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Letters to the Editor • New World Order

The Trashing of a Republic

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The Trashing of a Republic    by Alan Adaschik

The United States is supposed to be a ‘constitutional republic’.  This is a mouthful to say, but what do these words really mean?  A republic is a form of Government where the ultimate authority of government is exercised by the people through their elected representatives and a constitutional republic is one where such authority is formerly established by a written constitution; this document being the supreme law of the land and well-spring of all other laws, rules, and regulations.  Therefore, it is clear that government bequeathed us by our Founding Fathers was a ‘constitutional republic’.  I use the word ‘was’ because it is also abundantly clear that our present government only pays lip service to our constitution and routinely ignores most of its provisions.

The foregoing being true, it follows that the government of the United States is no longer a ‘constitutional republic’ and this being the case, it is reasonable to conclude that somewhere along the way a change in government took place; the key issue being whether or not this change was brought about gradually over time or suddenly at one particular point in our history?  The correct answer to this question is critical to Americans because of its possible dire implications.  If our government changed gradually over time, then it is reasonable to conclude that nothing illegal or untoward occurred.  However, if the change occurred suddenly at one point in our history, then the implications are that the change was the result of deliberate plan and this leads to the inescapable conclusion is that our government was overthrown.

My fellow citizens, the onus now weighs heavily upon on my shoulders, but in good conscience, I must inform you that it is my sincere belief that the government we live under in the United States of America today, is not the result of gradual changes which took place over time, but instead, the handiwork of a group of demented conspirators who deliberately plotted the demise of the government we had and in its place, left us with a sham of a government which is better suited to their wrongful, ill conceived, and self-serving purposes.  Who are these people?  We know them best as the Federal Reserve, but they also call themselves The New World Order or more truthfully, the old world order which is made up of the filthy-rich old-line banking families who have pulled the strings which made the world dance through the centuries.   Their plot was brought to fruition concurrent with passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.  And while most Americans think the Federal Reserve Act was legitimate act of Congress, nothing could be further from the truth.

In order to establish the truth about the overthrow of our government, four elements of this crime must necessarily be demonstrated as being true and these are:

·         Positive identification of a group of conspirators

·         Establishment of the groups wilful intent to commit the crime

·         Identification of actions taken to consummate the crime

·         Identification of the results of the actions taken

Before proceeding, it should be understood that the Federal Reserve Act is unconstitutional.  Article 1, Section 8 of our Constitution states that Congress will have the power “To coin money and regulate the value thereof”.  This so called ‘power’ is really a responsibility of Congress and nowhere in our Constitution does it give Congress authority to defer, subordinate, or transfer this responsibility to someone else; especially to a secretive foreign for-profit banking cartel.  To be sure, by inspection, it is clear that the Federal Reserve Act is unconstitutional and significantly so when one realizes the tremendous power Congress wrongfully handed to this group of criminal Banksters.  Think about the absurdity of having a group of foreigners create our money out of thin air and then loan it to us at interest with the American people being on the hook to pay back these loans with real money earned through industry and hard work.  And what do we get for making these criminals wealthy far beyond anyone’s wildest dreams?  Nothing!  Absolutely nothing but recessions, depressions, inflation, war, destruction, suffering, mayhem, and death!

At this point, it should be clear that we have identified our group of conspirators and from this point forward we will call them ‘Banksters’.  It is also a historical fact that in 1910, representatives of these Banksters secretly met at Jekyll Island, Georgia, to map out a strategy for getting Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act which would make the Federal Reserve Bank the central bank of the United States.  I know what you are thinking!  The foregoing does not constitute a willful intent to commit a crime.  However, it does when you listen to the words of Mayer Anselm Rothschild, perhaps the most influential Bankster of them all who said, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a Nation and I care not who makes its laws”.  The legislative process, without question, is a prime function of government.  If as Mr. Rothschild said, this prime function is trumped by a group of people who issue and control our money, then it follows that the Jekyll Island conspirators knew and understood that by getting control our money supply, they would also be getting control of our government.

