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12-07-2012  â€¢  Inspiration - who will you inspire in 2013?
Freedom's Phoenix December 7th, 2012 Edition
When Voluntarist respond to disasters like Hurricane Sandy - Left Airship – Medical / Right Airship – Power / Large Center Flaircraft – Shelter / Beached Hovercraft – Food / Small Red Beached Flaircraft – SAFE (Second Amendment is For Everyone) Self

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Magazine Articles in this Issue
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Economy - International
The End of the Beginning of the End (CNN Just Called)
by Ernest Hancock
Can you feeeel it? (Article from 2012-12-07) (Kyrsten Sinema was interviewed on my show the first week I was on 2003-02-14 as an AntiWar activists, now she's a Hawk. Well, I sure as hell am not sending something to CNN I wouldn't share with you :)
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Paying it Forward
by Zak Carter
Ron Paul talks all the time about reaching out and inspiring young people and I know why now beyond the obvious future political reasons. It just plain feels good to change young people's lives.
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Elections Have Consequences
by Dan Gutenkauf
"The #1 responsibility for each of us is to change ourselves with hope that others will follow. This is of greater importance than working on changing the government; that is secondary to promoting a virtuous society..."
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Silver Circle: Inspiring Heroism
by Davi Barker
We are living in an age of ubiquitous, unopposed, unacknowledged evil, and we few fringe radicals who see systemic violence for what it truly is are in a unique position to engage in some much needed heroism.
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The Economics of Public-Private Partnerships
by M C
Where free competition is absent or certain firms are subsidized by the public purse, the market ceases to function.
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Inspiration
Petraeus Should Have Been Fired Years Ago
by Mikey Weinstein
Hypocrisy writ large by a now erstwhile, all so powerful man. As Noam Chomsky put it, "For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit."
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Inspiration
The Greatest Jihad
by Davi Barker
Earlier this month I returned home from Hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. They say the sign of a successful pilgrimage is that your life changes. Well, I got that in spades, as I’ll explain.
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Inspiration
by Julian Heicklen
The person that I hope to mentor this coming year is Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Jr. of the Ninth Circuit Court in Florida. And here is how...
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Inspiration
New Season Lyrics to the tune of Seasons in the Sun
by Starchild
We’ll have wealth we’ll have peace, we’ll have Internet TV...But they won’t set you free, you must fight for liberty
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Inspiration
For Society to Recover, the State Must Die
by Will Grigg
Government is in the business of preventing solutions. It is an exercise in monetizing misery, generating and prolonging crises, and making problems profitable for politically connected interests.
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Inspiration
American Faultline: 2013 and the Dawn of the Constitutional Anarchist
by Jordan Page
Many of us strive to restore our republic to a former time when it functioned as written; a golden age of liberty following the war for independence. I question whether an age like this ever existed; if so, it was short lived
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Going Forward to the Past
by Michael Badnarik
If only I could inspire Patrick Henry to participate in that Philadelphia convention, he could have saved our country by preserving the Articles of Confederation. That is a missed opportunity that I will always regret.
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Inspiration
Living as an Inspiration through Sovereign Living
by Catherine Bleish
As lover of freedom I spent many years in the "fight", exerting massive amounts of energy trying to change people and institutions I had no control of. One day I realized that in order to be free, I had to start living free and stop asking for perm
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Inspiration
by L. Neil Smith
Be free...
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Inspiration
by Charles Goyette
Monetary policy remains in the hands of money-printing Keynesians like Ben Bernanke, while Americans were forced to choose between the two Keynesian presidential candidates â€" Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Yet in China, policy-makers have begun welcom
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Inspiration
Aspire to Inspire
by Bob Ross
When I look back throughout the pivotal moments in my life, they were without a doubt inspired by some amazing individuals, ideas, and even unexplainable forces.
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Inspiration
Congressman Ron Paul's Farewell Speech to Congress
by Special K
To say that Ron Paul has been an inspiration to many is an understatement, to say the least. Thank you for your service, Dr. Paul...
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Inspiration
Singularity University - The Sky is Not the Limit
by Special K
Be prepared to learn how the growth of exponential and disruptive technologies will impact your industry, your company, your career, and your life...Bob Metcalfe (Founder of 3Com, Co-Inventor of the Ethernet)
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Strong New Evidence That MS Risk Affected by Birth Month, Mom's Vitamin D Status by Dr. Mercola
by Special K
There is also a likely relationship between ultraviolet B radiation (UVB) from the sun and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which causes glandular fever and might play an indirect role in MS as an activator of the underlying disease process.
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Magazine Article  â€¢  Inspiration
America's First Monument to the Bill of Rights - Arizona Dedication Ceremony
by Special K
Saturday December 15th 2012 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. at Wesley Bolin Plaza at the Arizona State Capital
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A Gift for My Daughter by Harry Browne
by Special K
This article was originally published as a syndicated newspaper column, dedicated to my 9-year-old daughter
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The Myth of the All-American Hero
by Jesse Mathewson
The hero always fights the greatest evil, regardless what form it takes. The hero in myth defeats the villain, however, usually at great cost to the hero himself.
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