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Date Sent: 2021-04-17
Freedom's Phoenix PM Edition for Saturday, April 17, 2021
The Measure of Mankind

There Are Now More Real Estate Agents Than Homes For Sale In The U.S. -- Face Masks & Courage: Is Family Your Excuse for Cowardice... -- Masks Are Nothing but Dress Code Loyalty Oaths to Governments -- The Complex Global Supply Chain Of Semiconductors Explained In One Chart -- Time Record High Is Established In The Late, Great United States… -- Visualizing America's Longest Foreign Wars -- European Union Plans to Buy 4 mRNA Shots for Every Human in the EU in 2022. Why? -- The "Secret Agenda" of the So-called Elite and the Covid mRNA Vaccine -- Johns Hopkins: You Can Be Vaccinated By PCR Test Without Knowing -- US Futures, Global Stocks Hit Fresh All Time High -- Los Angeles police are force-vaccinating special needs children in heinous... -- SAFETY ALERT: Dr. Judy Mikovitz: The COVID19 "Vaccine" Is a Killing Machine! -- Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year -- April 13th: Vaccine antibodies CAUSE blood clots in the brain, lungs and heart… -- Remembering Solyndra - A $524 Million Green Energy Failure -- Einhorn: "The Market Is Fractured And In The Process Of Breaking Completely" -- Pushing Forever Mass-Jabbing -- Russia Responds Meekly to Hostile Biden Regime Actions -- Censorship in the US Rears its Ugly Head - Again -- Belligerent Ukraine Seeks Nukes? -- Daunte's Inferno: Burned by Black Privilege -- CCP General Chi Haotian's Incendiary Speech on the Necessity of Using... -- Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects -- US Intelligence Officially Walks Back Claim Russia Paid Bounties For US Troops In Afghanistan -- Dimon's Detached View Of Economic Realities -- Crowder Calls Out Censorship -- Rule by Fiat: When the Government Does Whatever It Wants -- FROM AMERICAN DREAM TO AMERICAN NIGHTMARE -- Berlin's Disastrous Rent Control Law Gets Scrapped --


The Measure of Mankind News Link  •  General Opinion
The Measure of Mankind
04-17-2021  • by L. Neil Smith 
Many years ago, thoroughly sickened and disgusted with hearing my species routinely denounced in the most demeaning terms by self-loathing leftists, I realized that you could learn whatever you want to know about Homo sapiens sapiens,...  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
There Are Now More Real Estate Agents Than Homes For Sale In The U.S. News Link  •  Housing
There Are Now More Real Estate Agents Than Homes For Sale In The U.S.
04-17-2021  •, by Tyler Durden 
If there has been one surefire beneficiary of the Fed printing trillions of new dollars and bailing out the entire U.S. economy at the cost of what will likely be a hyperinflationary disaster in the future, it has been the housing market.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Face Masks & Courage: Is Family Your Excuse for Cowardice... News Link  •  Activism
Face Masks & Courage: Is Family Your Excuse for Cowardice...
04-17-2021  •, By Allan Stevo 
Face Masks & Courage: Is Family Your Excuse for Cowardice, or is Family Your Motivation for Standing Upright?   Read Full Story
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Masks Are Nothing but Dress Code Loyalty Oaths to Governments News Link  •  Pandemic
Masks Are Nothing but Dress Code Loyalty Oaths to Governments
04-17-2021  •, J.B. Shurk 
"It's government rule-making for the sake of rule-making whose chief purpose is to demonstrate that it is the government's job to command and each citizen's duty to readily obey."   Read Full Story
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The Complex Global Supply Chain Of Semiconductors Explained In One Chart News Link  •  Technology: Computer Hardware
The Complex Global Supply Chain Of Semiconductors Explained In One Chart
04-17-2021  •, by Tyler Durden 
The global supply chain of a semiconductor chip is complex and spans the globe.   Read Full Story
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Time Record High Is Established In The Late, Great United States… News Link  •  United States
Time Record High Is Established In The Late, Great United States…
04-17-2021  • by Michael Snyd 
Whenever it seems like this country can't possibly sink any lower, we always seem to find a way to top ourselves.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Visualizing America's Longest Foreign Wars News Link  •  Afghanistan
Visualizing America's Longest Foreign Wars
04-17-2021  •, by Tyler Durden 
President Biden has announced that 2,500 U.S. troops and another 7,000 from NATO will start returning home from Afghanistan in May, with the full withdrawal set to be completed in time for the 20th anniversary of 9/11.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
European Union Plans to Buy 4 mRNA Shots for Every Human in the EU in 2022. Why? News Link  •  European Union
European Union Plans to Buy 4 mRNA Shots for Every Human in the EU in 2022. Why?
