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Now is the Time 
   In the modern world, the federal government of the United States is by far and away the most oppressive organization on the...........
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What Happens in Vegas...Should Be Legal Everywhere 
   Forgive me for warping the over-used catch-phrase, but my own edition is really true, at least from a constitutional........
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Puerto Rico, Not Iraq 
   At least the liberal’s futile obsession with hallow slogans is good for something.......
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The 08'ers' Greatest Fear: The U.S. Constitution 
   Presidential campaigns are getting very complex these days. The candidates are focusing mostly on major issues......................................
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I'm Not Kidding 
   The ’08 race is in now in full swing. As stated in a previous entry, the pseudo-conservatives are throwing most of their support behind Fred Thompson...........
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Flip-Flipping on The Consistent Life Ethic (Graphic Photo of late term abortion) 
   When political seasons begin in earnest, a large segment of voters/activists who describe themselves as ‘pro-lifers’..........................
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Legitimizing Communism Isn’t Likely To End It  
   In a country filled with complacent and apathetic citizens, it’s easy to look past one of the greatest issues of unconstitutionality and pseudo-conservative hypocrisy that
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Exposing Public Enemy #1: Fake Conservatives 
   Over the last several decades, the word 'conservative' has accumulated a very negative......
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Fred: Bite and Chew 
   The actor has finally shown-up on the set. Less than a month after the fly-by-nighter announced his intent to....
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