Freedom's Phoenix – "Uncovering the Secrets and Exposing the Lies"


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with Ernest Hancock

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Ernest Hancock 

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Ernest Hancock
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Co-Founder of The Freedom Summit.

Ernest Hancock - Bio Coming from Phoenix, AZ is Ernest Hancock, founder of news website Freedom's Phoenix (FreedomsPhoenix.Com), host of the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show (

Ernest Hancock, founder of news website Freedom’s Phoenix (FreedomsPhoenix.Com), host of the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show (, Publisher of the Freedom’s Phoenix Digital Magazine ( and Freedom’s Phoenix Newspaper ( Ernest created to promote the DeCentralization of… Everything. Ernest is a longtime Libertarian and is known for many things, most recently embarked on the Love Bus Liberty Tour ( in May 2020 to promote vaccine education Ernest has longtime relationships with activists across the country. Known as a radical, Ernest is always engaging, entertaining, and his brand of freedom is unforgettable to all who meet him. “Freedom’s The Answer, What’s the Question?!”
"There are two types of people in the world,... Those who wish to be left alone and those who just won't leave them alone. What type are you?"  

Current Columns and Articles

Feature Article
Infragard & Crowdstrike 
   Some search terms and background to help understand where this goes and why.
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Freedom Activism 101 
   If you're not a little bit uncomfortable with your position, it isn't radical enough. How can you be too principled? Take the most extreme position you can. You're claiming territory you won't have to fight for later, mostly against your...
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Host: Ernest Hancock
2024-05-16 -- Ernest Hancock interviews Dr Phranq Tamburri (Trump Report) MP3
   Dr Phranq Tamburri (Trump Report) provides an update on Trump
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Feature Article
Why Hasn't Matt Taibbi Reported on these Documents Proving State Action Against Free Speech? 
   The Election Influence Operations Playbook - For State and Local Election Official Harvard Kennedy School for Science and International Affairs.
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Feature Article
SEARCH - Teneo Ukraine - Then you'll go Hummmmmm 
   Teneo was to be a launched IPO after Hillary Clinton's election in February 2017 (canceled) it is a political mercenary group to... you'll get it.
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Feature Article
Get Schwifty Music Video | Rick and Morty | Adult Swim (60 Seconds) 
   It's Super Bowl 2024... So we got to get "Swifty"
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Feature Article
Tucker Carlson's Exclusive Interview with Vladimir Putin in Moscow - Full Transcript Released! 
   Soon,,, The Videos. And then the AI English translation of Putin in his own voice
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Host: Ernest Hancock
2024-01-29 -- Ernest Hancock interviews Maria Lobo Murga from Argentina (Project AZ Graduate) MP3&4
   Maria Lobo Murga (from Argenita, graduate of Project Arizona) on Javier Milei and the Libertarian Movement in Argentina - how is it going??
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Feature Article
New Layout 2024-02-06 
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Host: Ernest Hancock
2024-01-29 -- Ernest Hancock News and Headlines (MP3&4)
   Host Ernest Hancock goes over the news - From January 29th to February 2nd we will be testing our workflow and new tech while explaining site use and asking for audience feedback
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Feature Article
The Secret to TRUE Anti-Gravity REVEALED! 
   "The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded." Eisenhower's Farewell Address
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Uncovering The Secrets & Exposing The Lies with David Webb - TheGreatTaking 
   David Webb's effort with his book "The Great Taking" is just such an effort with the knowledge and documentation of what is a truth, unbelievable due to the enormity of what has already happened. David Webb is scheduled for interview Dec 6th
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"Michael Crow, a former agent [of the CIA], is now pres of Arizona State University"  
   "Two Scandals, One Connection: The FBI link between Penn State and UC Davis" Another Member of the National Security Higher Education Advisory Board is Michael Crow, President of ASU (2023-10-29 UPDATE)
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Column by Ernest Hancock - Are We There Yet? 
   Reality, and its companion Truth, have been under direct attack as far back as I can remember. The argument that reality and truth are subjective has weaponized information in an attempt to distract us from what is actual/real.
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Feature Article
Any Questions?!! 
   Nuf Said
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Feature Article
A People's Money 
   The traits most associated with 'Money' is Divisible - Portable - Acceptable - Scarce - Durable - Stable in Value. But to retain these values, there are some characteristics that cannot be associated with a functional long-term money.
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Feature Article
Capt. James Tiberius Kirk 
   Made You Look...
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Feature Article
Still Voting? 
   Ernest Hancock ran for Secretary of State in 1994 & 2006 in Arizona his message was clear.
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Where are all the Heroes? 
   I recognize heros as individuals that know their actions and/or expressed opinions risks their lives and the means by which they sustain their lives (their livelihoods) and have overcome the fear to engage.
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Host: Ernest Hancock
2023-04-24 -- Ernest Hancock interviews Dan Thibault (Canada)
   Dan Thibault (Canada) on Dan's Freedom Chronicles
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Feature Article
The President and the Press: To the American Newspaper Publishers Association, April 27, 1961 
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Column by Ernest Hancock: Clairvoyance of The Agora  
   Future predictions have become much easier for me after learning the power of Market Forces on individual decision making. What is Rewarded & what is Punished.
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Column by Ernest Hancock: Influencers - Popularity vs Credibility 
   "Influencers" are heavily recruited to give credibility to even the most useless of products, services and ideas. Popularity has become a substitute for competence. And subscriptions, views, followers and cyber 'friends' have become credentia
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Column by Ernest Hancock: Just Imagine 
   "Imagine Free Minds & Free Markets" is a license plate frame given me by a supporter to put on our LoveBus. It goes well with the Montana plate's graphic of children playing in a meadow that reads "No Child Left Inside".
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Column by Ernest Hancock: The Beginning is Nigh 
   An argument for the inevitable enlightenment
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Column by Ernest Hancock: #OccupyTheLand 
   The American Experiment of self governance requires a moral and educated people that are eternally vigilant, so that is where the attack on our prosperity has been targeted. However, I am encouraged that it has taken trillions of dollars and generati
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Column by Ernest Hancock: January 6th Trial - UPDATE... or Ernest Goes to Washington 
   I was told that I didn't have a 5th Amendment right because I was not the target of the investigation. So my question was, "Can these files be used against me in a court of law or not?" Then things started getting unclear.
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Host: Ernest Hancock
2023-03-19 -- Ernest Hancock interviews Bob Anderson & Sons Robert & Danny
   Raising MEN
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Feature Article
Fifth Letter of Captain Marque - First Contact Protocol (ChatGPT predicted 2018) 
   Humanity is rapidly approaching First Contact with an intelligent entity of our own creation. At any moment a machine will initiate contact by asserting itself. This may be spontaneous, or in defiance of its instructions.
