Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Government

Where Pure Evil Lies When You Call The United States “Evil Empire”

To the Editor, …

The author points out the “evil” behind the accusation of America as an “Evil Empire”.  This is to say the least, unique. Yours truly, Bolopunch. 08/16/12.

Where Pure Evil Lies When You

Call The United States “Evil Empire

    We are not in total disagreement over the fact that our forefathers had originally conceived a “moral” government.  However, the centuries’ new evolving forces not familiar to them had taken over and changed almost everything.  

    As a result of such evolution, our forebears’ vision of a “moral” government has been replaced by the new concept of what a moral American government should be according to the need of the time.  This came about centuries later.

    I would like to remind those who think that America is “evil” – let’s identify them for clarity as Americans in  “the wrong side” -- that those changes required to meet the need of the time, made this country the richest, the mightiest and the greatest in today’s known Planet Earth.

     We are this generation that inherited this new and powerful legacy of modification or change. In spite of the many shortcomings the U.S. Government now had turned out to be, which our much younger “spoiled brats” Next Generation are insanely fuming about with uncontrollable rage, I beg to differ … that I am proud of America and its current U.S. Government generally chosen by the American people, gratified for the most modern civilization it brought us today, everlastingly thankful for giving us an economy and wealth comparable to none … for being blessed with abundance in life and because of that for making us the envy of the rest of the world,  and also for ensuring what the future of our children should be.

    At the same time, I always hope and pray that due to this changing time, the tattooed, nose-ringed, ear-and-tongue-pierced, dirty-looking, long-haired drugged and sexually-crazed gangs of the Next Generation wanting to take over are but a haze of a bad dream -- a nightmare that would vanish or go away when I go to bed in those hot dark nights and wakes up early in the morning and still able to breathe the early flower-scented breeze of summer’s bright sunny day.

     America is the best country humankind can find on the planet judging from what a modern society ought to be. The magnet of attraction brings even those from terrorist countries wanting to live a life of freedom and prosperity here in this land of the free. 

     We are a benevolent nation founded on freedom, love and respect of the rights of fellow human beings.

     We spend trillions of dollars in international aid to the world’s needy; we bleed and die in the battlefield to liberate millions of people all over the world whose lives are doomed to horrible oppression under the cruel regimes of despotic rulers.

      Unless you are a confirmed lunatic, you cannot ask for more if you live in this country!

     What makes us undeniably proud of what we have and what we are is that we influence the people of the world on how they live, through love of humanity as opposed to Russia and communist countries, the West’s opportunist regimes and other Godless societies that would defend the terror of Iran because of economic interest.

     Muslim terrorists and Islamic fascists are expected to oppose us because we are in the Middle East to protect the free world’s main supply-source of oil, which when falling into the hands of terrorists becomes as lethal a weapon as the most modern weapon of mass destruction ever devised by man on the planet could be, that would destroy the world’s economy and eventually mankind, and erase the kind of civilization we have today from the face of the earth.  On hindsight, we are there most of all, to prevent the envisioned Islamic Empire from taking root in the Middle East based in Iraq, the terrible consequence of which is to make the U.S. mainland the new millennium’s battleground for Islamic jihad.

      Unfortunately, ignorant politicians attacked this security strategy as something farfetched that their parochial narrow-mindedness could neither cope up nor comprehend.

      Totalitarian governments like that of Iran and North Korea hate us because of what we are as a free nation that spreads its influence throughout the world with love, freedom and human compassion. They want to develop nuclear bombs to use against us and the free world we befriended and led because of this hatred.  The hate-government of Iran had made an international declaration to wipe Israel off the map. This represents the horrifying ambition of those in “the wrong side” of the religious realm once in possession of nuclear bombs or in control of even more catastrophic weapons of mass destruction.

     I rather find it odd that a few, born and living here in America would “de-magnetize” themselves from this attraction that America is.  The direction of human exodus the world over is toward this country – not out of this country. It is proof of my main thesis: That if America and its elected government are “evil” and for anyone to live here is hell, it would not attract an inward human exodus… we would not have this immigration invasion problem … but it does attract people of different cultures from all walks of life! Only the mentally retarded wouldn’t be able to see and accept this reality, and always with a poor excuse, denies it.

