Article Image Donna Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Philosophy of Liberty

My Answers to Ron Paul's 32 Questions

“The Farewell Speech” to Congress, 14-NOV-2012.  My Answers to the 32 Questions.

1. Why are sick people who use medical marijuana put in prison?

Allowing individuals to self medicate using a plant that can be grown naturally would cut into the profits of the corporate-government legal drug monopoly (Big-Pharma) and would eliminate a major justification for the overwhelming number of paramilitary police that now roam the streets and raid the homes of Americans in Anytown, USA.  Prohibiting the manufacture, transportation and sale of drugs does nothing to curtail the manufacture, transport, sale, or use of drugs.  Prohibition of Alcohol instituted with the ratification of the 18th Amendment on January 16, 1919 failed so miserably that on December 5, 1933, the 21st Amendment was passed which repealed the 18th  Amendment.  Alcohol Prohibition did not stop people from drinking booze, it increased the power of organized crime by generating enormous sums of money in the Black-Market.   When laws are passed that make selling a product with a high consumer demand illegal, in all situations, whether its cigars from Cuba, medicine from Canada, or marijuana from Mexico, the power of organized crime increases and the flow of cash into the black market explodes.  Repealing prohibition redirected the flow of money generated by the sale of alcohol from organized crime to State and Federal Governments, and also weakened the power of organized crime.  Alcohol prohibition provided America with nearly 15 years of real world experience on the unintended consequences of prohibiting its sale while consumer demand remained very high.  Alcohol, is no different than marijuana or prescription pills in the purpose that they serve.  Just because alcohol has been arbitrarily chosen by the people in power as a drug that Americans can consume without the risk of being put in a cage, it doesn’t magically change the fact that alcohol is a drug that is used for the exact same reasons that people use marijuana or take prescription pain pills.  In fact, historical evidence and most independent studies conclude that using alcohol regularly is worse than almost any other recreational drug when taking into account the damage done to the human body and the ever present role that alcohol plays in the destruction of families and other personal relationships.  These facts all beg the question, why would the Federal Government continue its so called “War on Drugs”?   Using the 15 years of experience gained during Alcohol prohibition, we can now look back and know for a fact that making a substance illegal when consumer demand remains high has no effect on the stated purpose of reducing consumption.  Criminalizing the freedom of individuals to choose what they want to put into their own bodies is totalitarian tyranny of the first order.  Legislating social behaviors is illogical immoral, and increases the power of organized crime.   Legalizing marijuana would weaken the power of organized crime and redirect the flow of money generated by the sale of the plant from Black-Markets and International Drug Cartels to both State and Federal Governments .  The only logical reason why our Federal Government refuses to even consider ending the prohibition of cannabis has got to be because they are making more money, and exerting more control over the population by continuing the prohibition of marijuana than they would if marijuana was legalized, taxed, and regulated by the State.  Here’s why and some of it may be shocking to those that still think our Government is all about protecting us, and doing everything they can to help us live long and prosper.  If tomorrow all drugs were decriminalized  “The War on Drugs” would no longer be needed.  The amount of money that corporations, government officials, and 1000’s of people in positions of power steal from that program alone is staggering.  The last thing our government wants to do is end any “War”.  Smedley Butler wrote a book called “War is a Racket”, published in 1935.  If you have never read it, read it here:
Essentially, “The War on Drugs” is one of the largest government programs ever created to extract money from the American people again, under the guise of protecting us. The cost of “The War on Drugs” , not counting the billions of dollars that are extracted from taxpayers to fund countless agencies like the DEA, and all the other “drug task force” agencies has exceeded 1 Trillion dollars since it began in the middle 70’s.  Common sense would indicate that we stop wasting money on a problem that can’t be solved no matter how much money we throw at it and we the American people should start exercising our constitutional rights and living free!  So, in fact, ending “The War on Drugs” would enable our Government to save Billions of dollars each year.  Billions that could be used to fund legitimate government programs (assuming such things exist) but instead are funneled to people in power all around the world who “partner” with our covert alphabet agencies to maintain and control the international drug trade.  This is why our government does not want to legalize drugs.  I can promise you that it has nothing to do with “protecting you from yourself”.    In reality, “The War on Drugs” is really “The War on Liberty” and keeping drugs illegal allows the elite to “invest” in an business that makes them millionaires and billionaires.  These “investments” and the profits they rake in are staggering.  These massive cash reserves are mostly held outside the US in offshore accounts (banks, brokerage firms, and fraudulent corporations that primarily exist for the purpose of hiding their ill gotten booty.   “Son Of BOSS” Tax Avoidance Schemes are common. (The “Son of Boss” Scheme is just one of several Tax Avoidance Schemes that Mitt Romney has been accused of participating in)   For more information on “THE SON OF BOSS TAX SHELTERS” this go to this link for a .pdf downloadable paper.

