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Date Sent: 2014-06-02
Freedom's Phoenix Edition for Monday, June 2, 2014
N.S.A. Collecting Millions of Faces From Web Images -- Snowden Strikes Back at NSA, Emails NBC News

America's Electronic Police State -- Payback time: First patent troll ordered to pay "extraordinary case" fees -- The Plan - by L.Neil Smith -- Victory for Involuntary Servitude in Colorado -- How Microsoft Created Its 'Star Trek' Voice Translator For Skype -- Memo To 8th Circuit: Fairly Inexplicable Doesn't Mean What You Think It Does -- Sudan Foreign Ministry States Christian Woman Sentenced To Death For Apostasy Will Be Freed -- Killing Emmett Young/ Emmett's Mark (a film with Tim Roth) -- The Generation Gap Has Been Produced: Julius Wellhausen - Part V -- Bilderberg actually talks nukes, euro nationalism and… Barack Obama – leak -- EFF to Court: There's No Doubt the Government Destroyed NSA Spying Evidence -- Use-of-force policy tightened for Border Patrol -- Drug task force that burned a toddler this week also killed an innocent pastor in 2009 -- Here's The Real, Forgotten Meaning Of 'The Wizard Of Oz' -- Watch An Enormous US Surveillance Drone Arrive In Japan -- Experts Are Lining Up To Warn About The Leveraged ETFs That Could 'Blow Up' -- Self-Driving Cars Will Turn Surveillance Woes Into a Mainstream Worry -- If Ambassador Stevens Had Lived... -- Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Ban Gun Shops from 99.5% of Chicago, Videotape All Sales -- US Illegal Overthrow of Hawaii 1893 -- Congress "restricts" the DEA (with a $35 million budget increase) -- For Libertarian Utopia, Float Away on 'Startup' Nation -- Video: School Security Guard Hitting Student In Wheelchair, Dumping Him On Floor -- LAPD adds drones to arsenal, says they'll be used sparingly -- Pirate Bay co-founder arrested in Sweden to serve copyright violation sentence -- Was the Iranian threat fabricated by Israel and the U.S.?

Freedom's Phoenix Digital Magazine, May 2014 Edition RELEASED


N.S.A. Collecting Millions of Faces From Web Images News Link  â€¢  Internet
N.S.A. Collecting Millions of Faces From Web Images
06-01-2014  •, By JAMES RISEN and LAURA POITRAS 
For more than a decade there have been sightings of unusual high-speed watercraft patrolling up and down the Columbia River.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Snowden Strikes Back at NSA, Emails NBC News News Link  â€¢  Whistleblowers
Snowden Strikes Back at NSA, Emails NBC News
06-01-2014  •, by BarracudaTrader 
Can The NSA Be This Stupid Pick a Fight With a Genius Whistle Blower?  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Freedom's Phoenix Digital Magazine May 2014 Edition READY FOR DOWNLOAD! Feature Article  â€¢  Freedom's Phoenix
Freedom's Phoenix Digital Magazine May 2014 Edition READY FOR DOWNLOAD!
Donna Hancock
   How have the arts helped you understand freedom.... How have you used that to share freedom with others, and to help them understand how far people will go to be free.
