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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

E-Rant: The Improbable "Airplane"


Here are some thoughts about the "airplane" that supposedly flew into the Pentagon on the day the "enemies of freedom" struck.

Or did they?

I grew up in the DC area – and I was there on that day. It has always bothered me that not one picture (or video) of an "airplane" flying toward the Pentagon has surfaced. Bothered me because of the improbability.

As anyone who has spent even a little time in the DC area knows, the place is heavily surveilled. Security cameras everywhere; and thousands of tourists with their own cameras, too.

On that day, all those tourists knew two airplanes had been flown into the Trade Center towers in NY. Every one of those tourists would have been looking up – and had their cameras and video rigs trained on any low/erratically flying heavy jet – which they would have heard coming in plenty of time to snap a picture or record video of it coming in (as dozens of people did in NYC).