TAX  
   What are your thoughts about this?
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Feature Article
4409 -- Political RATS using SANDY as an excuse to Bailout their STATES  
   Watch these GOP rats from bankrupt STATES beg congress for cash.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Happy New Year....another handcuffed person was murdered by police this week.  
   A Southern California teenager who was fatally shot while handcuffed by police last Wednesday.....
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Feature Article
4409 -- Tasers are for Pussies  
   Police are constantly caught torturing people with tasers NOT because they were threatened but rather to teach people a lesson for "disrespecting" them.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Psychotic Congressman: "We gotta get the Guns"  
   Representative Donna Edwards from Maryland wants to use the Sandy Hook tragedy to get your guns. + bonus video 4409 -- Mike Wallace: "Hand guns are weapons of mass destruction"
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Feature Article
2012 Arizona Activist Awards, Patriot Roast & Fundraiser 
   2012 Arizona Activist Awards, Patriot Roast & Fundraiser
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Feature Article
4409 -- Up Close and Personal with Photo Radar 
   Lets get up close and personal with Photo Radar
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Feature Article
2012 Arizona Activist Awards, Patriot Roast & Fundraiser 
   Come out and have a blast on Saturday December 15th 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm while we celebrate the work of Arizona's Activists while raising funds for Activists to defend against bogus charges from the state. Full details inside!
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Feature Article
2012 Arizona Activist Awards, Patriot Roast & Fundraiser 
   Come out and have a blast on Saturday December 15th 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm while we celebrate the work of Arizona's Activists while raising funds for Activists to defend against bogus charges from the state. Full details inside!
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Feature Article
4409 -- Hack the Matrix...expect this Response 
   Hack the Matrix...expect this Response.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Hank Hill discovers Obama 
   Hank Hill discovers his son is secretly listening to tapes of Obama.
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Feature Article
4409 -- MENTAL Circle Jerk with a STATIST 
   Officer Jiggles tries to argue in favor of authoritarianism with "underwear boy"
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Feature Article
4409 -- SnowBall explains the Sinister Roots behind "Thanksgiving" 
   Snowball tries to explain to a brain dead American the sinister roots behind the holiday we call "Thanksgiving"
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Feature Article
2012 Arizona Activist Patriot Roast & Fundraiser 
   ::::::NOTE:::::: If you wish to pay at the door please call 480. 788. 44O9 and leave your name on the message and we will put you on the list....its that easy :) If you cannot afford the roast but want to go please call ASAP!
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Feature Article
4409 -- Phoenix Pirates now using K9's as warrants to randomly search houses 
   K9's are the biggest scam ever used by "police" to circumvent the 4th amendment. The police are now in "training" on how to
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Feature Article
4409 -- Political Gang Rape 2012 
   Watch these idiots lie and battle it out for for the golden stupidity fest award 2012.
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Feature Article
4409 -- VOTE FOR THE DEAD GUY 2012  
   Its that time of year.... to keep the illusion alive!
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Feature Article
4409 -- We will be dismissed as rebel-rousers and agitators 
   We will be dismissed as rebel-rousers and agitators....but we shall over come.
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Feature Article
4409 -- $cottsdale Police call me a terrorist 
   Was approached by a busy body cop that wanted to explain to me what he had been brainwashed to think by watching Hollywood movies and listening to talk radio.
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Feature Article
4409 -- CBS leaks 2012 election results Declares Obama Winner 
   CBS affiliate KPHO channel 5 in Phoenix declares OBAMA Winner of the 2012 Election. Remember folks, Its NOT voter fraud its election fraud.
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Feature Article
4409 -- How to cut the bulls%it from a debate. Arizona House CD #9 
   Condensed 4 minute version of the Arizona Congressional District #9 House Debate Thursday Oct 18th 2012.
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Feature Article
4409 -- (Horrific footage) JEWS tortured in IRAN 
   Horrific footage of Jews being tortured in Iran. Ignorance in not an excuse today with access to a truth button.
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Feature Article
4409 -- (VIDEO PROOF) Statism is a Mental Disorder 
   We decided to go to a corporate funded 9/11 troop worshiping festival of aggression and utilize our god given right to free speech and was met with violence.
