Global Edition Freedom's Phoenix -- THE R3VOLUTION CONTINUES Edition
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My Comment/Observation On Ernie & Dr. Phranq's FINAL Trump Report Opinion  •  Global Edition
Trump Administration
My Comment/Observation On Ernie & Dr. Phranq's FINAL Trump Report
Ed Vallejo
   Some glitch won't allow my comment where it belongs, so I'm posting it here!
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Ron Paul Says...
This is the 'biggest bubble in the history of mankind and it's going to burst,' Ron Paul
07-16-2018  •  CNBC via DrudgeReport 
Maybe you should listen to The Good Doctor...
Ed Vallejo
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07-10-2018  •  The Hill via BundyRanch on Twitter 
I haven't posted in a while and this was worth it! YAY!
Ed Vallejo
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r3VOLution Continues
11-16-2016  •  Ok, I started it! 
"It has been a long, hard road since January 21 of 2007 when this Group was created. For a purpose."
Ed Vallejo
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Voting and Elections
A Realist's View of the US Presidential Contest
10-22-2016  •  Strategic-culture via Zerohedge 
"Because the viewpoint expressed here will be a controversial one not frequently expressed or encountered, links are provided..."
Ed Vallejo

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WikiLeaks, Hillary-Gulen Intimate Ties & How Clintons Gave Birth to Mullah Gulen Terrorist Network
08-14-2016  •  I saw it on - Ed 
Note to FP WebMaster: Can we just create a Category named "Clinton Chaos"?
Ed Vallejo
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Philosophy of Liberty
Goodbye Powell - We Will Miss You Greatly
06-06-2016  •  Ed Vallejo Reporting 
I attended the Memorial service for Senior Editor Powell 'Eddie' Gammill yesterday, and here are the photos. I love you, man.
Ed Vallejo
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Oregon? STAND DOWN, OathKeepers!
01-03-2016  • 
I know the players involved, personally, and I'm glad we aren't participating in this fracas myself. - Ed
Ed Vallejo
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Now What? Where Do We Go From Here...
Chippie The RFID
11-27-2015  • 
"Safe, painless and noninvasive, RFID chips are a safe alternative to ID whose sole aim is to keep your family safe from today's growing threats."
Ed Vallejo
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John Taylor Gatto Needs Our Help!
04-28-2015  • 
On July 29, 2011 John had a stroke which left him hospitalized for months and mostly paralyzed on his left side and bedridden ever since.
Ed Vallejo
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Surviving the Collapse
So, You Think You're 'Prepped'? For How Long?
04-13-2015  •  Me, Ed Vallejo, and Greg Peterson The Urban Farmer 
Guns and Gold will do great, considering you are willing to forcefully take what you can't buy after 'TSHTF'; but there is an alternative for 'The Long Haul'. SEEDS.
Ed Vallejo
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Arizona's Top News
Arizona Primary Ballot Box Stuffing Caught On Tape
10-19-2014  •  email from A. J. LaFaro 
"...dropped a large box of hundred of early ballots on the table and started stuffing the ballot box as I watched in amazement."
Ed Vallejo
Radio/TV  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
08-22-14 -- John Laurie - Richard Mack - Charles Goyette -- (VIDEO & MP3 LOADED)
Program Date:  2014-08-22
   John Laurie (local r3VOLution activist) on the Constitutional County movement - Sheriff Richard Mack (CSPOA) expands the conversation on the Constitutional County - Charles Goyette (Author, Writer) provides an update on the economy, foreign policy
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I-Team: Acton Vet Finally Gets VA Doctor's Appointment " 2 Years After He Died
07-01-2014  • 
"He was steadfast. He took care of us, all of these years." Suzanne Chase of Acton was talking about her husband, Doug, a Vietnam veteran who was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2011.
Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
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Honduran News: Expected Migration of 'Catrachitos' 70 Thousand By Years End
07-01-2014  ...and they are just as worried as we are! "They consider that this situation has resulted in a humanitarian emergency, exceeding the capacities of protection from the State..."