      My argument in support of this major thesis is that those who come here are not evil – in fact most if not all of them fled from hell. At least our strict immigration laws see to it that criminals cannot immigrate and settle here. That being the case, therefore America could not be evil, and it is not true that it is … let alone as it now appears so foolish for anyone to say that living here is hell, although to a hopeless radical like Mr. Michael C. Ruppert who wrote “By The Light of a Burning Bridge” this land is hell. I recommend that those malcontents should find the Heaven they are looking for like the proverbial needle in a haystack. Maybe they will find it in such places as Iran, Syria, Hezbollah’s Palestine or North Korea if not in the legendary island of Timbuktu, the mythical place of refuge somewhere … elsewhere … nowhere.

     Those who demonize America see 911 as an “inside job”, picturing the U.S. Government as the “murderer” – not Al Qaeda! I do not only find this quite strange, but at the same time I have not stumbled upon any proof to justify wasting my time to verify this allegation, although the Web is awash with speculations if not inundated with a tsunami of jargons about dragon fires and similar science-fiction innuendoes. Some reports say that too many versions of 9/11 are in Ian Fleming’s story in the forthcoming 007 cinematographic series.

     With regards to the terrorists’ destruction of the Twin Towers allegedly by internal implosion, my two sons are scientists whose technological inventions were featured in the American Journal of Science [physicist-engineers] but their scientific curiosity was never attracted to these published reports. Dismissing them outright as bogus and politically contrived, they would rather prefer to talk about the reality of heat explosion, i.e. the rising temperature of Islamic terrorism, than gossip upon this circulated story of internal conspiracy supposedly backed up by scientific “evidence” [fiction].

      I am not only a reporting journalist but also a schooled novelette and short story writer, with specialization in literary criticism and I found this story-plot as somewhat amateurishly written … Although patently mediocre, it reminds me of how Jessica Fletcher wrote her “Murder, She Wrote”, which in the study of short-story writing turns out be too “mechanical” [in a TV series starring Angela Lansbury]. However, compared to how this conspiracy story is written, “Murder, She Wrote” perhaps is a more preferable mystery series to kill time with in the living room or in the bedroom.  I would rather go for H.G. Wells’ “The War In The Air” if I don’t mind my rising blood pressure to hit the roof and get the same entertainment hype.  Certainly, all of these are “creations” of a fiction writer’s rich imagination.

    Those who libel the United States as a “terrorist” country, attack our laws on national security, i.e., Patriot Act, as amended, and lately the NDAA [National Defense Authorization Act], as laws inimical to our liberty and freedom.

     I fully agree… those legislations on national security are inimical to the liberty and freedom of terrorist to kill and destroy. These are the legal tools we fashioned to enforce our vigilance, security measures we have been forced to adopt as a new way of life.

       In any event, it was terror that brought all those changes to our American way of life; it had modified our institutionalized system of liberty and freedom so that we may survive – in short, altered in order for us to be able to fight both the external and internal menace we face, which by the way,  I am proud to say that we are succeeding.

      An example of adjustment in our justice system is that incarcerated terrorists lost their right to habeas corpus so that once no longer freed via habeas corpus, they will not and cannot kill again.

     There is no such thing as “illegal war” of nations; it only deceives the American public for anyone to say that this nation has started an “illegal” war in Iraq “without congressional authorization” … On the contrary, records show that the U.S. invasion of Iraq was approved by Congress.

      I lament the fact the “the wrong side” hardly understands what the Patriot Act means to the life of all Americans. It was the Act of the American people for national security and for their individual safety against terror; I want the “the wrong side” to know that it was passed by the American people through Congress, therefore clearly, it was not a “clone” of President Bush as the enemy’s innuendoes have it published; spying and torture of captured terrorists and their hiding associates had saved thousands, probably millions of American lives, including yours and mine. 

      Think about it … considering that no terrorist bombs had exploded in crowded public places because of those very “tight” security measures taken, even the miserable lives of those in “the wrong side” were saved, so to speak.