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Feature Article
4409 -- New York's 9/11 Museum of Death / Amusement Park  
   New York's 9/11 fraud museum amusement park is not open yet but when it does it will supposedly have an operating budget of 60 million dollars a year. Most of the funding
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Feature Article
4409 -- Cop kills Nude Unarmed Alabama student...WTF  
   Cops kill ANOTHER nude unarmed man.....They graduated from killing the mentally ill to killing nude people. This is starting to get ridiculous when cops are such pussies anymore they have to shoot a nude man.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Chaos erupts at GOP LD25 meeting in Mesa.....kicked out for filming...WTF  
   While attending a LD25 GOP legislative district meeting in Mesa....chaos erupted all because we wanted to film the meeting to keep tabs on them. The GOP decided to go all communist MAO on a brotha on film.......ENJOY :)
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Feature Article
4409 -- PHOENIX POLICE: "9/11 Sign Will Cause People to Crash and Die on Highway?"  
   "9/11 Sign Will Cause People to Crash and Die on Highway?"
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Feature Article
Mitt Romney becomes tan around Latinos like a magical political chameleon. 
   Hahhahahahahahahahahahahaha LMFAO...This man is the biggest phony on sick of this lying piece of trash. People who back this man really need to stop living in denial. Who knows what this idiot would look like if he actually went to an Afri
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Feature Article
4409 -- Who is faster in the 40? Jamaal Charles or WTC7  
   Who is faster in the 40? Jamaal Charles or WTC7
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Feature Article
4409 -- Worst Poison Control Advise EVER! 
   Worst Poison Control Advise EVER!
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Feature Article
4409 -- CBS worst news FAIL [[ EVER ]] 
   This has to go down as the most pathetic interview EVER. Seriously, why bother reporting if you can't even ask the most basic question OR maybe he already knew the answer?
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Feature Article
4409 -- VOTE FOR THE DEAD GUY 2012  
   Its that time of year again.... to keep the illusion alive! :)
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Feature Article
4409 -- Ron Paul is starting his own Political Party? 
   Is Ron Paul going to start his own "political" party? More of an Ideological party In my opinion, I think he is headed that way.
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Feature Article
4409 -- This is how effective Inland Checkpoints are :) 
   Although we joke about these checkpoints they're not to be taken lightly. Ask the 1000's of people who get their cars ripped apart then only to be told...sorry, we thought you had drugs. These checkpoints need to go away.
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Feature Article
4409 -- The Huckabee Hypocrisy 
   I'm so sick and tired of these jack a$$es on cable news like Mike Huckabee who pretend to be conservative and Christian then run around advocating the...
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Feature Article
4409 -- O'reilly factor does segment on 4409.....WTF 
   I don't know whether its an honor or dishonor to make in on the SNN - Statist News Network. Seriously, when Bill O'reilly agrees with me...worlds must be
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Feature Article
4409 -- Poisoning kids for cash (Extended Merck Version)  
   Lets all go get stabbed.....YAAAAY!
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Feature Article
4409 -- Is this America? Nazi Checkpoint = CIA drug trafficking  
   To pretend this is not happening is to ignore reality.
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Feature Article
   Is Rand Paul a compromising Judas goat fraud neo-con?
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Feature Article
4409 -- Mercury Injected into Babies Heads for Research (Extended Merck Version)  
   Mercury injected into babies heads for research. Doctors and mothers are lining up to help with the research in which the mother actually pays for the research and is left caring for the baby afterwards with no help from the researchers.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Judge Gets Verbally Bitch Slapped ! 
   This was a court case of mine I recorded about 5 or 6 years ago. Me and the "judge" (commissioner) had a knock down drag out......literally.
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Feature Article
4409 -- (WOW) Cop thwarts Al-Qaeda attack at Middle School Dance 
   Pipe this into the Matrix...Press the like button and share! How do you create more job opportunities for yourself and limit the competition?
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Magazine Article  •  Activism
Using visual communication to promote liberty
by Forty Four O Nine
No matter how small you think your contribution is, just bear in mind that it may actually change someone’s life.
Feature Article
4409 -- Ocean City Police go Nazi Over Electric Bike  
   Spike bravo times 2 minus 6 squad cars and 13 pirates :) (VIDEO)
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Feature Article
4409 -- Si Señor  
   Si Señor
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Feature Article
4409 -- Pirate blatantly lies about License Plate Lamp. 
   Pirates pushing folks to the edge by lying and pulling people over for nothing.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Stick figure slap downs (Photo Radar)  
   The politicians, police, and local news papers said photo radar is about safety. Hmmm, we will just see about that! WARNING CRUDE LANGUAGE!
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Feature Article
4409 -- Stick figure slap downs (SYRIA) 
   Mr. Stick slaps down a cable news watcher
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Feature Article
4409 -- Mesa Police Lynch a Ron Paul Sign  
   Bureaucrats create problems like this everyday by pretending to "own" public land and rent it out like a private business owner. They go to great lengths to make you believe you still own and control things but obviously you don't.
