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Date Sent: 2015-07-30
Freedom's Phoenix AM Edition for Thursday, July 30, 2015
Total Collapse: Greece Reverts To Barter Economy For First Time Since...

"The Jackalope Freedom Festival" Non-Event -- Record Foreign Central Bank Demand Leads To Blistering 5 Year Auction -- Russell Napier: What Happens When Markets Realize China Is A Forced Seller Of Treasuries -- FBI Fabricates ISIS Terror Case From Scratch -- FOR THE FIRST TIME, A LASER THAT SHINES PURE WHITE -- Flight MH370 Wreckage Found, Close To Madagascar -- 07-26-2015 Medford Detective threatens to kill civilian -- The Reality Of A Massive Market Crash... -- Video: Cop Smashes Elbow Into Already Restrained Man's Head -- We Finally Know What Graphene Is Good For: Origami -- Why So Many People Think Pope Francis Is the Antichrist -- World population is set to hit 9.7billion by 2050... -- Hillview man arrested for shooting down drone; cites right to privacy -- US newspapers see more bad news, as jobs decline -- The Kochs freeze out Donald Trump -- Stephen Hawking on Reddit: Ask Him a Question on Artificial Intelligence -- Out of Shadows: New tech allows face recognition in utter darkness -- Rand Paul: Fraud, Failure, Liar -- Why We should Abandon the State -- Why Do Libertarians Pay Taxes? -- Photos: 'Mutant Daisies' Found In Fukushima 'Safe Zone' -- Israel's $100 Million Gamble -- INVESTIGATION: Three days before Dr. Bradstreet was found dead in a river... -- IRS Used Instant Messaging System to Hide Internal Communications -- This Silicon Valley startup is headed to China to make its batteries -- RPT-In rise of U.S. vape shops, owners eye new marijuana market -- The Colossal Hoax Of Organic Agriculture -- Kerry: We Can't Reveal Contents of Secret Side Deals to American People -- Will the Internet listen to your private conversations? --


Feature Article  •  Events: Arizona
"The Jackalope Freedom Festival" Non-Event
Donna Hancock
   July 29th - Aug 3rd 2015 near Baca Meadows in northeast Arizona. Come hang out and Camp anywhere! Where spontaneous order happens naturally, without any force, coercion, or aggression...
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Total Collapse: Greece Reverts To Barter Economy For First Time Since... News Link  •  Economy - International
Total Collapse: Greece Reverts To Barter Economy For First Time Since...
07-29-2015  •, by Tyler Durden 
Total Collapse: Greece Reverts To Barter Economy For First Time Since Nazi Occupation   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Record Foreign Central Bank Demand Leads To Blistering 5 Year Auction News Link  •  Economy - International
Record Foreign Central Bank Demand Leads To Blistering 5 Year Auction
07-29-2015  •, by Tyler Durden 
If yesterday's 3 Year auction was far stronger than expected, then today's 5 Year auction was an absolute whopper...  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Russell Napier: What Happens When Markets Realize China Is A Forced Seller Of Treasuries News Link  •  China
Russell Napier: What Happens When Markets Realize China Is A Forced Seller Of Treasuries
07-29-2015  •, by Tyler Durden 
One week ago, our post "China's Record Dumping Of US Treasuries Leaves Goldman Speechless" which revealed an unexpected plunge in China's foreign exchange reserves...  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
FBI Fabricates ISIS Terror Case From Scratch
News Link  •  TERRORISM
FBI Fabricates ISIS Terror Case From Scratch
07-29-2015  •, Kurt Nimmo 
Agent provocateurs deliver dud bomb to Florida man   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
07-29-2015  •, By Dave Gershgorn 
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Flight MH370 Wreckage Found, Close To Madagascar News Link  •  World News
Flight MH370 Wreckage Found, Close To Madagascar
07-29-2015  •, by Tyler Durden 
16 Months after Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared off the coast of Malaysia, The Telegraph reports that fragments of a wing washed up in the French island of Reunion (near Madagascar) could be wreckage from the missing plane, according to an  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
07-26-2015 Medford Detective threatens to kill civilian News Link  •  Police Brutality and Militarization
07-26-2015 Medford Detective threatens to kill civilian
07-29-2015  •, basedboston 
Driving home today I got lost and made a wrong turn. In an unfamiliar area I drove slowly but made the mistake of not seeing a poorly marked one way.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
The Reality Of A Massive Market Crash... News Link  •  Economy - International
The Reality Of A Massive Market Crash...
