Global Edition Freedom's Phoenix -- "It's Not My Debt" Edition
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Date Sent: 2009-03-05
Freedom's Phoenix Global Edition for Thursday, March 5, 2009
GM Auditors Raise Chapter 11 Bankruptcy -- 1 in 8 Households Late Paying or in Foreclosure

$2 million in lawsuits filed alleging police misconduct at RNC -- Politicians vote to keep addresses private (theirs, not yours) -- Diebold e-voting software includes delete audit logs button -- Another Odd Steven Hayne Autopsy -- What is the Credit Score of the United States? NV: Tonight, Anarchist Weekly Meetup in Las Vegas

Fed Refuses to Release Bank Data on Who Received $1.9 Trillion News Link  •  Federal Reserve
Fed Refuses to Release Bank Data on Who Received $1.9 Trillion
03-05-2009  • 
The Fed refused yesterday to disclose the names of the borrowers and the loans, alleging that it would cast “a stigma” on recipients of more than $1.9 trillion of emergency credit from U.S. taxpayers...  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Flu Vaccines Contaminated with Live, Deadly Avian Flu Virus News Link  •  TERRORISM
Flu Vaccines Contaminated with Live, Deadly Avian Flu Virus
03-05-2009  •  Prison Planet 
on purpose. This is how they are going to kill us all...  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Trouser Chili
Memo to Timmy the tax man: Opinion  •  TAXES: Federal
Memo to Timmy the tax man:
Menckens Ghost
   "No matter how fast you chase me, I can go slow enough so you don’t catch me."
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Citigroup Shares Tumble Below $1 News Link  •  Obama Administration
Citigroup Shares Tumble Below $1
03-05-2009  • 
About two years ago, Citi's market value was above $270 billion. Today its market cap is a little over $5.4 billion.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Detroit journalist still facing felony charges for photographing cop scene News Link  •  Criminal Justice System
Detroit journalist still facing felony charges for photographing cop scene
03-05-2009  •  Photography is Not a Crime 
A Detroit journalist who was arrested last November for taking pictures at a police scene is still facing two felony counts despite the fact that the charges are an obvious act of retaliation from a vengeful prosecutor.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
$2 million in lawsuits filed alleging police misconduct at RNC News Link  •  Police State
$2 million in lawsuits filed alleging police misconduct at RNC
03-05-2009  •  Carlos Miller 
It was only a matter of time before civil suits would be filed against Minnesota police for its overly aggressive and unconstitutional tactics during the 2008 Republican National Convention. Several lawsuits were filed last week. I’m betting more to  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Buckle Up: What's Dead (Short Answer: All Of It) News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Buckle Up: What's Dead (Short Answer: All Of It)
03-05-2009  • 
Civil unrest will break out before the end of the year. The Military and Guard will be called up to try to stop it. They won't be able to. Big cities are at risk of becoming a free-fire death zone.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
More police lies exposed by video cameras News Link  •  Law Enforcers or Peace Officers
More police lies exposed by video cameras
03-05-2009  •  Photography is Not a Crime 
The latest incident shows three Ft. Lauderdale police officers attacking a 22-year-old man in an elevator. As always, police claimed the man had attacked them first. But after prosecutors reviewed surveillance video from the elevator, they reduced th  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Pirate Bay rejects law-breaking claims News Link  •  Internet
Pirate Bay rejects law-breaking claims
03-05-2009  •  The Register 
BitTorrent tech could be used both legally and illegally not only on The Pirate Bay but also via the likes of Google or MySpace. “That someone at The Pirate Bay has a cocky attitude or certain political standpoint is not sufficient to issue a guilty  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Joseph Stiglitz: CNBC interview on 'Cash for Trash' News Link  •  Obama Administration
Joseph Stiglitz: CNBC interview on 'Cash for Trash'
03-05-2009  • 
You may not agree with all of the solutions that Joseph Stiglitz proposes but he understands that the debt should not be borne by the taxpayer.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
MPs vote to keep addresses private (theirs, not yours) News Link  •  Homeland Security
MPs vote to keep addresses private (theirs, not yours)
03-05-2009  •  The Register 