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Feature Article
4409 -- How to Poison Your Child Legally  
   The Town of Gilbert for some reason is pretending to care about your teeth and at the same time poisoning your children.
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Feature Article
4409 -- "YOU" are the one! 
   The Revolution is between your ears. We know the truth!
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Feature Article
4409 -- How to CAPS lock a Highway for Ron Paul  
   80 foot sign waving for Ron a BOSS
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Feature Article
4409 -- LIVE STREAM ? The 80 foot Ron Paul 2012 banner to be utilized this MONDAY! 
   On Presidents day what could be better than expressing the first Amendment by helping to hold the 80 FT Ron Paul banner Monday Feb 20th at 3:30. We need your help. Minimum of atleast 14 people are needed to help.
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4409 -- UPDATE #3 - Help build an 80 foot portable Ron Paul 2012 sign TODAY! 
   We are hoping to put the final touches on our Ron Paul billboard today Friday Feb 17, 2012 and shooting for a victory lap on monday around 4:00 pm. Come out to Ernies today and lets get this thing done!
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4409 -- UPDATE #2 - Help build an 80 foot portable Ron Paul 2012 sign TODAY! 
   UPDATE 2: The second stage is done. The 80ft Ron Paul 2012 on the front side is painted. The back now has to be drawn out and inked. Meetup tomorrow… Monday Feb 14. 2012 at 3:00PM at Ernie's house
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4409 -- UPDATE: Help build an 80 foot portable Ron Paul 2012 sign TODAY! 
   UPDATE: The first stage is done. The 80ft Ron Paul 2012 is traced out and inked. Meetup tomorrow… Monday Feb 13. 2012 at 3:00PM at Ernie's house
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4409 -- Help build an 80 foot portable Ron Paul 2012 sign TODAY! 
   lets get this thing done before Ron Paul and the other "candidates" show up on Feb 22, 2012 for the Debate in Arizona. Ernie's at 3pm Sunday
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Feature Article
4409 -- Photo Radar Pirate Forgets His Eye Patch 
   Arrrrrrrr. I confronted a would be ATS Pirate at a Well Fargo Bank today. It looked as if he were dropping off some booty he had stolen earlier.
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Feature Article
4409 -- SANTA encounters the STATE  
   Officer Jiggles arrests Santa just before Christmas...WTF
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Feature Article
4409 -- WalletVoting: How to vote with a Silver Bullet 
   Still believe in Diebold?
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Feature Article
4409 -- WalletVoting: How to vote with a Silver Bullet 
   Still believe in Diebold?
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Feature Article
4409 -- Beavis and Butt-head discover 
   Beavis and Butt-head discover and find out 9/11 was an inside job.
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Feature Article
4409 -- We're back 
   Here are some quick clips of a few videos we have coming soon!
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Feature Article
4409 -- Hank Hill discovers Obama is a lying piece of sh%t 
   Hank Hill discovers Obama is like every other politician
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Feature Article
4409 -- Herman Cain tries to mimic Obama's logo 
   Herman Cain ad FAIL
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Feature Article
"BLACKthisOUT" money bomb designs! 
   Don't forget about the "BLACKthisOUT" Ron Paul money bomb October 19th Please use designs by right clicking and copy. Use as facebook profile pics
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Feature Article
   CITY OF SCOTTSDALE IS TRYING TO REWRITE HISTORY. Click full story for MAP and INFO. WHEN: TONIGHT at 5:00 to ? WHERE: City Hall Kiva Forum 3939 North Drinkwater Boulevard Scottsdale, AZ please attend!!!
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Feature Article
Art Project Sends Big Message To Fed 
   A huge piece of artwork is about to send a big message about money, taking 117 shipping containers to spell out a six-letter phrase.
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We now have ADOT goons ticketing people....WTF 
   We now have ADOT goons pirating people on the highway to make cash for STATE employees to live confortably till they retire in 20 years with full pension and benifits....must be nice to steal this easily.
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London Riots. (The BBC will never replay this. Send it out)  
   Darcus Howe, a West Indian Writer and Broadcaster with a voice about the riots. Speaking about the mistreatment of youths by police leading to an up-roar
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Magazine Article  •  Agriculture
by Forty Four O Nine
Why should your property be ransacked by some goons just because some corporate farmers think by doing so it will keep their fruit unblemished?
Feature Article
4409 -- Political control Freaks take over Farmers Market  
   In order to sell your home grown fruit at the now centrally planned "farmers market" you must submit a "crop plan" and have your Garden inspected by filling out a "farm schedule"
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4409 -- Freaked out for using Silver dime 
   Farmers market freak out for attempting to "purchase" oranges with a 1946 dime
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4409 -- Dog Murderer on the loose...OMG 
   SWAT style raid insues over a man who decided to put his dog down himself INSTEAD of feeding the STATE and the Humane (LOL) Society by using their poison injection techniques.
