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IPFS News Link • North American Union

The Blackjack Addendum

• Truth Nuke

Operation Blackjack has risen to the public eye once again. Thanks to a fellow patriot, and the Info Warrior Jason Bermas, we now understand that a hexadecimal code displayed on one of the Union of North America ID cards, actually spells the words “This is not simply entertainment.”

Upon receiving this revelation and actively following the Blackjack story, I felt obligated to decode the string myself. Returning to the site of origin, I found the slide on frame 15 of part 4 of the series.

Sure enough, once I copied the code and translated it, I found the gentleman on the Info Warrior to be correct. The code: (74686973206973206e6f742073696d706c7920656e7465727461696e6d656e74) does indeed translate into “this is not simply entertainment.”

Combing over the images, I happened upon what appeared to be a new slide. In part 4 frame 17 a seemingly new image emerged. This simple addition displayed the header, “Citizens of the Union of North America Permit

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