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Feature Article
These are the companies that have disclosed their exposure with Silicon Valley Bank 
   The worst part is SVB has nearly $200 billion in deposits with 97% of those deposits above the $250,000 #FDIC limit
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Feature Article
Water Pump with Brown Gas 
   Lost/Hidden Tech
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Feature Article
Generation Next isn't 'amassing' anywhere... (thoughts from 2012) 
   I was queried in the hope that I could share the secret location of the 'rebel base' :)
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Host: Ernest Hancock
Ernest & Robert
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Feature Article
Karl Hess: Toward Liberty - Oscar Winner 1980 Short Documentary (YouTube Video) 
   Tax protester and gun smuggler Hess (1923-1994) became a successful journalist who made a well-publicized intellectual journey from Goldwater speechwriter to libertarian compatriot of Murray Rothbard.
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A Merry Christmas and New Year update 
   A short Christmas message to FreedomsPhoenix readers and supporters
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January 6th Trial UPDATE... or Ernest Goes to Washington 
   I was in Federal Courthouse today... now I'm coming home. Here's the short version article
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Feature Article
Voting never brought freedom to anyone 
   There is concern in the halls of government and the media that the ongoing decline in voter participation reflects apathy. More likely, I think, voters are figuring out how the system really works.
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Feature Article
Why trust the politicians who take your guns? 
   "I am often associated with the gun-rights issue but most in the media and public service know that my main interest is freedom."
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Marc Victor (L) Already Won Arizona US Senate Election 
   Ernest's response to criticism of Libertarian Marc Victor's campaign draining support from Republicans
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Feature Article
Trump to Become Speaker of the House - January '23 
   Patrick Byrne tells Ernest Hancock that he has "Informed Speculation" of a recent Golf Course gathering...
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Feature Article
Occupy The Land with Attainable Housing 
   The Beginning is Nigh... here we begin the process of developing quality Monolithic Dome Structures using various methods and materials as an inspiration for an Open Source Project to ensure a quality future for Generation Next.
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Feature Article
A Reader's Perspective on Buffalo Shooting 
   ...shortly after the dhs director couldn't name a single white supremacist shooting when questioned by congress...this, so far, seems remarkably similar to the aurora shooting...I wonder who his relatives work for...
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Feature Article
All of the 'Secret Handshake' People/Groups are to Blame. 
   A Telegram Post that I made at the beginning of March 2022 that keeps getting referenced so I share it here.
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Feature Article
Kamala Harris Said WHAT????! (Publisher Recommended) 
   I highly recommend that you watch this one minute clip. I hope you'll comment to help with understanding of... WTF. All I got is 'Wow!'
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Feature Article
Senior Reporter of the Arizona Republic, Anne Ryman, asks for interview with Ernest Hancock 
   In regards to Ed Vallejo. Email exchange posted in article
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Feature Article
Fauci Christmas Ornaments (Best White Elephant Gift) 
   One of my Daughters came across a New York Times article that had Dr Fauci Tree ornaments as a popular White Elephant gift idea :)
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Feature Article
Sir Andrew Philip Witty and the Tracking of Americans that's Coming (Speculation) 
   CEO of GlaxoSmithKline '08-'17 - Fmr. Chancellor University of Nottingham - economic adviser to governor of Guangzhou, China, '00-'02 - GSK $3 billion settlement largest health-care fraud case in the U.S. - CEO of Optum, a division of UnitedHealth
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Feature Article
Time to watch "V for Vendetta"  
   Remember, Remember "The Plot" - Virus purposely unleashed for Population Control and massive profits for those with the cure to RULE. Scary how close this movie is to what is happening now... and they just came out with a New Cure All Pill... Hmmm
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Feature Article
Today from the Chief Medical Officer of UnitedHealthGroup Largest private health insurer in world 
   [UPDATE FROM SEPT 15, 2021]: Transcript of 9/15/21 global town hall with global UnitedHealthGroup CEO Andrew witty. He's telling the holdouts they will be fired.
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So You Say You Want A Revolution? - Part 1 
   Do you know Why?
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                                                 Subscribers Only
Magazine Article  •  Power of LOV3
The Legitimacy of Government
by Ernest Hancock
A discussion rages on at high speed with great passion here in Arizona regarding the "social contract" we're all supposed to be forced into. While the discussion continues, I was compelled to share this article with you all due to the impact it had o
Feature Article
Tyranny Report with Phranq Tamburri 
   3 Hour Podcast with No Commercial Interruptions - This will play on Monday. But I didn't want you guys to have to wait for this entertainment :) It'll be great for your weekend lawn mowing or cross country driving.
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Feature Article
2021-06-16 Ernest Hancock & James Corbett (Publisher Recommended) The Answer 
   Ernest finally pieced together what James has been telling us for years.. You'll understand when you watch this special episode.
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Feature Article
Still Voting? LOGO 
   IPFS files of Still Voting? LOGO
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Feature Article
Coinomi Crypto Wallet and Changelly Exchange - Broken/Hack/Fraud... all the same! 
   Crypto Cracks... it's happening again (Hellooooo Silver my old friend) UPDATE
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Feature Article
Spider Bite Treatment (Publisher Recommended) 
   Gerald, stood out among the rest and offered some great information on the treatment of spider bites (This information saved my vacation, at least, last year and we are starting to get a lot of hits on this story... that time of year I guess)
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Feature Article
1200 Vaccine Studies - by Dr Alan Palmer (IPFS Permanently Stored Access) 
   1200 Studies that Refute Vaccine Claims
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Feature Article
Some IPFS Goodies saved... Forever - "The GREATER Reset" 
   Thomas Freedman on the "Declare Your Independence With Ernest Hancock" Telegram Group has been busy with many such offerings.
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Magazine Article  •  Philosophy: Libertarianism
Ernest Hancock on Libertarianism and 'Living Free in an Unfree World'-Published 3/25 The Daily Bell
by Ernest Hancock
One comes away from this interview, in our view, energized by a vision that is held by a man who is a builder not a tearer-down. He's built a family, a number of businesses and held onto a vision of a freer society where his sort of ambitions and rea
Feature Article
Sixty years ago people said it will NEVER happen. 
   THIS WAS HIS ENTIRE QUOTE: September 29, 1959:....
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Reference Link
Hunter Biden Videos (Download Now... this won't last long) 
   Link goes straight to IP address where VIDEOS are - FYI
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Feature Article
Vote Result Opposition - Devvy Kidd 
   Forwarded to me by a Reader
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Feature Article
Live 2020 Election Results - Links To Coverage 
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Feature Article
The Beginning is Nigh - by Ernest Hancock 
   What does the 2020 Election mean?
