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Date Sent: 2020-02-20
Freedom's Phoenix AM Edition for Friday, February 21, 2020
Hillary's War: Nine Years Later Libya Still A Living Hell

Will Trey Gowdy Carry Out Deep State Prosecutions In Place of Barr? -- 02-20-20 -- Christina Tobin - Tim Picciott (MP3s) -- At Stake -- That Wasn't What Bloomberg Expected -- Time To Put Americans Back In Charge Of America -- Estimates of Coronavirus Deadliness Compared to Flu -- Kafka comes to The Hague -- Q: The Silent War Continues -- "NATO Go Home!" -- Explaining Syria -- Mastercard Wants to Identify You by Your Heartbeat, Veins, and Walking Stride -- The Elites Want More Power Over You as China's Virus Spreads -- Julian Assange Must Be Freed, Not Betrayed -- It's Been 11 Years and Deep State FBI STILL WON'T Turn Over Transcript - -- They Are Coming To Take You Away (Ha, Ha, Ho, Ho) - - Just For Having Symptoms Of The Common Cold -- Motion to Release Chelsea Manning from Punitive Incarceration -- Russia v. the West, Turkey and Israel on Syria -- Turkey's Erdogan Again Threatens Escalated Aggression in Syria Supported by Trump -- How Aluminum Damages Your Brain -- Israel Seeks Help of Germany to Prevent International Criminal Court from Investigating- -- Roger Stone sentenced to over 3 years in prison as judge slams him for 'covering up for' Tru -- Jeff Bezos Announces $10-Billion "Bezos Earth Fund" - -- Is HSBC Bank's Downturn the Barometer of a Coming Global Economic Shutdown? -- Jeff Bezos Announces $10-Billion "Bezos Earth Fund" - -- Qanon Deploys 'Information Warfare' -- Is Sanders Surging Ahead of Rival Dems? -- No One Gets Out of Here Alive -- Sen. Murphy, Others Met Secretly With Iranian FM -- Democrats Increase Attacks on Bloomberg with Accusations of Epstein Involvement --


Hillary's War: Nine Years Later Libya Still A Living Hell News Link  â€¢  Ron Paul Says...
Hillary's War: Nine Years Later Libya Still A Living Hell
02-20-2020  •  Ron Paul Liberty Report 
Nine years after a US-led attack on Libya and murder of its leader, the democracy and liberation promised by Hillary Clinton and her band of "humanitarian interventionists" has never arrived. Instead, the once-wealthiest African country is mired in c  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
Will Trey Gowdy Carry Out Deep State Prosecutions In Place of Barr? Reference Link  â€¢  Deep State- Shadow Government
Will Trey Gowdy Carry Out Deep State Prosecutions In Place of Barr?
Dave Hodges- The Common Sense Show 
   Will Trey Gowdy Carry Out Deep State Prosecutions In Place of Barr?
Entered by: Dave Hodges
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
02-20-20 -- Christina Tobin - Tim Picciott (MP3's/VIDEO's)
   Christina Tobin (Free And Equal) on the upcoming 2020 election cycle - Tim Picciott (Wealth Manager @ Innovative Advisory Group) gives The Economic Report Anarchapulco Recap
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At Stake News Link  â€¢  DOJ-Department of justice
At Stake
02-20-2020  • by James Howard Kunstl 
A miasma of consternation lay heavy across the Potomac swamp late last week when former FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe was let off the hook for lying to his own bureau while, elsewhere across DC,  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
That Wasn't What Bloomberg Expected News Link  â€¢  Politics: Democratic Campaigns
That Wasn't What Bloomberg Expected
02-20-2020  •  YouTube.Com - Mark Dice 
Democratic Debate  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
Time To Put Americans Back In Charge Of America Opinion  â€¢  Philosophy of Liberty
Time To Put Americans Back In Charge Of America
Chuck Baldwin
   Members of the "right" and "alt-right" love to use terms such as "the establishment," "Deep State," "globalists," etc., in describing freedom's political enemies. And, yes, I often use those terms too. For the sake of brevity, I
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Estimates of Coronavirus Deadliness Compared to Flu News Link  â€¢  Pandemic
Estimates of Coronavirus Deadliness Compared to Flu
02-20-2020  • by Brian Wang 
The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention puts the overall death rate for the coronavirus ncov-19 at 2.3%. Vital Surveillances: The Epidemiological Characteristics of an Outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19) -- China, 20  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Kafka comes to The Hague News Link  â€¢  Conspiracies
Kafka comes to The Hague
02-20-2020  • by Peter H 
The Show Trial of A and B. Kafka comes to The Hague Why you should be worried  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Q: The Silent War Continues News Link  â€¢  Q and the Anons
Q: The Silent War Continues
02-20-2020  • by Deborah Franklin 
We're living in dramatic times that are difficult to understand. One way to try to interpret them is through the cryptic clues provided by Q, which appear on an anonymous online forum and imply top-secret knowledge of upcoming events.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
News Link  â€¢  NATO
"NATO Go Home!"
