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Date Sent: 2009-12-31
Freedom's Phoenix Global Edition for Thursday, December 31, 2009
TSA Flexes Security Muscles, Threatens Bloggers -- U.S. taking majority ownership of GMAC

Taliban claim blast that killed 8 Americans, 5 Canadians were CIA -- Judicial Watch: Ten Most Corrupt Politicians of 2009 -- Mailman to Deliver Aid in Case of Anthrax Attack -- Top 11 Assaults on Liberty of the Decade! -- Guide to breaking cell phone security revealed -- Scary of Gold Forecasts by Jim Rogers, Marc Faber? -- German Physicists Trash Global Warming 'Theory' -- Afghan probe says NATO fighting killed children -- The Sky’s the Limit for China’s DIY Aviators -- Nullification - the answer to HC Reform -- Ron Paul suggests ‘agenda’ to expand terror war, attack American liberty -- Should kids be allowed to play with BB guns? -- Sentence barring medical marijuana use upheld -- Ben Stein Says Ron Paul Uses 'Anti-Semitic Arguments' -- Is aviation security mostly for show? -- Russia may send spacecraft to divert asteroid -- Federal Authority for Vaccinations and Quarantines - by John Green -- Dave Barry's year in review: 2009

AZ: Arizona Breakfast Club meets this Saturday


TSA Flexes Security Muscles, Threatens Bloggers News Link  •  TERRORISM
TSA Flexes Security Muscles, Threatens Bloggers
12-30-2009  •  Mondo Frazier 
The TSA might have dropped the ball with keeping Americans safe in the skies, but if you're a blogger writing about the affair--look out! They're hell on wheels.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Randy Ricochet
Taliban claim blast that killed 8 Americans, 5 Canadians were CIA News Link  •  Central Intelligence Agency
Taliban claim blast that killed 8 Americans, 5 Canadians were CIA
12-30-2009  •  AP 
US officials said the suicide attacker detonated explosives at Forward Operating Base Chapman in Khost province near the Afghan border with Pakistan, killing 8 American civilians. A congressional official said CIA employees were believed to be among   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
News Link  •  Events: Arizona
"Symposium on Cognitive Science and Philosophy" Lectures
12-30-2009  •  Phoenix Objectivists 
For their first meeting of the year on Wednesday, January 13th, Phoenix Objectivists will begin listening to a new pre-recorded lecture series on the subject of "Cognitive Science".  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Mike Renzulli
Charles Goyette Book Signing News Link  •  Events: Arizona
Charles Goyette Book Signing
12-30-2009  •  The Dollar 
Join Charles Goyette for a special conversation and signing of his book "The Dollar Meltdown" on Thursday, January 14th at Borders Books & Music, 24th Street & Camelback Road, Phoenix at 7:00 p.m.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Mike Renzulli
5.8 Earthquake Strikes California-Mexico Border, Vast Numbers of Uninsured News Link  •  World News
5.8 Earthquake Strikes California-Mexico Border, Vast Numbers of Uninsured
12-30-2009  •  Ginn 
A report from Science Daily found “California has more than a 99% chance of having a magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquake within the next 30 years". Still only 10% of Californians carry earthquake insurance.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Randy Ricochet
Judicial Watch: Ten Most Corrupt Politicians of 2009 News Link  •  Corruption
Judicial Watch: Ten Most Corrupt Politicians of 2009
12-30-2009  •  Mondo Frazier 
Actually called the "Washington's Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians of 2009". It's a prime example of your tax dollars at work.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Randy Ricochet
GATA sues Federal Reserve to Disclose Gold Market Intervention Records News Link  •  Federal Reserve
GATA sues Federal Reserve to Disclose Gold Market Intervention Records
12-30-2009  •  Business Wire 
The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc. today brought suit against the US Federal Reserve Board, seeking a court order for disclosure of the central bank's records of its surreptitious market intervention to suppress the monetary metal's price.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jean Carbonneau
Mailman to Deliver Aid in Case of Anthrax Attack News Link  •  Bioterrorism
Mailman to Deliver Aid in Case of Anthrax Attack
12/25/2009  • 
President Obama signs executive order directing U.S. Postal Service to plan for delivering antidotes in event of a bioterror attack  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Phennommennonn GLP
	President Obama signs executive order directing U.S. Postal Service to plan for delivering antidote News Link  •  Bioterrorism
President Obama signs executive order directing U.S. Postal Service to plan for delivering antidote
12/25/2009  • 
The live thread  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Phennommennonn GLP
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence With Ernest Hancock Afternoon December 30th 2009
   Jet Lacey sits in for Ernest and discusses Austrian Economics, Murray Rothbard, Ron Paul, Libertarianism, and Anarchism as well as how each is inter-related.
