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Date Sent: 2009-08-28
Freedom's Phoenix Global Edition for Friday, August 28, 2009 PM edition
Frank: House likely pass "Audit The Fed" bill in October! -- Sen. Inhofe: US headed toward revolutio

Bill Would Give president Emergency Control of Internet -- The Real Issue Behind Fed Secrecy: Lying  -- Judge's order challenges executive branch secrecy -- TEDDY KENNEDY’S DEADLY LEGACY FOR AMERICA - by  Frosty Wooldridge -- FCC Launches Wireless Industry Probe -- DHS Updates Rules on Border Laptop Searches -- The State Versus the Social Contract - by Thomas L. Knapp -- Dutch block 13-year-old sailor's worldwide trip -- US denies troops involved in combat in Philippines -- Investors keep trading stocks that seem doomed -- 9-11 Truth gets booted out of a Tea Party -- What Does $1 Trillion Look Like? -- Kidnapped US girl found alive after 18 years -- Of course it's not a national ID card -- Taliban's top 2 successors kill each other in argument -- Hummel: The US Will Default On Its Debt

AZ: Today at 2:30PM Tucson, AZ Vote Fraud Hearing in Court; Arizona Breakfast Club tomorrow on Guns at Obama's Healthcare Event


Frank House likely to pass Audit Fed bill in October! News Link  •  Federal Reserve
Frank House likely to pass Audit Fed bill in October!
08-28-2009  •  BlueLoriBlogSpot 
Misinformation Alert: Barney Frank Never Said That HR 1207 Will Pass In October I apologize to my readers I trusted the Washington Times source below. Please Read This from R. Ron Paul! Like I said in my original post it is hard to understand Frank he always talks like his mouth is full of something. Missing Sentence in Transcript Causes Premature HR 1207 Victory Celebration Several blogs and forums reported during the past 24 hours that Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank, said that Ron Paul’s bill to audit theFederal Reserve, HR 1207, will pass in October. Incorrect Reports about Barney Frank’s Statement on HR 1207 Washington Times: Barney Frank says Ron Paul bill will pass Politico: Barney: Fed audit bill will pass in October Business Insider: Barney Frank: Yes, We Will Pass Ron Paul’s “Audit The Fed” Bill United Liberty: Frank: Vote on HR 1207 in October Daily Paul: Video: Barney Frank Says House Will Pass HR1207 in October ZeroHedg  Read Full Story
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Inhofe: U.S. headed toward revolution News Link  •  Constitution
Inhofe: U.S. headed toward revolution
08-27-2009  •  The Hill 
The overreaching of the federal government is pushing the U.S. towards a revolution, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) said today. "People are not buying these concepts that are completely foreign to America," Inhofe said at a townhall in Chickasaw, Okla. "We're almost reaching a revolution in this country." Inhofe has been one of the Senate's most strident opponents of climate legislation and healthcare reform. Inhofe added that he didn't need to read the full helathcare legislation before deciding to vote against it. Public opinion and news reports, he said, provided all the information he needed. "I don't have to read it, or know what's in it," Inhofe said. "I'm going to oppose it anyways." Most of the versions of healthcare legislation making their away through congress are about 1,000 pages long.  Read Full Story
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Bill Would Give president Emergency Control of Internet
08-28-2009  • 
CNET News has obtained a copy of the 55-page draft of S.773  which still appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks during a so-called cybersecurity emergency.    Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ed Vallejo
The Real Issue Behind Fed Secrecy: Lying News Link  •  Federal Reserve
The Real Issue Behind Fed Secrecy: Lying
08-28-2009  •  The Market Ticker 
The Fed is supporting institutionalized lying - that is, the intentional mis-marking of assets. If The Fed was an honest regulator and monitor of market risk it would insist that no bank carry an asset at a value materially higher than its "haircut" off par at the window. After all, the penalty rate for discount window use already discourages banks from coming there; the "haircuts" must (and I argue do) reflect what The Fed actually believes about the quality of these alleged "baskets" of asset classifications. If The Fed believes that these asset classes have this sort of haircut from face value in the market how does it justify allowing any bank under its jurisdiction holding such "assets" at a higher value on their balance sheet? The claim that people shouldn't worry about a bank that needs an emergency loan at a penalty rate and with a haircut that in some cases is 30% or more below declared "balance sheet value" is crim  Read Full Story
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Sun's Cycle Alters Earth's Climate News Link  •  Climate Change
Sun's Cycle Alters Earth's Climate
08-28-2009  •  Space.Com 
Weather patterns across the globe are partly affected by connections between the 11-year solar cycle of activity, Earth's stratosphere and the tropical Pacific Ocean, a new study finds. The study could help scientists get an edge on eventually predicting the intensity of certain climate phenomena, such as the Indian monsoon and tropical Pacific rainfall, years in advance. The sun is the ultimate source of all the energy on Earth; its rays heat the planet and drive the churning motions of its atmosphere. The amount of energy the sun puts out varies over an 11-year cycle (this cycle also governs the appearance of sunspots on the sun's surface as well as radiation storms that can knock out satellites), but that cycle changes the total amount of energy reaching Earth by only about 0.1 percent. A conundrum for meteorologists was explaining whether and how such a small variation could drive major changes in weather patterns on Earth. Earth-space connection  Read Full Story
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Lefrak: Commercial Real Estate Will Kill 500 Small Banks News Link  •  Federal Reserve
Lefrak: Commercial Real Estate Will Kill 500 Small Banks
08-28-2009  •  The Business Insider 
Video at site Another prediction for how many small and medium-sized banks are bound to fall. It seems everyone has an opinion. The Real Deal passes along this video of Harrison Lefrak predicting 500 bank failures resulting from commercial real estate problems. He predicts that thigns will really start getting bad in 2010 and beyond, as the five-year loans that started up in 2005 go sour. That's more than Dick Bove sees and half of John Kanas. We'll be keeping score.  Read Full Story
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"We're Going Right Back Into The Tank"
08-28-2009  •  The Business Insider 
video We had Howard Davidowitz on TechTicker yesterday. Don't miss this one... Heesun Wee, TechTicker: When retail expert and all-around economy watcher Howard Davidowitz appeared on Tech Ticker in February declaring the worst was yet to come for the U.S. economy and that Americans' standard of living has changed permanently, our comment boards lit up. But surely with the latest rally off the March lows, bearish Davidowitz is more bullish, right? Not a chance. Look at your financial history books. Two of the biggest rallies of more than 40 percent occurred during the Great Depression, says Davidowitz of Davidowitz & Associates,a retail consulting and investment banking firm. "People were sucked in and ultimately were destroyed," he says. It's a warning to today's investors, who are hoping to extend the rally.   Read Full Story
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Judge's order challenges executive branch secrecy News Link  •  Central Intelligence Agency
Judge's order challenges executive branch secrecy
08-28-2009  •  McClatchy News 
In a highly unusual legal step, a federal judge has ordered the government to grant an attorney a security clearance so he can represent a disgruntled former narcotics officer in a lawsuit against a former CIA officer.
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Frosty Wooldridge
   But his worst and most destructive legacy for the United States stems from his authorship of the 1965 “Immigration Reform Act” that added the bulk of our additional 100 million people into America within 40 years.  It jumped legal immigration from 170,000 annually to 1.1 million annually. 

