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Date Sent: 2010-08-04
Freedom's Phoenix Global Edition for Tuesday, August 3, 2010 PM edition
Germany gave assassination list to secret US death squad -- Bombers, missiles to end Iran nukes

Jon Kyl Backs Denying Citizenship To Immigrants' Children -- Virginia AG Rules Police Can Check Immigration Status -- Elena Kagan's confirmation 'all but assured.' -- ACLU, CCR seek to have Obama enjoined from killing Awlaki without due process -- Ensnared by A Fascist Web: Building Dossiers On Internet Users For Feds -- Pending Home Sales Fall to Record Series Low -- Kurt Nimmo: Mandatory 'Service' and the Coming Mass Murder in Iran -- Stranguflation: Deflation and Inflation Where it Hurts America Most -- "Newsweek" sells for a buck! -- 45 die in revenge attacks in Pakistan's Karachi -- The Liberal Media: Rest in Peace - by Stephen Lendman -- Scientists Investigate Possible 'Fear Drug'

Global: Legal Fund Established to Fight Imprisonment of Accused WikiLeaks Whistleblower


Germany gave assassination target list to secret US death squad News Link  •  WAR: About that War
Germany gave assassination target list to secret US death squad
08-03-2010  •  Rawstory 
The German government supplied a secret Pentagon task force with names of Taliban leaders that the US then could target for assassination. The German government abetted a secret program to kill or capture Taliban leaders bypassing transparency and ju  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Bombers, missiles could end Iran nukes News Link  •  Iran
Bombers, missiles could end Iran nukes
08-03-2010  •  Washington Times 
"Almost all [targets] are in isolated areas where civilian casualties would not be much of a problem," Mr. Pike said. "Most of them have co-located staff housing. Bomb the housing, kill the staff, set back the program by a generation."  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Jon Kyl Backs Republican 14th-Amendment Repeal Effort To Deny Citizenship To Immigrants' Childre News Link  •  Immigration
Jon Kyl Backs Republican 14th-Amendment Repeal Effort To Deny Citizenship To Immigrants' Childre
08-03-2010  •  The Huffington Post 
On Sunday, Sen. John Kyl (R-Ariz.) became the highest-ranking Republican to suggest support for the repeal of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Appearing on CBS' Face the Nation, Kyl said that he opposes allowing children of undocumented i  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Reader 2
Virginia AG Rules Officers Can Check Immigration Status News Link  •  Immigration
Virginia AG Rules Officers Can Check Immigration Status
08-03-2010  • 
"It is my opinion that Virginia law enforcement officers, including conservation officers may, like Arizona police officers, inquire into the immigration status of persons stopped or arrested," he wrote.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Reader 2
The Straussian Minime: Elena Kagan's confirmation 'all but assured.'	 News Link  •  Obama Administration
The Straussian Minime: Elena Kagan's confirmation 'all but assured.'
08-03-2010  • 
The decisive vote is all but assured by week's end for President Barack Obama's nominee. Nearly all Democrats and a handful of GOP senators are expected to vote for her, but the two parties are deeply divided over her qualifications.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Afternoon August 3rd 2010 (mp3 repaired)
   Stuart Vener - President of the Wilshire Holding Group, Inc. - Fresh start housing program - Drew Phillips is back from the Axiom Conference to report on the happenings in Salt Lake City when a bunch of freedom activists get together - Newsweek for a
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Morning August 3rd 2010
   The Death of the Lame-Stream Media and the rise of the individual journalist. Ernest explains the uses of FreedomsPhoenix and how you can challenge the status quo on equal terms.
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ACLU, CCR seek to have Obama enjoined from killing Awlaki without due process News Link  •  Criminal Justice System
ACLU, CCR seek to have Obama enjoined from killing Awlaki without due process
08-03-2010  •  Salon / Glenn Greenwald 
The suit claims it is blatantly unconstitutional to deny American citizens the right to have a lawyer, and to deny American lawyers the right to represent clients, without first obtaining a permission slip from Executive Branch [Treasury] officials.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Brock Lorber
Obama mama passport destroyed: Years around Obama's 1961 birth are missing News Link  •  Conspiracies
Obama mama passport destroyed: Years around Obama's 1961 birth are missing
08-03-2010  • 
Responding to a Freedom of Information Act request, the State Department has released passport records of Stanley Ann Dunham, President Obama's mother " but records for the years surrounding Obama's 1961 birth are missing.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Ensnared by A Fascist Web: Building Dossiers On Internet Users For Feds News Link  •  Surveillance
Ensnared by A Fascist Web: Building Dossiers On Internet Users For Feds
08-03-2010  • 
“Every purchase you make with a credit card, every magazine subscription you buy and medical prescription you fill, every Web site you visit and e-mail you send or receive, every academic grade you receive, every bank deposit you make, every trip...  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
US Factory Orders Drop for Second Straight Month News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
US Factory Orders Drop for Second Straight Month
08-03-2010  • 
Factory orders fell in June for the second straight month due to lower demand for steel, construction machinery and aircraft.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Pending Home Sales Fall to Record Series Low in June: Off 18.6 percent YOY News Link  •  Housing
Pending Home Sales Fall to Record Series Low in June: Off 18.6 percent YOY
08-03-2010  • 
The Pending Home Sales Index, a forward-looking indicator, declined 2.6 percent to 75.7 based on contracts signed in June from an upwardly revised level of 77.7 in May [revised from 77.6], and is 18.6 percent below June 2009 when it was 93.0.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Kurt Nimmo: Mandatory 'Service' and the Coming Mass Murder in Iran News Link  •  Military
Kurt Nimmo: Mandatory 'Service' and the Coming Mass Murder in Iran
08-03-2010  • 
Rangel specifically said the legislation is designed to be used “during time of war.” On the day before Rangel’s slavery bill went to the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel, Texas Rep. Louis Buller Gohmert introduced House...  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Consumer Metrics Institute: 'Daily Growth Index' Turns Sharply Lower News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Consumer Metrics Institute: 'Daily Growth Index' Turns Sharply Lower
