Global Edition Freedom's Phoenix -- Western Libertarian Alliance Edition
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Feature Article  •  Global Edition
US Extends Anti-Russian Sanctions
Stephen Lendman
Open Letter to Mark Hinkle, Libertarian Party National Chair Opinion  •  Global Edition

Open Letter to Mark Hinkle, Libertarian Party National Chair
Karen Kwiatkowski
   Your email to me on March 30, 2011 expressed concern that in a speech I gave a few days ago, I criticized the Libertarian Party for becoming associated with pro-war rhetoric, and not sticking to libertarian principles.
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Sam Konkin and Libertarian Theory
04-01-2011  • 
He called supporters of a minimal state "minarchists," condemned Libertarian Party "partyarchs," and warned against the undue influence of the "Kochtopus."
Ernest Hancock
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Murray Rothbard on the Kochtopus
03-15-2011  • 
The influence of Charles and David Koch on the Tea Party Movement and their connections with the Governor of Wisconsin have been much in the news lately.
Sierra Hancock
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Austin Activists Outbid Police Guns4groceries program
02-26-2011  • 
Austin activists showed up to a police gun buyback event, and buy guns from those getting ready to turn them in to the cops as part of a guns4groceries event for more than the amount of the gift cards they would have gotten.
G Cone

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Feature Article  •  Global Edition

Wrights takes “stop all war” message to Arizona
Ernest Hancock
   PHOENIX, Ariz. (Jan. 31) " People are ready to listen to a presidential candidate who is committed to proclaiming the message to stop all war, Libertarian writer and activist R. Lee Wrights told the Arizona State Libertarian Party convention Saturd
Feature Article  •  Global Edition

3 Libertarian candidates running for Congressional seats (video)
Powell Gammill
   On behalf of Arizona Bridge to Independent Living, Just Vote Arizona Disability Coalition and the Arizona Disability Advocacy Coalition thank you for agreeing to participate in our 2010 Congressional Forum on social issues.
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Libertarian David Nolan vs John McCain Debate Poll... David Wins
10-12-2010  • 
53% of the participants indicated that they thought David Nolan won the debate. (Just so YOU Know)
Ernest Hancock
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Liberty Movement's Super Stars Round Table at Porcfest 2010 Part 1
06-23-10  • 
Part 1 of 3 - In a small tent in the middle of a rain storm at Porcfest, a group of the Liberty Movements heavy hitters quietly and discretely meet for a round table discussion for the No State Project. The LCL report was one of the lucky few that go
Tarrin Lupo
Feature Article  •  Global Edition
Videos by 4409
4409 -- Changing the Toilet
Forty Four O Nine
   Think you're going to vote your freedom back?
Feature Article  •  Global Edition
Economy - Economics USA
G20 Meddlers At It Again
Bill Bonner
   Stabilize public debts by 2016? By then, the US and other major economies will have more government debt than GDP. It is bound to be too late for many of them.
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Campaign for Liberty
Campaign for Liberty Attacked by Federal Elections Commission! Ron Paul Asks for HELP!
06-29-2010  •  email from Ron Paul & John Tate @ C4L 
Even if you can't pitch in cash, PLEASE sign their 'Declaration of Support'!
Ed Vallejo
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GREAT G-20 Photostream!
06-28-2010  •  NationalPost via THANKS!!! 
SUPER pics - I could see us there doing this... : )
Ed Vallejo
Feature Article  •  Global Edition
Packing Packets at Freedoms Phoenix
Thomas Costanzo
   We are packets of information that is going out the libertarians in the sunny state of Arizona. This is how the volunteers get together and put them together to get the 5000 of them ready for mailing. Thanks to everyone who assisted in this project.
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Voting - Election Integrity
Supreme Court deals setback to gay rights foes in ballot case
06-25-2010  •  McClatchy News 
Despite a near unanimous Supreme Court decision Thursday that Washington state can release the names of the roughly 138,000 people who signed ballot petitions to overturn a same-sex domestic partnership law, the case is far from over.
Powell Gammill
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MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)
2 editorial commentators outed for being on BP's payroll
06-23-2010  •  Washington Post 
2 CNN contributors, Alex Castellanos and Hilary Rosen, and their work for BP. BP has retained the services of Rosen, a Democrat who heads the Washington office of the Brunswick Group, to help out with BP's lobbying and public relations offensive insi
Powell Gammill
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Police State
George Donnelley’s Initial Appearance Hearing 6/22/2010
06-22-2010  •  The International Libertarian  
The hearing started at 10:30am in Allentown, PA. Attending the hearing were George's wife, his son, and myself. He was represented by Paul Hetznecker, the attorney that won the acquittal of the protesters arrested at the Army Experience Center at th
Darren Wolfe
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Bill of Rights
Supreme Court ruling makes ‘it a crime to work for peace and human rights’
06-21-2010  • 
The law has become a popular tool for prosecutors, who have prosecuted some 150 people under the statute in the United States, obtaining convictions in around 60 cases, and sentences ranging up to life in prison.
Jack Gregson
Russell Pearce, Mr. National ID, Senator from Arizona Opinion  •  Global Edition
New World Order
Russell Pearce, Mr. National ID, Senator from Arizona
John Green
   Russell Pearce, while claiming to be against national ids, is the only Arizonan legislator who continually attempts to implement national ids for citizens. This SonoranAlliance blog post shows how the Arizona immigration law is national id for Arizo
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Politics: Republican Campaigns
‘Gather your armies’: Is GOP candidate stoking armed revolt?
06-16-2010  •  Rawstory 
Rick Barber, a candidate in the Republican primary for Alabama's 2nd district, has released an ad in which he implies he supports impeaching President Obama, goes on a protracted criticism of the IRS, concluding with George Washington declaring, "Gat
Powell Gammill
Feature Article  •  Global Edition
Videos by 4409
4409 -- Congressman Etheridge goes Sean Penn on a young student in the street REMIX
Forty Four O Nine
   Extremist Rep Bob Etheridge of North Carolina goes Sean Penn on two young students in the street
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How To
Introduction to Straw Bale Gardening
06-13-2010  I got this link from another forum and thought this may help us in AZ Desert to start Gardens without breaking our back!