04-17-2021  •, By Dr. Meryl Nass 
Later on Wednesday the President of the European Commission said the EU was in talks with Pfizer and BionTech for a new contract for 1.8 billion doses, confirming a Reuters report from last week.   Read Full Story
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The "Secret Agenda" of the So-called Elite and the Covid mRNA Vaccine News Link  •  Vaccines and Vaccinations
The "Secret Agenda" of the So-called Elite and the Covid mRNA Vaccine
04-17-2021  •, By Dr. Rudolf Hänse 
To the Final Battle!   Read Full Story
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Johns Hopkins: You Can Be Vaccinated By PCR Test Without Knowing News Link  •  Vaccines and Vaccinations
Johns Hopkins: You Can Be Vaccinated By PCR Test Without Knowing
04-17-2021  •, by 
In January 2019, the WHO defined the growing number of vaccination critics as one of the top ten threats to global health, and since the unprecedented Corona vaccination fiasco, the number of vaccination refusers has truly multiplied.  Read Full Story
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US Futures, Global Stocks Hit Fresh All Time High News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
US Futures, Global Stocks Hit Fresh All Time High
04-17-2021  •, by Tyler Durden 
US equity futures and global stocks rose to new record highs and oil climbed after strong U.S. and Chinese economic data bolstered expectations of a solid global recovery from the covid pandemic.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Los Angeles police are force-vaccinating special needs children in heinous... News Link  •  Vaccines and Vaccinations
Los Angeles police are force-vaccinating special needs children in heinous...
04-17-2021  •, by: Ethan Huff 
Los Angeles police are force-vaccinating special needs children in heinous "Operation Homebound" program that resembles Nazi euthanasia of the retarded   Read Full Story
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SAFETY ALERT: Dr. Judy Mikovitz: The COVID19 "Vaccine" Is a Killing Machine! News Link  •  Vaccines and Vaccinations
SAFETY ALERT: Dr. Judy Mikovitz: The COVID19 "Vaccine" Is a Killing Machine!
04-17-2021  •, by noah 
And that's why you KNOW it is right over the target….you only need to look at what they are censoring to know where the truth is!   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year News Link  •  Secret Government Projects
Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year
04-17-2021  •, By STEVE DOUGHTY 
NHS doctors are prematurely ending the lives of thousands of elderly hospital patients because they are difficult to manage or to free up beds, a senior consultant claimed yesterday.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
April 13th: Vaccine antibodies CAUSE blood clots in the brain, lungs and heart… News Link  •  Vaccines and Vaccinations
April 13th: Vaccine antibodies CAUSE blood clots in the brain, lungs and heart…
04-17-2021  •, by: Mike Adams 
April 13th: Vaccine antibodies CAUSE blood clots in the brain, lungs and heart… FDA calls halt to J&J vaccine as deaths accelerate   Read Full Story
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Remembering Solyndra - A $524 Million Green Energy Failure News Link  •  Energy
Remembering Solyndra - A $524 Million Green Energy Failure
04-17-2021  •, by Adam Andrzejewski 
Biden asked Congress to invest $35 billion in green energy leadership to see "technology breakthroughs that address the climate crisis and position America as the global leader in clean energy technology and clean energy jobs," according to the W  Read Full Story
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Einhorn: News Link  •  Stock Market
Einhorn: "The Market Is Fractured And In The Process Of Breaking Completely"
04-17-2021  •, by Tyler Durden 
In many ways, David Einhorn's Greenlight appears to be back to its "new normal" - in a letter sent to investors, Einhorn writes that Greenlight again underperformed the market and returned -0.1% in the first quarter, badly underperforming the 6.2% re  Read Full Story
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Feature Article  •  Healthcare
Pushing Forever Mass-Jabbing
Stephen Lendman
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Feature Article  •  Russia
Russia Responds Meekly to Hostile Biden Regime Actions
Stephen Lendman
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Feature Article  •  Censorship
Censorship in the US Rears its Ugly Head - Again
Stephen Lendman
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Feature Article  •  Ukraine
Belligerent Ukraine Seeks Nukes?
