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Feature Article  â€¢  Global Edition
Human Trafficking
Jim Caviezel: "In a fair world, (Sound of Freedom) would hands down win best picture
Donna Hancock
   Like the Passion, they won't touch this one.
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News Link  â€¢ 
LGBTQ-Gay Rights
'Country is run by clowns and pervs': Biden czar glories in sadomasochism
05-25-2023  •, By Peter LaBarbera 
'This is not your grandmother's Democrat Party!'
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Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
News Link  â€¢ 
The big "The unvaxxed are killing us" lie
12-26-2022  •  Twitter 

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Donna Hancock
News Link  â€¢ 
Courtroom and Trials
Canadian Pastor Gets "Total" Win In Court -
07-23-2022  • 
- "Jail Time…Censorship…Fines Against Him Were Illegal"
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Robert Lee
News Link  â€¢ 
Federal Reserve
Peter Schiff: The Fed Between a Rock and a Hard Place
03-10-2021  • by Peter Schiff 
The markets seem to think the Fed is going to fight inflation.
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Robert Lee

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Federal Reserve
The Crack-Up is Coming
12-08-2020  •, By Ron Paul, MD 
Some Federal Reserve officials are calling for tougher banking regulations in order to prevent the Fed's low interest rate policy from leading investors to take "excessive" risks that will create asset bubbles.
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Robert Lee
Radio/TV  •  Bitcoin
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
03-12-15 -- Alma Sommer, Brian Stith & Neo - Elissa Hawke -- (VIDEO & MP3 LOADED)
Program Date:  2015-03-12
   Alma Sommer (Agorist Marketplace) and Brian Stith come on the show to talk about their Undocumented Human Bitcoin Tour - Elissa Hawke (entertainer, writer, yoga instructor) talks about helping people awaken and heal themselves
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News Link  â€¢ 
Queen of Darkness Blythe Masters Joins Bitcoin Startup
03-10-2015  • 
Blythe Masters caught red-handed in trying to pull off Enron 2.0, and responsible for manipulating electricity prices in California, was about to join the CFTC: yes, the person who created perhaps the most important derivative product...
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Jack Gregson
News Link  â€¢ 
Opinion: Bitcoin May Be What Gets Us Real Net Neutrality
03-09-2015  • 
The recent Net neutrality victory at the FCC is not a silver bullet.
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Robert Lee
Feature Article  â€¢  Global Edition
Events: Arizona
Arizona Breakfast Club, Saturday - March 7th, 2015 - Coco's PV Mall - 8-10 a.m. AZ TIME.
Donna Hancock
   Chad Hudspeth (Endless Food Systems - Aquaponics) will be the featured speaker. Come hear Chad talk about feeding the world, 'teaching people to fish', and having a global impact on hunger. We will also be promoting the Bitcoin Summit (BitcoinSummit.
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Radio/TV  •  Bitcoin
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
02-20-15 -- Doug Scribner - Jeffrey Tucker -- (VIDEO & MP3 LOADED)
Program Date:  2015-02-20
   Doug Scribner (writer, producer, animator) talks about WatchByBit.Com, a video platform where creatives can be fairly paid while voluntarily sharing with others - Jeffrey Tucker (Author, Executive Editor of Laissez Faire Books, Chief Liberty Officer
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News Link  â€¢ 
"Undocumented Human" Bitcoin Tour
02-17-2015  •  Undocumented Human 
The Undocumented Human Bitcoin Tour, will include stops in Mesa, Arizona, Los Angeles and Santa Cruz, California and Austin, Texas. The tour will be promoting the use of Bitcoin for the next generation. Alma Sommer and Brian Stith are both new parent
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Donna Hancock
News Link  â€¢ 
The Biggest Mistakes and Best Ways to Use Bitcoin
02-16-2015  • 

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Robert Lee
Radio/TV  •  Bitcoin
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
02-13-15 -- Rodolfo Novak - Michael Terpin - Erik Voorhees (MP3 & VIDEO LOADED)
Program Date:  2015-02-13
   Rodolfo Novak (CEO/Founder Coinkite) features multi-signature, bank-grade security, developer's API and Bitcoin privacy - Michael Terpin (Founder/CEO Social Radius) on the Satoshi Roundtable Meeting - Erik Voorhees (
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News Link  â€¢ 
Plan to Distribute Bitcoin in Dominica Shelved
02-11-2015  • 
An event expected to involve the distribution of bitcoin to 70,000 residents of Dominica has been canceled.