Ed Vallejo
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Police State
Indianapolis woman sues police after being stopped over bumper sticker
06-30-2014  •  Reuters 
An Indianapolis woman has sued the city's police department, contending that an order to remove an "Unmarked Police Car" bumper sticker from her minivan violated her rights to free speech, the group representing her said
Powell Gammill
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Boehner Confirms Lawsuit Against Obama for Executive Actions
06-26-2014  •  NBC news via 
"I believe the President is not faithfully executing the laws of our country, and on behalf of the institution and our constitution standing up and fighting for this is in the best long term interest of the Congress," he said.
Ed Vallejo
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Science, Medicine and Technology
Ninth Grade Girls Show Plants Will Not Grow Near Wi-Fi Routers
06-25-2014  •  arclein 
It started with an observation and a question. The girls noticed that if they slept with their mobile phones near their heads at night, they often had difficulty concentrating at school the next day. They wanted to test the effect of a cellphone'
robert klein
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Law Enforcers or Peace Officers
Illinois police killed 95-year-old WWII vet with bean bag gun
06-24-2014  •  CBS News 
The stepdaughter of a 95-year-old WWII Chicago-area veteran has filed a lawsuit in federal court against six police officers accused of killing her father with bean bag rounds after he refused to go to the hospital,
Powell Gammill
Reference Link  •  Global Edition
Child Protective Services
CPS vs. the Preservation of Humanity: Will You Help? 
   This is the most gut-wrenching story that I have ever covered. Ask yourself if you can help in the name of preserving the American family
Entered by: Dave Hodges
Reference Link  •  Global Edition
Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings
The 3 Stages of a Revolution and Why Obama Is Coming for the Guns
   There are 3 stages in every revolution. This is why Obama is in a hurry to get your gun.
Entered by: Dave Hodges
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Police State
APD, Protesters Clash Over Questionable Citizen Deaths
05-29-2014  • via Twitter search 
"According to Mayor Berry, the protest was peaceful until people “not connected with the original protest” showed up and began wreaking havoc. At this point police declared the protest illegal..."
Ed Vallejo
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Law Enforcers or Peace Officers
Good To The Last Shot
05-28-2014  •  Simple Justice 
Even when it’s beyond dispute a police officer had no choice but to defend himself from deadly force, someone will ask why. Why did they have to shoot that many times? The Supreme Court gave a conclusive answer
Powell Gammill
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Obama Takes Leisurely Stroll During 'Operation American Spring' Protest... I Think...?
05-22-2014  • 
After searching The OAS website and forum for news (or proof of existence) and YouTube for videos (none verifiable since Sunday), I see this on Yahoo.
Ed Vallejo
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Hacking, Cyber Security
Hackers raid eBay in historic breach, access 145 million records
05-22-2014  •  Reuters 
EBay Inc said hackers raided its network 3 months ago, accessing some 145 million user records in what is poised to go down as one of the biggest data breaches in history, based on the number of accounts compromised.
Powell Gammill
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Gun Rights
Has Governor Ralph Northam and Richmond FORGOTTEN HISTORY? It may repeat it then...
01-16-2020  • 
The resolution- HCR 8 -highlights 1863, the year Republicans broke with slave-owning Virginia Democrats and formed West Virginia.
Ed Vallejo
Radio/TV  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
07-16-18 -- Keith McAnarchist in Studio (MP3s & VIDEO'S LOADED)
Program Date:  2018-07-16
   Keith McAnarchist comes in studio to talk about various liberty issues
Feature Article  •  Global Edition
Events: Arizona
Pool Party at the Hancock's - Saturday July 14th, 2018 from 3:00 p.m. til ??
Donna Hancock
   Hancock's will be having a POOL PARTY Saturday July 14th, 2018 from 3:00 p.m. til?? Bring your bathing suit, towel, sun screen, and something to drink or munch on - Water Temp is a very nice 86 degrees :)
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Politics: General Activism
The New Media
11-14-2016  •  Stefan Molyneux via Twitter 
Stefan interviews Roger Stone in THE most informative interview I've seen since the election. We ARE The New Media!
Ed Vallejo
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Surviving the Collapse
"The Best Argument Yet For Concealed Carry" - Mike Adams, The Health Ranger
08-15-2016  •  comment section of a article 
"When the government can't protect you, a Remington shotgun can." I like this guy Mike.
Ed Vallejo
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Surviving the Collapse
Self-Sufficiency Will Be The Only Way to Survive...