And for the record,  drugs are only illegal for “we the people”.  Not only do the elite control the international drug trade to enrich themselves, it also provides them with an endless supply of free drugs for their own recreational use.  And when was the last time you heard of a politician or a person in a position of power go to jail for smoking pot or snorting cocaine?  Think about that as approximately 1.5 million Americans are sitting in cages because of the greed and hypocrisy of the ruling class.

2.Why does the federal government restrict the drinking of raw milk?

The FDA is a huge government program created to extract wealth from the American people under the illusion that a select group of “regulators” can guarantee all food and drugs will be safe when they enter the marketplace.  There are no legitimate independent studies supporting the governments’ position that allowing dairy farmers to forgo pasteurization and sell “unregulated milk” would cause an increase in dairy related illness and/or disease. In fact there is growing evidence that drinking raw milk from smaller, local dairy farms provides many nutritional benefits and a decreased risk of consuming milk that contains steroids and other undesired substances. Most raw milk is currently sold by small, local, independent farms (which specifically because of their independence and smaller size) offer a far superior environment for the cows, and a much more sanitary environment for the collection of milk, than what is available from the assembly line, “profit first”, dairy farms that are managed by large corporations. Offering raw milk from smaller independent farms would cut into the profits of the corporate-government monopoly of large dairy conglomerates.  Millions of dollars in sales would be shifted from large corporate controlled dairy farms to local/regional raw food co-ops.  The dangers of drinking raw milk which are put forward by the FDA and enforced by the threat of incarceration increases the power of the Federal Government.   Since consuming raw milk would not increase dairy related illness and/or disease, people would begin to question the need for the FDA in general and it would shed light on one of the largest Government programs that extracts wealth from the American people under the illusion of protecting them from themselves.  Also, as is mentioned a number of times in these 32 questions, “Selling Fear” is constantly used by the State for controlling the population. People jump out of airplanes all the time just for the thrill of it.  Rock Climbing is dangerous yet very popular. Driving  a race car and losing control at a high speed has caused many driver deaths.  People have fatal heart attacks after running, playing tennis, or after working out.  100 thousand individuals die each year from adverse reactions or side effects from drugs that are “Doctor recommended”, and legally prescribed to their patients! This “War on Raw Milk” is so completely absurd that it’s hard to believe it’s actually true.   Keep in mind that the “War on Raw Milk” is not much difference than the “War on drugs”.  The motives behind harassing Americans selling raw milk follow the same disturbing pattern of instilling fear into the population and capitalizing on that fear by creating more government programs, hiring more “enforcers” and writing more new laws, all designed to exact money from unsuspecting taxpayers under the illusion of protecting them from themselves.

3.Why can’t Americans manufacturer rope and other products from hemp?

Hemp is variant of the cannabis plant (of which marijuana is related) but hemp is not used, smoked, or consumed as a recreational drug.  However, because one of the primary purposes of “The War on Drugs” is to keep the population in a constant state of fear, hemp has been (falsely) but strategically lumped in with the marijuana variant of the cannabis plant that can and is used for pain management and/or recreational use.  Historical evidence indicates that hemp is far superior for making clothes, paper, and many other consumer products. Products made from hemp would create competition for products currently made with cotton, plastics, and nylon.  Legalizing hemp would cut into the profits of some of the largest corporations in the world.  Corporations, (through favorable legislation they literally write for themselves and pay our members of congress to sign and pass into law) and, unnecessary government agencies that are a part of “The War on Drugs” are used to extract wealth from the American people.  The legislation drafted by and for the corporations helps them maintain a monopoly over their segments of the consumer market.  Allowing hemp to be grown would reduce the power and control of the Federal Government.  It would also shine a light on how closely large corporations and the Federal Government work together to extract money from unwitting consumers.  Average Americans would begin to discover that the Government and large corporations do not have the best interests of the consumer or the general public in mind when creating legislation.  Everything Government does is done with one of two basic principles in mind, extracting wealth from the American people and increasing Government power.

