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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

CIA Analyst ‘They would never attack first, but if we attack Iran, we will see a lot of terrorism’


During the Ron Paul money bomb radio marathon on Sept. 17th 2011 which raised over $1million, Charles Goyette interviewed  the CIA Analyst for the Bin Laden Unit Michael Scheuer. Mr. Scheuer spoke out in support of Ron Paul’s foreign policy ‘it’s courageous for Dr. Paul to point out the obvious’.

This interview is full of powerful statements about the US Foreign policy by Scheuer but here are some highlights:

He explains the danger of a US attack on Iran – ‘I think that’s totally up to the Isrealis’he then goes on to say, ‘to believe there is a threat from Iran is to believe there was a threat from Saddam’ and ‘Because we have no will power, no manliness – if the Isrealis attack we will be at war’ and then Scheuer emphasized ‘the real danger is if we attack them , they would never attack us first but if we the Isrealis or both attack them, will see a lot of terrorism in our country conducted by the Iranians’