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These are the most current Letters to the Editor on Freedom's Phoenix:
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Once you start seeing videos of 20 year old kids begging for their lives before drones...
Robots and Artificial Intelligence
...that are about to blow them up, this is a good time to pause as a human. Did we really just see that and pretend that it was no big deal?   Read Letter

Letter Written by John Green
Date of Letter: 2024-06-26
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Murder in Yavapai County
How did a person walk into a police station, confess to a crime that up to that point had not yet been discovered, take the officers to the body, to the stolen truck, to multiple stolen guns get such a sweetheart deal?    Read Letter

Letter Written by Frank Mosses
Date of Letter: 2024-05-26
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Federal Reserve -- Behind the Curtain
The following analysis concludes the Federal Reserve is a false flag operation. The pretext for its creation is to stabilize the national economy and provide a fluid monetary system. The analysis suggests it has embezzled $34 Trillion from the Unit   Read Letter

Letter Written by dreamer
Date of Letter: 2024-05-19
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For Christmas, Your Government Will Tell You When It's Legal to Kill You.

Date: 12-24-2011

Please remove my name
Hi Earnie, Hope all is well. I'm trying to remove my name from all places in the internet. My name is appearing on this article when I search my name. If can get it unlinked, that would be appreciated.   Read Letter and Editor's Reply

Letter Written by
Date of Letter: 2024-04-27
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Natural Family Month-A Simple Solution
What would happen if your city, county, state or this nation started celebrating a Natural Family Month starting on Mother's day and ending on Father's day? You know, one biological man and woman in a lifelong committed, monogamous relationship wit   Read Letter

Letter Written by James Harrison
Date of Letter: 2024-04-26
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Federal Register & Executive Order Seem To Be In Opposition
Globalism X. Federalism We have analyzed this final rule in accordance with the principles set forth in Executive Order 13132. FDA has determined that the rule does not con   Read Letter

Letter Written by clrariz
Date of Letter: 2024-03-26
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Federal Reserve
Dear Mr. Hancock, I feel that I have not conveyed to you that the Federal Reserve is a bunch of crooks that have embezzled $32 trillion over the past 100 years. Their previous attempt for a Wall Street coup in 1930's using General Smedley Butler wa   Read Letter

Letter Written by dreamer
Date of Letter: 2023-06-10
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Date: 01-18-2023

Jarvis vs Alexa/Siri
Robots and Artificial Intelligence
Alexa, Siri, ChatGPT etc. are Not "Jarvis" (Tony Stark's private AI). I'm excited by the tech becoming available to the individual for the individual's benefit... 'Open this thing when and if, Close that under these circumstances,   Read Letter

Letter Written by Ernest Hancock
Date of Letter: 2023-01-18
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MSM says nothing to worry about while the market says Credit Suisse is screwed
Stock Market
In 2008 after the Lehman collapse insurer AIG had to pay out the CDS contracts to whom had insured against failure of Lehman to pay their bond holders interest. The problem is with Credit Default Swaps is that anyone can get an insurance against this   Read Letter

Letter Written by Icemann84
Date of Letter: 2022-10-06
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About the teacher
is it possible that this teacher is in (granted in messed up way) to teach a message he can't verbalize? How this should be (or not be) tolerated? Maybe because he wants to be that woman, but the absurdity of it all. By putting on the wig and super o   Read Letter

Letter Written by olympus1112
Date of Letter: 2022-09-22
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Refers to: August 17th: Ernest Hancock & James Corbett
Date: 09-02-2021

Civics: the administrative state
Property Rights
The things you do with your own property are rights. The things you do with someone else's property are privileges. If i grant you a privilege, i am giving you permission to use my property in a specific way. Lets suppose we're neighbors.    Read Letter

Letter Written by
Date of Letter: 2022-08-17
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Ernest Hancock, also known as Arizona's future tampon billionaire(lol), was right. Again!
Watch: Now Women Can't Get Sanitary Products In Biden's America   Read Letter

Letter Written by metropolis
Date of Letter: 2022-06-14
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Looking to Submit Article From My News Magazines (Websites)
Freedom's Phoenix
Hello Team FP Looking to Submit Article From My News Magazines (Websites) Do I have to pay for membership or something? How the things work here Thanks!   Read Letter and Editor's Reply

Letter Written by
Date of Letter: 2022-05-07
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Refers to: Americans Are "In Charge" Of The War Says French Journalist Who Returned From Ukraine
Date: 04-13-2022

WAR: About that War
Of course the US is in charge as it was in Afghanistan, libya & ALL the other wars the world has to endure "lately". The monster US needs it's military industriaj complex to maintain employment in the US & US type Democracy IN the rest of the worl   Read Letter

Letter Written by Mathew Neville
Date of Letter: 2022-04-14
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Putin and Davos have decided to die on a hill called Ukraine.
General Opinion
FROM A FREEDOM'S PHOENIX READER: I was reading these comments in an article on breitbart. This pretty much sums up my feelings.. Putin and Davos have decided to die on a hill called Ukraine. Okay by me. I have no control over it, and I don't have   Read Letter