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Feature Article
Come Visit Beautiful Fascist Arizona 
   Father’s Day: A Valleywide Guide to the Police State Sponsored by Corrections Corporation of America " We Know Fathers™
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Feature Article
4409 -- FDA: Arsenic recently discovered in Chicken is not bad for you?....WTF 
   FDA: Some chicken may contain arsenic....Its all good......Arsenic will soon be labeled as a vitamin :) This story is beyond bizarre
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4409 -- Federal Reserve won't give me "LAWFUL" money?  
   Legal tender does NOT make it "lawful money" A dollar "bill" or reserve "note" is just an elaborate IOU and a legal contract which they do not seem to want to honor.
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4409 -- Handicap putting their mark on the Revolution making 4409 Pirate Shirts 
   Having the shirts made by them is like buying truly organic. It costs more, but its better for you in the long run!
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Hidden Sources of MSG: in regular & organic foods! 
   Recently I made some stew in a crock-pot and I specifically bought Items which I thought contained no MSG. After I ate it I felt bad and did not understand why. I knew something was wrong. For those of you who haven’t had time to do a little research
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4409 -- Ron Paul 2012...We're Getting the Band Back Together!  
   Ron Paul is going to announce that he is running for President tomorrow on the ABC's good morning America a Paul source told POLITICO so the Phoenix Revolutionaries decided to get the band back together by making signs and putting them up.....its on!
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4409 -- NYSE chief Dick Grasso "TOWERS were IMPLODED" 
   Dick Grasso was the head of the New York Stock Exchange on 9/11 and now comes out and says the twin towers were imploded. We all knew this 9 years ago're a little late.
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   Is this about fruit flies or really about state tax revenue and control over goods and services?
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   We had this encounter at the Winterhaven fruit checkpoint on the California Arizona border.
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   We were stopped at an agricultural inspection station roadblock on our way to San Diego. This is inspection station was created to control COMMERCIAL goods entering into the state.
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Feature Article
4409 -- Border Patrol changing name to Inland Compliance Squad in 2012 
   Border Patrol will be their changing name to Inland Compliance Squad in early 2012
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4409 -- Giuliani vs. Loughner 
   Rudy Giuliani and Jared Loughner battled Sunday to see who the most mentally ill between the two of them.....Who has more mental problems?
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4409 -- Jared Loughner = Mini 9/11? 
   Congress goes nuts....makes more ignorant laws. Are Prescription drugs behind another deranged killer?
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4409 -- Harry Reid: "I vote 99% of the time to increase the debt"  
   On th Sunday Meet the Press interview Senator Harry Reid admits right to your face he voted 99% of the time to increase the debt.
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4409 -- TSA photocopies a mans credit cards and other personal documents  
   TSA Molesting a mans credit cards and other personal documents for no reason. (Warning explicit language)
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4409 -- Santa gets a Photo Radar ticket  
   Redflex: Stealing dreams and toys from children since 2001
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4409 -- Photo Radar ticket FRAUD...even on Christmas Eve  
   We take the way back machine two years ago to this day where we were showing the fraud which is photo radar....even on Christmas eve! There is no shame in the Governments game that is for sure :)
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4409 -- Porn addict applies at TSA 
   Nudie magazine addict applies at TSA and feels comfortable with fondling and the nude scanners as long he is allowed to take the pictures home for "research" purposes.
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4409 -- Israeli public relations Soldier ethically uses White Phosphorous on children? 
   Checkpoints are everywhere and they are manned by the IDF, which restricts their movement ON THEIR LAND! The Israelis also control all their food, water and resources. This would be similar to a black family with a Klansman neighbor that controls the
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Feature Article
4409 -- VOTE FOR THE DEAD GUY 2010  
   Its that time of year.... to keep the illusion alive!
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4409 -- Should we torture the 9/11 commission...... 
   Why bother burning a kuran when you can burn a book with more lies on page one than all the sciptures in the world combined.
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4409 -- Pastor burns Koran so we burn 9/11 commision Report  
   India "condemns" a plan by a Florida pastor to burn copies of the Koran.
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4409 -- Demolition Company: "WTC 7 Imploded"  
   I decided to call a demolition company out of Texas and ask them about 9/11.....Needless to say some interesting words were exchanged
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4409 -- How much CHAOS can just one sign Create? 
   Counting the cars that day we figured we voted about 75,000 times :)
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4409 -- When Census Workers Attack  
   How to handle a Census Worker....Part 2
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4409 -- Arizona Candidates get Blasted at Politics on the Rocks!  