4. Why are Americans not allowed to use gold and silver as legal tender as mandated by the Constitution?

Allowing individuals to use any method of facilitating transactions other than using Federal Reserve Notes would cut into the profits of the international banking cartels’ monopoly control on the issuance of our nation’s currency. This would reduce the power of the banking cartel and the Federal Government.   It would cause people to question (and hopefully educate themselves) on the real purpose of The Federal Reserve System which is used to extract wealth from the American people under the illusion of market stability, controlling inflation, and reducing unemployment.

5. Why is Germany concerned enough to consider repatriating their gold held by the FED for her in New York? Is it that the trust in the U.S. and dollar supremacy beginning to wane?

German Government leaders remember how their own Government intentionally inflated their currency by printing new money out of thin air (eventually destroying its entire value) in order to pay off their massive war reparations as directed by the Treaty of Versailles after they lost WWI.   Germany knows that the current fiscal condition of the United States is unsustainable.  Germany has lost confidence in the “full faith and credit” of the United States Government and has legitimate concerns that international bankers have looted Germanys gold that is/was being held in fiduciary trust by The Federal Reserve Bank of New York.  Germany knows what it looks like when a currency is being intentionally destroyed.  They know the lifespan of the US Dollar is coming to its end and would like their gold returned to their Germany before the dollar dies and the US Government will refuse to let any gold leave America.

6. Why do our political leaders believe it’s unnecessary to thoroughly audit our own gold?

There are legitimate concerns that international bankers have looted Americas gold and legislators fear if the American people find out our nations gold has been stolen or sold to foreign Governments or international institutions under they will have some serious questions to answer.  The legitimacy of the Federal Government itself may be called into question and massive civil unrest could even result.  At a minimum Americans who have become suspicious about corruption and treason committed by officials in all branches of Government would be confirmed.  Treason is a capital offense and is punishable by life in prison or death.

7. Why can’t Americans decide which type of light bulbs they can buy?

Legislation of this type enables corporations in concert with government regulators to extract money from unwitting consumers under the guise of “saving the environment”.  Exposing this charade would cause Americans to question the legitimacy of the Federal Government and shine a light on institutionalized corruption within the legislative branch of Government.

8. Why is the TSA permitted to abuse the rights of any American traveling by air?

The American people have unwittingly bought into the irrational fear generated by the false “war on terrorism”.  The TSA is used to condition the public into giving up their civil liberties under the illusion of “keeping them safe”.

9. Why should there be mandatory sentences – even up to life for crimes without victims – as our drug laws require?

The Judicial branch of Government is not immune to the corruption and outside influence of large corporations.  Incarcerating individuals has become a profitable business. Local, State, and Federal policing agencies are funded by enormous amounts of money extracted from an unwitting population that has been conditioned to believe that our rights do not come from our creator, rather, they come from Government edicts.  (Note: The US has 5% of the World’s population and holds 25% of the worlds prisoners.  70% of the people locked in cages in America have committed no crime against anyone.  They have been put in cages, many of whom are subjected to forced anal sex by other inmates, all because they do not share the same views with the political class who believe it’s their responsibility to protect people from themselves.)