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Top 11 Assaults on Liberty of the Decade! #5-0 Countdown! News Link  •  Activism
Top 11 Assaults on Liberty of the Decade! #5-0 Countdown!
12-29-09  • 
A countdown of the top 11 Assaults on Liberty of the Decade! #5-0 . See how many you agree with!   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Tarrin Lupo
U.S. taking majority ownership of GMAC News Link  •  Corruption
U.S. taking majority ownership of GMAC
12/30/2009  • 
U.S. taking majority ownership of GMAC Quote from an email from the Wash Post News Alert04:30 PM EST Wednesday, December 30, 2009 U.S. taking majority ownership of GMAC The federal government said Wednesday it will take majority control of th  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Phennommennonn GLP
12/30/2009  • 
TALLAHASSEE " Attorney General Bill McCollum called on other states’ legal officers Tuesday to review a “tax on living” in the pending federal health-care proposals. In a conference call with reporters, McCollum also said he might mount a court ch  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Phennommennonn GLP
Guide to breaking cell phone security revealed News Link  •  Privacy Rights
Guide to breaking cell phone security revealed
12-30-2009  •  AP 
A German security expert has raised the ire of the cell phone industry after he and a group of researchers posted online a how-to guide for cracking the encryption that keeps the calls of GSM-standard cell phone users secret.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Scary of Gold Forecasts by Jim Rogers, Marc Faber? News Link  •  Precious Metals
Scary of Gold Forecasts by Jim Rogers, Marc Faber?
12-30-2009  • 
The gold bears are out today as the aired 2010 predictions are being issued by talking heads. Some pro-gold stars like Mark Faber and Jim Rogers are being interviewed every day and are predicting a dollar rally.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
Women and Guns News Link  •  Gun Rights
Women and Guns
12-30-2009  •  Massad Ayoob for 
Political enfranchisement? Of course! Entry into previously male-exclusive job markets? A done deal, for the most part. Economic power and self-determination? You bet. But defend yourself and your loved ones against a deadly criminal, by resorting  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
German Physicists Trash Global Warming 'Theory' News Link  •  Environment
German Physicists Trash Global Warming 'Theory'
12-30-2009  •  John O’Sullivan for 
For any non-scientist interested in the climate debate, there is nothing better than a ready primer to guide you through the complexities of atmospheric physics " the “hardest” science of climatology. Here we outline the essential points made by Dr.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
Texas Tech fires football coach Leach News Link  •  Entertainment: Sports
Texas Tech fires football coach Leach
12-30-2009  •  AP 
Texas Tech fired coach Mike Leach, 2 days after he was suspended by the school as it investigated his treatment of a player with a concussion. The school handed a termination letter to Leach's attorney, Ted Liggett, minutes before the 2 sides were to  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Survivalism Lite News Link  •  Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings
Survivalism Lite
12-30-2009  •  Jessica Bennett for 
Bedford's homemaking skills went into overdrive. She began stockpiling canned food, and converted a spare bedroom into a giant storage facility. The trunk of each of her family's cars got its own 72-hour emergency kit " giant Tupperware containers fu  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence With Ernest Hancock Morning December 30th 2009
   Jet Lacey sits in for Ernest and discusses Libertarianism, Anarchism, Murray Rothbard, Austrian Economics, and Ron Paul.