Straw Bale Gardening is simply a different type of container gardening. The main difference is that the containe

G Money
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Philosophy: Libertarianism
Ron Paul: The Founding Fathers Were Libertarians
06-11-2010  •  Ron Paul 
Ron Paul is interviewed by Alan Colmes on private property rights, civil rights and Rand Paul’s nomination in Kentucky.
Ernest Hancock
Feature Article  •  Global Edition
Videos by 4409
4409 -- SB1070 for Dummies
Forty Four O Nine
   SB1070 for Dummies...Russell Pearce Edition
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NYPD can keep surveillance documents on protesters secret, court rules
06-10-2010  •  Rawstory 
A federal appeals court has dealt a blow to a civil-liberties lawsuit against the New York Police Department, saying the police force is within its rights to keep secret its surveillance of protesters ahead of the Republican National Convention in 20
Powell Gammill
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Politics: Libertarian Campaigns
Kwiatkowski to Hinkle: LP “vulnerable to criticism for appearing unprincipled”
04-05-2011  • 
In an “open letter” to Libertarian National Committee chair Mark Hinkle, Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski (USAF, Ret.) argues that the Libertarian Party coddles a vocal party minority which favors foreign policy interventionism, and that this raises re
Sierra Hancock
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04-01-2011  •  Wendy McElroy 
There is no such thing as a collective will. It is strange to have explain this to libertarians. It is disturbing to see how difficult it is for some of them to understand an organization which encourages individuals to think and act independently.
Powell Gammill
Radio/TV  • 
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
Karen Kwiatkowski - Libya - War - Obama - Foreign Policy - May run for the 6th District of Virginia
Program Date:  2011-03-31
   Karen Kwiatkowski - Full 2 hours - Libya - War - Obama - Foreign Policy - May run for the 6th District of Virginia
Feature Article  •  Global Edition