Therefore, it is logical and reasonable to conclude that the Jekyll conspirators knew that passage of the Federal Reserve Act would give them the power to dominate and control our government.  Furthermore, to argue that that the met in secret at Jekyll Island for some other purpose which was intended to benefit and help the American people is too ridiculous and absurd to even be considered.  The only reasonable conclusion which can be made from the facts is that the conspirators knew exactly what they were doing when they met to strategize passage of the Federal Reserve Act and what they were doing was formulating a plan to take control of our government solely for their benefit and to the detriment of the American people.  Thus the conspirator’s willful intent to commit the crime has been established.

I am sure that you are still not convinced and admittedly if all that ever really happened in 1913 was passage of the Federal Reserve Act, I would be inclined to agree with you.  However, the plot was far more extensive than this.  For example, in this same year, our Constitution was amended to allow for a tax on income which eventually led to a tax on the wages earned by working Americans (Amendment XVI).  Prior to 1913, our government earned all the money it needed through duties, tariffs, and other charges.  However, the Banksters knew that knew that a new revenue source was needed to pay for the soon to be exploding national debt and its associated interest.  They also wanted a controlling lock on the workers of this nation.  They knew that ‘the power to tax is the power to destroy’, so they took steps to ensure that they would have this wrongful and misplaced power over the American worker.  To hold or maintain that passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 and the passage of Amendment XVI in 1913 which created a tax on income were independent occurrences which had nothing to do with each other, is ridiculous and this is especially true in consideration of what also was done to us in 1913.

Amendment XVII was also added to our Constitution in 1913 and what this Amendment did was to provide for the direct election of Senators by citizens instead of their being appointed by the state legislators.  Hallelujah!  What a magnificent step in the right direction for Democracy!  Sorry Charlie, nothing could be further from the truth.  Instead, it was a diabolical step which changed the nature and form of our government.  The Federal Government is supposed to be a federation of state governments and toward this end, state governments exercised a large degree of control over the Federal Government by appointing Senators to the higher more dominant arm of Congress.  By changing this, the Banksters eliminated one of the most important checks and balances within our Constitution and this changed the Federal Government from being a federation of state governments into an all-powerful national government.  The significance of all this is that through the Federal Reserve Act, the Banksters gained control of our Federal Government and through Amendment XVII; they were now positioned to control our state governments.

There you have it!  Three very real and inter-related actions accomplished in 1913 by the Banksters which were taken to solely to consummate and solidify their crime.  The Federal Reserve Act gave the Banksters the power to dominate and control our Federal Government, Amendment XVI gave the Banksters the power to dominate and control the American worker, and Amendment XVII gave the Banksters the power to dominate and control our state governments.  A summation of these changes is as follows:

Before 1913:

·         Our national government was a federation of state governments and was limited in scope and power.

·         Our government, for the most part, abided by the precepts of our Constitution.

·         Senators were appointed by the state governments.

·         Congress coined our money and regulated its value.

·         State governments retained a measure of control over the national government.

·         No tax on income or wages was needed or necessary.

·         Americans were free to keep and/or enjoy the fruits of their labor.

After 1913

·         Our Federal Government became a national government with unlimited power.

·         Our Constitution became a meaningless and ignored document.

·         The state governments no longer had any control over the Federal Government.

·         The precedent was established that our new National Government did not have to abide by the provisions of our Constitution.

·         The FED, a private foreign banking cartel, controlled our money supply and regulated its value.

·         A debilitating tax in the wages of American Workers was created.

·         Senators were elected to office by popular vote.


In Conclusion, in 1910 a group of conspirators met on Jekyll Island to plan a total and across-the-board takeover of our nation, its governments, and its workers.  The far reaching nature of this takeover was such that it constituted an overthrow of the government of the United States.  This overthrow changed Americans from being a free and independent people into the economic slaves of the Banksters.  The irony of this lamentable state of affairs is that if you visit Jekyll Island and the room where these conspirators met, you will find a plaque commemorating this horrific meeting.  Imagine that!  These criminals are so confident and sure of the power they have over us that they publically brag about how they met and plotted against our government.

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