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America's Electronic Police State News Link  â€¢  Surveillance
America's Electronic Police State
06-01-2014  •  by Wendy McElroy (FEE) 
The NSA keeps making headlines as the force behind the American surveillance state. Civil rights advocates should be equally concerned about a quieter but no less insidious manifestation: the National Counterterrorism Center.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Payback time: First patent troll ordered to pay "extraordinary case" fees News Link  â€¢  Business/ Commerce
Payback time: First patent troll ordered to pay "extraordinary case" fees
06-01-2014  •  ars technica 
When Santa Barbara startup FindTheBest was sued by a patent troll called Lumen View it vowed to fight back rather than pay the $50,000 licensing fee Lumen was demanding. Company CEO Kevin O'Connor made it personal  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
The Plan News Link  â€¢  Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings
The Plan
06-01-2014  •  by L. Neil Smith (The Libertarian Enterprise) 
More and more, it appears that the destruction of the American economy and the civilization it supports was a deliberately calculated act. No fewer than fifteen decades of federal government usurpation and mismanagement  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Victory for Involuntary Servitude in Colorado News Link  â€¢  Government
Victory for Involuntary Servitude in Colorado
06-01-2014  •  by William N. Grigg (Lew Rockwell blog) 
The same Colorado government that withholds official recognition of same-sex marriages threatened to fine and imprison Phillips for exercising his property rights by turning down a business opportunity â€" thereby foregoing an opportunity to profit bec  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
How Microsoft Created Its 'Star Trek' Voice Translator For Skype News Link  â€¢  Communications
How Microsoft Created Its 'Star Trek' Voice Translator For Skype
06-01-2014  • 
You can translate almost any word, phrase or document by simply plugging it into a search engine. Microsoft envisions a future where you'll be able to hold a conversation with anyone around the world without language barriers.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Memo To 8th Circuit: Fairly Inexplicable Doesn't Mean What You Think It Does News Link  â€¢  Law Enforcers or Peace Officers
Memo To 8th Circuit: Fairly Inexplicable Doesn't Mean What You Think It Does
06-01-2014  •  Simple Justice 
The 8th Circuit made short shrift of the absurd arrest of Frank Snider for desecrating the flag. No big surprise there, as Snider v. City of Cape Girardeau was a slam dunk. But then it raises the hoary question of how neither the cop,  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Sudan Foreign Ministry States Christian Woman Sentenced To Death For Apostasy Will Be Freed News Link  â€¢  Religion: Believers
Sudan Foreign Ministry States Christian Woman Sentenced To Death For Apostasy Will Be Freed
06-01-2014  •  Jonathan Turley 
After an international outrage and widespread condemnation following the death sentence of a pregnant, Christian Sudanese woman accused apostasy and adultery for her marriage to a Christian man, the Sudanese Government  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Proof that Israel could not have killed the youth on Nakba Day News Link  â€¢  MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)
Proof that Israel could not have killed the youth on Nakba Day
May 28th 2014  •  Elder of Ziyon 2 
A Nakba Day Play with very amateur actors. Action! No, no, no - if you are going to fake an injury for the media, don't make it a leg injury! Cut! Take two! Send the ambulances back to their starting position!  Read Full Story
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Reported by: J E Andreasen
Killing Emmett Young/ Emmett's Mark (a film with Tim Roth) News Link  â€¢  Entertainment: Movies
Killing Emmett Young/ Emmett's Mark (a film with Tim Roth)
06-01-2014  •  Christine Smith's Blog 
Viewed the 2002-released Killing Emmett Young again (having seen it years ago), and found it once more an interesting suspenseful film…unique in its premise as in its entire story.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Christine -
The Generation Gap Has Been Produced:  Julius Wellhausen - Part V Opinion  â€¢  Religion: Believers
Words Eye View
The Generation Gap Has Been Produced: Julius Wellhausen - Part V
Greg J Dixon
   When we began these articles on the subject, "The Generation Gap has Been Produced", we had no idea that this past Presidential election would be such an illustration of the truth of these principles ...