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Democracy: The God that Failed News Link  •  Obama Administration
Democracy: The God that Failed
08-28-2009  •  TakiMag / Pat Buchanon 

Does either party have any plan to cut federal spending? Bush didn’t even try, and Obama is making that Great Society Republican look like Ron Paul.

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Reported by: Brock Lorber
FCC Launches Wireless Industry Probe News Link  •  Internet
FCC Launches Wireless Industry Probe
08-28-2009  •  PC magazine 
The commission approved 3 separate notice of inquiries, which provide anyone interested in the subject with 30 days to share their thoughts with the FCC. Based on these responses, the commission will decide whether it needs to impose any new rules on the wireless industry.   The Federal Communications Commission kicked off a far-reaching examination of the wireless industry Thursday, asking stakeholders to submit comments on innovation and investment, the state of competition, and whether or not consumers get enough information from providers to make informed decisions about service.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Thoughts on Nonviolence News Link  •  Political Theory
Thoughts on Nonviolence
08-28-2009  • / Karl Meyer 
[Nonviolence] is a way of life based on these human beliefs: Human conflicts can be resolved without violence or force; organized social aggression can be faced and turned back effectively without war and without killing anybody; most crime problems can be addressed more effectively without the use of violent methods or punishment or restraint; people well-educated in the use of nonviolent methods will almost always be more effective in human relations than those who use physical threats and weapons.
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Reported by: Brock Lorber
DHS Updates Rules on Border Laptop Searches News Link  •  Homeland Security
DHS Updates Rules on Border Laptop Searches
08-28-2009  •  PC Magazine 
A day after the American Civil Liberties Union sued the Homeland Security Department for access to records on laptop searches at the border, DHS released updated guidelines on how and when a border official can search or confiscate an electronic device.
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
The State Versus the Social Contract News Link  •  Political Theory
The State Versus the Social Contract
08-28-2009  •  C4SS / Thomas L. Knapp 
If there’s any basis in fact whatsoever for the idea of a “social contract,” it’s that: You only get to be part of society if you keep your hands out of other people’s pockets and off other people’s throats.  
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Reported by: Brock Lorber
Today at 2:30PM Tucson, AZ Vote Fraud Hearing in Court Feature Article  •  Events: Arizona
Today at 2:30PM Tucson, AZ Vote Fraud Hearing in Court
Powell Gammill