10. Why have we allowed the federal government to regulate commodes in our homes?

Legislation of this type is used to condition the people and justify the funding of government programs that plunder the American people through mostly useless, but without question, incredibly wasteful and corrupt, “Research and Development” grants, loans, and programs.  Similar to the light bulb question above, corporations and governments use “research and development” programs to extract money from unwitting consumers under the guise of “saving the environment”.  Exposing this reality would create unwanted negative publicity for corporations who buy favors from our government.  Exposure would end the incentive for corporations to bribe our elected officials using cash, lucrative corporate insider information, other perks,  and of course, “campaign contributions”. Current taxpayers should not be paying for the research and development of private corporations.  Future generations and the unborn should not be on the hook for over 16 Trillion dollars in debt after they draw their first breath of air, and right after their Mother signs their birth certificate.   Most Americans are completely unaware that birth certificates are issued by Nation States with Rothchild Central Banks, as legal financial documents, which are then used as a form of collateral for sovereign Nations to borrow money from other foreign Governments, the IMF, and the World Bank .  Birth certificates are very much like stock certificates.   It’s bad enough that Americans have been taken to the cleaners by a group of criminals who brainwashed us into believing they could be trusted. At the very least I think most Americans were  confident that our elected officials would never waiver when it came down to protecting and securing our most fundamental human rights and preserving the freedom and liberty for ourselves and our posterity. (Our Freedom and Liberties are guaranteed by the contract named “The United States Constitution”)  Regrettably, most Americans have been woefully negligent in heeding the warnings of our founding fathers.  An interesting quote that points out how critical it is for “We the People” to remain vigilant and keep a very close watch on the people who gain power in our country, comes from a brief exchange between Dr. James McHenry, (one of Maryland’s delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention) and a woman who was waiting outside for the close of the Constitutional Convention. “A lady asked Dr. Franklin…Well Doctor, what have we got a republic or a monarchy?  A republic replied the Doctor if you can keep it.”   Another quote that seems quite fitting for the message I’m trying to convey comes from Thomas Jefferson  "The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."  I don’t think that anyone who has taken the time to research the TRUTH surrounding current events and how much our lives have changed since the events of  9/11/2001, can come to any conclusion other than our Government has turned into exactly what Thomas Jefferson warned us about over 200 years ago.  Our Government has become a legalized criminal institution.  And nobody notices…nobody cares.  If the incestual relationship between big business, Government, and corrupt politicians were revealed, it would cause Americans to question the legitimacy of the Federal Government and would provide further confirmation that institutionalized corruption has infested every branch of our government.  Americans might even be shaken enough by the revelations of the clear conflicts of interest that such close relationships between business and government always cultivate, some people might just pick up a dictionary and read the textbook definition of the words Corporatism, Crony Capitalism, Plutocracy, and Corporate Fascism. Each of these words are unfortunately becoming very common today when describing the political and economic system in which we all now live.  Look them up.  It won’t put a smile on your face but unless you’re a communist, it should cure your apathy and light a fire under your ass to help the rest of us stop Americas rapid descent into tyranny.  Understand that your children, grandchildren, and future generations of Americans are not going to have a snowballs chance in hell to live in a free society if we don’t start pushing back against the overwhelming power of the State.

11. Why is it political suicide for anyone to criticize AIPAC ?

AIPAC bribes our Government officials with massive amounts of off budget cash so that our Government will provide US Armed forces to promote the Foreign Policy of the State of Israel.

12. Why haven’t we given up on the drug war since it’s an obvious failure and violates the people’s rights? Has nobody noticed that the authorities can’t even keep drugs out of the prisons? How can making our entire society a prison solve the problem?

“The war on drugs”, like “The war on terrorism” is used to scare the population.  Trillions of dollars are also extracted from the American people to fight these fictitious wars.

13. Why do we sacrifice so much getting needlessly involved in border disputes and civil strife around the world and ignore the root cause of the most deadly border in the world-the one between Mexico and the US?

Although it has taken almost a century for George Orwell’s “theory” that war  is the health of the become reality, that fact can no longer be denied.  Constant disputes and civil strife around the world are required to keep the current fiat monetary system from collapsing.  I disagree that the border between Mexico and the US is being ignored.  It is just masked by the illusion of “The war on drugs”.  However, keeping our military adventures as far away from our borders as possible makes it easier for the Federal Government to hide the fact that war, has indeed become the health of the State.

14. Why does Congress willingly give up its prerogatives to the Executive Branch?

Our Constitutional Republic has been turned into a Corporate Fascist State.  Congress no longer writes legislation.  Legislation is written by and for the corporations.  When legislation is presented to congress that may have a negative effect on their political life, they cede their powers to the executive branch where unconstitutional executive orders and signing statements are issued by the President, normally justified on the basis of “national security”.

15. Why does changing the party in power never change policy? Could it be that the views of both parties are essentially the same?

Both parties are bribed and controlled by the same international banking cartel.  Since the banking cartel is in a sense “one party”, it makes no difference who becomes the figurehead of the US Government every 4 years.  Having said that, another quote by Thomas Jefferson fits nicely with this question. (especially since the 2012 election is now over)  “Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (administrators) too plainly proves a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.”