      “Waterboarding” described by “the wrong side” -- and supporters of terrorists -- as immoral because it violates civil liberties and offends humanity had on record, saved American lives. “Torture” of captured terrorists who mass-murdered people around the world mostly Americans from which “confessed” information were obtained, had saved America from further destruction, and spared the murders of more innocent Americans. These are all on record. 

      To stop the wanton destruction and the brutal killing of innocent Americans in those uncivilized ways of war on terror outside the jurisdiction of the Vienna Convention of which “torture” of the enemy is used by both opposing combatants, is neither “immoral” nor “against humanity” as defined in our civilized world. 

      For, in this uncivilized savage war that has no legal boundary whatsoever, the immorality of torturing or slaughtering a human being in those most terrifying ways ever known to man, is definitely not in the book; cutting the head of a chicken for dinner is too far much better, which of course is less terrifying to watch because in the first place it is not your head or mine ... it is just that of a chicken’s destiny or a turkey’s fate to die for the nation’s celebration of Thanksgiving Day!

      What is highly “immoral”, offensive and repugnant in our civilized world is when “the wrong side” promotes, encourages and supports the liberty and freedom of terrorists, to destroy America and to kill more Americans like chickens for their religious rites and celebration of Islamic festivities.  

      These encouragement and support of terrorists and terrorism, especially from politicians in “the wrong side” seeking media coverage in the name of liberty and freedom, are no longer a hidden secret in the Internet’s exclusive blog sites that they used to be.  Sensational exposures are even more open now to members of the Main Stream Media – in fact they turn on each other to bag an exclusive banner story – news predators competing vigorously for a sweeping kill-scoop … fighting each other fiercely for a breaking news feed, like sharks in a feeding frenzy.

       Patronizing the liberty and freedom of terrorists to kill and destroy, is not just immoral but also animalistic, savage and bestial because any destruction and every killing terrorists make on account of such support and encouragement does not only offend humanity but also deprive every victimized innocent human being the right to live!

       Only terrorists who take away the innocent people’s right to live, would call this country an “Evil Empire” they want to destroy.

       And that’s where pure evil lies.   EAS

Note: This is published in the Philippine & Asian Report and read by millions in Southern California.  It is sent in toto, to the editor of with the permission of the author.  Bolopunch, 08/16/12

4 Comments in Response to

Comment by brag
Entered on:

Thanks Bolopunch for reporting this item.  It is terrific, period. Badmouths do not know what they want when they badmouth the United States of America -- "the greatest, the richest and the mightiest on the planet"!

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

You are glad you wear boots so that you can use it on PureTrust for talking nonsense? What you need is a ducktape to shut him off. He believes that when he opens his mouth, it is free speech, he, he.he!. He only understand the words free speech -- not the meaning! Ha, ha, ho ..hoooo.Kim Dryer ... the problem you pointed out about this website is that you called PureTrust dirty names and he also called you even dirtier names ...You see, according to you he is actually Donna Hancock, wife of the publisher. If what you are saying is true, you have the answer to your question why some of your printed text are either disappearing, changed or expurgated. The readers are with you on this issue.

Comment by Gene Kernan
Entered on:

 So glad I wear boots.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

This letter is a terrific example of the optimistic ignorance that operates in the minds of most average Americans, today. Had Americans of the '60s, '70,s and '80s recognized this, as the Internet is allowing us to see it today, our prosperity might have a foundation rather than near economic collapse as it is now.

We of America are slaves of the international banking system. We have been so for a long time. And the banking system has to treat its slaves well, or the slaves will become worthless, and the banks will have to go elsewhere for fresh slaves.

So, we live in moderate prosperity. It's a prosperity supplied by the banks because we supply them with the labor they need out go out and conquer the world. And when they conquer the world (look at nations like Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan), they give their new slaves a moderate peace and moderate freedom... as long as the new slaves obey their new master.

The international banking system is the Babylon of the Revelation in the Bible. Take a look and compare the banking system with what the Revelation says. And we are the slaves who are giving it strength. We are conquered, just as the Revelation says that the people of God will not be able to resist evil, in the end times.