RTA Ballot Case back in court tomorrow Friday August 28th

Bill Risner Will Ask Judge Harrington for Stay to Preserve Ballots During Appeal.


Attend Hearing Friday August 28th


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US denies troops involved in combat in Philippines News Link  •  Military
US denies troops involved in combat in Philippines
08-28-2009  •  AP 

U.S. officials denied American troops were violating Philippine laws by engaging in combat against Muslim militants, saying they were only training Filipino soldiers and their mission was temporary.

Allegations that U.S. troops in the southern Philippines are building permanent structures and joining the fight against al-Qaida-linked Abu Sayyaf militants have roiled nationalist and left-wing forces opposed to the American presence.

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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Dutch delay 13-year-old sailor's worldwide trip News Link  •  Defending Archimedes
Dutch delay 13-year-old sailor's worldwide trip
08-28-2009  •  AP 
A Dutch court ordered authorities to take temporary guardianship of a 13-year-old girl, delaying her plan to sail solo around the world until psychologists can assess her capacity to undertake such a risky voyage.

Judges said Laura Dekker would face both mental and physical risks if she were allowed to go ahead with the two-year trip in her 26-foot (8-meter) boat named Guppy.

The court said she could continue living with her father, but would become the responsibility of Dutch child care officials for two months while an independent child psychologist evaluated her case.

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Reported by: Powell Gammill
State govs saying 'No thanks' to mystery laptops News Link  •  Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings
State govs saying 'No thanks' to mystery laptops
08-28-2009  •  AP 
What if someone who was anti-government figured out how to use the government's procurement process to buy things for the government . . . ;-)    Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Investors keep trading stocks that seem doomed News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Investors keep trading stocks that seem doomed
08-28-2009  •  AP 

Investors are still trading common shares of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and American International Group Inc. by the billions, even though analysts say their prices are almost certain to go to zero.

All three are majority-owned by the government and are losing huge sums of money. The Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulators lack authority to end trading of stocks in such “zombie” companies that technically are alive - until the government takes them off life support.

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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
"Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock" - August 26th 2009
    Libertarian activist, perennial Arizona Governor candidate, and all-around stand-up guy Barry Hess fills in for Ernest Hancock.