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The Sky’s the Limit for China’s DIY Aviators News Link  •  Transportation: Air Travel
The Sky’s the Limit for China’s DIY Aviators
12-30-2009  •  Wired 
China is home to a widespread DIY culture fed by necessity (the mother of all invention) and innovation. These garage builders and innovators are, like their products, often called shanzhai. Literally translated, it means “mountain strongholds,”   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
Afghan probe says NATO fighting killed children News Link  •  WAR: About that War
Afghan probe says NATO fighting killed children
12-30-2009  •  AP 
The head of a presidential delegation investigating the deaths of 10 people in eastern Afghanistan concluded that civilians -- including schoolchildren -- were killed in an attack involving foreign troops, disputing NATO reports that the dead were in  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Ron Paul suggests ‘agenda’ to expand terror war, attack American liberty News Link  •  Propaganda
Ron Paul suggests ‘agenda’ to expand terror war, attack American liberty
12-30-2009  He said that terrorist-style tactics carried out against the United States and U.S. interests are a response to occupation of Arab lands. The attempted attack on Northwest Airlines Flight 253, he said, was a result of "either awful stupidity or there  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
Nullification - the answer to HC Reform News Link  •  States' Rights
Nullification - the answer to HC Reform
12/29/2009  •  Uncommon Sense 
Nullification is a right guaranteed to the states through the constitution. Originally written by Thomas Jefferson in 1798, nullification is the process by which a state can void a federal law within its’ own borders. Simply put if the federal govern  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Dave Johannes
Should kids be allowed to play with BB guns? News Link  •  Gun Rights
Should kids be allowed to play with BB guns?
12-30-2009  •  San Francisco Chronicle 
BB guns and other nonpowder guns are often thought of as toys, but they injure as many as 21,000 Americans each year, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. On Christmas day, a Florida boy was among those who got injured this year.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Sentence barring medical marijuana use upheld News Link  •  Drug War
Sentence barring medical marijuana use upheld
12-30-2009  •  San Francisco Chronicle 
A judge who wanted a gun-toting youth to clean up his act was acting within his power by forbidding him to use the medical marijuana he took for migraine headaches as part of a probation sentence that kept him out of prison, a state appeals court in   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Ben Stein Says Ron Paul Uses 'Anti-Semitic Arguments' News Link  •  r3VOLution Continues
Ben Stein Says Ron Paul Uses 'Anti-Semitic Arguments'
12-30-2009  •  Lew Rockwell 
Former actor-turned-economic and political advisor Ben Stein claimed Ron Paul was using an "anti-Semitic argument" when Congressman Paul argued the US should refrain from bombing Yemen in a December 28 interview on Larry King.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Stone basins may be Miwok salt 'factory' News Link  •  Anthropology
Stone basins may be Miwok salt 'factory'
12-30-2009  •  AP 
Somewhere in the Sierra Nevada, a granite terrace the size of a football field holds hundreds of mysterious stone basins---one of the earliest known "factories" created by Miwok Indians to make tons of salt to trade with tribes around California.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Old Regime: Obama Official Refers to Bush Terms as ‘Regime’ News Link  •  Obama Administration
Old Regime: Obama Official Refers to Bush Terms as ‘Regime’
12-30-2009  •  Mondo Frazier 
An unnamed Obama official talked to a Politico reporter and called the Bush years "the old regime". We don't have no stinkin' regimes in America. Do we? Does this make anyone who's discussed the recent attacks on civil liberties feel any better?  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Randy Ricochet
News Link  •  Media: Internet
"Operation: Stop and Think"
12-30-2009  •  Rome-News Tribune 
Staff of a Georgia funeral home have announced a program to help combat D.U.I. for the New Year holiday whereby participants will be provided a free funeral if they die in a car accident while driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Mike Renzulli
Is aviation security mostly for show? News Link  •  Homeland Security
Is aviation security mostly for show?