Letter Written by Ernest Hancock
Date of Letter: 2022-03-23
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Child sex trafficking, QAnon, gun control, insanity plea...
This headline and article has swept across many online news portals; MSN, Yahoo, USA Today and etc. California man arrested in Iowa allegedly planning to kill Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, Mark Zuckerberg. The article originated here: https://www.desm   Read Letter

Letter Written by Andy Lamdin
Date of Letter: 2021-12-31
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Many of you don't know this, but because of work we've done in Maricopa we've been sued
Many of you don't know this, but because of the work we've done in Maricopa we've been sued a number of times. Specifically, these lawsuit(s) have attempted to classify Cyber Ninjas as a "public entity" so that I am subject to public records requests   Read Letter

Letter Written by Donna Hancock
Date of Letter: 2021-11-01
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Killing a Virus
Science, Medicine and Technology
The world famous mystic Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) left 14,000 records on the human condition. To kill any virus mix at least 2oz of beer with an egg yolk. It will only take from 3-10 min. I have been using this for the last 20 yrs. Try it or Google   Read Letter

Letter Written by Gordon Wright
Date of Letter: 2021-08-03
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Killing a Virus
Science, Medicine and Technology
The world famous mystic Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) left 14,000 records on the human condition. To kill any virus mix at least 2oz of beer with an egg yolk. It will only take from 3-10 min. I have been using this for the last 20 yrs. Try it or Google   Read Letter

Letter Written by Gordon Wright
Date of Letter: 2021-08-03
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RV and Global Currency Reset
I purchased a Zimbabwe note some years back, and was watching and waiting for some 800 number to call. as of late I have not received that call and recently saw this video that Q was dead.    Read Letter

Letter Written by rousandamn
Date of Letter: 2021-07-06
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Bitcoin and the curse of the Red Queen
Here is a small essay that I hope you'll find enlightening. I'm afraid this could be the mother of all hopium. Let's get to the point. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency alike are not in competition with precious metals. Bitcoin is in competition with us.   Read Letter

Letter Written by
Date of Letter: 2021-07-04
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I'm an American expat living in Switzerland
Vaccines and Vaccinations
Yesterday I was walking on the sidewalk in my neighbourhood and overheard a Brit talking to a woman friend (on speakerphone) walking behind me. It was clear from their convo that, because they have a mutual friend who was recently hospitalized due to   Read Letter

Letter Written by Donna Hancock
Date of Letter: 2021-05-28
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Quote Compendium
Positive News
Quote Compendium compiled over the years...   Read Letter

Letter Written by Michael Shoen
Date of Letter: 2020-11-06
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Refers to: The Beginning is Nigh - by Ernest Hancock
Date: 11-02-2020

Good thing voting day isn't a national holiday.
Voting and Elections
Still voting? I'm heading to the polls today. There's a certain tinge of danger. Maybe ANTIFA will show up and threaten my dog. Maybe a bunch of "militia" will make an appearance. The possibilities are endless save in one regard: forget the civic pri   Read Letter

Letter Written by trevor
Date of Letter: 2020-11-03
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Children's New Normal in Canada Schools (Sent from John Sneisen; The Economic Truth)
Education: Government Schools
This is our children's 'new normal' btw...thanks to all those that have done nothing but acquiesce, and help spread the fear and lies of the fake pandemic...   Read Letter

Letter Written by Donna Hancock
Date of Letter: 2020-09-02
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How self-censorship has lead a group convinced by their own self-deception.
How self-censorship has lead a group convinced by their own self-deception.   Read Letter

Letter Written by Jane Liu
Date of Letter: 2020-09-02
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Did the US Draconian Measures Work?
Did the draconian measures of shut down the United States economy actually work? I looked back to the first reported case in the United States and made some comparisons between the US, Italy, and Sweden. Italy and Sweden largely ignored the measures    Read Letter

Letter Written by GTC309
Date of Letter: 2020-07-11
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Voting is immoral
Voting and Elections
Voting supports people who will use aggression and theft against us "for the public good" -- for activities, wasteful and often corrupt, you may not use, or agree with. Why do we do it? Because it was taught in school,    Read Letter

Letter Written by Stormy
Date of Letter: 2020-07-05
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Covid deaths a cover for 5g?? Sent by Barry from Ireland...
5G Interview by Finola Foley with Mark Steele on depolyment in Fethard village   Read Letter

Letter Written by Ernest Hancock
Date of Letter: 2020-07-05
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EDITORIAL SENT BY A FREEDOM'S PHOENIX READER...It wouldn't matter if every racist in America were eliminated: If the black culture isn't changed by black people themselves, nobody is going to do it for them.   Read Letter

Letter Written by Donna Hancock
Date of Letter: 2020-06-19
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