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IPFS News Link • Politics

If the NHS Can Discriminate Based on Weight, Will Obama Care be Far Behind?

I just read the most fascinating article in I think it should be mandatory for everyone in the Obama Administration to read this too, especially Madame Empress.[...] "An NHS health trust now proposes to stop sending obese people and smokers for certain operations. NHS North Yorkshire and York is planning to stop patients who smoke, and those with a body mass index of more than 35, from having routine hip and knee surgeries because their unhealthy lifestyles allegedly lower the chance of the operations’ ‘success’." Now, the NHS is Britain’s socialized health care system. The system that, according to James Delingpole’s wonderful book, “Welcome to Obamaland“, is the envy of the world. Here are a few of the statistics cited in Mr. Delingpole’s book:...
