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IPFS News Link • Politics

Occupying Civil Disobedience

• Free Patriot Press
Occupying Civil Disobedience With the Occupy protests continuing, and with hundreds of arrests at the various protests across the country, some people that oppose the protests have resorted to attacking the character of the protesters instead of the message. Some of the accusations are: * They didn't get a permit, the “TEA Party” did. * They're getting arrested, that never happened at “TEA Party” protests. * They don't respect public or private property, “TEA Party” protests rented porta-potties, they use the restrooms of local businesses. Other accusations are more outlandish, claiming the occupy groups are anti-semetic, anti-American (because of the supposed absence of American flags), and the derogatory term “fleabagger” has come about because of a perception that the protesters are dirty. The first three accusations are inter-related (I will not dignify the more outlandish claims with a response). The Constitution of these United States of America suppos