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The Real GMO Tipping Point News Link  â€¢  Bioterrorism
The Real GMO Tipping Point
06-01-2014  •  Farm Wars 
Coexistence is a myth. What is real is that once your crop is contaminated with GMOs it is ruined, and if your neighbor grows GMOs, you will be contaminated. Let's get real!  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Barbara Peterson
Open Carry Brunch News Link  â€¢  Gun Rights
Open Carry Brunch
01062014  •  The International Libertarian 
We had a successful and friendly open carry Sunday brunch at the Court Diner in Media, PA. The event was lead by Mark Fiorino whose arrest by Philadelphia Police sparked outrage. Below is my interview with him. We talked about open carry both here an  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Darren Wolfe
Baiting Dragons, Bears and Lions News Link  â€¢  Obama Administration
Baiting Dragons, Bears and Lions
06-01-2014  •, By Philip Giraldi 
A Dangerous Game for Washington  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Mapping 100 Years Of US Immigration By State News Link  â€¢  Immigration
Mapping 100 Years Of US Immigration By State
06-01-2014  • 
Several days ago, we looked at the big picture of US immigration, presenting the place of origin of America's 40 million foreign-born residents.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
May cable news ratings spare no one News Link  â€¢  MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)
May cable news ratings spare no one
06-01-2014  • 
Make no mistake, Fox News is still the ratings king.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Massive Indonesian volcano eruption grounds flights News Link  â€¢  Natural Disasters
Massive Indonesian volcano eruption grounds flights
06-01-2014  • 
A huge volcanic eruption in Indonesia has covered the region in a vast cloud of ash, grounding flights in Australia and south east Asia.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Bilderberg actually talks nukes, euro nationalism and… Barack Obama †News Link  â€¢  Secret Societies
Bilderberg actually talks nukes, euro nationalism and… Barack Obama â€" leak
06-01-2014  •  Prison Planet 
The officially released agenda of the prestigious Bilderberg club meeting is not true, claims RT show host Daniel Estulin, a longtime watcher of the 'secret world govt' group. He says he obtained the real agenda for this year's gathering in Copenhage  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
EFF to Court: There's No Doubt the Government Destroyed NSA Spying Evidence News Link  â€¢  Surveillance
EFF to Court: There's No Doubt the Government Destroyed NSA Spying Evidence
06-01-2014  •  Prison Planet 
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) told a federal court today that there was no doubt that the government has destroyed years of evidence of NSA spying â€" the government itself has admitted to it in recent court filings.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Drug task force that burned a toddler this week also killed an innocent pastor in 2009 News Link  â€¢  Drug War
Drug task force that burned a toddler this week also killed an innocent pastor in 2009
06-01-2014  •  Washington Post 
After Georgia's Mountain Judicial Circuit Narcotics Criminal Investigation and Suppression Team burned a toddler with a flashbang grenade during a drug raid on Wednesday, Habersham County Sheriff Joey Terrell told Access North Georgia:  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Here's The Real, Forgotten Meaning Of 'The Wizard Of Oz' News Link  â€¢  Entertainment: Movies
Here's The Real, Forgotten Meaning Of 'The Wizard Of Oz'
06-01-2014  • 
Here's The Real, Forgotten Meaning Of 'The Wizard Of Oz'   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
NETFLIX: In The Future, Everyone Will Have A Personalized TV Channel News Link  â€¢  Entertainment: Television (TV)
NETFLIX: In The Future, Everyone Will Have A Personalized TV Channel
06-01-2014  • 
Your TV is living in the dark ages.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Watch An Enormous US Surveillance Drone Arrive In Japan News Link  â€¢  Drones
Watch An Enormous US Surveillance Drone Arrive In Japan
06-01-2014  • 
On May 4, the U.S. Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk remotely piloted system arrived at Misawa Air Base, Japan, where it is scheduled to operate from May to October 2014.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Experts Are Lining Up To Warn About The Leveraged ETFs That Could 'Blow Up'... News Link  â€¢  Economy - International
Experts Are Lining Up To Warn About The Leveraged ETFs That Could 'Blow Up'...
06-01-2014  • 
Experts Are Lining Up To Warn About The Leveraged ETFs That Could 'Blow Up' The Whole Financial System   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
The Walking Bicycle strolls along at 15 mph News Link  â€¢  Inventions
The Walking Bicycle strolls along at 15 mph
06-01-2014  •, By Dave Parrack 
If you enjoy the simple pleasure of walking but wish it got you from A to B as quickly as cycling then the Walking Bicycle may be your dream machine.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Self-Driving Cars Will Turn Surveillance Woes Into a Mainstream Worry News Link  â€¢  Surveillance
Self-Driving Cars Will Turn Surveillance Woes Into a Mainstream Worry
06-01-2014  •, By Camille Francois  
In the aftermath of the NSA spying revelations, our society is struggling to equip itself with the laws and public understanding necessary to deal with the spread of technology into every corner of our lives.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
If Ambassador Stevens Had Lived... News Link  â€¢  World News
If Ambassador Stevens Had Lived...
06-01-2014  •, by Dave Hodges  
If Ambassador Stevens Had Lived, the Benghazi Child Trafficking Practices Would've Been Revealed  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Living on the outside: Photographer Kitra Cahana documents nomadic... News Link  â€¢  Anthropology
Living on the outside: Photographer Kitra Cahana documents nomadic...