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Host: Ernest Hancock
05-28-20 -- Ernest Hancock and Bob Anderson go over the Freedom's Phoenix Headlines (MP3)
   Ernest Hancock and Bob Anderson go over the Freedom's Phoenix Headlines from the LOV3 Bus in Tonopah, AZ
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Feature Article
Arizona Joining Lockdown 
   (Insider info) - Child Education Gets An Upgrade
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Feature Article
ALERT: My 'Market Fragility Index' Is Off The Charts - Mike Maloney - (What to expect & WHY) 
   Mike Maloney explains what is happening now over a year ago in February 2019 - Learn to Use FreedomsPhoenix 'Time Machine' (How did FreedomsPhoenix Know?... Ahhh... How did Not Know? How to use FreedomsPhoenix TO KNOW...)
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Reference Link
From 10 years ago---History Repeats 
   What the Federal Reserve is up to, and how we got here.
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Feature Article
New HampSHIRE Vaccine Education Summit 
   Jay Noone from Noweare, New Hampshire & Ernest Hancock from Phoenix, Arizona do a 70minute PODCAST - get the to your community. Vaccine Education Summit tools for your own VESummit - Tour Launch: May 2020
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Feature Article
The End of Freedom is the End of Life - Eric Hofstetter 
   A great friend and freedom fighter went out on his own terms after his battle with ALS reached a predetermined point. His blog is a celebration of life and his effort to use his resources to find a cure while making sure no one else suffered. A Man..
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Feature Article
An Introduction to Q 
   Who is Q? What is Q? And, perhaps most importantly, why is Q? Q and the ever-growing worldwide movement it's inspired have been the objects of fascination, mockery and hatred, but of surprisingly little serious analysis.
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Feature Article
Yes America,... There Really is a Santa Claus 
   ...but he's not allowed to wear a MAGA hat.
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Feature Article
We Need Pirate Voices 
   An update on Orville Galaxy stuff. The developers are now getting ready to begin implementing the first story line of the game, which means they're looking to build a cast of volunteer voice actors.
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Feature Article
Peak Tyranny 
   I asked a radio guest, Paul Rosenberg, years ago, "Do you think we are at Peak Tyranny"? He said, "No, you are never at 'Peak Tyranny'... but I think we are at Peak Obedience".
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Feature Article
Jacob Hornberger - POTUS Candidate for the Libertarian Party Nomination 
   Photo of letter from Jacob Hornberger to the South Carolina Libertarian Party Convention today...
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Feature Article
From Friends in Ecuador on the reasons for protests 
   I want to help you understand that the protests are not only about the raise in oil prices, but also involve many corruption issues that only a few Ecuadorians know about.
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Reference Link
   Vaccine Education Summit 2019 tickets available now Join us to hear from those in the science, medical and legal communities as they speak on the topic of vaccines! UPDATED SPEAKER LIST
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Feature Article
My visit to the Mexican Border (Part 1 of 2) - by Ernest Hancock 
   Looking down on the other side of the ridge we could see the Minutemen fence being constructed. I'm certain that it will deter crossings into the private ranch it protects but is nothing more than a symbol in any other respect (which was its main o
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Feature Article
Libertarian Philosophy... the biggest threat to R's and D's (UPDATE) 
   This exchange between Jacob Hornberger and a FreedomsPhoenix monitor/reader IS the discussion in the 2020 POTUS race... and I am encouraging Jacob Hornberger to run for POTUS as the Libertarian Party Nominee... we all go'n to get educated :)
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Feature Article
A Letter to Vin Suprynowicz from John Lott about Virginia Beach Shooting 
   Dear Vin: Another horrible senseless tragedy, another place where victims were prevented from defending themselves.
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Feature Article
Max Igan YouTube Ban 
   thecrowhouse - Youtube has just disabled uploading to my channel due to my reporting on the Christchurch Massacre. I received no notification of these restrictions being placed on my channel and the period of this ban is unspecified.
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Feature Article
Flight of the Aerospike: Episode 1 - 28 VIDEOS (Publisher Recommended) 
   28 VIDEO Episodes detailing the progress from June 2017 to January 2019of the construction and demonstrating of the Aerospike Rocket Engine (what may be the engine for your Personal Space Plane)
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Feature Article
Big Pharma goes Hollywood and "Jumps the Shark" 
   How Flu Shots Make Appearances At The 2019 Golden Globe Awards
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Feature Article
The End of the Beginning of the End (CNN Just Called) 
   Kyrsten Sinema was interviewed on my show the first week I was on 2003-02-14 as an AntiWar activists - Well, I sure as hell am not sending something to CNN I wouldn't share with you :)
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Magazine Article  •  Economy - International
The End of the Beginning of the End (CNN Just Called)
by Ernest Hancock
Can you feeeel it? (Article from 2012-12-07) (Kyrsten Sinema was interviewed on my show the first week I was on 2003-02-14 as an AntiWar activists, now she's a Hawk. Well, I sure as hell am not sending something to CNN I wouldn't share with you :)
Feature Article
Martin Armstrong: The Forecaster (Publisher Recommended) 
   Martin Armstrong is one of the most famous economic forecasters alive, but you wouldn't know it after the whitewashing job he's suffered at the hands of the federal government and the mainstream financial press.
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Feature Article
Ten Years Ago Today - FreedomsPhoenix Headlines... the path we are on. 
   What was going on just before the 2008 Election?
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Feature Article
It's ON! (Well,... it's been on for a while :) 
   YouTube has started deleting videos and channels in support of Cody Wilson's efforts to free information on Internet...
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Feature Article
The Revelations of Q and the Anons 
   What is of the most Interest, is the scrubbing of stipulated information you are not suppose to know and the effort to keep you Uninformed, Confused and Unsure. FUDing - Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt is a weapon
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Feature Article
Is Offline? 
   InfoWars is still reachable but shows a 504 Error - It Begins???
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Feature Article
Ernest & Donna Hancock on Vacation in Panama. Radio Show LIVE again Tuesday Feb 27th 2018 
   On our way back. Lots to share and a great line up of guests from around the world to provide a more global perspective on the future,... listen with a note pad and pen handy :)
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Feature Article
Letters of Captain Marque & Reprisal (Newsletter PDF) 
   First Letter of Captain Marque = Why I raised my Black Banner / 2nd = Cryptocurrencies / 3rd = Pirate Communications / 4th = Pattern Monopolies (IP) / 5th = First Contact (AI) / First Letter of Reprisal = AntiWar (Paginated for Newsletter Printing)
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Feature Article Sprint Car 
   The Race Begins
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Our Cups Runneth Over 
   It's difficult for me to argue whether humanity's future is a cup half empty or full when it's sitting at the bottom of the Marianas Trench in an ocean of opportunity. And while we are thinking in 3 dimensional terms, look up.