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Robert Lee
News Link  â€¢ 
Morpheus on Bad Business
02-10-2015  •  Morpheus 
Byan Laurel and Melissa Epstein from Bad Business, set out to get the inside information about the most important development in currency known as Bitcoin. While at the Home and Garden show, Bryan connects with Morpheus Titania, who is running a Bitc
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Thomas Costanzo
News Link  â€¢ 
02-10-2015  •  BreadWallet 
Unlike other iOS wallets, breadwallet is a real standalone bitcoin client. There is no server to get hacked or go down, so you can always access your money. Using SPV mode, breadwallet connects directly to the bitcoin network with the fast performanc
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Donna Hancock
Feature Article  â€¢  Global Edition
Satoshi Roundtable Re-Cap on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show
Donna Hancock
   A small group of people involved in crypto currency and Bitcoin ?" CEOs, early adopters, VCs etc. met for a private retreat in the Caribbean this past weekend to discuss the future of Bitcoin. Ernest will interview some of the attendees...
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News Link  â€¢ 
JIM RICKARDS: I met with senior US special forces officers to figure out ways...
02-05-2015  •, Jim Rickards 
JIM RICKARDS: I met with senior US special forces officers to figure out ways to disrupt terrorists' use of Bitcoin
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Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Feature Article  â€¢  Global Edition
Arizona Breakfast Club, Saturday - February 7th, 2015 - Coco's PV Mall - 8-10 a.m. AZ TIME.
Donna Hancock
   Ernest will talk about the Bitcoin Summit he is hosting in Phoenix on Pi Day March 14th, 2015 at the Sheraton Crescent Hotel - Eric Boudette, libertarian activist from the '90's jailed for defending his life against a rogue cop, has been released and
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News Link  â€¢ 
Justice and Judges
BREAKING: Ross Ulbricht Found Guilty on All Charges
02-04-2015  •  The Liberty Beat 
After deliberating for around two hours, the jury in the Ross Ulbricht Trial came back with a verdict of Guilty on all charges. After the verdict was read the Ulbricht's family was in tears and supporters in the audience yelled, "Ross is a hero?
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Donna Hancock
News Link  â€¢ 
Senior US special forces to disrupt terrorists' use of Bitcoin
02-03-2015  • 
Tthe Special Forces fascinating blend of technologists, commandos, and economists working together to counter a threat to U.S. national security from the use by terrorists of crypto-currencies to finance terror.
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Ernest Hancock
Feature Article  â€¢  Global Edition
Events: Arizona
Freedom's Phoenix and BitcoinSummit.Info at the Super Bowl...
Donna Hancock
   Pedal Cabs riding around with Freedom's Phoenix and Bitcoin Summit (BitcoinSummit.Info) Signs being displayed at the Super Bowl events and NFL Experience in Phoenix, AZ this week on 8 cabs
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News Link  â€¢ 
Winklevoss twins look to legitimize Bitcoin with a regulated US exchange
01-26-2015  •,By Chris Welch  
Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss think they have the answer to Bitcoin's rocky 2014 and tumbling value: a "fully regulated" Bitcoin exchange based in the United States.
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Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Radio/TV  •  Bitcoin
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
01-20-15 Cody Wilson - Bruce Fenton - Bitcoin Foundation Election Debate (VIDEO & MP3 LOADED)
Program Date:  2015-01-20
   Cody Wilson (Defense Distributed & Dark Wallet) and Bruce Fenton (Consultant; Economic Advisor; President of the Bitcoin Associaton) a 3 hour debate. Should the Bitcoin Foundation exist and if so, for what purpose. +1 hr BONUS
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News Link  â€¢ 
Business/ Commerce
"We Don't Have To Hide": The Rise Of Conservative Brands
06-10-2023  • by Naveen Anthrapully 
Multiple brands touting conservative values have been launching and gaining market share amid the current economic climate where an increasing number of consumers are reacting harshly to--even boycotting--companies promoting progressive ideologies,
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Robert Lee
News Link  â€¢ 
Employment & Jobs
Don't Be Stupid â€" The U.S. Economy Actually LOST 2.5 Million Jobs Last Month
02-04-2023  •, by Michael 
I can't take it anymore.