Stephen Lendman
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Daunte's Inferno: Burned by Black Privilege
News Link  •  Police Brutality and Militarization
Daunte's Inferno: Burned by Black Privilege
04-17-2021  •, By George Hollenback 
As the nation anxiously awaits the outcome of the trial over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, another troubling fatal police encounter involving a black suspect occurred in the Minneapolis suburb of Brooklyn Center.   Read Full Story
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CCP General Chi Haotian's Incendiary Speech
on the Necessity of Using... News Link  •  Weapons/Weaponry
CCP General Chi Haotian's Incendiary Speech on the Necessity of Using...
04-17-2021  •, By Mr. Z 
CCP General Chi Haotian's Incendiary Speech on the Necessity of Using Biological Weapons to Kill 200 Million Americans  Read Full Story
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Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects
News Link  •  Food And Drug Administration / F.D.A
Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects
04-17-2021  • 
7 CFR Part 1c; 10 CFR Part 745; 14 CFR Part 1230; 15 CFR Part 27; 16 CFR Part 1028; 22 CFR Part 225; 24 CFR Part 60; 28 CFR Part 46; 32 CFR Part 219; 34 CFR Part 97; 38 CFR Part 16; 40 CFR Part 26; 45 CFR Part 46; 45 CFR Part 690; 49 CFR Part 11; 56   Read Full Story
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US Intelligence Officially Walks Back Claim Russia Paid Bounties For US Troops In Afghanistan News Link  •  WAR: About that War
US Intelligence Officially Walks Back Claim Russia Paid Bounties For US Troops In Afghanistan
04-17-2021  •, by Dave DeCamp  
Since The New York Times published a story in June 2020 that claimed US intelligence concluded Russia offered bounties to militants in Afghanistan to kill US troops, it has slowly been revealed that the report had no basis.   Read Full Story
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Dimon's Detached View Of Economic Realities
News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Dimon's Detached View Of Economic Realities
04-17-2021  •, by Lance Roberts  
In December of 2019, I wrote about Dimon's delusional view of economic realities. To wit:   Read Full Story
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Crowder Calls Out Censorship News Link  •  Censorship
Crowder Calls Out Censorship
04-17-2021  • by John Stossel 
The most viewed conservative commentator on YouTube is Steven Crowder with his channel, Louder with Crowder. His fans love his politically incorrect jokes  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Rule by Fiat: When the Government Does Whatever It Wants News Link  •  Fiat Currency
Rule by Fiat: When the Government Does Whatever It Wants
04-17-2021  • by John W White 
"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
04-17-2021  •  
For most of the ninety years since James Truslow Adams coined the term American Dream, most Americans still believed the fairy tale of the American Dream, that no matter how humble your beginnings, everyone had a fair chance to become a success in Am  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Berlin's Disastrous Rent Control Law Gets Scrapped News Link  •  Housing
Berlin's Disastrous Rent Control Law Gets Scrapped
04-17-2021  • by Jon Miltimore 
Rent control can't fix housing problems. It's one of the few issues economists overwhelmingly agree on.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
A 75-Year-Old Warning about Those Who Say 'Listen to the Science' News Link  •  Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration
A 75-Year-Old Warning about Those Who Say 'Listen to the Science'
04-17-2021  • by Jon Miltimore 
When people say "follow the science," often what they're really saying is "follow our plan."  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Interview 1631  New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato News Link  •  Corbett Report
Interview 1631 New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
04-17-2021  •  