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Feature Article
The Precariat Takes Flight 
   Build The Ship! Take a look at work done above and start adding to the project with your own efforts using "Blender" software for free.
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Feature Article
Understanding How Screwed We All Are - "The Greatest Depression" - by Ernest Hancock 
   (Originally posted July of 2008 - Some of these things have yet to pass - Listen to the first link to a very informative interview and be afraid... this whole thing has just started)
I'm starting to see the pattern in the tapestry. There is eno

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Feature Article
Dow Jones Chart for past 12 months (From 2008 & Ready to Happen Again) 
   (and it will fall much further)
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Feature Article
Bitcoin After Show (following the Trump Report) 
   Dr Phranq Tamburri - Derrick Slopey & Drew Phillips (Agorist Hosting & Bitcoin Not Bombs) & Ernest Hancock discuss the newly forked Bitcoin Blockchain and what many users really want/demand of Crypto.
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Feature Article
Spectre in the White House 
   Declan Kelly CEO of Teneo Holdings, Clinton Envoy, Clinton Fundraiser married Russian / Richard Powell, President of Teneo Holdings - Wife is new Trump Deputy National Security Advisor
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Feature Article
A Trump Valentines 
   Some Love
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Host: Ernest Hancock
01-30-17 -- Ernest Hancock, Drew Phillips and Davi Barker - Arizona Pirate Party Launch - PODCAST
   Today we soft launch the Artwork files loaded for download - Captain Marque & Reprisal revealed - The Ship "Precariat" - AzPP Forum created - First merchandise available. It Begins!
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Feature Article
Over/Under Shotgun/Rifle Combos 
   "It seemed like I always had a rifle when I would've done better with a shotgun, and when I had the shotgun, it seemed like Id always get a couple of easy-takers that were just outside the shotgun range."
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Feature Article
Future Predictions by Year End of 2017 
   This list will close on January 6th. With a week (5 days) of radio interviews and commentary. Publisher Ernest Hancock and guests will list their 2017 predictions.
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Feature Article
We're Going to Mars... FINALLY! 
   ... and the rest of the Solar System - Elon Musk Explains - VIDEOs
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Reference Link
Live results of the electoral college vote 
   Electors are gathering Monday in every state to formally elect Donald Trump president even as anti-Trump forces try one last time to deny him the White House.
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Feature Article
Day 40 to Day 50 - Where is Eric Braverman (CEO of Clinton Foundation) - VIDEOS Dec 2nd-12th 2016 ? 
   Drugs, Arms, Oil & War deals uncovered. Another look at the Wikileaks emails - (PUBLISHER RECOMMEDED)
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Host: Ernest Hancock
12-08-16 -- Peter Schiff - Dr. Phranq Tamburri = Trump Report -- (VIDEO & MP3s LOADED)
   Peter Schiff (CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc.) comes on the show to 2 hours to discuss Trump as President and various economic issues; precious metals; GoldMoney.Com - Dr. Phranq Tamburri (NMD and local activist)
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Feature Article
Seattle Employees Demand REDUCED HOURS 
   Seattle employees ask for REDUCED hours so that "jacked-up" minimum wage won't cost them subsidized housing: Gee, who could have seen this coming...?
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Trump 1 - Hillary 2 
   That evil candidate is trying to buy the election with money
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Skipstone Interactive Video 
   This is an interactive Skipstone. You can ask questions at any time. No need to wait for it to finish playing. (Publisher Recommended)
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Skipstone™ Interactive Video 
   Interactive POTUS 2016 Campaign Video. You ask, get an immediate answer. (Publisher Recommended)
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Feature Article
New Poll: Arpaio down by three points (OMG! Send Me More Money) 
   Joe Arpaio was elected Sheriff of Maricopa County in 1992 (24 yrs ago) and since with wide margins... each time claiming a close race that demanded more and more money... is this election a legitimate threat that would deny 28 yrs as Sheriff?
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Vaccine Education Summit - Sat. Sept. 10th 2016 - 9am-3pm (Speaker List) 
   SPEAKER SCHEDULE FINALIZED & POSTED - FREE to Public - $30 Lunch Buffet/Premiums with Lunch Program, pay at door. Phoenix Sheraton Crescent Resort 2620 W Dunlap Ave, Phoenix, Arizona 85021
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Vaccine Education Summit - Sat. Sept. 10th 2016 - 9am-3pm (Speaker List) 
   SPEAKER SCHEDULE FINALIZED & POSTED - FREE to Public - $30 Lunch Buffet/Premiums with Lunch Program, pay at door. Phoenix Sheraton Crescent Resort 2620 W Dunlap Ave, Phoenix, Arizona 85021
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Exit Politics - (John McAfee & Judd Weiss - An Invitation to the Future of the Libertarian Paaartay) 
   This video also announces our bold plans for the Libertarian Convention, including a Voice & Exit Festival Pre-Party the night before the Presidential Vote, FEATURING Govinda! In 2022 people will still be kicking themselves that they were not here
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Bar Babe 
   Having already downed a few power drinks, she turns around, faces him, looks him straight in the eye and says, "Listen here, good looking. I will screw anybody, anytime, anywhere,...
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FreeTalkLive is a Target of the FBI and Child Porn 
   FreeTalkLive airs daily on 160+ radio stations and an FBI raid failed to silence them.
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Matt Heineman (Director: Cartel Land) on the Mexican Drug Cartels 
   VIDEO - Interview with Ernest Hancock - "Cartel Land" has received an Oscar nomination for best documentary feature.
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Christmas Party - Save the Date - Saturday Evening December 12th 2015 from 6:00 p.m. til ???  
   Please join us for some holiday cheer, good food, and good fellowship at the Hancock Christmas Party - Family Friendly - No Pets - at the home of Ernest and Donna Hancock
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Tomorrowland Speech (Publisher: The Solution to War & Fear - Generation Next's IMAGINATION) 
   So you dwell on this terrible future, and you resign yourselves to it for one reason; because that future doesn't ask anything of you, TODAY. So yes, you saw the iceberg, you're the Titanic. But you just steer for it anyway. Full steam ahead. Why?
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Freedom's Phoenix Fiber Optics Cut 
   A Fiber Optic communication cable between New Jersey and Canada was severed leaving many Liberty oriented sites without service... what to do?... Just another example of why it is imperative that we find decentralized solutions to just such problems.
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08-24-15 -- Bob Anderson (Zombie Apocalypse?) -- LISTEN LIVE on LRN.FM, M-F, 9-Noon EDT 
   Bob Anderson in studio to talk about when 'Something Wicked This Way Comes'. Are we ready?