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Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
News Link  â€¢ 
National Power Grid
Power substations vandalized in Washington state weeks after North Carolina electricity attack...
12-26-2022  •  CNN 
... and FBI warning
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Donna Hancock
News Link  â€¢ 
Courtroom and Trials
Nicholas Sandmann reaches settlement with NBC in Covington Catholic High School controversy
12-19-2021  •, By Charles Creitz 
Nicholas Sandmann settled Friday with NBC-Universal, he said.
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Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
News Link  â€¢ 
Economic Theory
The Next Commodity Supercycle
02-22-2021  •, By Variant Perception  
There are three big drivers of the commodity supercycle:
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Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Radio/TV  •  Bitcoin
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
03-13-15 -- Davi Barker - Derrick Slopey - Ernest Hancock (MP3 & VIDEO + BONUS LOADED)
Program Date:  2015-03-13
   Davi Barker and Derrick Slopey, both in town for the Bitcoin Summit 2015, come in studio to talk about all aspects of Bitcoin, privacy, ease of use, and the necessity for an alternative currency
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News Link  â€¢ 
Run: Blythe Masters Rips Libertarian's Views On Bitcoin
03-11-2015  • 
In other words, if you were to hear that Masters was going to be designing new piggy banks, it would be wise that you never, ever, allow your kids to put another single penny in one.
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Jack Gregson
News Link  â€¢ 
'Masked' Card Lets Online Shoppers Pay Anywhere With Bitcoin
03-09-2015  •  Coin Desk 
Online privacy company Abine has announced the launch of Bitcoin Anywhere, enabling Coinbase wallet holders to make bitcoin purchases at any e-commerce site. Bitcoin Anywhere, currently in beta and invite only, will enable Coinbase users to link t
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Powell Gammill
Radio/TV  •  Bitcoin
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
06-06-15 -- Orion Martin - Nancy Anarchapulco - Michael Terpin (MP3 & VIDEO LOADED)
Program Date:  2015-03-06
   Orion Martin (Founder and CEO of Sidekik) an anti-police state app, provides an update and crowdfuning campaign - "Nancy" (a Bitcoin enthusiast at Anarchapulco) talks about the event - Michael Terpin (Founder/CEO Social Radius) provides an update on
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News Link  â€¢ 
Bank of England Bitcoin Revolution â€" Who Benefits?
02-28-2015  • 
Bitcoin revolution could be the next internet, says Bank of England ... The Bank of England has unveiled analysis of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin that suggests electronic money could cause a tectonic shift in the payments industry. â€" UK Telegraph
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Robert Lee
Radio/TV  •  Bitcoin
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
02-18-15 -- Paul Snow - Bruce Fenton -- (VIDEO & MP3 LOADED)
Program Date:  2015-02-18
   Paul Snow (Chair of the Texas Bitcoin Conference) comes on the show to talk about the Satoshi Roundtable Meeting - Bruce Fenton (Consultant; Economic Advisor; President of the Bitcoin Association) provides his perspective on the Satoshi Roundtable
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News Link  â€¢ 
What's New at the Bitcoin Colony
02-16-2015  •, by Paul Rosenberg 
As I've mentioned in the past, Bitcoin is an invasion into the status quo.