06-01-2014  •, by: Karen Eng 
Living on the outside: Photographer Kitra Cahana documents nomadic cultures from within  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
The strange story of the teddy bear, and what it reveals about our relationship... News Link  â€¢  Biology, Botany and Zoology
The strange story of the teddy bear, and what it reveals about our relationship...
06-01-2014  • 
The strange story of the teddy bear, and what it reveals about our relationship to animals   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
The Dead End Roads to Manhood News Link  â€¢  General Opinion
The Dead End Roads to Manhood
06-01-2014  •, by Brett  
What a journey we've been on.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Ban Gun Shops from 99.5% of Chicago, Videotape All Sales News Link  â€¢  Gun Rights
Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Ban Gun Shops from 99.5% of Chicago, Videotape All Sales
06-01-2014  •, Melissa Melton 
Back in January, U.S. District Judge Edmond Chang said that it is the government's duty to protect constitutional rights in a ruling that overturned Chicago's ban on the sale and transfer of firearms, ordinances that represented some of the toughest   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Warning: Chemical Found in Most Shower Gels and Shampoos... News Link  â€¢  Health and Physical Fitness
Warning: Chemical Found in Most Shower Gels and Shampoos...
06-01-2014  •, by: Daisy Luther 
Warning: Chemical Found in Most Shower Gels and Shampoos Can Increase Risk of Preemie Births   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Preventing Blood Loss in an Emergency Situation News Link  â€¢  How To
Preventing Blood Loss in an Emergency Situation
06-01-2014  •, By Lizzie Bennett 
Many things can befall us that can cause massive, life threatening blood loss. Gunshot wounds, stabbings, road accidents, the list is almost endless. Even something that appears to be a small nick can be fatal if that small nick perforates a blood ve  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Physical Preparedness: Practical Performance for Real-World Survival News Link  â€¢  Outdoor Survival
Physical Preparedness: Practical Performance for Real-World Survival
06-01-2014  •, By Todd Walker 
Is your body fit to function in troubled times? Good times? Events are happening with increasing regularity that are steering us to hard times.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
US Illegal Overthrow of Hawaii 1893 News Link  â€¢  History
US Illegal Overthrow of Hawaii 1893
06-01-2014  •, by visible51 
Everything you need to know about the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom in five minutes.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Congress News Link  â€¢  Drug War
Congress "restricts" the DEA (with a $35 million budget increase)
06-01-2014  •  Free Press Publications 
At the end of May, the US House of Representatives made headlines for voting on an amendment that would restrict the Drug Enforcement Agency from obstructing state industrial hemp programs, and from cracking down on medical marijuana facilities. An e  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Darryl W. Perry
High Tensile Strength Supercapacitors News Link  â€¢  Inventions
High Tensile Strength Supercapacitors
06-01-2014  •, by CTCZ 
Here's the deal. Capacitors are really cool things. Capacitors act like energy sponges, sucking up electrical charges quickly (in seconds) and releasing those charges just as quickly.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Is A Russia-Japan Natural Gas Pipeline Next? News Link  â€¢  Future Predictions
Is A Russia-Japan Natural Gas Pipeline Next?