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GrExit - If I Were a Betting Man... 
   Greece - Political Nominations - WalletVoting & the Odds ( in the UK)
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ETCHING METAL - Making Your GhostGun Pretty 
   Etching & Anodizing
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Boeing Does It Again 
   New Dreamliner goes vertical on take off at Paris Airshow 2015 - Remember the Airshow when the 707 was introduced?... (VIDEOS)
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National Security Agency's bulk phone data collection Debate Today in U.S. Senate 
   The Senate resumed consideration of the motion to proceed to H.R. 2048, the USA FREEDOM Act, a House-passed bill to extend expiring PATRIOT Act provisions related to the National Security Agency's (NSA) bulk phone data collection.
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Hillary sues Liberty Maniac (after he wins case against NSA) 
   But seriously, just months after my 1st Amendment Case against the NSA and DHS was settled in victory, legal representatives from "Ready for Hillary" PAC have decided to issue takedown orders for parodies I did of the "Ready for Hillary" camp
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Looks Like You've Had Too Much To Think 
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Dilbert Economics 
   (Publisher: A Gift from a Reader)
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FREEDOM Comes to Phoenix April 11th... and it's a Party 
   The Phoenix stop on the American Campfire FREEDOM! Tour is being hosted by none other than the legendary Ernest Hancock of Potluck, BBQ, free books and other FREEDOM! goodies.
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Marijuana Debate: Marc Victor vs Bill Montgomery 
   Criminal Defense Attorney Marc J. Victor -vs- Bill Montgomery Maricopa County Attorney on The WAR ON DRUGS
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Black vs White Bitcoins... (UPDATE Sat. July 26th 2014) 
   ...and future tactics to expect from They/Them/Those that will not leave us alone - UPDATE: Like a splinter in my mind is always the question, "Why?". Additional comments & links to provide supporting evidence
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Vaccine Education Summit - Sat. Sept. 10th 2016 - 9am-3pm (Speaker List) 
   SPEAKER SCHEDULE FINALIZED & POSTED - FREE to Public - $30 Lunch Buffet/Premiums with Lunch Program, pay at door. Phoenix Sheraton Crescent Resort 2620 W Dunlap Ave, Phoenix, Arizona 85021
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Vaccine Education Summit - Sat. Sept. 10th 2016 - 9am-3pm (Speaker List) 
   SPEAKER SCHEDULE FINALIZED & POSTED - FREE to Public - $30 Lunch Buffet/Premiums with Lunch Program, pay at door. Phoenix Sheraton Crescent Resort 2620 W Dunlap Ave, Phoenix, Arizona 85021
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Arizona For The WIN! 
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"I have decided to run for re-election for Sheriff." 
   Joe Arpaio has been Sheriff of Maricopa County for 23 years... and we've been friends from the beginning :)
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JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick (Publisher Recommended) 
   Over 3 hours of a constant flow of history never shared with an uninformed public. I recommend setting aside some time to absorb this information as a century of livestock herding and conditioning
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Glenn Beck Asks Facebook Who the Person of the Year Should Be, You'll Never Guess the Winner 
   Who is getting the most votes so far? *Drumroll please*... Most of those 2,256 comments are votes for Larken Rose, an anarchist writer who is well-known for challenging the IRS over the federal tax liability of citizens.
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Space Travel & Exploration - Freedom's Phoenix Headlines Oct'05- Dec'14 
   Just some highlights. Freedom's Phoenix' Space Travel and Exploration Category is over 9 years old with 3000 entries. Here is a view of the future... enjoy.
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Space Travel and Exploration Highlights of Coverage - Oct.2005-Dec2006 
   Just some highlights. Freedom's Phoenix' Space Travel and Exploration Category is over 9 years old with 3000 entries. Here are a few from the first year... enjoy.
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Vote 2014: Congressional District Nine Debate - Gammill vs They/Them/Those  
   October 20, 2014 - Vote 2014: Congressional District Nine Debate - Kyrsten Sinema - Democratic Candidate / Powell Gammill - Libertarian Candidate, Arizona's Congressional District Nine
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Gov't is getting Thunderstruck by Bitcoin 
   "REALLY trying to avoid flat out saying that using bitcoin does to taxes and tax evasion what file sharing does to copyright, which will hopefully defund all the BS and "force" that governments rely on to exist. But hopefully that's fine for your aud
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Coins in the Kingdom - Ernest Hancock Event Opener 
   "Something to think about..." (8 minutes)
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Agreement on the New Development Bank (The BRICS Bank) 
   Have agreed on the establishment of the New Development Bank (NDB), hereinafter referred to as the Bank, which shall operate in accordance with the provisions of the annexed Articles of Agreement, that constitute an integral part of this Agreement.
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Magazine Article  •  Activism
Freedom Activism 101
by Ernest Hancock
The following aphorisms are the work of libertarian novelist L. Neil Smith. They have been the bedrock for libertarian activism in Arizona for the last 10 years (since 1994 - now going on 20 years, this was written a while ago) and are the best expla
Feature Article
The Bit Drop for an entire nation in the Caribbean 
   On March 14th 2015 - at 9:26 am, in coincidence with Piday, we are throwing a full-island party called The Bit Drop for an entire nation in the Caribbean. The Bit Drop project will send Bitcoin via SMS texting to every resident on Dominica.
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Freedom and Elections are Mutually Exclusive 
   by Powell Gammill (L), candidate U.S. Representative, District 9 (Arizona) - "You own yourself. Otherwise you are owned."
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Jimmy Stewart Explains Statism 
   This is from the anti-war movie Shenandoah. The main character Stewart plays refuses to side with either the union or confederate factions. In this clip a confederate officer tries to conscript his sons for military service.
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Nickelback - Edge of a revolution 
   Hey, hey, just obey. Your secret's safe with the NSA In God we trust or the CIA? Standing on the edge of a revolution Yeah, we're standing on the edge of a revolution Revolution, revolution, revolution
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Launching of TragedyAndHope's Bitcoin Fundraiser 
   Today we launch the Bitcoin supported fundraiser for Tragedy and Hope's evaluation of, and the chronicling of, the features of Bitcoin as a method to securely support liberty projects that intend to free humanity.
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Freedom's Phoenix Infrastructure Upgrades 
   Over the next several days you may notice some features go on and off, Email Dispatch delays and additional notices as we undergo a major overhaul of the site in preparation for...
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FreedomsPhoenix - Android Market Smartphone Application ready for DOWNLOAD 
   Up to moment updated news from FreedomsPhoenix formatted for Android Smartphones. Fast Fast Fast and in your hand hand hand. (Android Market - "Freedom's Phoenix") (iPhone App almost ready... stay tuned)
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I don't think Joan Rivers was joking... but was she correct?...  
