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IPFS News Link • Justice and Judges

What Is Going On?

• by Susan Duclos

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has not been seen publicly for nearly two months, and since her lung cancer surgery she has not attended oral arguments in the Supreme Court, and has canceled multiple scheduled appearances.  TMZ did publish a short video showing the top of a head of a person being helped into a car, without any face shots, claiming it ws Ginsburg. Yet the media who went absolutely bonkers while the First Lady Melania Trump was recuperating from kidney surgery and wasn't seen publicly for a few weeks, apparently has no interest in updating the public on Ginsburg's condition and well being, yet others are asking "Where's Ruth?"

Back when Melania was recuperating CNN even made a handy little graphic for Brian Stelter to tweet out, a calendar running from May 11 to June 3, 2018, with question marks on each day, and an image of Melania in the upper left corner under the words "LAST SEEN," with the date "May 10." Stelter tweeted the graphic with the comment "If any First Lady "disappeared," you'd "want to know where she is." Here's our @CNN discussion:"