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And, what are their objectives in creating this website?

We recognize that Freedom was taken from us the moment the ink was drying on the Constitution. Today's governmental structure is imploding under its own weight, and its death rattles aren’t going to be pretty. At Freedom’s Phoenix we observe, comment and try to stay out of the way. We know Freedom will rise from the ashes, and we want to make sure that everyone's Freedom is never signed away again by those who believe they have the power to do so.

Over a period of years, Ernest Hancock envisioned having a news and current  information website where anyone could quickly and easily post news articles, opinions, and links to stories on other sites about any subject they wished to bring to people’s attention.  He wanted a site where visitors could find the real truth about what's going on in the world and quickly get the information they needed to keep informed, rather than be subjected to the filters of a slavering collective mainstream media awaiting the approval of their government masters. was developed to satisfy those needs and has rapidly grown to include the work of writers and editors on many timely topics.

Freedom’s Phoenix is also set up as an important tool for News and Talk Radio producers, Internet broadcasters, and Bloggers. Being a daily resource for current and relevant political news, Freedom’s Phoenix gives you more time for organizing and communicating your thoughts on real events as they transpire instead of on the time-consuming hunt for the latest daily outrage. The search functions of Freedom’s Phoenix make it an important resource for those who wish to investigate beyond the corporate spoon fed channels.

We structured our "Media News References" (on the top left of the Front Page) to include news sources and blogs from all over the country, the Middle East, and around the world, so that you can keep yourself informed and make sure that we don't miss an important piece of information you think is essential to understanding what the future has in store.

Language translation buttons on Freedom’s Phoenix allow (albeit imperfectly) Spanish and English reading and writing people the ability to bypass official channels and communicate freely with one another.

If you wish to write about something important to you, or you find something someone else has written on another site you want everyone to know about, or you just want to express your opinions publicly, let us be your publisher. You can add your own input to Freedom’s Phoenix in several different ways:

1. Participate in the Political Forums. Read the discussions others have started and add your own comments, or start your own discussion where you can express your opinions on any subject you choose and let others reply to you online.

2. Be a Reporter.  Provide us with the URL of a story on another website, and optionally, a headline and introductory text, and we will include it on the most appropriate category page on the site.

3. Be a Contributing Writer.  Submit feature articles on any of our existing subjects, or on any other topic you feel is relevant to freedom in today's world. Or state your opinions in commentaries on a regular basis on whatever burning issues are important to you.

4. Be a Category Editor.  Select one of the existing category pages, or you can create a new one of your own.  Add links to news stories, feature articles, and Opinions you have written or ones written by anyone else you feel covers the subject well.

We only require that you have the copyright to all original material you submit, and if you enter anything lewd or crude, that you tag it as such so our system will filter it out for anyone who doesn't want to read it.  Fair enough?

We welcome submissions and participation by anyone with any perspective on politics, religion, economics, philosophy, and whatever else interests you. We do not censor anyone on any subject so you are free to write whatever you feel is appropriate to your topic. Some category pages have editors who may edit what you post to their categories, but if you are dissatisfied with what they do, you are free to create a category page of your own, and even mark it exclusive to you, if you wish.  To be a part of all this at any level, simply Sign-up with us and indicate what your interests are and you can begin participating in the political forums and reporting news links right away.  If you would like to be a regular contributing writer or editor, we will review your information and let you know when we have authorized you to access the "Editor's Desk" pages.

And if you appreciate what we are doing, let us know. Offer your suggestions, compliments, and criticisms.  Refer us to your friends.  Link to us on your web sites and blogs.  Advertising on Freedom's Phoenix is an excellent value to get your message to libertarians and other freedom-oriented people.

Our Freedom Icon Ads are another economical option to let the world know who you are and what you produce. Or, consider our Banner Ad Exchange. For those more fortunate, philanthropic-minded libertarians, Contributions are always welcome.

Freedom’s Phoenix costs a lot to create, maintain, improve and expand. Your participation, support, and contributions are greatly appreciated anytime. And, please support our advertisers and let them know you saw their ad on whenever you talk with them.

Thank you.

Ernest Hancock, Publisher

Powell Gammill, Senior Editor




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