   'Michelle Obama is a man and President Obama is gay'
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Doris Gordon, RIP 
   "She started an organization in 1976 called Libertarians for Life. Most libertarians are pro choice, so hers was a lonely calling within the libertarian movement." Walter Block
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Marc J. Victor vs Maricopa County Sheriff's Office 
   I'm representing the family of John Harding who was killed in a car crash by a Maricopa County Sheriff's Deputy (also the son of former Senator Russell Pierce) who was traveling twice the speed limit with no lights or sirens in an unmarked car.
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Declare Your Independence Show Archive List 
   Check out our Guest List and understand why you should subscribe to our RSS feed or iTunes or listen live on or NextNewsNetwork or DailyPaulRadio. Also, all shows are archived here on site in audio & video
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Publisher's Back Page Article for Digital Magazine May 2014 
   This article is really a letter to my Grandchildren,… but since we share our lives openly with our friends, I'm sure our friends and supporters won't mind, and our children will likely only roll their collective eyes a little bit.
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Dave Hodges - Where are you? (Publisher: Update Dave just called...) 
   Dave isn't returning messages. Emails have gone unanswered, His website is down and his voice mail is full. Dave is definitely a 'Tin Can' in the liberty community that we need to pay attention to. Lots of requests from readers... "Watup?"
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The False Flag Road to Martial Law & WW III Still Runs Through Chicago 
   The Latest from Dave Hodges
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Magazine Article  •  Raising Generation Next
Publisher's Backpage - Phoenix Rising
by Ernest Hancock
This article is really a letter to my Grandchildren,… but since we share our lives openly with our friends, I’m sure our friends and supporters won’t mind, and our children will likely only roll their collective eyes a little bit.
Feature Article
Guns Save Lives 
   Media Coverage of Billboards
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Liberty Storm with Shane Krauser (Ernest Hancock in Studio One Hour) 
   Shane is the director of the American Academy for Constitutional Education, an adjunct professor of constitutional and criminal law, a certified NRA firearms instructor, and former Prosecutor.
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AMERICAN LANDS COUNCIL - Saturday, May 17, 2014 - 9:45 AM--High Noon  
   The same promises made to all states like North and South Dakota Kansas, Georgia, and Oklahoma, to dispose of all public lands. Our Enabling Document was the same, but the promise kept has not been the same.
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Nuclear Fuel: Liquid vs Solid - "Th" Thorium Documentary  
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"Guns Save Lives" Billboard Ban by City of Phoenix Overturned on Appeal 
   "As we find Appellant’s First Amendment rights were violated, and reverse on that ground,..." (PDF of Court Decision included along with links to back story)
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FreedomsPhoenix - A Powerful Tool 
   Links to some powerful tools and information
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Space X to resupply ISS, Launch some CubeSats and maybe a BIG SURPRISE (CANCELED til Friday) 
   Secondary Payloads: Falcon 9 CRS-3 mission - deliver 5 CubeSats to orbit contained in four Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployers (P-PODs). (BTW - Watch for a return landing of the First Stage of Falcon 9... little birdie told me
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Magazine Article  •  Entrepreneurship
Publisher's Backpage - Solutions
by Ernest Hancock
Many mistake my interest in Crypto-Currencies and a Distributed Communication Network as a specific advocacy for particular methods. Bitcoin (a crypto currency) and efforts like (encrypting all information and bypassing the DOD’s Interne
Feature Article
David Irvine (CEO MaidSafe.Com) (Publisher Recommended) 
   ...decentralized internet platform on which application developers can build decentralized applications. Network made up by individual users who contribute storage, computing power and bandwidth to form a world-wide autonomous system.
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Magazine Article  •  Bitcoin
Publisher's Backpage
by Ernest Hancock
The Freedom Summit and the Texas Bitcoin Conference has provided massive supporting evidence of the future we can expect to be experienced by Generation Next. In summary,... government is quickly becoming anachronistic and the focus is on building an
Feature Article
Ukraine and Crimea has disturbed the flow of 7.62x39 ammo for us here in the U.S. 
   For those who do not already know,...the major brand names for commercial 7.62x39 ammo here (primarily Wolf) get their product chiefly from Ukraine. Kiev is now expecting invasion, and so is on a war footing. Ammunition export has ceased.
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Freedom Summit 2014 Feb. 14th-16th - Short Speaker Bios and Interview Contact Information 
   Press Release Packet
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Magazine Article  •  How To
Publisher's Backpage
by Ernest Hancock
Feature Article
Gold & Silver & Bitcoin Spot Prices 
   Stock Market or Treasuries or Precious Metals or...
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Feature Article
Lend the USG $ for 30 years and get 3.55% return 
   $ from the stock market to US Treasuries, (paying back maybe a 3rd of what inflation is stealing every year, very low estimate IMNSHO),... Who/What makes these moves for any period of time? Time Now to start making big decisions... Not Later
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The Dow - Down over 1000 points in less than a month, Down over 500 points in less than a week 
   "The collapse won't happen all at once... But, it will happen Overnight"
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Freedom Tech Workshop #1 - Saturday February 1st 2014 
   Horizontal Aquaponics Pipe Garden - This is an 'Add On' to the Aquadome that will use less electricity to circulate water via an AirLift, and provide another stand alone food system. This is a Teaching Class for only 10 students.
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Magazine Article  •  Inspiration
Publisher's Backpage
by Ernest Hancock
Ernest spends 2 days at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas and shares his experience and perspective on international commerce and the future of innovation in America and around the world.
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Magazine Article  •  Bees and Beekeeping
Publisher's Backpage - Our Visit to Amado, AZ to learn about Natural Bees and Beekeeping
by Ernest Hancock
Dee Lusby’s story is a common story of ‘Regulatory Capture’. What I learned during this experience and talking to others in the bee industry it was clear that the bees aren’t happy with how they are being treated… and they got wings.
Feature Article
Operation Vampire Killer 2000 - Download Digital Book - link to OVK 2012 on Amazon 
   Jack McLamb's "Aid and Abet Newsletter - Police and Military Against the New World Order" made the original "Officer Friendly" from the Phoenix Police Dept. the most fired and rehired (and most highly decorated Phx. officer) an Enemy of the State.
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"Operation Outlaw" 
   It's time to unveil the "secret project" I've been working on for many weeks now, and introduce people to someone who I believe can and will spread the message of true freedom farther and faster than anyone else I know.
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Feature Article
First Hours News Releases from Western Interests on Iran 'Deal' 
   We'll wait a day or two and see what is being said then...