16. Why did the big banks, the large corporations, and foreign banks and foreign central banks get bailed out in 2008 and the middle class lost their jobs and their homes?

Because the big banks are just branches of the international banking cartel.  This cartel, like all cartels have 1 primary purpose…to generate profits.  From a profit point of view it would be illogical to distribute money created out of thin air to the American people when they can add it directly to their own bottom line.  As an added benefit when people begin to default on their homes and lose control of other physical assets, the banking cartel can then move in and capture those assets for pennies on the dollar which increases both their bottom line and their power over our Government.


17. Why do so many in the government and the federal officials believe that creating money out of thin air creates wealth?

They don’t.  Government and Federal officials use their positions of power to help perpetuate this myth on  an uninformed population.  International bankers reward their Government puppets with first use of some of the freshly “printed” money which enables them to become fabulously wealthly at the expense of all the rest of us.

18. Why do so many accept the deeply flawed principle that government bureaucrats and politicians can protect us from ourselves without totally destroying the principle of liberty?

Government bureaucrats and politicians exhibit Grandiosity and Narcissistic Personality Disorder type behaviors.  They have an unrealistic sense of superiority, a sustained view of being better than others which causes them to view others with disdain or as inferior.
They also feel a sense of uniqueness, a belief that few “average” people have anything in common with them and that they are a part of just a few very special people.   World Health Organization studies show that approximately 1% of the world’s population are afflicted with Grandiosity and Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  Interestingly, 1% of the population owns half of the worlds wealth.

19. Why can’t people understand that war always destroys wealth and liberty?

Because it happens gradually and distractions are provided at every turn.  Also, most people don’t take the time to re-educate themselves after spending 12 years learning false history in Government Schools.  Adding to the confusion is the fact that many upper middle class Americans obtain their wealth through involvement with The Military Industrial Complex.  The State has also done a masterful job of creating unwavering patriotism and instilled an attitude in most Americans that “we’re number 1”.  Propaganda, TV, and the intentional dumbing down of the population cannot be underestimated.

20. Why is there so little concern for the Executive Order that gives the President authority to establish a "kill list," including American citizens, of those targeted for assassination?

Most people are probably completely unaware that extrajudicial killing of individuals (aka murder) by order of the President has been codified into law.  Of those who are aware of this new tyrannical power, many are conditioned to believe that Government is a benevolent institution.  They have been convinced by massive propaganda that our Government is everything that embodies the “Good” when the President or other officials promote the “Good versus Evil” meme.

21. Why is patriotism thought to be blind loyalty to the government and the politicians who run it, rather than loyalty to the principles of liberty and support for the people? Real patriotism is a willingness to challenge the government when it’s wrong.

State run schools promote blind loyalty to Government and politicians from the earliest years of our lives.  The most popular organized social distractions that consume large swaths of peoples recreational time are purposefully and strategically wrapped in the American flag.
Professional organizations who promote sporting events like football games and stock car races are provided millions of dollars from the Department of Defense in return for patriotic pageantry before, during, and after events.  The 2012 DoD budget provided at least 300 million dollars to The National Association for Stock Car Automobile Racing (NASCAR) for support and promotion of the US Government, specifically the Armed Forces.  Funding for military “Fly Over’s” at College and Pro sporting events are also budgeted by the DoD each year.   “Blind loyalty” to the State, (similar in context to “blind faith” acknowledged by many in the religious community), is used by some as an emotional coping mechanism. Devoted Americans have admitted to experiencing what is sometimes described as “Patriotism Guilt” when forced to recognize  the reality that the country in which they were born and raised routinely engages in assassination, torture, and is directly responsible for the death of millions of innocent people.  Knowing America is capable of such atrocities instills fear in the population and constrains American instincts which otherwise might be acted upon to challenge the Government as it descends into tyranny.

22. Why is it is claimed that if people won’t or can’t take care of their own needs, that people in government can do it for them?