   The legitimacy of all these candidates has to go.....Its just the same bullsh%t spewed over and over no matter what party or people they claim to represent.
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Wiping Israel off the map...blah blah blah 
   This video explains the scam
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Israel wants to wipe Arabic culture off the map 
   (VIDEO) Israel will be burning kids next....this is insane.
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4409 -- PARENT charged for Making Her Kid Ride the Bus...WTF  
   (VIDEO) Prosecutors and other STATE employess are nothing but parasites because they do not have a job unless they are feeding off the public either by hook or crook.
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4409 -- Arizona Sheriffs sellout and support amnesty! 
   Local Sheriffs selling out and supporting amnesty...How pathetic can you get? Enough is enough of this circus
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4409 -- It's HOT out, so I though we could cool back down! 
   1.1 million in 31 that crazy?? probably but we sure will stir up some noise doing it :)
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4409 -- Changing the Toilet  
   Think you're going to vote your freedom back?
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4409 -- Possibly the Dumbest Caller in England  
   Last time I checked we were the one's unconstitutionally invading countries left and right and conducting coup's all over the world.
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4409 -- You still have time! 
   You still have time and guess who is in that picture and win a FREE prize courtesy of 4409 :)
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4409 -- Paranoid COP asking for my Papers  
   Here is yet another Notice of claim with their bond company Risk Management....
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4409 -- Congressman Etheridge goes Sean Penn on a young student in the street REMIX  
   Extremist Rep Bob Etheridge of North Carolina goes Sean Penn on two young students in the street
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4409 -- SB1070 for Dummies  
   SB1070 for Dummies...Russell Pearce Edition
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4409 -- Arizona...Home of Dark Helmet and Papers Please!  
   I guess Janet Brewer is the Lord Sith and we all know who the storm troopers are :)
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Rabbi Weiss Criticizes Zionist Occupation of Palestine  
   This Message was NOT approved by Mike (zionist) Renzulli....Rabbi Weiss Criticizes Zionist Occupation of Palestine
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Palestinians protest against stolen land and kidnappings at night  
   "The village of Bilin is literally on the frontline of Israel's confiscation of Palestinian land and the construction of its separation barrier,"
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Israeli terrorists ADMIT using white phosphorus in Gaza civilian areas (Warning Graphic) 
   This message was approved by Mike Renzulli ---- When white phosphorus lands on skin it burns deeply through muscle and into the bone, continuing to burn until deprived of oxygen.
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Flotilla humanitarian activist 'shot 30 times' by Israeli pirate terrorists 
   Actual footage of a man that was shot in the face and head who was trying to keep the pirate terrorists from boarding the ship and killing them.
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4409 -- Was JESUS a Palestinian?  
   This is a short trailer of outakes of our documentary to be released next week. It's called Christian Zionism -The tragedy and the turning.
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4409 -- A shot out to that used car salesman / Pretendatarian W.A.R. 
   W.A.R. is beyond a snake oil salesman. he is the oil itself...
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4409 -- How to handle a Census Worker  
   They are trying to collect personal information for those loons in Washington which they do not need to know.....for instance....MY NAME.
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4409 -- PROP 100 = BAILOUT 
   What other business do you know of that the CEO and the Board of Directors can blow the companies money, then threaten their employees with terminations o they will run around lobbying the people for a bailout
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Greatest smack down EVER on Youtube! 
   Greatest smack down EVER on Youtube!
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4409 -- Psychopath, liar, flip flopper, scam artist, legislative terrorist, John McCain 
   Be careful what you wish for...the cheering of a corrupt government to issue biometric federal I.D.slave cards to illegals will only lead to you having that same card.
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4409 -- Arrested over Arizona's Real I.D. Paper's Please SB1070 bill  
   Now everyone who is stopped gets their information and data transmitted to Homeland security via your drivers license number or your social security number or your name. This was not allowed until this bill was passed.
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Two KIDS decide to MOLEST the POPE  
   Pope Benedict XVI was satirically molested by two Berkeley kids in this episode of BetterBadNews
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4409 -- McCain admits Americans are the Enemy Belligerents  
   Overall, this bill seeks to create a new category of prisoner / detainee called the “Unprivileged Enemy Belligerent” and this bill specifically states that it can include American citizens.
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4409 -- My Pre-emptive Hitpiece on a Hitpiece 
   Exposing the lies and distortions on MSNBC's documentary - Timothy McVeigh Tapes: Confessions of an American Terrorist
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4409 -- Police now using photo radar pics to defame people in public! 