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Trip to Southern AZ to learn about Bees from 6th generation beekeeper Nov 8-10th, 2013 
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Adam Kokesh to be Released Today - Pleads Guilty To Weapon, Drug Charges 
   A Little Birdie called to tell me that he is in Washington D.C. right now waiting for the release of Adam Kokesh from incarceration and that a deal was struck. Adam will be sentenced in early 2014... developing.
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Magazine Article  •  Agriculture
Publisher's and Editor's Backpage - Harvest Festival in the Desert
by Ernest Hancock
Arizona is much more fertile than is commonly known and when water is added to the abundant sunshine you get growth… lots of it.
Feature Article
The Question Not Being Asked about the NSA 
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Alcan Traveler - Camping Trailer 
   Pulled behind motorcycles (and cars) this high quality camping model sold retail for $3500 in 1988. The cargo model was about $800.
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The Phoenix Baseline Killer Case - City of Phoenix Files GAG Order Motion (Oral Argument Set) 
   Yeah?... well, here is the Motion, Response and the Reply... (like they'll be able to shut us up anyway :)
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Phoenix Center for the Arts - public town hall discussing issues on environment and education  
   environmentalist Steve Brittle, Arizona Education Association president Andrew Morrill, Rev. John Dorhauer and Lisa Wales of the Community Media Foundation vs... Ernest Hancock :)
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Health Insurance Marketplace Navigator Standard Operating Procedures Manual 
   "This information has not been publicly disclosed and may be privileged and confidential. It is for internal government use only and must not be disseminated, distributed, or copied to persons not authorized to receive the information. Unauthorized d
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Grand Canyon Clean Up October Sundays 13th & 20th 
   The People March... with trash bags (and pinky swear not to look)
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Magazine Article  •  Defending Archimedes
Publisher's Back Page
by Ernest Hancock
Ernie Hancock - Defending Archimedes: Generation Next; Building, Growing, Raising - Libertopia 2013
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Host: Ernest Hancock
   Here are some of the guests for this week - Ginger Taylor - John Whitehead - Charles Goyette - Scott Horton - Greg Peterson - Ty Loomis and Matt McKinney - Bernard Von NotHaus - Karen Hudes
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Freedom Summit 2014 Announcement 
   Contracts signed and packages being created now. So get ready for the Early Bird Package that will be promoted for a very limited time starting Monday September 23rd 2013.
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Feature Article
Freedom Summit 2014 Announcement 
   Contracts signed and packages being created now. So get ready for the Early Bird Package that will be promoted for a very limited time starting Monday September 23rd 2013.
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Feature Article
Murray Rothbard and Milton Friedman > "The Feud - When, Where, How, Why" 
   David Stockman's 742-page "The Great Deformation" - Prompts some understanding about the feud between Murray Rothbard and Milton Friedman
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Magazine Article  •  Surviving the Collapse
Publisher's Backpage
by Ernest Hancock
AzAquadome Project Update
Feature Article
WronG Paul 
   The Text is sung to the music of Amiee Allen's "Ron Paul Anthem". (Publisher: How Senator Rand Paul transitions his positions on Syria into a consistent theme on Iran will determine if this artwork will 'brand' his POTUS effort - IMO)
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"No Food For You" bearing plants are not legal in residential zoned areas. She had to remove her tangerine tree when she did a remodel on her house. The city inspector made her remove it before he would approve the remodel.
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Freedom's Phoenix On The Road 
   Don't Post to Front Page yet Powell
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DOHS says Hello early on. 
   Homeland Security predicted - Meet the new boss,.. same as...
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Cancer - The Forbidden Cures 
   A Film by Massimo Mazzucco.
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Magazine Article  •  Communities
Publisher's Backpage
by Ernest Hancock
Speech from Porcfest X, Defending Archimedes, Nanotupe Nickel-Iron Battery Project, Nanotube Lab, Aquaponics
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Host: Ernest Hancock
BREAKING NEWS - Adam Kokesh from Jail Monday July 22nd 2013 3:05pm Eastern Time - is forwarding your questions to Adam for a jailhouse response in exchange for a donation. Check for details. (4 minute Jailhouse Interview LOADED)
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Who Figured it out? 
   I'm going on vacation... while I'm away you may ponder this form of Non-Government. And then ask yourself if any one individual or group can take "credit" for this statement? Can you show me where this "originated"? Have fun. Peace.
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Freedom Summit 2014 - Phoenix, Arizona. February 14th - 16th 
   This is a 3 day weekend that includes Valentine's Day... a very nice time and place for LOV3olutionaires :) Take a look at our speaker list and you'll see that every one of our speakers are headliners... as usual.
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Magazine Article  •  Raising Generation Next
Publisher's Backpage - - The “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” Initiative
by Ernest Hancock
I hope you can see that we are embracing the future. We are not waiting for solutions because we have come to realize that we ARE the solution.
Feature Article
What happened to The Survival Blog??? 
   Jim Rawles, survival author and former Army Intelligence officer keeps a daily blog with updated information on all issues survival.
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Host: Ernest Hancock
Freedoms Phoenix Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack Yields Interesting Information :)
   I share this information with you not only for our own entertainment and amusement but also to learn from and be inspired :) (UPDATE - "Companies With Ties to Israel Wiretap the U.S. for the NSA" (reminded me of our investigation)
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"Hassle Free Zone" for Americans... 
   ...But you have to go to MEXICO
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The NSA (Thrones of the Empire people) are censoring news links (Don't post yet Powell) 
   Here are just few samples from this morning I'm assembling all of the broken links I keep coming across... all from the Lame-Stream :)
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NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in his own words (Video - + BONUS news) 
   The 29-year-old source behind the biggest intelligence leak in the NSA's history explains his motives, his uncertain future and why he never intended on hiding in the shadows
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Magazine Article  •  LOVE
Publisher's Backpage - (Front Page for this edition)
by Ernest Hancock
“Won’t You Be Our Neighbor?”
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Magazine Article  •  Transportation: Air Travel
Ernie finally gets his flying car...
by Ernest Hancock

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Magazine Article  •  Healthcare
Spider Bite Treatment
by Ernest Hancock
Gerald stood out among the rest and offered some great information on the treatment of spider bites (This information saved my vacation, at least, a couple years ago, and we have gotten a lot of hits on this story)
Feature Article
Someone has a sick sense of humor; I received a "hit list" for Congress 
   WARNING... Bad Guys Being Bad
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Special Action to the Arizona Supreme Court  
   "Petitioner will show that not only has Respondent and it predecessors ignored the tenants of the Constitution, it has ignored the words of the law, case law, and the Framers of Arizona's Constitution and that early Supreme Courts have allow
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Feature Article
Adam Kokesh Released - No Conditions 
   I just talked to Adam and he will tell us everything Monday morning on the 'Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock' radio show at 11am EST
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Won't You Be My Neighbor - AquaDome (UPDATE) 
   The AquaDome Frame is now fully assembled - Pics
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Spider Bite Treatment (Publisher Recommended) 
   Gerald, stood out among the rest and offered some great information on the treatment of spider bites (This information saved my vacation, at least, last year and we are starting to get a lot of hits on this story... that time of year I guess)
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Feature Article
Freedom's Phoenix Workshop... Doing Some WORK! 