08-03-2010  • 
More telling perhaps for economic forecasts is that the longevity of the current contraction is somewhat rarer than its nominal severity. Our 183-day moving 'two consecutive quarters' growth index would place that 6-month span in the 4th percentile..  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
News Link  •  MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)
"Newsweek" sells for a buck!
08-03-2010  •  Daily Beast 
But make no mistake, Harman's pocket change purchase of Newsweek"he paid $1, plus the assumption of liabilities for the magazine"has to be a passion play, because it certainly isn't a financial one.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Stranguflation: Deflation and Inflation Where it Hurts America Most News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Stranguflation: Deflation and Inflation Where it Hurts America Most
08-03-2010  • 
In other words, our bloated financial sector has been sucking the life-blood out of the U.S. economy for years, and recent decisions insure it will continue to feed off taxpayers, while the host economy struggles for life.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
Consumption And Spending Both Miss Estimates As Double Dip Nears News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Consumption And Spending Both Miss Estimates As Double Dip Nears
08-03-2010  • & 
The US consumer is done (there are only so many iPads a bankrupt mortgage holder can buy), and no matter how fast the Dow hits 36,000, nothing will change this.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jack Gregson
45 die in revenge attacks in Pakistan's Karachi News Link  •  WAR: About that War
45 die in revenge attacks in Pakistan's Karachi
08-03-2010  •  AP 
Gunmen killed at least 45 people in Pakistan's largest city after the assassination of a prominent lawmaker set off a cycle of revenge attacks, officials said Tuesday. Dozens of vehicles and shops were set ablaze as security forces struggled to regai  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Legal Fund Established to Fight Imprisonment of Accused WikiLeaks Whistleblower [Please Contribute!] News Link  •  Whistleblowers
Legal Fund Established to Fight Imprisonment of Accused WikiLeaks Whistleblower [Please Contribute!]
07-27-2010  •  Jeff Paterson, Media Relations 
Manning, a 22 year old intelligence analyst in Iraq, stands accused of disclosing a classified video depicting American troops shooting civilians from a helicopter in 2007. 11 adults are killed, including 2 Reuters employees, and 2 children criticall  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Leon Felkins
The Liberal Media: Rest in Peace Feature Article  •  MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)
The Liberal Media: Rest in Peace
Stephen Lendman
   The myth of the liberal media
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War News: Frenemies on the March! News Link  •  Humor
War News: Frenemies on the March!
08-03-2010  •  Mark Fiore via Mother Jones 
America's secret weapon in the fight against terrorists.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Reader 2
How Facebook Complicates Romance News Link  •  Internet
How Facebook Complicates Romance
08-03-2010  •  Jeremy Hsu via LiveScience 
Lovers still see a face-to-face encounter as the ideal way to break up their relationship in the complicated age of Facebook and cell phones, according to a researcher's interviews with college students and middle-age adults.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Reader 2
Scientists Investigate Possible 'Fear Drug' News Link  •  Inventions
Scientists Investigate Possible 'Fear Drug'
08-03-2010  •  Marlene Cimons via LiveScience 
"We're studying how the biology of the brain is changed by the environment, and how these changes underlie memories and experiences," said Ressler, an associate professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Emory University Sch  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Reader 2
What Is Sleep Apnea? News Link  •  Health and Physical Fitness
What Is Sleep Apnea?
08-03-2010  •  Fred Cicetti via LiveScience 
My husband seems to stop breathing briefly during the night. It scares me, but he doesn’t seem to be worried about it. Any ideas about what causes this?   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Reader 2
Scientists Look to Spiders for Hi-Tech Fibers News Link  •  Inventions
Scientists Look to Spiders for Hi-Tech Fibers
08-03-2010  •  Michelle Bryner via LiveScience 
The unanswered questions behind a spider’s cunning ability to spin silk, which is tougher than any man-made material, have hampered its use in everything from medical tools to next-generation electronics. Now scientists think they have the tools to u  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Reader 2
Iran's Ahmadinejad calls for TV debate with Obama News Link  •  Iran
Iran's Ahmadinejad calls for TV debate with Obama
08-02-2010  •  Robin Pomeroy via REUTERS 
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday to face him in a televised one-on-one debate to see who has the best solutions for the world's problems.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Reader 2
Road Trip To Salt Lake City, A We Are Change Arizona Story... Feature Article  •  Activism
Road Trip To Salt Lake City, A We Are Change Arizona Story...
   Nice sunday night and wanted to share some flix, We made it to SLC safe and sound and we plan on doing the same in the morning as we drive the 11 hour trip back to AZ ;)
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Libertarian Primary Write-In Candidates Feature Article  •  Politics: Libertarian Campaigns
Libertarian Primary Write-In Candidates
Michael Kielsky
   Libertarian Primary Write-In Candidates -- Write Them In To Get Them on the Ballot! We have a number of Libertarian Candidates who will be on the General Election ballot in November IF they get enough write-in votes during our Primary. If you can
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Ever Read the SB1070 Law? Ernest Hancock reads & Explains it to Radio Audience Feature Article  •  Immigration
Ever Read the SB1070 Law? Ernest Hancock reads & Explains it to Radio Audience
Ernest Hancock
   SB1070 exposed for what it really is. Actual text and an explanation of the history behind it, the people involved, the real intent and what to expect (BTW - NATIONAL ID is the end result and it is soooo obvious, but ignored by the Lame-Stream Media.
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