Governments use their monopoly of force in concert with coercion and the threat of  incarceration to maintain control of the population.  To help disguise these ugly truths from average Americans our Government uses (among other things) indoctrination and propaganda to create an elaborate illusion in which none of these violent control methods are easily observed.  Another primary method used to hide the violence of the State and its constant effort to have the public only focus on the “good” things Government does (and none of the bad) is by convincing the population that they can and will help out people in need.  They create massive Government Agencies that do little more than make promises they can’t keep. What both social and corporate welfare actually do, is provide the State with other ways of extracting wealth from a gullible citizenry.  These agencies are filled with excessively compensated individuals who are loyal to the State and generally have verbose personality traits along with manipulation skills designed to convince an inattentive public that the State has some form of inexplicable power and superior skills of crisis management.  One of the Governments greatest fears is that the people it controls and extracts money from will one day  figure out that Government is nothing more than an idea in people’s minds. 

23. Why did we ever give the government a safe haven for initiating violence against the people?

“We the People” did not give the government a safe haven for initiating violence against ourselves.  Our elected representatives have miserably failed us and because the only legal method of trying to hold our elected officials accountable (voting) has been hijacked by unrestricted cash from large corporations (that are now considered human beings under the law), the voices of “We the People” have been silenced.  “We the People” have been literally sold out by the very people who have been charged with protecting our liberties.

24. Why do some members defend free markets, but not civil liberties?

Who are these members you speak of that defend free markets other than Ron Paul?  Ever since the Federal Reserve Act was passed by congress and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913, true free markets have all but disappeared.  The Federal Reserve System and large financial institutions mainly on Wall Street in NYC manipulate the markets to such a degree that it’s impossible for the “free market” to determine the real prices of stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities and every other product or service.  Probably the most egregious manipulation of all is the manipulation of our nation’s currency by The Federal Reserve System.  Being unable to determine the value of, or even provide a realistic definition for a US Dollar, is catastrophic for individuals and businesses who try to earn profits and accumulate capital in the “free market”.

25. Why do some members defend civil liberties but not free markets? Aren’t they the same?

Who are these members you speak of that defend civil liberties other than Ron Paul?  Our civil liberties have been under attack since the beginning of the 20th century, but since the events of 9/11 the erosion of our civil liberties have increased at a staggering pace.  Just like “We the People” did not give the government a safe haven for initiating violence against ourselves, “We the People” have been given no consideration and no voice during Americas descent into Tyranny.  Our elected representatives have miserably failed us. “We the People” have been literally sold out by the very people who have been charged with protecting our Civil Liberties.  And yes, civil liberties and free markets go hand in hand.  They complement each other and are essential for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Sadly, in America, Civil Liberties and Free Market Capitalism have been eliminated.  The “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”  has been exchanged for an Oppressive Authoritarian Police State and Corporate Fascism.  What’s truly amazing is that nobody notices…nobody cares.

26. Why don’t more defend both economic liberty and personal liberty?

Because Americans have been turned into debt slaves and are intentionally distracted by institutionalized collectivists hell bent on Global Governance.  The internet, and ironically the massive unemployment of well educated Americans over the past 4 – 5 years have given us our last opportunity to recognize the reality of our situation and stop our rapid descent into tyranny.  It won’t be long before our ability to turn the ship of State around is no longer possible.  Absent a mass awakening by the people of this country, America will become just another tin pot country ruled over by godless tyrants.

 27. Why are there not more individuals who seek to intellectually influence others to bring about positive changes than those who seek power to force others to obey their commands?

In today’s world where instant gratification is the norm, it’s not easy to get someone to commit much time and energy in learning or caring about something that will not provide them with any immediate personal benefit.  With that in mind, getting people to commit time and energy into learning or caring about things when they are unlikely to see any results from their efforts for several years, maybe decades, and possibly long gone after they have died is challenging indeed.  Some of the most pressing intellectual issues that require our immediate attention are likely going to require a generation (or two) before fundamental structural changes occur.  There is a paradigm shift occurring that will remove once and for all the privilege afforded to a very small group of people at the top of the economic hierarchy in each Nation State from being allowed to subjugate and control the entire population.  This awakening has already begun and the Elites on every continent are fully aware of what is going on.  Its why we are seeing so many unnecessary wars and increasing violence all around the world.  Its why western countries have turned into Orwellian police states.  The people in power have spent well over 100 years creating tax farms and debt slaves all around the globe are willing to sacrifice everything to maintain their iron grip over the masses.  The parasitical monied classes and power elite only know one way to respond to the social and political awaking of all of mankind and that is though the use of force and violence.  They will be unable to fulfill their goal of Global Governance, but I see no indication that they will go down without a very dangerous and violent struggle ahead.

