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2016-11-23 08:28
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Entered by: Dennis Treybil
Here are a few of my thoughts on "Climate Change": Has quasi-humorous(?) summary.
2016-11-22 20:35
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Entered by: PureTrust
The 12-person jury can do anything. If people were smart enough, they could file complaints about the way government or big business was harming them regarding anything. The first should be income taxes. Take it to court, and let the JURY determine what is best. If it is Monsanto, do the same. Forget all the garbage that suggests the President or Congress rules the country like king and dictatorship. Pick up true people rule, and force Government to make bigger courts just so that the 12-person jury can show the world what average Americans really think >>> by voting the Government into oblivion if necessary.
2016-11-22 20:12
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Entered by: PureTrust
Before even thinking about changing the electoral College process, we should be thinking about correcting the fraud in the voting machines, and the fraud in letting non-citizens and dead people vote, and fraud where people sneak in and vote more than once. :)
2016-11-22 16:37
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Entered by: EstherCook
The media reported that Hillary had the popular vote before all the votes were in. Now we have the final total and it turns out Trump won the popular vote--despite considerable proven votescam. The media is not honest enough to report that. We will never know haw many hundreds of thousands of dead voters, repeat voters and noncitizens voted. We do know Hillary got most of those. If it were not for the electoral college, scamming the vote would have been much easier and the woman the people did not vote for would be heading for the White House. Breaking the battle up into States and DC saved the integrity of the election--such as it was.
2016-11-22 16:33
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Entered by: chris gill
So the top 5 populist states should decide what the rest of the states do? Why would they even bother campaigning in the rest of the country? Why would they even address their concerns?
2016-11-22 15:45
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Entered by: Molon Labe
More proof that Trump is a bald-faced Zionist liar.
2016-11-22 13:13
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Entered by: james chappell
Is that the only prerequisite against indictment or prosecution? Trump says she has been through enough? Okay. That should now be the gold standard differentiating whether someone is indicted or not. Who cares if they are a traitor or guilty. If they have been through enough they must now be left alone. It can be called the Clinton defense. As much as I supported President Trump, I think he is making a grave mistake. Both Clinton's are guilty of a multitude of crimes, not the least of which is treason. They belong in prison, but President Trump says he won't go after Hillary because she has been through enough. What he is saying to We the People is that Clinton is above the law. She is guilty and he knows it. He must NOT let her be treated any different that the rest of us. If he does, he is no better, no more honest, no more trustworthy than any other politician. If he really pardons her, I am very disappointed in my new President.
2016-11-22 12:59
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Entered by: mary smith
Is this guy for real? Does he have any sense of history or our political system? Exactly why do ignoramuses like Eland have a forum? The 20th century attack on the federalist system has led directly to the monstrosity that should be known as Modor on the Potomac. The electoral college is the last barrier to being overrun by the democrats wave of socialist peasants into NY and CA that will completely wipe out our heritage. OK Eland, let the electoral college go, and have them bring in real democracy, good and hard. I'll be living elsewhere...
2016-11-22 10:23
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Entered by: PureTrust
Do you see how Trump is starting to turn already? Is he really a plant, set in place by the one-worlders? Was Hillary just a decoy and a scapegoat? If Trump really though that Hillary had enough already, he would see that she gets prosecuted for here crimes, and then executed to put her out of her misery so that she doesn't have to live with herself any longer. :)
2016-11-22 09:07
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Entered by: Dennis Treybil
Actually, it's not education at all. It's indoctrination. Education is the leading forth of "the divine spark" within to a point where it can be seen by others. This little light of mine I'm gonna' let it shine . . .
2016-11-22 08:41
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Entered by: Keith Cyrnek
There is no such thing as "public" education. It is "government" education. "Government" schools not "public" schools.
2016-11-22 08:18
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Entered by: Dennis Treybil
Don't get a vaccine and get out of public education? What a deal!!!!! Win Win (15 minutes into 2nd hour)
2016-11-17 21:42
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Entered by: Anonymous
From the tape I seen he got out of the truck with his hands in the air and kept them in the air and they had him backing up and they unloaded on him and then you see his arms fall after they had shot him as if going for his wound. You call yourself a friend. Watch the video and then come back and recant this lie. You are not a friend.
2016-11-17 21:37
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
Knocking politicians because they don't discuss how to perform their duties with a minimum of coercion is like knocking milkmen because they don't discuss how to nourish your family with a minimum of diary products. The single factor that distinguishes governments from every other institution on the face of the planet is that they are legally allowed to initiate coercion, and everyone else is not. If you're running for political office, you clearly believe you can exercise coercion more beneficially than other people. It's silly to be surprised at the consequences of this.
