Letters to the Editor • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

For all the.......

 Scanning down the lists of comments daily I observe that the greater number have forgotten where the power in the United States lay....

Comments on law enforcement are a daily hit, did you know (?) do you understand that you control the actions of the police threw their bosses that are elected?  That means the chief of police but even more important the country attorney.  Each of these individuals are elected officials.  That means a simple majority of voters control who is in office.

If I have to get to the foundation, the very bottom of this, you the voters in the election booth decide who you want in office.  One step above that is having two people who support what you want to run, and one step above that is money.   If you have the time look at the second greatest land grab in history, it ended in the Alamo.

Today the Republican party is for the most part dead.  However a core of middle americans can use that party to change America.

If you actually want to see jobs, security, a government that is under a leash, perhaps limits on what we agree to do in the UN, the end or at least a massive change in the free trade agreements and China, India, Japan, Korea having to come back to the table and real control on the oil, gas, electrical, medical and government you may want to stop bitching and do something.

This is not hard.  It is simple.  You have to agree to find people to run for office, be willing to support them with time and effort and decide to vote for America.  Or, there is a real possibility that even with a million new Guns sold you will become a second rate, scared about the knock on the door in the middle of the night, American citizen.

I would rather stand up and face the guns then bow to new masters....



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