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GLENN BECK SAYS 911 TRUTHERS ARE DESTROYING AMERICA - Must see video News Link  •  911 / World Trade Center
08-28-2009  •  Freedom Fighter Radio 
There should be absolutely no doubt Glenn Beck is a government disinfo operative tasked with taking down the 9/11 truth and patriot movements. In fact, Fox News " as a primary front of Operation Mockingbird " is tasked with attacking not only the 9/11 truth movement but the pro-liberty and Constitution movements as well.     Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jim Stachowiak
Pastor Steve Anderson speaks out tonight On the Police State on Freedom Fighter Radio 9 pm est News Link  •  Police State
Pastor Steve Anderson speaks out tonight On the Police State on Freedom Fighter Radio 9 pm est
08-28-2009  •  Freedom Fighter 
Hear Pastor Steve Anderson who was beaten and tased by the U.S. Border Patrol live tonight. Steve will share what happened and how his rights were violated by the U.S. Govt. along with updates on the continued attacks against him by the US Government.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jim Stachowiak
Houstontruth org gets kicked out of July 3rd Houston Tea Party Rally so much for free speech- Video News Link  •  Free Speech
Houstontruth org gets kicked out of July 3rd Houston Tea Party Rally so much for free speech- Video
08-28-2009  •  TrinityTexas77 
They were punched and verbally attacked. Not once did they get violent or verbally attack anyone else. It’s sad that a rally that is for the Bill of Rights, Free Speech, and the Constitution would censor the things they claim to stand for     Read Full Story
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Reported by: Jim Stachowiak
Early and Current Fears about Vaccine Dangers Feature Article  •  Healthcare Industry
Early and Current Fears about Vaccine Dangers
Stephen Lendman
   All vaccines are dangerous and must be avoided.
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Saturday Morning Arizona Breakfast Club - Tomorrow August 29th 2009 Feature Article  •  Events: Arizona
Saturday Morning Arizona Breakfast Club - Tomorrow August 29th 2009
Ernest Hancock
   Saturday the 29th of August is the next Arizona Breakfast Club. I guess we have to talk about Gun Rights :)
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What Does $1 Trillion Look Like? Feature Article  •  Economy - Economics USA
What Does $1 Trillion Look Like?
Thomas Costanzo
   Throughout the financial crisis, huge sums of money have been spent, handed out and lost. With talk of billions upon billions being passed around, it’s easy to lose perspective on how much $1 trillion or even $1 billion really is.  With official measurements of American currency from the US Bureau of Printing and Engraving and the US Mint, here’s some perspective on what these huge sums of money would actually look like and how they would compare to every day objects.

What would the money allocated to the TARP actually look like? How high would the AIG bonuses pile up if the bills were stacked one on top of another? How big, literally, is the National Debt?

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Promotiom of Global Warming Derailed News Link  •  Climate Change
Promotiom of Global Warming Derailed
08-28-2009  •  arclein 
Australian Geologist Dr. Ian Plimer wrote on August 8, 2009: "At present, the Earth's atmosphere is starved of CO2...One big volcanic eruption can add as much CO2 in a day as humans do in a year."  Read Full Story
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Reported by: robert klein
Missing US girl is found after 18 years News Link  •  Weird/Offbeat News
Missing US girl is found after 18 years
08-27-2009  •  Guy Adams in Los Angeles 
Couple arrested after woman walks into sheriff's office to identify herself. 

A woman who was kidnapped more than 18 years ago was today being re-united with her family, after escaping from a couple who apparently forced her to spend a large portion of her adolescence locked in their garden shed.

Jaycee Lee Duggard, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl of 11 when she was abducted, in broad daylight, while waiting for a school bus, surfaced on Wednesday after wandering into a parole office in a town near San Francisco.

In a case that bears chilling echoes to that of Joseph Fritzl - the Austrian electrician who kept his daughter in a cellar - police believe Ms Duggard was locked away in a darkened building for several years, and repeatedly raped by her captors.

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Reported by: Thomas Costanzo
Of course it’s not a national ID card News Link  •  Homeland Security
Of course it’s not a national ID card
08-27-2009  •  Papers Please 

Whenever questions are raised about national ID schemes like REAL-ID or PASS-ID, their more public-relations savvy proponents are always quick to say, “But of course this isn’t a national ID card”.  The same goes for L-1 Identity Solutions, the prime drivers license, ID card, and ID and biometric database contractor, aggregator, and data miner for California and the majority of other states (and keynote presenter at ICAO’s upcoming Symposium on Machine Readable Travel Dcouments next month in Montreal).

So we were interested to see how L-1 describes its products to its customers in this full-page ad on the back cover of the latest issue of ICAO’s Machine Readable Travel Document Report:

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Reported by: Terry Bressi
Taliban's top two successors kill each other in argument News Link  •  WAR: About that War
Taliban's top two successors kill each other in argument
08-27-2009  •  MSNBC 
Taliban's top two successors kill each other in an argument over who should be the next in line to succeed their dead leader.
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Hummel: The US Will Default On Its Debt News Link  •  Government
Hummel: The US Will Default On Its Debt
08-27-2009  •  The Business Insider 
The flood of debt that the US is taking on in its efforts rescue to economy will combine with huge social insurance obligations--Medicare, MedicaidSocial Security--to create an unsustainable level of public indebtedness, economist Jeffrey Rogers Hummel argues in at length here. Faced with this mountain of debt, policy makers will have just two choices: repudiate the debt or engage in hyper inflation to monetize it, Hummel writes. And faced with that choice the Treasury will likely protect the currency and default on Treasuries. Here's the scary conclusion:  Read Full Story
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