28. Why does the use of religion to support a social gospel and preemptive wars, both of which requires authoritarians to use violence, or the threat of violence, go unchallenged? Aggression and forced redistribution of wealth has nothing to do with the teachings of the world great religions.

The first Amendment reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.  I can’t answer why George W Bush told the American people that “God told him to invade Iraq” and its troubling to watch as the false “War on Terror”  in many ways is turning into a religious war between Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Our founding Fathers tried to make it clear that there was no place for a relationship between Church and State.  Since individuals in America have the Freedom of Religion I’m not comfortable providing my personal views while trying to answer these questions.  This question was clearly intended for members of congress.  I will however include an excerpt from Pres. James Madison, when he addressed the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1785. “What influence, in fact, have ecclesiastical establishments had on society? In some instances they have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the civil authority; on many instances they have been seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny; in no instance have they been the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wish to subvert the public liberty may have found an established clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate it, needs them not.”

29. Why do we allow the government and the Federal Reserve to disseminate false information dealing with both economic and foreign policy?

Because “We the People” have no recourse when we are lied to and no one on Capitol Hill or in the Whitehouse are ever held accountable.  We are lied to about everything the Government claims is “Good” and we are lied to about everything the Government claims is “Bad”.  I know why we are lied to but again, there is nothing we can do about it. It is all about getting elected and remaining in power once elected. Once elected (or should I say once an office is purchased ) they can take their seat at the hog trough and join in on raiding the public purse.  Then, our so called leaders can sell us down the river to corporate and foreign interests.  Any politician in Washington that does care about the lies and tries to educate and unite the people against such corruption better start watching their back.  One revelation too many and boom, unfortunate airplane accident, or the media drops a bomb about them being involved in a sex scandal. With so many business's going under and people losing their homes and people out of work, the President and the Government continue to lie to us about how great the economy is when in fact, this is the worst economy on over 40 years.  If an average American lies to a police officer they can be put in a cage.  Jon Corzine can lie about stealing several billion dollars of customer funds 1 month before his company (MF Global) filed for bankruptcy protection and not a damn thing happened to him.  He stated under oath before congress that he “just didn’t know where the money went”.  Good enough for me Jon!  Next!

30. Why is democracy held in such high esteem when it’s the enemy of the minority and makes all rights relative to the dictates of the majority?

Well, I bet if you asked all the countries around the world where we have been so loving “spreading democracy” (whether they like it or not) you wouldn’t find that democracy is held in such high esteem.  It is however disappointing that most people in American don't even know what kind of government they have!  It’s understandable that so many believe that America is a democracy because the media, the press, and even our President regularly talk about our “democratic system”.  America is a Constitutional Republic.  Recite the pledge of allegiance. Notice that it says "...and to the republic for which it stands."  So what?  We live in a republic. What difference does it make?  It makes all the difference in the world.  In a democracy the "majority rules" - and the minority loses. A  hypothetical example can demonstrate the idea. Pretend that you're a land owner, and that I would like to buy some
of your property. You don't want to sell this property because it's been in your family for several generations. In a democracy, I could gather a dozen other land owners together, proposing that we divide your land between us.  We will allow you to vote on the proposition, because this IS a democracy after all -- and you will lose thirteen to one.  That's a democracy!  In a republic, nothing can outvote your individual rights! They are unalienable. If the land belongs to you it doesn't matter if I have a hundred friends, a thousand friends, or a hundred thousand friends!  YOUR PROPERTY IS YOUR PROPERTY!  It is the government's fiduciary responsibility to protect your rights. If you are in doubt, ready The Declaration of Independence.  Right after ", liberty and the pursuit of happiness" it says, "That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed".

31. Why should anyone be surprised that Congress has no credibility, since there’s such a disconnect between what politicians say and what they do?

