Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Child Protective Services

CPS - The Rest of the Ugly Story in Arizona. Abuse

The real reason CPS is so broken is it is being purposely and intentionally misused. CPS is only broken because our runaway government is purposely misusing it. Why? To strongly convince us Americans; to throw away each and every one of our Bill of Rights - 1-10, daily to our "leaders". Our American 5th Amendment absolutely recognizes our Right to Silence, everyday. Our 4th Amendment right to an attorney, everytime. America also has a strong 200-year-old anti-"papers-please" (ID papers) tradition as well. Too many modern Police and many so-named "Law enforcement" agents hate these rights and traditions… so when us Americans still demand these basic rights at the side of the road or at our front doors…. they use a very dirty new game. They threaten our children and us with a "referral" and "removal" to CPS… 100s of Arizonas families each week. How else to "get someone to talk" and throw away their constitutional silence… than to threaten us with our very most precious asset - placing our very-scared children into some strangers arms and "care". CPS has been misused this way for years… all your police, sheriffs, and now even town zoning inspectors know this. CPS and Brewer know this fact; that several non-investigated "referrals" are made solely for this grossly immoral, un-American purpose. Runaway cops browbeating you and I to forget our 4th and 5th amendments, each time they meet us. Some of our vindictive neighbors do the same to us. Our children suffer. They lose their ties to familiar parents, turned over to complete strangers in a frightening instant. Abuse in and of itself – Abuse of each childs scared heart. Gross abuse of the childs once-intact sense of security. This is why several of the investigators dont investigate some of the questionable "referrals" - 7000 of them. We know that many of these referrals were made to browbeat a normal mother or father into practicing throwing away our constitution at their door. Some of us investigators still take our American way of life seriously. Instead, every cop and agent that does this out to be fired – not us more reasonable level-headed CPS investigators. If Governor Brewer really wishes to fix CPS, she will fire and fine every agent that did and does this; or America will lose its Bill of Rights and its children with Fascist-like fear. The children are not safe, with their parents or their familys bill of Rights taken away like this. 60 more million dollars thrown at this will not fix this ugly truth; it actually will make it way worst. Some modern cops use CPS to get around the Bill of Rights, and then to fire us reasonable CPS workers, when we dont play along, with their unlawful, terrifying "lesson". If you care about the children, stop this family/child-abuse now Governor Brewer! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This statewide abusiveness going on since at least 2007. Examples: ↓
