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Comment by TL Winslow
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{Washington and Israel plan regime change in Iran and Syria. Israel wants regional supremacy. Washington wants global hegemony and control of the world's strategic resources.

America tolerates no independent states. Making them client ones is prioritized.

Insurgent infiltrators ravaged Syria for months. Libya's model was replicated short of NATO intervention perhaps to follow.}

This is so sick and wrong it definitely must have been written in the Kremlin. It's totally Marxist in outlook, failing to mention anything other than economic reasons for the way people and countries act.  In short, it never mentions ISLAM.  Hence, it's total moose hockey.

It's atheist Russia that was nakedly imperialist for 90 years as the Soviet Union.  Maybe Lendman's crapola is a herald of the news that it's about to come back.

I'll take a U.S. that's got military bases all over the world and the biggest military budget to go with it to a U.S. with no military bases, the smallest military budget, and a world left free for Russia and the Muslim World to rampage over, starting with exterminating pesky Israel.  That's why Soros man Ron Paul is NUTS.




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