They shouldn’t.   Americans' opinions of Congress have not been very positive historically, with an average 34% approval rating since tracking began in 1974. But the recent approval ratings for Congress have been the lowest on record.  Congress' approval rating dropped to its lowest level ever in October, 2011, bottoming out at a dismal 9 percent.  Currently congress’ approval rating stands just below 20%.  Allowing a group of degenerates who are routinely given not just failing grades, but grades that would have someone expelled from even one the worst run Government schools, is a not just absurd, in my view its criminal.  These approval ratings also provide a compelling argument for a thorough independent investigation (by the people, not by the Government) into the very real possibility that the legislative branch of Government has been corrupted beyond repair.  Members of congress are bought and sold by special interests and are even bribed by foreign Governments to pass legislation that benefits enemies of our country.  That is treason.  Treason is punishable by life in prison or death.  But instead of trying to clean up congress, what most Americans are focused on instead, is making sure that one of their fellow citizens doesn’t have some innocuous vegetation in their possession.  Citizens band together and cheer as people are put in cages (sometimes for life) just for having a naturally grown plant in their pocket.  But when it comes to their elected officials selling their children, grandchildren, and future generations down the river and setting them up for a lifetime of debt slavery…that crime is given a pass.  It’s completely insane, but sadly, not surprising.

32. Is there any explanation for all the deception, the unhappiness, the fear of the future, the loss of confidence in our leaders, the distrust, the anger and frustration? Yes there is, and there’s a way to reverse these attitudes. The negative perceptions are logical and a consequence of bad policies bringing about our problems. Identification of the problems and recognizing the cause allow the proper changes to come easy.

This last question pretty much includes the answer in the question, however, I will expand on it just a bit.  The deception about the role of Government, by the Government, and perpetrated on the people for well over 50 years is slowly being exposed.  The events of 9/11 and the financial crisis of 2008 did wake a sleeping giant.  But unlike the sleeping giant that  “W” was referring to when he made the statement shortly after the attacks of 9/11 that

“Terrorists have awoken a sleeping giant”, the sleeping giant that was awoken has turned out to be the minds of millions of American citizens, not the “sleeping” US Military Machine. (That thing NEVER sleeps!)  One of the best things that could ever happen for the freedom and safety of America would be for the Military Industrial Complex to be injected with a massive dose of whatever it was that Michael Jackson used to put himself to sleep back in 2009.  But, returning to “we the people” being deceived by our Government, the unhappiness, the fear of the future, the loss of confidence in our leaders, the distrust, the anger and frustration, in my view are all basically related to our rapid loss of Liberty over the past 30 – 40 years and ESPECIALLY since 9/11/2001.  When people are deceived by anyone, particularly by someone or a group of someone’s that they love or who they thought had their best interests at heart, distrust, anger, and frustration will always result…at least initially.  It’s human nature.  From what I have observed the unhappiness generated by deception can be reversed in a relatively short period of time after researching and educating ourselves about why we were so gullible in the first place.  It becomes an enlightening experience and so many inconsistent and illogical events which shape most people’s world views begin to make sense.  They don’t make sense from a moral or ethical point of view, but learning the truth about why we go to war, about the real purpose of a fiat monetary system and the Federal Reserve System, and understanding the origin and true purpose of Government, really helps individuals regain their ability to think logically and have more confidence in themselves.  Having confidence in yourself, taking personal responsibility for your own life, and overcoming the illusion that Government is in place to be your friend, protect you, and take care of you from cradle to grave actually helps to reverse negative attitudes and it cures apathy.  In my case, Ron Paul is almost solely responsible for curing my apathy, pointing me in a direction where I have learned about what true Liberty is, and changed my life from one of constant stress, chasing my tail trying “to keep up with the Jones” , and rediscovering the people and things that are most important in my life.  I can’t get rid of the leviathan that we all call Government, but Ron Paul and now many others (Stefan Molyneux, Peter Schiff, Doug Casey, Judge Nap, Lew Rockwell, Tom Woods, and many individuals from “The Daily Paul” have all played a role in my ability to become truly FREE in my personal life.  I want everyone to have the opportunity to experience the change that has happened in my life.  Answering these questions is just one way for me to try and help others get to where I am.  Thanks to all of those that have helped me with this questionnaire.  Working together to change the hearts and minds of our fellow man is the solution to our problems.  Becoming involved in volunteerism and the freedom movement is not only worthwhile to ourselves and our’s enjoyable and very personally satisfying.

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