   First they pick pocket you on the streets, now they are using the images without your consent to defame you in the public. This is a prime example of why these video surveillance cameras have to go.
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4409 -- Photo Radar Police Bribery Bill Exposed and Explained 
   (Video) They are throwing jobs and cash at law enforcement in an attempt to give them a stake in keeping the photo radar scam going. This is down right pathetic.
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4409 -- Photo Radar Executive is worried about HIS privacy?  
   Redflex photo radar scam executive Jay Heiler refuses to show me his car so I can take down his VIN# and license plate. That's strange, because I remember Jay telling us "If you're not doing anything wrong, then why do you care"
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ABC 15 NEWS covers photo radar Easter Bunny 
   TEMPE, AZ -- The Easter bunny put in a lot of hard work here in the Valley over the past 24 hours.
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4409 -- Easter bunny eggs photo radar!  
   4409 Easter special...Even Peter cottontail is tired of the fraud!
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4409 -- This is why Congressman should be drug tested!  
   A prime example on video of why congressman should be drug tested before and after every vote!
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4409 -- Judicial misconduct Exposed: Judge Caryl K. Parker 
   (VIDEO) Please call the Commission on Judicial Conduct today and ask that Carly K. Parker bar# 005833 be investigated, suspended and/or fired for judicial misconduct. (602) 452-3200.
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BetterBadNews --TRUTH IN LIGHTS 
   The addition of the third beam of light to the Tribute in Light memorial at ground zero
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4409 -- Motorcycle Pirate on the loose! 
   Renee noticed a few Pirates on their $26,000 taxpayer funded motorcycles hiding in the bushes by her house stopping people for absolutely NO REASON.
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4409 -- Russell Pearce: Due Process is overrated 
   ANY legislator who votes for HB2632 / SB1070 it is an accomplice in the theft of the people’s property. Nothing like legislating yourself the right to steal right? Racketeering at its finest. RICO….You give them an inch and they take a mile
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Pearce Amnesty bill is putting representatives jobs in jeopardy! 
   Arizona Senators and Representatives are putting their jobs in jeopardy because of Russel Pearce and his amnesty bill HB2632 / SB1070
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4409 -- 100% Proof your Government loves you!  
   Don't worry, the government is spraying your family with Flinstone vitamins not barium or aluminum..its for your own health.
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4409 -- Russell Pearce's bill grants Amnesty to Law Enforcement 
   Russell Pearce claims law enforcement acts on our behalf and that is why they deserve infinite amnesty from prosecution and civil suits.
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(BUSTED)...again..Defense Lawyer says NY synagogue-bomb plot was FED'S idea 
   BUSTED...again..."The government knew their case had been a government-inspired creation from day one and that the defendants had NOT been independently seeking weapons or targets"
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4409 -- Please forward to Russell (You have no due process) Pearce! 
   Russell wants to give his son the ability to steal your car with NO DUE PROCESS. Violate your 4th amendment and arrest you on assumptions. Wow, how convenient to just legislate theft, exemptions from prosecutions and civil lawsuits. What a hero!
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4409 -- The $500,000 Audit...WTF 
   I'm not really picking on David Cavozos as much as I'm exposing the unelected pirate position in which he just happens to hold :)
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   Barbara Ehrenreich's Elevating Dissent on BetterBadNews.
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4409 -- Party Crashers? 
   White House Party Crashers?
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4409 -- Some helpful tips for John McCain after the election 
   I think John will find these tips helpful after the upcoming election.
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4409 -- Not Guilty vs Innocent 
   Not Guilty vs Innocent...what are your thoughts?
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4409 -- Cops vs. Firefighters 
   Officer Jiggles is at it again!
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4409 -- Officer Jiggles 
   I wonder what the true meaning of this is :)
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4409 -- How to handle a Cop in your Underwear 
   Mr. Blister shows you how to handle a Cop in your Underwear :)
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4409 -- Captured CIA funded terrorist confesses  
   Nobel Peace prize winner and illegal alien Obama is named as one of the actors supporting terrorism in IRAN.
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4409 -- The right and wrong way to stop photo radar! 
   Nibbler and Dewey are at it again... but this time Dewey has a 99.9% chance of going to jail :)
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4409 -- Nibbler & Dewey discuss photo radar tickets 
   Photo Radar is FRAUD and nothing more than a money grab with a side order of 24hr surveillance . As much as they want to say it's for the children...It's NOT for the children.
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4409 -- Declaring your Independence 
   Ernest Hancock shows you how to declare your state's Independence...because In 1994, he did just that!
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4409 -- Joe Stacks Audio Manifesto. 