02-20-2020  • By Thierry Meyssan 
For two decades, US troops have been imposing their law on the broader Middle East. Entire countries are now without a state to defend them.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Explaining Syria News Link  â€¢  Syria
Explaining Syria
02-20-2020  • By Philip Giraldi 
It's everyone's fault except the U.S. and Israel  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Mastercard Wants to Identify You by Your Heartbeat, Veins, and Walking Stride News Link  â€¢  Technocracy
Mastercard Wants to Identify You by Your Heartbeat, Veins, and Walking Stride
02-20-2020  • by Market Watch 
The payment provider is investigating innovative behavioral biometrics such as gait, face, heartbeat, and veins for cutting-edge payment systems of the future. -GEG  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
The Elites Want More Power Over You as China's Virus Spreads News Link  â€¢  We Are Change-What Really Happened
The Elites Want More Power Over You as China's Virus Spreads
02-20-2020  •  We Are Change - Luke Rudkowski - YouTube.Com 
Pandemic propaganda  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
Julian Assange Must Be Freed, Not Betrayed News Link  â€¢  Wikileaks
Julian Assange Must Be Freed, Not Betrayed
02-20-2020  • by John Pilger 
On Saturday, there will be a march from Australia House in London to Parliament Square, the centre of British democracy.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
It's Been 11 Years and Deep State FBI STILL WON'T Turn Over Transcript - News Link  â€¢  FBI
It's Been 11 Years and Deep State FBI STILL WON'T Turn Over Transcript -
02-20-2020  • by Jim Hoft 
-and 302 of Barack Obama's Blagojevich Interview …What Are They Hiding  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
They Are Coming To Take You Away (Ha, Ha, Ho, Ho) - - Just For Having Symptoms Of The Common Cold News Link  â€¢  Pandemic
They Are Coming To Take You Away (Ha, Ha, Ho, Ho) - - Just For Having Symptoms Of The Common Cold
02-20-2020  • by Bill Sardi 
"I'll be happy to see those men in clean white coats… they're coming to take me away." â€" Napolean XIV  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Motion to Release Chelsea Manning from Punitive Incarceration Feature Article  â€¢  Police State
Motion to Release Chelsea Manning from Punitive Incarceration
Stephen Lendman
   USA -- Like Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning is a victim of police state injustice.
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Russia v. the West, Turkey and Israel on Syria Feature Article  â€¢  Syria
Russia v. the West, Turkey and Israel on Syria
Stephen Lendman
   Syria -- On Wednesday, Turkey's Erdogan threatened escalated cross-border aggression against Syria.
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Turkey's Erdogan Again Threatens Escalated Aggression in Syria Supported by Trump Feature Article  â€¢  Syria
Turkey's Erdogan Again Threatens Escalated Aggression in Syria Supported by Trump
Stephen Lendman
   Syria -- The issue in Syria is crystal clear. According to the UN Charter and other international law, the US, NATO, Israel, and the Erdogan regime are aggressors.
