Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Politics: Republican Campaigns

A Society In Severe Trouble

People keep thinking that by voting in the right group of people we can change our corrupted system even though the evidence to the contrary exists.  Since the founding of our nation, Congress and the Judiciary have slowly usurped both our inalienable rights as well as any reasonable Rule of Law based on Constitutional limiting powers of government and a Bill of Rights mandated by the Citizens of the States. 

The recent Iowa Caucus shows us that not only do the Republicans have a tough time determining who can best represent the Republican agenda “whatever that is” against an equally unsure democratic agenda, but that the agendas themselves are not agreed on by the leadership or the rank and file in either Party.

For Instance the libertarian Republican Dr. and Congressman Ron Paul of Texas, is despised and feared by the leadership within the Republican Party but was one of the three front runners in the voting in Iowa.  Don’t people know that his primary rival Mitt Romney has for his major campaign contributors, the major banks like Goldman Sachs and Bank of America whom perpetrated one of the greatest pump and dump schemes in World history placing literally millions into bankruptcy and foreclosure? 

The facts are that the leadership within the Republican Party know that Ron Paul is a treat to Central Banking, Central Governance and the gravy train that their support for central planning has garnered for themselves. People vote for what is in their self interest and if it benefits the Republican Leadership to be in bed with the Central Bankers and Planners, then that is obviously what they are going to do despite the negative affects it has on the majority; hence, the lies they must make in support of their fallacious political positions. 

The facts are despite what is accomplished politically, the law is either upheld or denied by a Judiciary so disposed to political cronyism and corruption, that the Citizens of this country are literally enslaved by a system the denies both equal access to justice but also the ability to compete against our Central Banking system that is promoting and controlling our fascist oligarchy.

Therefore, Attorneys are knowingly taking cases on, that they, even though the law favors their clients, cannot know what the outcome of the case will be, as the merit of the case will be adjudicated based on political considerations rather than what is fair and reasonable justice. Not all are doing this, as Attorney Donald Wallis now knows, as he was just sanctioned by the U.S. Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, $8,000 on January 3, 2012 for filing a Frivolous Appeal for his Client against the Commissioner of the IRS.  Please note that none of the issues raised in the Appeal were on the Frivolous Arguments list that is a required listing by the IRS, nor was Attorney Wallis notified what element(s) of his argument were deemed frivolous.  That seems fair and just doesn’t it? In Schultz vs U.S., decided in early 2010, the same Appeals Court denied Schultz and the We The People Foundation the right to obtain Redress of Grievances in a formal petition made to various agencies of the Federal Government, despite its enumeration as a right in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. We can no longer even ask questions of our government as they no longer have to answer them nor will when requested.  

Just these two cases provide the evidence, but there are literally thousands more, that can be provided to prove that the Government and more specially the Judges within the Federal Judiciary are committing treason against the Citizens of the United States of America by the unreasonable and corruptive practices of denying people fair and reasonable justice under our Constitution.

Many attorneys already know this, yet they continue to take people’s money knowing that justice is very likely to be denied especially in those areas that give the Federal government greater police and military powers and their ability to regulate, tax, fine and redistribute wealth. 

The Federal Government has already placed many Citizens within our society into poverty and homelessness yet are increasing their oppressive policies and actions as just shown in the passage of the NDAA and SOPA. Note that the Judiciary was already suppressing Habeas Corpus over the last 25 years covering it up by blaming procedural or jurisdictional reasons etc., and Obama suggesting that he signed this above bill “Reluctantly”. Somebody must have been holding a gun to his head.

Our society is in severe trouble, specifically by the very agents of government created by the U.S. Constitution that are no longer adhering to it themselves. When this happens in a society, the ramifications are what no sane person wants. 

What can be done?  I don’t know but I have some ideas.  One thing for sure is if we don’t organize our efforts and focus they will have divided and concurred in a very effective manner.