   I had this made for my viewers...its the full audio transcript of Andrew Joseph Stacks manifesto. His final goodbyes to the American people
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Liberal Bill O’Reilly Supports Gun Confiscation During Weather Emergencies 
   Bill O’Reilly interviewed the founder of the Oathkeepers tonight. During their discussion O’Reilly supported gun confiscation during hurricanes. He told the Oathkeeper that his views on the Second Amendment were extreme.
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Source: FBI Knew Austin Plane Crash Was Coming  
   A trusted source has told this office that the FBI knew Austin was going to be attacked today and had dispatched officers from its Dallas headquarters yesterday afternoon to be in place for today’s incident.
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Eyewitness: Hazmat Teams In Place Before Austin Plane Crash  
   (VIDEO) Eyewitness: Hazmat Teams In Place Before Plane Crash
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4409 -- CEO wears flag upside down! 
   (VIDEO) This man is taking a risk and he was aware of it..
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4409 -- H2O makes your kid stupid 
   I call the water department in Gilbert, AZ and praise them for putting fluoride in the water because there is nothing more annoying than a loud azz kid :)
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   If police and fire are 78% of the budget like he says I say cut the shit out of it. I see cops all over Phoenix driving doubles in TAHOES mind you and when they pull someone over 3 other cars pull up
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4409 -- FDA employee admits Aspartame is Poison 
   (VIDEO) FDA employee admits Aspartame is Poison
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Police and Prosecuters openly admit stealing mans firearms...WTF 
   (video) Gregory D. Girard, 45, was arrested Tuesday night for allegedly storing several tear gas grenades and explosive pepper ball projectiles. He was also charged with the illegal possession of four police batons LOL
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4409 -- Coffee party to wake up the tea parties 
   The tea parties were started by liberty loving Ron Paulers but have been high jacked by the republican party hack neo-cons. So we are starting the coffee party to wake those people up to true liberty
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4409 -- Illegal Alien at Checkpoint tries to steal my Camera 
   The checkpoint is an hour from the actual border and is NOT to catch illegals like they would have you believe.
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4409 -- (Complete) State of the Republic Address by Ron Paul 
   This is the full 20 min address on one video.
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4409 -- Poison control says industrial waste is good for you! 
   I called the Poison control center in Arizona 602-253-3334 to inform them that while visiting my friend in Gilbert, Arizona I mistakenly drank the tap water which contains poison
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4409 -- Calling Army Corps to collect $1000 
   (VIDEO) I call the Army Corps to inform them of crimes being committed and try to collect my $1000 snitch fee!
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4409 -- Jet Lacey explains QIK 
   Jet Lacey explains QIK
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Local Meetup planning to oust Liberal Amnesty lover John McCain 
   The tyrant in the Senate seat must go, period. "We The People" have had enough. You are fired Mr.McCain.
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4409 -- O'reilly Vs. Berman RANT OFF....who won? 
   (VIDEO) We all need to lighten up and have some fun once and awhile so I made this RANT off between O'reilly and Chris Berman.
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4409 -- NAZI Checkpoint Guards get a taste of their own medicine! 
   The border patrol plays a vital part in this nations security AS long as they are ON THE ACTUAL BORDER. That is why they are called "BORDER PATROL" not "INLAND PATROL." :)
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4409 -- 6,700 DVD's for Operation Quartszite. 
   (VIDEO) This is just round one...we're going back again with more. We burned over 6,700 DVD's and took them to Quartszite,
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4409 -- Give a COP a ticket :) 
   (VIDEO step by step process) how to give a cop a information ticket! Just having a little fun down by the court house....
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TSA Admits Placing Cocaine In Woman’s Luggage....WTF 
   The last thing we expect is a joke from a Transportation Security Administration screener - particularly one this stupid.
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4409 -- Senator elect Scott Brown tells voters to F%ck off 
   (Actual footage) Republicans and Democrats alike were drawing lessons from Republican Scott Brown's win in Massachusetts even before it happened, in an attempt to replicate the lies and bullshit that was spewing from his mouth.
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Chavez: US weapon test caused Haiti earthquake 
   U.S. navy launched a weapon capable of inducing a powerful earthquake off the shore of Haiti. He adds that this time it was only a drill and the final target is ... destroying and taking over Iran.
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4409 -- JFK Committed Suicide 
   Who was head of CIA when Kennedy was assassinated? Who was vice president when there was an assassination attempt on Ronald Regan?
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4409 -- The Revolution Will Rise....Martin Luther King Jr speech 
   This video is not necessarily about Dr. King. This video is about how civil disobedience and other non-violent means can change the world.