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How Aluminum Damages Your Brain News Link  â€¢  Health and Physical Fitness
How Aluminum Damages Your Brain
02-20-2020  • by Dr Joseph Mercola 
STORY AT-A-GLANCE Research has found a strong link between aluminum exposure and Alzheimer's disease. Patients with a genetic mutation that predisposes them to early onset of Alzheimer's and more aggressive disease have universally high aluminum  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Israel Seeks Help of Germany to Prevent International Criminal Court from Investigating- News Link  â€¢  War Crimes
Israel Seeks Help of Germany to Prevent International Criminal Court from Investigating-
02-20-2020  • by Reuters 
- Possible Israeli War Crimes Against Palestinians  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Roger Stone sentenced to over 3 years in prison as judge slams him for 'covering up for' Tru News Link  â€¢  Courtroom and Trials
Roger Stone sentenced to over 3 years in prison as judge slams him for 'covering up for' Tru
02-20-2020  •  CNBC 
Stone's sentence by Judge Amy Berman Jackson will be suspended until she rules on his motion seeking a new trial based on alleged juror misconduct.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
Jeff Bezos Announces $10-Billion "Bezos Earth Fund" - News Link  â€¢  Climate Change
Jeff Bezos Announces $10-Billion "Bezos Earth Fund" -
02-20-2020  • by Zero Hedge 
-to Fight Climate Change, But Keeps His Profit-Making Scheme a Secret  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Is HSBC Bank's Downturn the Barometer of a Coming Global Economic Shutdown? Reference Link  â€¢  Economy - Economics USA
Is HSBC Bank's Downturn the Barometer of a Coming Global Economic Shutdown?
Dave Hodges- The Common Sense Show 
   Is HSBC Bank's Downturn the Barometer of a Coming Global Economic Shutdown?
Entered by: Dave Hodges
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Jeff Bezos Announces $10-Billion "Bezos Earth Fund" - News Link  â€¢  Climate Change
Jeff Bezos Announces $10-Billion "Bezos Earth Fund" -
02-20-2020  • by Zero Hedge 
-to Fight Climate Change, But Keeps His Profit-Making Scheme a Secret  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Qanon Deploys 'Information Warfare' News Link  â€¢  Trump Administration
Qanon Deploys 'Information Warfare'
02-20-2020  •  arclein 
Beginning early last year, Qanon followers more explicitly embraced concepts of "information warfare," efforts to shape narratives and people's beliefs to influence events. The Russian interference in the US elections in 2016 has been described  Read Full Story
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Reported by: robert klein
Is Sanders Surging Ahead of Rival Dems? Feature Article  â€¢  United States
Is Sanders Surging Ahead of Rival Dems?
Stephen Lendman
   Sanders -- A personal note: I support no candidates from either right wing of the one-party state. They're dedicated to endless war on humanity at home and abroad, serving privileged interests exclusively, the public welfare be damned, notably since
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No One Gets Out of Here Alive News Link  â€¢  General Opinion
No One Gets Out of Here Alive
02-20-2020  • by Jim Quinn 
In Part One of this article I exposed the numerous false narratives being peddled to the masses, as this Fourth Turning is entering the intense phase headed towards an unknown climax.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Sen. Murphy, Others Met Secretly With Iranian FM News Link  â€¢  Foreign Policy
Sen. Murphy, Others Met Secretly With Iranian FM
02-20-2020  • by Jason Ditz 
Meeting took place over the weekend in Munich  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Democrats Increase Attacks on Bloomberg with Accusations of Epstein Involvement Reference Link  â€¢  Election Cycle 2020 - POTUS
Democrats Increase Attacks on Bloomberg with Accusations of Epstein Involvement
Dave Hodges- The Common Sense Show 
   Democrats Increase Attacks on Bloomberg with Accusations of Epstein Involvement
Entered by: Dave Hodges
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We Can't Drain the DC Swamp, Until We Drain Our Own Morally Deprived Swamp Reference Link  â€¢  United States
We Can't Drain the DC Swamp, Until We Drain Our Own Morally Deprived Swamp
Dave Hodges- The Common Sense Show 
   We Can't Drain the DC Swamp, Until We Drain Our Own Morally Deprived Swamp
Entered by: Dave Hodges
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Who Bought The $1.3 Trillion In Debt The US Government Added In 2019? News Link  â€¢  Government Debt & Financing
Who Bought The $1.3 Trillion In Debt The US Government Added In 2019?
02-19-2020  • by Wolf Richter 
Treasury securities are hot. The Fed backed up the truck. US banks & others bought too. But China dumped...  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Study: New York, New Jersey Face Largest Population Decrease In The U.S. News Link  â€¢  New York
Study: New York, New Jersey Face Largest Population Decrease In The U.S.
02-19-2020  •  
A new study finds that New York and New Jersey are losing more residents than any other states.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Anti-Plague Formula Feature Article  â€¢  Healthcare
Anti-Plague Formula
Donna Hancock
   Dr Phranq Tamburri, NMD (Trump Report) gives us this anti-plague formula that's anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, etc...
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