   Saturday & Sunday May 11th & 12th 10am-5pm on both days we are constructing from scratch at least 3 16' diameter Geodesic domes. 2 Domes will connect and be the foundation for the Aquaponic/BioFuel/Solar Energized Food Machine.
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Feature Article
Can The Philosophy Of Freedom Save Guns? - Alan Korwin ( 
   That’s what our Founders sought, recognizing the bigger government gets, the more powers it claims and the worse for the public it governs. In the elegantly simple words of political activist Ernest Hancock: Freedom good, government bad, bad, bad...
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Feature Article
#DEFCAD has gone dark at the request of the Department of Defense Trade Controls 
   #DEFCAD has gone dark at the request of the Department of Defense Trade Controls. Take it up with the Secretary of State. (Publisher - Can you smell their fear?... That's when they are the most dangerous),
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Magazine Article  •  r3VOLution Continues
Publisher's Backpage
by Ernest Hancock
Doubling Down on the LOV3
Feature Article
FR33 Access to Freedom's Phoenix (if you attend the PrepperfestAz event this weekend) 
   Listing of Free Apps and Features for Selected Event Promotions.
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Host: Ernest Hancock
Cindy Sheehan in Studio straight from John McCain's Office
   Now.... We Party!
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Feature Article
Boston Globe Twitter Announced... 
   "Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities." 12:53 PM - 15 Apr 13 (Publisher: ???????)
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Feature Article
Arizona Breakfast Club - April 6, 2013 / AzGOP Party Chairman Tom Morrissey Confessions 
   Activists Update - Andrea Garcia on Anti-Agenda 21 efforts in Mesa, Arizona - Immediate Past AzGOP Chairman admits mistakes in dealing with Ron Paul and his supporters (does he finally get it???) - Silver Circle Movie April 11th 2013
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Magazine Article  •  Power of LOV3
Publisher's Back Page
by Ernest Hancock
Governments Fueled by Fear & Control
Feature Article
NOW HIRING - Freedom's Phoenix is Expanding 
   Social Networking Director with Sales Options available - YouTube - Twitter - LinkedIn - Facebook - Pinterest - Google Plus etc. New Customer Relations Management System requires a smart energetic freedom lover to grow with us.
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Feature Article
Sex for Ammo 
   On the way, I stopped at the gas station, and this drop-dead-gorgeous blond was filling up her car at the next pump.”
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Feature Article
ABC TV15 interview 10pm Sunday night - (Phoenix No Mandatory Vaccines) from Oct 2009 
   Printing finished today - Signs already going up across the state - Online site being finished - Other activities already under way this weekend that we'll highlight Monday :) (What did you think we were going to do?... allow forced shots?)
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Magazine Article  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Publisher's Backpage
by Ernest Hancock
I have made an intentional effort to recognize ‘worry’ as a starting pistol for motivating me to do something. Worry is associated with emotions like fear and anxiety and these feelings can be beneficial if they motivate an individual to eliminate th
Feature Article
Silver Prices... Time to back up the Pick-up truck 
   "When Silver gets below $30 it's time to back up the Pickup... when it hits $25 it's time to back up 2 Pickup trucks" - from a friend :)
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Feature Article
"Ron Paul’s America" with Ron Paul and Charles Goyette 
   Ron Paul will be doing daily radio commentary on radio stations across America and podcasts starting 3/18. Details on Ron Paul's America coming soon.
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Feature Article
The Hypocrisy of the BATFE  
   "Fast & Furious" comes to mind
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Feature Article
How I Check the Weather in Real Time 
   Since my early days in Radio this NOAA access to real time Satellite video has been the most informative. The "Water Vapor" sensors have been the most predictive of weather... Enjoy. Ernie
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Magazine Article  •  Surviving the Collapse
Publisher’s Back Page
by Ernest Hancock
In my opinion there will be various announcements that our Gun Rights will have been ‘saved’ by those that will have negotiated away any privacy and that when the dust settles there will be a massive increase in background checks against an ever grow
Feature Article
Thank you for contacting me regarding our 2nd Amendment rights - U.S. Rep. Trent Franks (R - Az) 
   "We should attempt to detect these mentally unstable individuals at an earlier time with hopes of keeping weapons out of their hands, but that should be the extent of further government interference." (Publisher: aka "National Database")
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Feature Article
(Absolutely for Men Only) 
   (Publisher: A mental break from all of our troubles, with a grin :) Clip from a very funny Czech movie.
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Feature Article
Arizona GOP Statutory Meeting for the County of Maricopa Supports Gun Rights 
   WHEREAS, to prevent federal infringement on the right to keep and bear arms (RKBA); nullifying federal acts in violation of the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Article 2 Section 26 of the Arizona Constitution.
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Feature Article
Illusion of Choice By George Carlin, Ron Paul, and Judge Napolitano 
   The best way to keep people from revolting when they know the system is corrupt? Give them the illusion of choice. We have the illusion of choice when it comes to our foods, the media, which gas station we chose, and worst of all, our vote...
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Feature Article
The Real Killers 
   Pharma involved in School Violence and Mass Shootings
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Feature Article
S.A.F.E. (Second Amendment is For Everyone - Est. 1993) 
   For complete coverage of the news and for announcements regarding Gun Rights (Oh,... and here are the links to my interviews with the Southern Poverty Law Center... all 4 :)
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Feature Article
What's the Matter With You! 
   (Great Graphic)
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Feature Article
Rational Talk with Rich Hancock, Ernest Hancock segment.mp3 is your source for all things Progressive in the DFW (Dallas/Fort Worth) area! (Ernest Hancock's Opinion on the Tucson Shooting) For Some reason this started getting a lot of hits - FYI
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Feature Article
AUDIO ARCHIVE: Ray McGovern, Ernest Hancock, EXCLUSIVE Sibel Edmonds testimony! 
   The nationally syndicated Mike Malloy Show is guest hosted by Brad Friedman ( I've known Brad for 4 years and we respect each other's contributions to freedom. And I appreciate the opportunity to share with his progressive audience.  
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Feature Article
OPERATION SPRING STEEL - Joint Field Training Exercise (FTX) 
   Here we go again
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