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Robert Lee
News Link  â€¢ 
Bitcoin, Value, and Ponzi Schemes
02-13-2015  •  MoneyandState.Com/Erik Voorhees 
To his credit, Gary North clearly points us to his main argument: "The coins will never be the money of the future. This is my main argument." His justification for this position, carefully explained over several paragraphs, is simple as we
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Donna Hancock
Radio/TV  •  Bitcoin
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
02-12-15 -- Alma Sommer - Aaron Voisine - David Eisenstein -- (VIDEO & MP3 LOADED)
Program Date:  2015-02-12
   Aaron Voisine (Co-Founder and CEO of BreadWallet) secure bitcoin wallet that requires no server, but directly connects to the bitcoin network - David Eisenstein (Attorney; Founder/Treasurer of MONSTAH PAC) Super PAC for LEFT (Progressives)
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Radio/TV  •  Bitcoin
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
02-11-15 -- Michael Goldstein (Satoshi Nakamoto Institute) (MP3 LOADED & VIDEO LOADED)
Program Date:  2015-02-11
   Michael Goldstein (President of the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute) comes on the show to talk about Satoshi Nakamoto and the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute, Bitcoin, Satoshi Roundtable, and the future of cryptocurrencies.
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Radio/TV  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
02-10-15 -- Shawn Wilkinson - David Johnston - William Binney -- (VIDEO & MP3 LOADED)
Program Date:  2015-02-10
   Shawn Wilkinson (Founder and Lead Developer of the Storj project) and David Johnston (DApps Fund, BitAngels, Factom) each provide their perspective on the Satoshi Roundtable meeting this past weekend - William Binney (NSA Whistleblower)
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News Link  â€¢ 
Who Controls Bitcoin?
02-10-2015  • 
A common and understandable concern about Bitcoin is that it might become corrupted at the protocol level to serve special interests rather than the unwashed masses.
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Robert Lee
News Link  â€¢ 
Who Controls Bitcoin?
02-09-2015  •  Nakamoto Institute 
A common and understandable concern about Bitcoin is that it might become corrupted at the protocol level to serve special interests rather than the unwashed masses. For example, features might become adopted which make Bitcoin much less anonymous or
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Donna Hancock
News Link  â€¢ 
Bitcoin 'Elites' Plan Secret Bilderberg Style Confab
02-05-2015  •, Steve Watson 
Top 50 members of the "ecosystem" to meet on secret Caribbean Island
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Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
News Link  â€¢ 
Bitcoin's day of reckoning is here
02-04-2015  • 
On the same day that the alleged mastermind of the clandestine Silk Road marketplace was found guilty for a host of crimes that thrust bitcoin into the public spotlight, regulators in New York came a step closer to licensing businesses that deal in t
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Donna Hancock
News Link  â€¢ 
Bitcoin 'Elites' Plan Secret Bilderberg Style Confab
02-03-2015  • 
Fifty of the world's most prominent Bitcoin chieftains are set to gather in secret at an undisclosed Caribbean resort in a roundtable gathering that some are already comparing to The Bilderberg Group meetings.
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Ernest Hancock
News Link  â€¢ 
Regulated Bitcoin Exchanges Are Coming to America .::. Flipside Bits 17
02-02-2015  •, Flipside Bits  
Are regulated Bitcoin exchanges coming to America? DJ Booth tackles the Gemini bitcoin exchange from the Winklevoss twins and Coinbase's new exchange. Did Coinbase launch too early or is Gemini too slow out of the gates?
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Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
News Link  â€¢ 
Bitcoin and the Digital-Currency Revolution
01-24-2015  •  Wall Street Journal 
Whether bitcoin survives or not, the technology underlying it is here to stay. In fact, that technology will become ever more influential as developers create newer, better versions and clones.
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Ernest Hancock
News Link  â€¢ 
World News
A New Form of ID Allows You to Be a Citizen of the World
01-26-2015  •  Vice 
Janina Lowisz, AKA "Blockchain Girl", a 24-year-old management student billed as the first "World Citizen On the Blockchain". A few months back she became the proud owner of the first ever proof of existence,
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Powell Gammill
Radio/TV  •  Bitcoin
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
01-21-15 Wednesday: Andreas Antonopoulos (MP3 & VIDEO LOADED)
Program Date:  2015-01-21
   Andreas Antonopoulos (Coder, Entrepreneur, Commentator, Speaker, Writer) comes on the show to discuss the debate between Cody Wilson and Bruce Fenton and their run for the Board of the Bitcoin Foundation
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