06-01-2014  •, by Ankit Panda  
Following Russia's historic $400 billion natural gas supply deal with China last week, Japanese lawmakers are looking to revive efforts to tap into Russian natural gas supplies themselves.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Edward Snowden's Unaired Remarks About September 11 News Link  â€¢  911 / World Trade Center
Edward Snowden's Unaired Remarks About September 11
06-01-2014  •, by Tyler Durden 
There was much said in last week's primetime interview between Edward Snowden and NBC's Brian Williams.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Private group re-establishes contact with ISEE-3 comet probe News Link  â€¢  Space Travel and Exploration
Private group re-establishes contact with ISEE-3 comet probe
06-01-2014  •, By David Szondy 
A 35-year old space probe has come back to life after a 16-year slumber thanks to the world's largest single-aperture radio telescope. Using the Arecibo Radio Observatory in Puerto Rico, the ISEE-3 Reboot Project has re-established contact with the m  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Audi gets sporty with Q3 inflatable camper and 525-hp A3 concept News Link  â€¢  Transportation
Audi gets sporty with Q3 inflatable camper and 525-hp A3 concept
06-01-2014  •, By C.C. Weiss 
Heimplanet makes some of the most interesting inflatable tents on the market, including the three-person Cave and two-person Wedge.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
For Libertarian Utopia, Float Away on 'Startup' Nation News Link  â€¢  Philosophy: Libertarianism
For Libertarian Utopia, Float Away on 'Startup' Nation
06-01-2014  •, By Edward Robinson 
As dawn breaks over the Gulf of Fonseca, southeast of El Salvador, Patri Friedman sets out for a jog.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Caught On Video: News Link  â€¢  Education: Government Schools
Caught On Video:
06-01-2014  •, by Carlos E. Castañeda 
A security guard at a high school in Oakland has been arrested and charged with a felony for an assault on a student in a wheelchair, caught on video by school surveillance cameras.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
George Clooney planning to move into POLITICS after marriage to Amal Alamuddin News Link  â€¢  Politics: General Activism
George Clooney planning to move into POLITICS after marriage to Amal Alamuddin
06-01-2014  •, By Halina Watts 
Hollywood heartthrob Clooney already counts Barack Obama as a friend and is a committed political activist - now he is looking to take on a more official role.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
LAPD adds drones to arsenal, says they'll be used sparingly News Link  â€¢  Surveillance
LAPD adds drones to arsenal, says they'll be used sparingly
06-01-2014  •, By Joel Rubin 
The Los Angeles Police Department has acquired some eyes in the sky. .  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Pirate Bay co-founder arrested in Sweden to serve copyright violation sentence News Link  â€¢  World News
Pirate Bay co-founder arrested in Sweden to serve copyright violation sentence
06-01-2014  •, Reuters 
One of the founders of file-sharing website Pirate Bay has been arrested in southern Sweden to serve an outstanding sentence for copyright violations after being on the run for nearly two years, Swedish police said on Saturday.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Was the Iranian threat fabricated by Israel and the U.S.? News Link  â€¢  Israel
Was the Iranian threat fabricated by Israel and the U.S.?
06-01-2014  •, By Shemuel Meir 
In a new book and in a conversation with Haaretz, U.S. historian Gareth Porter charges that U.S. and Israeli policies on Iran have been based on fabricated evidence.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
 USCBP Law Bulletin Indicates Agents Operating Under Color of Law At Roadblocks Feature Article  â€¢  Homeland Security
USCBP Law Bulletin Indicates Agents Operating Under Color of Law At Roadblocks
Terry Bressi
   Unfortunately for the Border Patrol however, it's impossible to hide such malfeasance forever and as more and more people have awoken to the lawless nature of Border Patrol operations against the general public, the heavily fortified wall of secrecy
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The Generation Gap Has Been Produced: Economic Systems for the NWO -  Rerun of Part IV with updates Opinion  â€¢  Religion: Believers
Words Eye View
The Generation Gap Has Been Produced: Economic Systems for the NWO - Rerun of Part IV with updates
Greg J Dixon
   Rerun of Part IV with updates, Part V continued tomorrow - This article is a continuation in which we are discussing the second of seven diabolical men "Who Rule the World From the Grave," Karl Marx ...
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Publisher's Back Page Article for Digital Magazine May 2014 Feature Article  â€¢  Raising Generation Next
Publisher's Back Page Article for Digital Magazine May 2014
Ernest Hancock
   This article is really a letter to my Grandchildren,… but since we share our lives openly with our friends, I'm sure our friends and supporters won't mind, and our children will likely only roll their collective eyes a little bit.
