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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

Shut Up, Rachel - There’s no evidence Pakistan shielded Osama bin Laden

This won’t satisfy some people, particularly those Obama-ites who are joyful at the political impetus this has given their Glorious Leader: I was shocked to see MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow screeching about the role of Perfidious Pakistan on her Monday night newscast. According to her, since a large number of al-Qaeda bigwigs, including bin Laden, were found in Pakistan, this means, ipso facto, that the Pakistani government is responsible for aiding and abetting terrorism against the United States. I have to say that this kind of world-class conclusion-jumping is possible to Ms. Maddow only because, as a big government liberal, she apparently believes that governments know all and see all within the confines of their territory. Government, as an instrument, is omni-competent. OBL was in Pakistan: ergo, he was there at Islamabad’s invitation. Maddow is delusional. Ranting about how many top al-Qaeda leaders have been captured in Pakistan, she listed

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Comment by Temper Bay
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There's no evidence Pakistan shielded Osama? = Naviete or gross stupidity.