07-29-2015  •, Mac Slavo 
The Reality Of A Massive Market Crash: "I Have Lost Everything… I Don't Know What To Do… I Trusted the Government Too Much…"  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Video: Cop Smashes Elbow Into Already Restrained Man's Head News Link  •  Police Brutality and Militarization
Video: Cop Smashes Elbow Into Already Restrained Man's Head
07-29-2015  •, Steve Watson 
Officer charged with assault by his own chief   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
We Finally Know What Graphene Is Good For: Origami News Link  •  Inventions
We Finally Know What Graphene Is Good For: Origami
07-29-2015  •, SOPHIA CHEN 
We Finally Know What Graphene Is Good For: Origami  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Why So Many People Think Pope Francis Is the Antichrist News Link  •  Religion: Believers
Why So Many People Think Pope Francis Is the Antichrist
07-29-2015  • 
If you type "is Pope Francis antichrist" into Google, you'll get about 425,000 results in .37 seconds. By way of comparison, if you ask Google the same question about Pope Benedict you only get 137,000 and it takes a little longer--.47 seconds.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
World population is set to hit 9.7billion by 2050... News Link  •  Future Predictions
World population is set to hit 9.7billion by 2050...
07-29-2015  •, By Darren Boyle  
UN experts believe there will be an extra 2.4 billion people within 35 years  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Hillview man arrested for shooting down drone; cites right to privacy News Link  •  Privacy Rights
Hillview man arrested for shooting down drone; cites right to privacy
07-29-2015  • 
A Hillview man has been arrested after he shot down a drone flying over his property -- but he's not making any apologies for it.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
US newspapers see more bad news, as jobs decline News Link  •  Media: Print
US newspapers see more bad news, as jobs decline
07-29-2015  • 
It's another bad-news story for the US newspaper industry: newsroom jobs slumped another 10.4 percent to the lowest level since tracking began in 1978.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
The Kochs freeze out Donald Trump News Link  •  Politics: Republican Campaigns
The Kochs freeze out Donald Trump
07-29-2015  •  By Kenneth P. Vogel and Cate Martel 
Continued stiff-arming by the powerful Koch network could limit Trump's ability to build a professional campaign operation.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Stephen Hawking on Reddit: Ask Him a Question on Artificial Intelligence News Link  •  Robots and Artificial Intelligence
Stephen Hawking on Reddit: Ask Him a Question on Artificial Intelligence
07-29-2015  • 
If you have any questions about Terminators, Cylons or other human-robot hybrids, now is the time to ask them.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Out of Shadows: New tech allows face recognition in utter darkness News Link  •  Surveillance
Out of Shadows: New tech allows face recognition in utter darkness
07-29-2015  • 
German researchers have developed a new technology that can identify a person in poor lighting or even in absolute darkness thus potentially solving one of the main issues of the modern face recognition systems.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Rand Paul: Fraud, Failure, Liar News Link  •  Politics: General Activism
Rand Paul: Fraud, Failure, Liar
07-29-2015  •, by Justin Raimondo 
This time, he's crossed the Rubicon  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Why We should Abandon the State News Link  •  Books
Why We should Abandon the State
07-29-2015  •  LewRockwell 
Revisionism, according to Harry Elmer Barnes, is bringing history into accord with the facts. Why would history and factual evidence be at odds?   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Why Do Libertarians Pay Taxes? News Link  •  TAXES: Federal
Why Do Libertarians Pay Taxes?
07-29-2015  •  LewRockwell 
It never fails. Every time I write anything about taxes I get long, rambling e-mails from tax trolls who scour the Internet looking for articles about taxes so they can contact the writers and impress them with their knowledge of the tax code.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Photos: 'Mutant Daisies' Found In Fukushima 'Safe Zone' 

News Link  •  Japan - Earthquake Tsunami Radiation
Photos: 'Mutant Daisies' Found In Fukushima 'Safe Zone'
07-29-2015  • 
Disturbing photos reveal Fukushima dangers  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Israel's $100 Million Gamble News Link  •  Israel
Israel's $100 Million Gamble
07-29-2015  •, Philip Giraldi 
The Lobby doubles down on its propaganda war  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
INVESTIGATION: Three days before Dr. Bradstreet was found dead in a river... News Link  •  Death
INVESTIGATION: Three days before Dr. Bradstreet was found dead in a river...
07-29-2015  •, by Mike Adams 
The history of the suppression of medical science in America is a long one, filled with true accounts of pioneering doctors and clinicians being threatened, intimidated and even assassinated in order to bury emerging cures and keep the "sick care" in  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
IRS Used Instant Messaging System to Hide Internal Communications News Link  •  Communications
IRS Used Instant Messaging System to Hide Internal Communications
07-29-2015  •, Alexander Hendrie 
The IRS used a "wholly separate" instant messaging system that automatically deleted office communications, according to documentation released by the House Oversight Committee on Monday.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
This Silicon Valley startup is headed to China to make its batteries News Link  •  Business/ Commerce
This Silicon Valley startup is headed to China to make its batteries
07-29-2015  •, by Katie Fehrenbacher 
A little known startup is trying to make batteries that last a lot longer. If it succeeds, it would be a big breakthrough.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
RPT-In rise of U.S. vape shops, owners eye new marijuana market News Link  •  Business/ Commerce
RPT-In rise of U.S. vape shops, owners eye new marijuana market
07-29-2015  •, By Jilian Mincer 
When Matt and Jen Osmun opened their vape shop in Bethel, Connecticut, last December, they didn't expect to get a boost from the local medical marijuana outlet.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
The Colossal Hoax Of Organic Agriculture News Link  •  Agriculture
The Colossal Hoax Of Organic Agriculture
07-29-2015  • 
Consumers of organic foods are getting both more and less than they bargained for. On both counts, it's not good.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Kerry: We Can't Reveal Contents of Secret Side Deals to American People News Link  •  Obama Administration
Kerry: We Can't Reveal Contents of Secret Side Deals to American People
07-29-2015  •, By DANIEL HALPER 
Secretary of State John Kerry testified on Capitol Hill today the U.S. government will not be revealing the contents of secret side deals with Iran to the American people. Senator Tom Cotton wanted to know why it can't be made public.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Will the Internet listen to your private conversations? News Link  •  Privacy Rights
Will the Internet listen to your private conversations?