End The Fed Silver Dime Cards exclusively at
   End The Fed Dime cards now for sale on the open market, find your favorite cards at
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W.A.R. on Egypt
02-03-2011  •  Wayne Allyn Root's Blog 
L.P. bigwig Wayne Allyn Root once again reveals his neo-con proclivities.
Glenn Jacobs
Feature Article  •  Global Edition

RTR Gary Franchi interviews libertarian candidate for Arizona governor Barry Hess
Thomas Costanzo
   Barry Hess, the Libertarian Candidate for Arizona Governor stops in to talk with Gary Franchi about his campaign, where he stands on SB 1070, the economy, and the mortgage crisis.
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Libertarian vs. Socialist heated debate ensues
10-26-2010  • 
Unless there is some quick back peddling about to happen I guess it is official: W.A.R. just announced his candidacy for President in 2012! Scroll up to the 6 minute mark for the announcement
Freedoms Phoenix Reader
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Imagine that, a pretty accurate write up on a Libertarian in the Arizona Republic!
10-07-2010  •  Hess Campaign 
Olde Media Bias is pretty Widespread these days, as most seek to keep the Public in the dark as to their choices of leadership, maybe this will signal a new trend...
Barry Hess
Feature Article  •  Global Edition
Love Police AZ
Charlie Veitch of the Love Police Arrested AGAIN When Attempting to Return to Britain After G20
Jet Lacey
   This time, police arrested him for "Impersonating a Peace Officer." What a joke.
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How to send SMS (text) messages from your computer
06-29-2010  • 
Didn't know this was possible, but I tried it and it works: Have you ever wanted to text message a friend while you were busy working on the computer. But your cell phone was not available? Send that friend a text message via email. Here's how!
Donna Hancock
Reference Link  •  Global Edition
Tell DHS what you think of their internet ID proposal
DHS via CNET politics and law 
   DHS wants you to have a federally-approved dongle to access the internet. Read their proposal and tell them what you think, or comment on any of the feedback already provided.
Entered by: Trouser Chili
The Internet Must Remain Free Opinion  •  Global Edition
Philosophy: Political
The Internet Must Remain Free
Chuck Baldwin
   The Internet is abuzz with news that a US Senate committee has approved a bill that apparently gives the President authority to shut down the Internet...
Feature Article  •  Global Edition
r3VOLution Continues
Freedom's Phoenix and The r3VOLution travel to Porcfest to share the LOV3
Donna Hancock
   Pictures from Porcfest 2010: Freedom's Phoenix and Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock, along with the LOV3olution, travel to New Hampshire to spread the LOV3!
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Another Friday Morning at the B-e-a-utiful Freedom's Phoenix Workshop!
06-25-2010  •  Ed Vallejo Productions LOL 
All that, and a bag of chips!
Ed Vallejo
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Activism at The Freedom's Phoenix Workshop
06-24-2010  •  Ed Vallejo Productions LOL 
While Ernie is having a good time at PorcFest in New Hampshire, The Machine continues to grind back at home... (1 1/2 minute video)
Ed Vallejo
Feature Article  •  Global Edition
Political Parties
Hey, Where’s The Libertarian Debate? Wasn't "Clean Elections" supposed to allow MORE
Barry Hess
   Mere days after the tolling of the deadline for signature challenges, they were on statewide TV"the folks seeking the Republican nomination for Governor. The free and statewide soapbox is mandated in any contested Primary election, that includes a
Feature Article  •  Global Edition
Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings
Pro SB1070 rally crashed by who... Video Inside.
   I would never say that all republicans are racist but the ones in this video...
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Jordan Page - Live Acoustic Set @ 2010 LNC
06/21/2010  •  Jordan Page via Nick Barnett 
Jordan Page came to the Libertarian National Convention to show his support for real libertarian values by backing Ernie on his bid for LNC Chair. One of the keynotes speakers was Bob Barr, and plenty of us are sick and tired of the neocon invasion
Nick Barnett
Feature Article  •  Global Edition
Videos by 4409
4409 -- Paranoid COP asking for my Papers
Forty Four O Nine
   Here is yet another Notice of claim with their bond company Risk Management....
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Media: Television
Reality Report #49 - Exclusive: Chicago Terror Drill Footage
06-16-2010  •  Freedom.TV 
What really happened at the DHS-Chicago Terror Drill? Why did a Congressman attack two college students? Are U.S. skies going to be crawling with predator drones? Is President Obama calling for forced vaccinations in his latest Executive Order? Join
Uncle Freedom