12-30-2009  •  CNN 
"Security theater" refers to security measures that make people feel more secure without doing anything to actually improve their security.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
Google's Unlocked Phone Could Start a Revolution News Link  •  Communications
Google's Unlocked Phone Could Start a Revolution
12-30-2009  •  Live Science 
There are several advantages of an unlocked plan over the traditional two-year plan. First, monthly plans cost less. You can also buy a new phone with the features you want at any time and simply transfer the SIM card to the new phone, and perhaps gi  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
Penile Extenders Actually Might Work, Doctors Say News Link  •  Sexuality: Sex and the Law
Penile Extenders Actually Might Work, Doctors Say
12-30-2009  •  Live Science 
The penile extender, a traction device for the dedicated " to be used at least six hours a day for at least six months " is not only safe and effective, doctors say, but also can increase erection size and improve erectile function.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
Space head: Russia may send spacecraft to asteroid News Link  •  Space Travel and Exploration
Space head: Russia may send spacecraft to asteroid
12-30-2009  •  Yahoo AP 
MOSCOW " Russia's space chief said Wednesday his agency will consider sending a spacecraft to a large asteroid to knock it off its path and prevent a possible collision with Earth.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
Move your money out of the Too-Big-To-Fails Reference Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Move your money out of the Too-Big-To-Fails 
   After all the taxpayer heists and multimillion dollar bonuses, you still don't have your money in one of the TARP banks, do you?
Entered by: Trouser Chili
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International Society for Individual Liberty winter retreat in Phoenix, Jan. 8 - 11 Feature Article  •  Events: Arizona
International Society for Individual Liberty winter retreat in Phoenix, Jan. 8 - 11
Powell Gammill
   ISIL is a network of individuals and associations in over 90 countries dedicated to building a free and peaceful world through the ideals of free markets, social tolerance and individual responsibility. See the speaker list!!!!
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Feature Article  •  Vaccines and Vaccinations
Federal Authority for Vaccinations and Quarantines
John Green
   Constitution? All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. Here are the EOs and DOs that authorize the President and Secretary of HHS to quarantine and vaccine you. Now, their orders can also mobilize Homeland Security against you at the st
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Arresting Peaceful Protesters in Occupied Palestine Feature Article  •  Israel - Palestine
Arresting Peaceful Protesters in Occupied Palestine
Stephen Lendman
   Israeli persecution is vicious and unrelenting
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Dave Barry's year in review: 2009
News Link  •  History
Dave Barry's year in review: 2009
12-26-2009  •  Dave Barry 
It was also a year of Change, especially in Washington, where the tired old hacks of yesteryear finally yielded the reins of power to a group of fresh, young, idealistic, new-idea outsiders such as Nancy Pelosi.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Leon Felkins
Expanding SETI Search News Link  •  Science, Medicine and Technology
Expanding SETI Search
12-30-2009  •  arclein 
This is legitimate science, and there's a great deal of public interest in it," said Alan Stern, a former assistant administrator at NASA who, in 2007, decided that proposals for extraterrestrial search programs should not be banned from the agency  Read Full Story
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Reported by: robert klein
Cape Breton Gold News Link  •  History
Cape Breton Gold
12-30-2009  •  arclein 
I suspect the fact that it returned gold each season to the Emperor of China postponed its premature suspension until the gold itself ran out at the end of the fifteenth century.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: robert klein
Cancer Might Be Cured News Link  •  Science, Medicine and Technology
Cancer Might Be Cured
12-30-2009  •  arclein 
Now, MIT researchers have developed tiny gold particles that can home in on tumors, and then, by absorbing energy from near-infrared light and emitting it as heat, destroy tumors with minimal side effects.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: robert klein
Keeping up With The Gaddafis: Gaddafi's Son Plays Diplomatic Immunity Card in UK Domestic Disput News Link  •  World News
Keeping up With The Gaddafis: Gaddafi's Son Plays Diplomatic Immunity Card in UK Domestic Disput
12-30-2009  •  Ginn 
Bet Charlie Sheen wishes his dad, Martin Sheen, was a world leader….  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Randy Ricochet
Both Napolitano Systems Worked: If Only News Link  •  Obama Administration
Both Napolitano Systems Worked: If Only
12-30-2009  •  Mondo Frazier 
Maybe when Janet Napolitano said “the system worked” and then, hours later, “the system failed miserably”, she was right both times. Which system was the Secretary of DHS referring to? It might have been just a case of the “if-onlys”.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Randy Ricochet
Feature Article  •  Events: Arizona
Powell Gammill
   Michael Schoen on 9/11; 4409, Tesla and Morpheus on making giant politically incorrect billboards along freeways; and Ed Vallejo on being our representative to the 2009 Continental Congress.
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