08-14-2016  •, Charles Hugh Smith 
Self-Sufficiency Will Be The Only Way to Survive: "Nothing Will Have Any Value Except Food"
Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
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Arizona Laws and Arizona Founding Documents
For Wearing a Guy Fawkes Mask!?!
04-13-2016  • 
This happened in the House Gallery - did we hear ONE PEEP out of 'Lamestream Media'!?! HELL NO!
Ed Vallejo
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Gun Rights
Police Orgs Ask NFL to Let Off-duty Cops Carry Guns at Games
12-01-2015  •  cbs news 
...but some animals are more equal than others.
Ed Vallejo
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The Midwife to Chaos by Judge Andrew Napolitano
10-30-2015  •  an e-mail from Constitutional Rights PAC  
"How could she answer "no"? She not only knew about the sending of arms to rebels but also personally authored and authorized it." Classic Judge.
Ed Vallejo
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Free Webinar: "Seed Saving Hacked..."
04-25-2015  •  Greg Peterson/ The Urban Farm 
The Urban Farm U presents: "Seed Saving Hacked: Why Seeds Matter, Why Saving Them is Easy & How to Save Your Own".
Ed Vallejo
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MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)
Is This Story Being Buried?
02-11-2015  •  Twitter 
After posting an event on Twitter this morning, I noticed #ChapelHillShooting was trending. What now, I thought as I read the hashtag thread and got information I STILL haven't seen on 'TV'...
Ed Vallejo
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Precious Metals
Silver Bullet Bullion Generates Gleeful Grins
08-24-2014  •  I stumbled on their ad while reading - Ed 
"...the most powerful ammunition against deficit spending, fiat currency, sovereign debt, quantitative easing, failed Federal Reserve policy, and rampant inflation ever minted by man!"
Ed Vallejo
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Now What? Where Do We Go From Here...
Ex-New Mexico Gov. Johnson Named Pot Company CEO
07-01-2014  •  AP wire via DrudgeReport 
And Steve Kubby is Chairman!
Ed Vallejo
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Chinese Military Trump Cards?
07-01-2014  •  arclein 
"We often speak of trump card equipment," Lt. Gen. Wang Hongguang, who retired in 2012, wrote in an opinion piece in China's state-run Global Times. He then said that China will use these weapons suddenly, and warned Americans in their
robert klein
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Law Enforcers or Peace Officers
Florida Cops Pry into Man's Records more than 200 Times because he Refuses to Stop Recording the
06-30-2014  •  Photography Is Not a Crime 
After years of auditing police depts across Florida to determine whether their officers uphold the First Amendment and the law of the land,Jeff Gray has had his driver's license and vehicle tag information searched by police 200 times.
Powell Gammill
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Entertainment: Concerts - Theatre - Events
Monty Python promises a final "filthy" goodbye
06-30-2014  • 
The five members of Monty Python -- who have not performed together on stage since 1980 -- said Monday their live reunion show at London's O2 Arena will be their chance to say goodbye to fans.
Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
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Bill of Rights
Supreme Court bans warrantless cell phone searches, updates privacy laws
06-25-2014  •  Washington Times 
The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that police cannot go snooping through people's cell phones without a warrant, in a unanimous decision that amounts to a major statement in favor of privacy rights.
Powell Gammill
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Bill of Rights
Federal Court: Cops Cannot Push Drug Dog Into Open Car Door
06-24-2014  •  The Newspaper 
Utah state troopers who used a drug dog as a pretense to search a car belonging to an innocent woman are in legal trouble. The US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ruled that the victims could sue the troopers
Powell Gammill
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General Opinion
The War For This Nation Has Started
06-13-2014  There is a reason why the word patriot has become synonymous with domestic terrorism in this nation. The American people have been made to believe that anyone who is willing to stand.. is an anti-government terrorist.
Ed Vallejo
Reference Link  •  Global Edition
False Flag Operations
The Motivations Behind the Las Vegas False Flag Event 
   The Vegas "Joker" massacre of two Las Vegas police officers is the first of many false flag operations directed at law enforcement which lie in our future.
Entered by: Dave Hodges
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Central Intelligence Agency
A Second American Revolution Is Now Inevitable
06-13-2014  • 
When an activist movement holds the moral high ground against a repressive establishment power structure, the establishment's primary recourse is to target the character of its principles. The secondary recourse is direct confrontation.