Opinion  •  Global Edition
Philosophy of Liberty
McElroy's Musings
Are you a sovereign citizen, or among the chattel on a thousand hills?
David McElroy
   We must not let the immediate stimuli drive us, we must see beyond the carrots dangled in front of us and the sticks slammed down across our backsides! We must focus on the tyrant driving our burden and ditch the bandwagon to Hell!
Feature Article  •  Global Edition
Love Police AZ
Arizona, Everything is OK! The Love Police are Here.
Jet Lacey
   You are special. You are beautiful. Even if they cloned your DNA a million times, you are the only one exactly like you that will ever exist. The Love Police AZ is here to remind you of this and bring a smile to your face!
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Watching the Protesters
06-11-2010  •  Seattle Weekly 
Chinn was arrested for DUI and put in the trooper's car. That's when Chinn noticed, on the trooper's dashboard, a computer printout with a picture of Chinn's parents' vehicle, a Ford Explorer. He'd been driving it the day before. Today he was driving
Powell Gammill
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The Love Police...The r3VOLution is now
06-11-2010  •  YouTube 
The Love Police out on the north side of London Bridge entertaining the drones as they go to work in the City financial district.
Donna Hancock
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Arizona's Top News
Political Welfare: This tits run dry
06-10-2010  •  Arizona Republic 
The commission that oversees the state's public-campaign-finance system grasped for ways to allow publicly funded candidates to raise private dollars in the wake of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that severely limits their campaign cash. But the board d
Powell Gammill



  Page Two    Contents by Subject    Articles    Opinions    Letters    More News 

Feature Article  •  Activism
Morpheus interviewed at Pro SB1070 rally
Thomas Costanzo
Feature Article  •  Politics: Libertarian Campaigns
Libertarian National Chair Debate (VIDEO)
Ernest Hancock
Feature Article  •  Politics: Libertarian Campaigns
A Note From Ernest Hancock to LP National Delegates
Ernest Hancock
Feature Article  •  Activism
Brooke Kelley Goes on The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller and Hilarity Ensues
Jet Lacey
Feature Article  •  Activism
The Hancocks and I Arrive in St. Louis for LNC 2010
Ed Vallejo
Feature Article  •  Videos by 4409
4409 -- How to handle a Census Worker
Forty Four O Nine
Feature Article  •  Videos by 4409
4409 -- PROP 100 = BAILOUT
Forty Four O Nine
Feature Article  •  Philosophy: Libertarianism
Ernest Hancock vs Wayne Allyn Root NYC May 10th 2010
Ernest Hancock
Letters to the Editor   •  Activism
Economic Power: Avoid Arizona and Boycott BP
Written by: Joel Hirschhorn
Read Letter
Opinion  •  Food
Every revolutionary needs a garden
Powell Gammill
Feature Article  •  Politics: General Activism
Tea Party Events from the eyes of a University Student
Ernest Hancock
Feature Article  •  TERRORISM
Greatest smack down EVER on Youtube!
Forty Four O Nine
Feature Article  •  Politics: Republican Campaigns
Vacation in Santa Fe with Adam Kokesh
Thomas Costanzo
Feature Article  •  Videos by 4409
4409 -- Psychopath, liar, flip flopper, scam artist, legislative terrorist, John McCain
Forty Four O Nine
Feature Article  •  Camera Fraud
RedFlex CEO Karen Finly gets 2010 Pirate Award (Video roundup)
Opinion  •  Parental Rights
Refuse To Bow To The Illegitimate Power Of The State
Teaching Children To Resist Interrogation
Sharon Secor


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