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Well we did it...The US bombed Yemen with NO constitutional authority. 
   Video on the internet allegedly showing the aftermath of the attack which they say murdered 120 innocent civilllians!
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4409 -- First RON PAUL 2012 billboard...The Revolution Continues 
   The Ron Paul Revolution started in Arizona and 4409, Morpheus, Tesla and many others in the Phoenix Revolution and across the NATION are lighting that brush fire again. Viva Revolution...lets have some fun :)
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Christmas 'Crotch Bomber' Cover-up & the Chertoff Connection 
   (VIDEO) Israeli Zionist Dual Citizen and son of Mossad Founders, Michael Chertoff, Linked to Body Scanner Manufacturer...
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The 9/11 Cheney Connection 
   (VIDEO) Motive - oil pipeline, Halliburton contracts, Iraq war, government power
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Police Using Drones To Spy on Americans 2010 
   (VIDEO) The police plan to use unmanned drones with "high powered cameras" to spy on the American people.
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4409 -- Why Mercury fillings make some people Sick and others around them! 
   (VIDEO) Be EXTREMELY CAREFUL removing mercury fillings. How to safely remove Mercury fillings and find a mercury safe dentist in your area by zip code.
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4409 -- ATS Photo Radar employee caught lying to police on 911 call 
   (VIDEO) Companies like Redflex and ATS lie to police all the time and claim someone is banging on the van. They do this because that is the only way they can get the cops to come and ask people to leave.
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4409 -- Merry Christmas Neo-Cons! 
   VIDEO from the desert in Phoenix, It's a 9 hour round trip to complete the billboards..Thank you to everyone who made this possible....
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4409 -- Your 911 truth billboard :) 
   Video of our trip up north and the billboards we built. Special thanks to Tom of Winslow. We could not have completed this project without you...
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4409 -- Two 48' 9/11 truth billboards on Interstate 40 
   The Phoenix Revolution and many others are going to erect two 10' x 48' billboards of truth on Interstate 40 in Norther Arizona. Please check the 4409 channel for video logs of our progress all this week!
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4409 -- NAZI Checkpoint asking for papers 
   We are on a Mission from God :) This video is dedicated to Pirate K.Celaya #5480 and Prosecuter Jay Cairn....LOL
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4409 -- "After the Revolution" Adam Kokesh 
   Adam Kokesh speaking at the 2009 Freedom Summit in Phoenix, Arizona.
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4409 -- Freedom Summit 2009 details...don't miss this! 
   Dec 4th-5th-6th...We're going to have a great show for you this year so please go to for all the latest details!
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4409 -- 5 Year Old Pulls Out GLOCK .40 
   5 year old Katie is not too happy that congress is not listening to the people and putting her into massive debt!
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4409 -- Photo Radar Pirate steals FRAUD sign 
   Photo Radar Pirate steals FRAUD sign......Happy Thanksgiving ATS
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4409 -- Photo Radar pirate steals FRAUD sign 
   Photo Radar pirate steals FRAUD sign......Happy Thanksgiving ATS
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4409 -- LIVE on BlogTV tonight at 6:00pm AZ Time 
   LIVE on BlogTV tonight at 6:00pm AZ Time..Please come and chat, Join Subscribe or be a guest host.
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4409 -- Is this PROOF that the Police State is coming? 
   Follow 4409 on Twitter -- ... You know last week I had a video of a man getting pulled over on his eletric bike by 7 patrol cars and given $2300 in tickets and some still think it is not a big deal.
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4409 -- Pirates think they can just park anywhere...Question of the day? 
   What can happen just taking a stroll into the local Freash and Easy to buy some carrots and granny smith apples?
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Swine flu vaccines contaminated with avian (bird) flu. Producer admits on Polish TV (TVN). 
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4409 -- 7 Police Cars to Detain Man on Electric Bike...WTF 
   Call the Squaw Peak District Phoenix Pirate Department (602) 495-5007...PIRATE name: Officer J. Schlender #7726...His supervisors are Pirates: Sergeant Coutts and Lieutenant Haller
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100% PROOF U.S.A. has tested DIRTY RAIN to infect AMERICAN CITIZENS! 15 years ago! 
   This video gives testimony from POLICE OFFICERS even that a small town in Washington state was used as testing grounds for the Military's use of RAIN.
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4409 -- Man gets $2300 in tickets riding his electric bike. 
   A load of pirates including 7 ships...errrrrr I mean squad cars and about 17 cops was used to detain a man on an electric bike...WTF
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4409 -- Photo Radar meets the 5th of November 
   Remember, Remember, the 5th of
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Milk The Deadly Poison 
   Milk The Deadly Poison
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