Members of Parliament have voted themselves the right to withhold their names and addresses from publication. Candidates at Parliamentary elections will get the same right. This is perhaps less surprising than it ought to have been. Last May, the Hig  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
GM Auditors Raise the Specter of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
GM Auditors Raise the Specter of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
03-05-2009  • 
General Motors' auditors have raised "substantial doubt" about the troubled automaker's ability to continue operations, and the company said it may have to seek bankruptcy protection if it can't execute a huge restructuring plan  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Diebold e-voting software includes delete audit logs button News Link  •  Voting - Election Integrity
Diebold e-voting software includes delete audit logs button
03-05-2009  •  The Register 
Vote tabulation software currently in use throughout the United States contains a button to permanently delete audit logs that are required under federal voting-system guidelines, according to a report submitted to California's top elections offi  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
1 in 8 Households Late Paying or in Foreclosure News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
1 in 8 Households Late Paying or in Foreclosure
03-05-2009  • 
"While California, Florida, Nevada, Arizona and Michigan continue to dominate the delinquency numbers, some of the sharpest increases we saw last quarter in loans 90 days or more delinquent were in Louisiana, New York, Georgia, Texas and Mississ  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Another Odd Steven Hayne Autopsy News Link  •  Law Enforcers or Peace Officers
Another Odd Steven Hayne Autopsy
03-05-2009  •  The Agitator 
Jeremy Burton tried to rob a motel and was cornered by the cops in a dark alley. Shots were fired and a police officer admitted shooting him. But the autopsy report returned with a very strange result that said Burton swung his arm around a pipe and  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Tonight, Anarchist Weekly Meetup in Las Vegas Feature Article  •  Events: America
Tonight, Anarchist Weekly Meetup in Las Vegas
Powell Gammill
   The Las Vegas Anarchist Cafe meets Thursdays, from 6:00"8:00pm, at The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf in Running Rebel Plaza.
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Obama Muddles while Rome Burns News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Obama Muddles while Rome Burns
03-05-2009  •  arclein 
President Obama is approaching his Herbert Hoover moment and the signs are not positive. Every investor understands that if his friends are losing their homes that his investments will start losing money. The other shoe that has not dropped fully  Read Full Story
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Reported by: robert klein
Mystery Rumbles in OC Not An Earthquake News Link  •  Weather News - Links - History
Mystery Rumbles in OC Not An Earthquake
03-04-2009  •  CBS 
Windows shook, nerves were rattled, dogs barked and everyone thought, maybe, we were getting ready for the big one. More than 70 calls were logged into 911... Experts still don't know what caused the shake and the shimmy.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Camera FRAUD
The great De-Stimulus Package of 2009…and Some Rational Thought Opinion  •  Depression
Theft is still theft, even by Government.
The great De-Stimulus Package of 2009…and Some Rational Thought
Barry Hess
   Things have certainly changed in the last year or two. Somehow, the part of the economy that is felt in the pocketbooks of average Citizens has gone from super-heated and ever-expanding, to ice-cold and losing ground--at about the same incredible ra
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What is the Credit Score of the United States? News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
What is the Credit Score of the United States?
03-04-2009  • blog 
What if the USA's credit score were calculated like our own? What category of home loan would the USA qualify for?  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Trouser Chili
Saturday Morning Arizona Breakfast Club Feature Article  •  Events: Arizona
Saturday Morning Arizona Breakfast Club " March 7th 2009 PhotoRadar Enforcement
Powell Gammill
   Traffic Law Attorney Susan Kayler who will give a lecture on photo radar! This is the preeminent lawyer of photo enforcement. ALSO: Mortgage Renegotiation to stop foreclosure and lower your payments.
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