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The False Flag Road to Martial Law & WW III Still Runs Through Chicago Feature Article  â€¢  Police State
The False Flag Road to Martial Law & WW III Still Runs Through Chicago
Ernest Hancock
   The Latest from Dave Hodges
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SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, June 1, 2014 Edition Opinion  â€¢  Humor
SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News
SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, June 1, 2014 Edition
John Semmens
   President Not Getting Enough Credit for Foreign Policy State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki lamented the perception that President Obama's foreign policy has been plagued by incoherence and inconsistency, saying that "President Obama doesn't giv
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Why We Should All Take A Moment To Listen To Jim Rogers News Link  â€¢  Economy - Economics USA
Why We Should All Take A Moment To Listen To Jim Rogers
05-30-2014  •, By Nina Xiang 
Legendary investor Jim Rogers has been warning about "the ocean of artificial liquidity" as a result of the unprecedented money printing by central banks around the world for quite some time now.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Military Funds Brain-Computer Interfaces to Control Feelings News Link  â€¢  Robots and Artificial Intelligence
Military Funds Brain-Computer Interfaces to Control Feelings
05-30-2014  •  By Antonio Regalado 
A $70 million program will try to develop brain implants able to regulate emotions in the mentally ill.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Elon Musk unveils Dragon V2 manned spacecraft News Link  â€¢  Space Travel and Exploration
Elon Musk unveils Dragon V2 manned spacecraft
05-30-2014  •, By David Szondy 
Having teased the public by showing off the SuperDraco engine, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has taken the wraps off the Dragon V2 manned spacecraft that it's designed to propel.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Virgin Galactic Gets FAA Approval For Commercial Launches News Link  â€¢  Transportation: Air Travel
Virgin Galactic Gets FAA Approval For Commercial Launches
05-30-2014  • 
Gettin' the paperwork done for commercial flights into space   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
French actor Depardieu pays low tax rate in Russia News Link  â€¢  TAXES: Federal
French actor Depardieu pays low tax rate in Russia
05-30-2014  • 
Veteran actor Gerard Depardieu who fled his native France in protest over a new wealth tax is now paying a rate of only six percent in his newly adopted country of Russia, the Izvestia daily reported Friday.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Washington mom outraged over 'pay to potty' policy in classroom
News Link  â€¢  Education: Government Schools
Washington mom outraged over 'pay to potty' policy in classroom
05-30-2014  • 
A Washington state mom vowed to take legal action after she said her child was forced to "pay" to use the bathroom in her third-grade class.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Dana Hills High Students Allowed To Go Home After 4-Hour Class-By-Class Weapons Search News Link  â€¢  Police State
Dana Hills High Students Allowed To Go Home After 4-Hour Class-By-Class Weapons Search
05-30-2014  • 
Dana Hills High School students were released from a four-hour lockdown Thursday after an empty rifle or shotgun carrying case was reportedly found in a campus parking lot.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
World Bank sounds alarm on rising global food prices News Link  â€¢  Economy - International
World Bank sounds alarm on rising global food prices
05-30-2014  • 
World food prices rose in the first quarter of the year for the first time since their all-time high in August 2012, driven by rising demand in China, drought in the United States and unrest in Ukraine.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Lest We Never Learn A Lesson by Travis Wilson News Link  â€¢  General Opinion
Lest We Never Learn A Lesson by Travis Wilson
05-30-2014  • 
Memorial Day is another fabricated holiday to remember the exact opposite of what the day should represent. This is the day that should inspire millions to march on DC and every other satellite occupation facility throughout the ....  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Killing Abroad and At Home: Why the VA is Broken by Bill Buppert News Link  â€¢  Government
Killing Abroad and At Home: Why the VA is Broken by Bill Buppert
05-30-2014  • 
"Bureaucracy destroys initiative. There is little that bureaucrats hate more than innovation, especially innovation that produces better results than the old routines. Improvements always make those at the top of the heap look inept. Who enjoys appea  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
America's Timeless Revolution News Link  â€¢  Whistleblowers
America's Timeless Revolution
05-30-2014  • 
I wrote this on Facebook as a summation of a series of tweets I sent out today and copied to my Facebook wall â€" including links to both the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. J. Neil Schulman @jneilschulman   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
NBC Censors Snowden's Critical 9/11 Comments from Prime Time Audience News Link  â€¢  911 / World Trade Center
NBC Censors Snowden's Critical 9/11 Comments from Prime Time Audience
05-30-2014  •  Daily 
"They found that we had all of the information we needed as an intelligence community... to detect this plot"  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Exclusive: Libertarian Candidate for Governor Arrested For Gathering Signatures
News Link  â€¢  Police State
Exclusive: Libertarian Candidate for Governor Arrested For Gathering Signatures
05-30-2014  • 
Lake Calhoun, MN- For months has reported on the uphill battle Libertarian candidates face when trying to obtain ballot access,   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
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