Welcome to New World Next Week " the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Another Conversation With Matt Smith And Doug Casey News Link  •  General Opinion
Another Conversation With Matt Smith And Doug Casey
04-17-2021  •  
I had another pleasant and far-ranging conversation with Doug Casey and Matt Smith recently.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
I have so many questions about the FBI's warrant to patch compromised Microsoft Exchange servers News Link  •  FBI
I have so many questions about the FBI's warrant to patch compromised Microsoft Exchange servers
04-17-2021  • 
I have so many questions about the FBI's warrant to patch compromised Microsoft Exchange servers:  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
UNDER PRESSURE News Link  •  Vaccines and Vaccinations
04-17-2021  • By Del Bigtree 
Rachel Maddow is Turning On the Pressure; J&J Vaccine Suspended over Blood Clot Concerns; The China/US Covid Connection; A New Truth About Cancer Series; And a Special Surprise  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Germany shuts too much coal, lasted 8 days without them, now admits they can't close them
News Link  •  Energy
Germany shuts too much coal, lasted 8 days without them, now admits they can't close them
04-17-2021  • 
On January 1st, Germany shut 11 coal fired plants with about 4.7GW of generating power -- supposedly as a part of the Big Phaseout.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Friday News Roundup: Glenn Greenwald Reveals how the CIA Owns America's Corrupt Media News Link  •  MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)
Friday News Roundup: Glenn Greenwald Reveals how the CIA Owns America's Corrupt Media
04-17-2021  • by David Blackmon 
This is a great way to start: Watch as Jim Jordan takes The Little Menace to Society Anthony Fauci apart lie by lie at a congressional hearing on Thursday:  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Globalists Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails News Link  •  Pandemic
Globalists Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails
04-17-2021  •, by Brandon Smith  
It might sound like "US exceptionalism" to point this out (…and how very dare I), but even if the globalist Reset is successful in every other nation on Earth, the globalists are still failures if they can't secure and subjugate the American   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Pope Francis Goes Full Communist, Says Sharing Property is Not Communism... News Link  •  Religon: Pope News
Pope Francis Goes Full Communist, Says Sharing Property is Not Communism...
04-17-2021  •, Leo Zagami 
Only a few days after Pope Francis pushed for "the regeneration of existing institutions "and "global governance" because we are "in debt to nature itself, as well as the people and countries affected by human-induced ecological degradation  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Space Telescope Design That Will Be 400 Times Better at Finding Asteroids News Link  •  Space Travel and Exploration
Space Telescope Design That Will Be 400 Times Better at Finding Asteroids
04-17-2021  •, by Brian Wang 
There are 3 key reasons why it is vital for NASA to develop better ways to locate and characterize Near Earth Objects (NEOs).   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
American Cities Are In Decline News Link  •  United States Infrastructure
American Cities Are In Decline
04-17-2021  •, Paul Craig Roberts 
Recent decades have not been kind to American cities. Manufacturing cities were adversely impacted by the offshoring of manufacturing jobs.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Why the Future Money Is Gold and Silver News Link  •  Gold and Silver
Why the Future Money Is Gold and Silver
04-17-2021  •, By Alasdair Macleod 
A reminder why they always will be sound money and why bitcoin cannot fill that role.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Face Masks & Courage: Is Family Your Excuse for Cowardice, or is Family Your Motivation... News Link  •  Pandemic
Face Masks & Courage: Is Family Your Excuse for Cowardice, or is Family Your Motivation...
