Iran's New President Inaugurated

Written by Subject: Iran

Iran's New President Inaugurated

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

On June 18, Ebrahim Raisi triumphed by a 62% landslide to become Iran's president-elect.

On Thursday, he was sworn into office as the Islamic Republic's 8th president.

The ceremony in parliament was attended by numerous Iranian political, civil and military officials — along with dignitaries from 82 other nations. 

They included 10 heads of state, 20 parliament speakers, 11 foreign ministers, and 10 other ministers — along with many other political and diplomatic officials.

An EU delegation was headed by  Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service Enrique Mora.

Attending as well were heads heads of 11 international and regional organizations.

They included a representative of UN secretary general Guterres, others from the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Economic Cooperation Organization, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation and OPEC.

Scores of domestic and foreign journalists provided coverage of Raisi's inauguration.

He vowed as president to "safeguard" the nation, notably from foreign threats.

He'll use his "abilities (to) promot(e) religion and morality, support (the) right and propagation of justice…refrain from being autocratic…protect the freedom and dignity of individuals and the rights of the nation (as mandated) by (its) Constitution…"

He pledged "to spare no efforts in safeguarding the frontiers and the political, economic and cultural freedoms of the country…"

Speaker of Iran's Parliament Muhammad Baqer Qalibaf welcomed Iranian officials and foreign dignitaries before Raisi was sworn into office — stressing the need to address Iran's economic and other problems with resolve to advance the interests of the nation and its people.

Raisi stressed that illegally imposed sanctions — in breach of the UN Charter — "should be lifted," adding that he supports a "diplomatic plan" to achieve this goal.

Addressing foreign dignitaries in attendance, he said Iran "considers neighboring nations as its own family members," adding:

He'll use the powers vested in him as president, "including diplomacy and intelligent interaction with the world, to secure the national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Like his predecessors and other Iranian officials, he "support(s) peace and stability."

He vowed to use the nation's deterrent capabilities "only to counter the threat of domineering and oppressive powers" — with hegemon USA and apartheid Israel in mind.

He called for resolving regional crises and other issues by "intra-regional" dialogue, according to the rule of law.

"I extend my hand of friendship and brotherhood to all the regional states, specially the neighbors," he said, adding:

"The Islamic Republic's nuclear program is completely peaceful."

Its leadership "placed a religious ban on nuclear weapons, and these weapons have no place in the country's defense strategy."

"The policy of pressure and sanctions will not dissuade the Iranian nation from pursuing its legal rights, including the right to development."

Geopolitically, Iran prioritizes "promotion of ties with (other nations) as most important."

A successful foreign policy is balanced, according to the rule of law, he stressed.

"The message (of) June elections  was a message of change and justice." 

"We are true defenders of human rights…"

"We will stand beside the oppressed whether the oppression and crime is in the heart of Europe…the US…in Africa, or in Yemen, Syria and (Occupied) Palestine."

Commenting on Raisi's inauguration, interventionist Blinken's mouthpiece Price said the following:

The Biden regime's message to Iran's new president is that it'll "advance" its hegemonic aims as always before by its ruling class.

Defying Iran's abhorrence of nuclear weapons — wanting them eliminated regionally and elsewhere — Price perpetuated the myth of an Iranian threat to develop these weapons that doesn't exist. 

He vowed that the Biden regime will "permanently and verifiably ensure that" what Iran banned long ago it won't "be able to acquire…"

No "breakout time" exists for Iran to develop and produce what its leadership long ago renounced — while highlighting the threat posed by nuclear armed and dangerous Israel, supported by the US and West.

The double standard needs no elaboration.

A Final Comment

Addressing the JCPOA, Price falsely accused Iran of "noncompliance" — while ignoring US/E3 breach of their obligations under SC Res 2231 since May 2018.

Under JCPOA Articles 26 and 36, Iran is in full compliance with its obligations.

It's in stark contrast to the US-dominated West that refuses to obey the rule of law on all things Iran and other nations free from their control.

Because they reject full compliance with their JCPOA obligations — based on what's mandated by SC Res. 2231 — the landmark agreement as affirmed in 2015 is virtually DOA.

VISIT MY WEBSITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"


"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"



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