Powell Gammill
Radio/TV  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
05-29-14 -- Gary Franchi - Jean Carbonneau (MP3 & VIDEO LOADED)
Program Date:  2014-05-29
   Gary Franchi (Next News Network) on the launch of the Global Freedom Summit 2014 and how you can get in on the event - Jean Carbonneau (former Maine libertarian party officer; anarchist; r3VOLutionary) on what he sees are the main issues of the day a
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Police State
Police Use Cellphone Spying Device
05-23-2014  •  myfoxny via 
A stingray is a device that mimics a cell tower and thereby tricks all wireless devices on the same network into communicating with it. Erie County, New York has used one since 2008.
Ed Vallejo
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Police State
FBI Announces Marijuana OK for New Hires
05-22-2014  The Federal Bureau of Investigation is now telling potential recruits to not let a history of marijuana smoking keep them from applying for a job. Current FBI regulations prohibit hiring applicants who have smoked cannabis in the last three years
Uncle Freedom
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Gun Rights
Police Can Kick In Your Door and Seize Guns Without Warrant or Charges
05-21-2014  • 
In a unanimous decision the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals determined law enforcement officers are not required to present a warrant or charges before forcibly entering a person’s home, searching it, and confiscating firearms if they
Powell Gammill



  Page Two    Contents by Subject    Articles    Opinions    Letters    More News 

Feature Article  •  Freedom Summit
Freedom Summit 2014 Schedule (FINALIZED)
Ernest Hancock
Feature Article  •  Freedom Summit
Freedom Summit 2014 Feb. 14th-16th - Short Speaker Bios and Interview Contact Information
Ernest Hancock
Feature Article  •  Events: Arizona
Obituary: Peace Officer Jack McLamb
Donna Hancock
Radio/TV Show   •   Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
01-13-14 -- Recap of the Consumer Electronics Show - Bob Anderson - (VIDEO & MP3 ARCHIVE)
Feature Article  •  Events: Arizona
AZ Breakfast Club this Saturday January 4th, 2014, 8-10 a.m. @ Coco's (PV Mall) - NEW LOCATION
Donna Hancock
Opinion  •  Religion: Believers
Words Eye View
In Wave of Anti-Christian Defeats, Duck Commander Victory Sweet
Greg J Dixon
Opinion  •  Conferences
Passport to Freedom - Las Vegas, NV - January 23-25, 2014
Andrew Henderson
Feature Article  •  Freedom's Phoenix
Freedom's Phoenix Digital Magazine October 4th, 2013 Edition READY FOR DOWNLOAD!
Donna Hancock
Opinion  •  Homeland Security
Checkpoint USA Interviewed By NPR's 'On The Media'
Terry Bressi
Letters to the Editor   •  Vaccines and Vaccinations
Scottsdale Healthcare is holding a Flu Vaccination Drill Thursday, Oct 3.
Written by: Ernest Hancock
Read Letter
Radio/TV Show   •   Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
09-25-13 -- Greg Peterson (UrbanFarm.Org) MP3 & VIDEO LOADED)
Opinion  •  Corruption
Has Washington, D.C., Become A Criminal Entity?
Chuck Baldwin
Feature Article  •  Events: America
Libertopia Historic meeting of the minds
Thomas Costanzo
Feature Article  •  Gun Rights
Is this for real?
Donna Hancock
Feature Article  •  Freedom's Phoenix
Freedom's Phoenix Digital Magazine August 2nd, 2013 Edition READY FOR DOWNLOAD!
Donna Hancock
Feature Article  •  Events: Arizona
Donna Hancock
Feature Article  •  Police State
Homeland Security funds local Law Enforcement to harass Arizonans - Operation Stonegarden
Donna Hancock
Feature Article  •  Events: Arizona
Arizona Breakfast Club, Saturday, May 4th, 2013 (VIDEO)
Donna Hancock
Feature Article  •  Freedom's Phoenix
Freedom's Phoenix Digital Magazine May 3rd, 2013 Edition READY FOR DOWNLOAD!
Donna Hancock
Opinion  •  Gun Rights
Should Christians Give Up Their Guns?
Chuck Baldwin


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