04-17-2021  •, By Allan Stevo 
Parents used to stand up in life for the benefit of their kids. They realized that no matter how much money they left their kids, the inheritance of freedom was worth so much more to a child than the dollars and cents a parent could leave behind.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Steny Hoyer: Hypocrite of the Decade News Link  •  Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration
Steny Hoyer: Hypocrite of the Decade
04-17-2021  •, By Daniel McAdams 
If you could mash-up all that is disgusting, evil, hypocritical, and idiotic in the US Congress, the resulting conglomeration would look a lot like House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD).  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: April 18, 2021 Edition Opinion  •  Humor
SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News
SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: April 18, 2021 Edition
John Semmens
   Biden Admin Rejects "Protect Life Rule" The Biden Administration Department of Health and Human Services announced it will reverse the Trump Administration's "Protect Life" rule for receiving federal family planning aid, calling it "not
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Gun Control Is Here! Everything You Need to Know News Link  •  Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration
Gun Control Is Here! Everything You Need to Know
04-16-2021  •, AwakenWithJP 
Gun Control Is Here! Everything You Need to Know  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
MONKEY ME, MONKEY YOU First part-human, part-monkey embryo created by scientists sparks outcry News Link  •  Science, Medicine and Technology
MONKEY ME, MONKEY YOU First part-human, part-monkey embryo created by scientists sparks outcry
04-16-2021  •, Charlotte Edwards 
THE FIRST part-human, part-monkey embryo has been created by scientists in California despite ethical concerns.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Big Tech Is Pushing States to Pass Privacy Laws, and Yes, You Should Be Suspicious News Link  •  Legislation
Big Tech Is Pushing States to Pass Privacy Laws, and Yes, You Should Be Suspicious
04-16-2021  •, By Todd Feathers  
The Markup found industry fingerprints on at least five bills around the country--weak laws, experts say, that are designed to preempt strongerprotections   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Arizona: Republican Senate to Audit Maricopa County for 2020 Election Fraud News Link  •  Arizona's Top News
Arizona: Republican Senate to Audit Maricopa County for 2020 Election Fraud
04-16-2021  •, Gateway Pundit 
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has been trying to prevent an audit of the votes in its jurisdiction, but Republican state lawmakers passed a bill allowing the Senate to audit the 2020 election ballots, which is scheduled for April 22.   Read Full Story
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Nearly 40% Of Marines Refuse COVID-19 Vaccine News Link  •  Vaccines and Vaccinations
Nearly 40% Of Marines Refuse COVID-19 Vaccine
04-16-2021  •, ZeroHedge 
According to the report, 38.9% of Marines ?" with an average age of 25, putting them at roughly 0.18% risk of death, are refusing to take the jab ?" which doesn't prevent one from getting COVID-19, falling ill, or transmitting it.   Read Full Story
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Why Have Life Insurance Rates Remained Unchanged If there Is a Deadly Pandemic? News Link  •  Pandemic
Why Have Life Insurance Rates Remained Unchanged If there Is a Deadly Pandemic?
04-16-2021  •, Ben Sswann 
Bob Burnett of Create Tail Wind said insurance companies are the best place to find mortality information because their business depends on accurate mortality rates.  Read Full Story
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Tennessee Is the 20th State to Abolish Concealed Carry Permit Requirement News Link  •  Tennessee
Tennessee Is the 20th State to Abolish Concealed Carry Permit Requirement
04-16-2021  •, Breitbart 
Tennessee has just become the 20th state to abolish permit requirements for concealed carry. The new bill allows allows people 21 and older to carry handguns openly or concealed without a permit, along with members of the military ages 18 to 20.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
04-14-21 -- PODCAST - Ernest Hancock and James Corbett - Solutions Cont'd... (MP4 LOADED)
   James Corbett (Corbett Report) comes on the show to focus on solutions, censorship, James taken off of YouTube, pirate communication, etc...Begins at 9 pm EST Wednesday April 14th, 2021; MP4 VIDEO to be loaded after podcast
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
04-15-21 -- Keith Knight - Etienne de la Boetie - Phranq Tamburri = Post-Trump Report - (MP3's loade
   Keith Knight (Don't Tread on Anyone) on civil liberties in a time of chaos - Etienne de la Boetie2 ( on censorship, coronavirus stuff - Phranq Tamburri = Post-Trump Report; World News; Harris-Biden, etc...
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