07-29-2015  •  Associated Press 
Like a lot of teenagers, Aanya Nigam reflexively shares her whereabouts, activities and thoughts on Twitter, Instagram and other social networks without a qualm.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Morphing tire concept adapts to suit driving conditions News Link  •  Science, Medicine and Technology
Morphing tire concept adapts to suit driving conditions
07-29-2015  • 
Kuhmo's Maxplo is designed to adapt to the road conditions, for ideal grip all-year round  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Gold: It's Time to Buy News Link  •  Gold and Silver
Gold: It's Time to Buy
07-29-2015  •  LewRockwell 
I'm what people call a "contrarian" investor. I tend to buy assets that are out of favor with the chattering classes and the talking heads on television.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Wireless charging for electric cars inches closer to reality News Link  •  Transportation
Wireless charging for electric cars inches closer to reality
07-29-2015  •, By James Vincent  
Qualcomm continues to license its Halo inductive charging technology   Read Full Story
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The Pluto mission should revive deep space exploration News Link  •  Space Travel and Exploration
The Pluto mission should revive deep space exploration
07-29-2015  • 
Nearly a decade ago, a piano-size space probe rocketed from Earth on a long-shot mission to Pluto, a voyage repeatedly dissed and downplayed by doubters. The outbound trip was all but forgotten, like much of this country's space program that has fa  Read Full Story
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Carbon nanotube speakers play music with heat News Link  •  Inventions
Carbon nanotube speakers play music with heat
07-29-2015  •, by Allison Mills 
Troy Bouman reaches over, presses play, and the loudspeaker sitting on the desk starts playing the university fight song. But this is no ordinary loudspeaker. This is a carbon nanotube transducer--and it makes sound with heat.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Doctors use 3D Printing to Straighten Severely Bent Legs & Perform... News Link  •  3D Printing
Doctors use 3D Printing to Straighten Severely Bent Legs & Perform...
Doctors use 3D Printing to Straighten Severely Bent Legs & Perform Double Knee Replacement Surgery   Read Full Story
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Feature Article  •  United Nations
US Wants Enhanced UN Peacekeeping Operations Serving Its Interests
Stephen Lendman
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Using the Power of Makers and 3D Printing to Help Veterans News Link  •  3D Printing
Using the Power of Makers and 3D Printing to Help Veterans
07-29-2015  •, BY TE EDWARDS 
The Prosthetics and Assistive Technology Challenge series event will take place July 28-29 in Richmond, Virginia, and the two-day event gives designers from the general public the opportunity to transform lives by improving the quality of life for ve  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Motorola boss: I would love a battery tech breakthrough News Link  •  Techno Gadgets
Motorola boss: I would love a battery tech breakthrough
07-29-2015  • 
Motorola's president has said that he would love there to be a battery tech breakthrough, but believes it will be a long time before his industry can offer a phone that lasts for a week or longer.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
The incredible teamworking skills of ANTS: Leaders and lifters coordinate... News Link  •  Biology, Botany and Zoology
The incredible teamworking skills of ANTS: Leaders and lifters coordinate...
07-29-2015  •, By JACK MILLNER  
The incredible teamworking skills of ANTS: Leaders and lifters coordinate to navigate and move massive meals   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
For the first time ever, scientists spot an aurora outside our solar system News Link  •  Space Travel and Exploration
For the first time ever, scientists spot an aurora outside our solar system
07-29-2015  •, By Rachel Feltman 
On Earth, auroras like the Northern Lights provide a dazzling light show. According to new research, the same phenomenon occurs outside our solar system -- but not necessarily around planets.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Feature Article  •  United Nations
Russia to Veto UN Resolution for US-Controlled MH17 Tribunal
Stephen Lendman
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Lawmakers Vote to Let Obama Take Your Passport Without Trial News Link  •  Obama Administration
Lawmakers Vote to Let Obama Take Your Passport Without Trial
07-29-2015  •  Prison Planet 
In a radical attack on the due-process rights of Americans that received virtually no media attention, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted to give the Obama administration the unilateral power to strip you of your passport and ri  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
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