2016-11-14 02:53
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Entered by: Anonymous
Totally agree with the author about this. If Clinton had won it would have meant nuclear war , she was almost promising it during her ludicrous election campaign and I for one believe it would have come about. Are people really so stupid that they cannot see it ? Do they prefer just to ignore all the serious warnings that abound from day to day ? If we had/have a nuclear war nothing else will matter especially Trumps " pussy grabbing " nonsense. Did she , Clinton , really think that people would vote for war ? As for being left-wing she is very far from it and liberal she is not even though people keep on saying this. How can she be in cahoots with the ruling elite and be left wing ? That`s just plain daft as the American working class and the millions without work and the Wall Street Bankster`s have totally opposite interests when it comes down to it. I dislike much of what Trump stands for but not his forein policy so as a foreigner ( English ) I wish Trump all the Best .
2016-11-11 14:17
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Entered by: PureTrust
Waiting for chair lift up and water slide down.
2016-11-11 13:21
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Entered by: Joeyman9
Scott Horton....just gotta point out that, even though he usually is good on foreign policy insights, he really blew it by saying he predicted a Trump Win a year ago. It was about three weeks ago he talked about the next President as SHE..and he said, "...and I do mean SHE." Come on Horton, a little more candor please.
2016-11-11 07:29
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Entered by: Dennis Treybil
Any "relief" offered by POTUS prior to trial is CLEMENCY - not a pardon - just like Gerald Ford's "relief" of Nixon was a grant of CLEMENCY. The Constitution empowers the POTUS to grant PARDONS (and pardons only) *not* clemency.
2016-11-11 06:59
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Entered by: Dennis Treybil
Followup on point 5: Trump won 2,700 and some odd counties - HRC 480 and some odd. Most HRC counties were near State capitols. The electoral college has some merit.
2016-11-11 06:55
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Entered by: Dennis Treybil
Point 5, while factually correct, is somewhat misleading. Google shows HRC with 60,274,974 to Trump's 59,937,338 for a difference of 337,636, about 0.4% of votes cast (or should I say counted?). This is hardly a mandate justifying elimination of electoral college.
2016-11-11 06:47
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Entered by: Dennis Treybil
Point 3 demonstrates that Moore has bought into the "divide and rule" (a more apt translation of the Latin, or so I'm told) propaganda. Explained in 30 seconds here:
2016-11-11 06:43
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Entered by: Dennis Treybil
Point 2 clearly demonstrates a lack of understanding about the true nature of the MSM.
2016-11-11 06:42
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Entered by: Dennis Treybil
I wish Michael Moore all the best on point 1. However, I bet he finds "the party" to be a moving target. As I wrote a 700-page open letter to other party over 18 months following the 2008 election, that's what I noticed. The "other party" was moving, shifting, going nowhere in particular as far as I could see.
2016-11-09 13:33
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Entered by: PureTrust
Voting is the right thing to do. Why? Because when you vote, you don't really vote. What? Then who or what votes when I vote? Government is made up of fictional characters. There are no real, live people in Government. There are only positions that people activate during their 8 hours a day that they work. In the same way, it is a fictional "person" who votes when you vote. It is a name on the records that is the thing that people see when they see your vote. They don't see you, the [wo]man. You are acting. Jury nullification cancels all, and could cancel the whole Government under the right circumstances. Government is all a game.
2016-11-09 13:26
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Entered by: PureTrust
This whole rant is either, made by somebody who doesn't understand that [wo]man is sovereign, or made by somebody who is a Federalist at heart.
2016-11-08 18:07
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Entered by: PureTrust
The President isn't society's president. Aren't we supposed to be a self-governing people? Start being self-governing. Let the President be the president of the trust-corporation known as the United States of America. If the corporation gets in your face in ways that are harming you or that you don't like, use the jury to slap Government people when necessary. Don't wait around for Government people to attack you. After all, if you don't have evidence of personal benefit from the Government as the Preamble requires, why have the stupid thing?
2016-11-08 09:43
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Entered by: PureTrust
Of course Christians can vote, sort of. After all, when you sign up to vote, it is only one of your "persons" you sign up with. It is your new voting person. Consider. You have a mortgage. The person on your mortgage is not a man or woman. It is one of your persons. The same for your gas bill person, your electric bill person, each of your credit card persons, your drivers license person, etc. After all if your son or daughter, or anyone else living at your house, has the exact same name as you do, that doesn't mean they are you. Make a few more of your "persons" at your house, and get them all to vote. After all, it ain't illegal, or dead persons wouldn't be voting.
2016-11-07 18:02
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Entered by: Arrow
Chelsea Clinton? She's the "spittin-image" of Webster Hubbell.
2016-11-07 14:39
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Entered by: JNeilSchulman
Snopes reports this story is from a fake website.
2016-11-07 09:52
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Entered by: Dennis Treybil
Here are few of my thoughts on Justice in a 10-minute video: If you're overwhelmed by my personal charisma and soaring oratory, you can read the script below the video.